Jurors names to be released on or after 10/25

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I'm wondering with the "on or after" Oct 25 date if HHJBP is wondering if about what progress, if any, there will be regarding a law on protecting juror identities. JMO, it's shocking their identities can be released, and also that jurors can talk about, and profit, from cases. That old saying about the law being an *advertiser censored* comes to mind several times when I think of this case. JMO
I hope after the list is published reporters will add a little extra info to their names such as who got what monetarily. We know one got a free trip to Disney, did she get spending money too? Another one had an agent and was asking for money for his interview. Another one did an interview on the balcony of an oceanfront hotel room. Did he get an all expense paid vacation? If you're going to accept blood money from a high profile trial then don't expect that little tidbit to be kept hidden from the public.

I believe Casey killed Caylee. Putting jurors health and safety at risk is wrong, regardless of their decision imo. Putting the jury process at risk is wrong imo.

Actually, to imply that if a juror's name is made public - that it will cause them harm - is wrong. There is no evidence that any harm will come to them. We are asked to respect the verdict, so shouldn't we also respect the law which says the names are to be made public?
Very, very interesting. Just confirms my belief that JB and CM knew exactly what they were doing with the jury selection. HHJP facilitated that disaster by his hurry, hurry tactic and "rehab" of jurors who should never have been allowed to sit. He even allowed the racism farce in order to keep the defense attorney dream juror #4. Caylee never had a chance for justice in the courtroom of HHJP. I will always believe that. I want to know from the jurors.....were they or their families gotten to before arriving in Orlando or after? MOO

can anyone point to me where and when it was decided that pic of Caylee would not be used in closing arguments? that will always bother me. this case was about justice for Caylee. why was she such a small part of it?

i swing back and forth on HHJP. i really liked him. he was good humored and tolerant and seems like a really upstanding individual. it hurts me to have to question certain decisions. CM's chart dictating instructions that did not completely jive with formal jury instructions, no pics of Caylee in closing, withholding evidence that was too prejudicual against casey, the allowing of some of the DT's tactics and games with no repercussion, the mentoring of JB (he had 10 lawyers to teach him the law, if he couldnt try this case using the law properly maybe he should have stepped down as lead attorney), the trying so hard not to have a mistrial that the case seemed to lean towards the defense, the fear of appeal if convicted (it would have happened anyway and possible won with the 84 searches) that the cans couldnt even be opened. and the rush to meet a schedule yet allowing the DT to stop court at least 3 times, protecting the DT and casey by not letting anyone know about the 200k, not excusing juror #4 because the SA's did not site "hung jury possibility" that woman was so obviously not capable of serving if she could not judge. why couldnt he allow the state to use a strike against her? just little things. i wish i knew in hindsight what he feels he would have done differently, if anything. he ran such a tight ship on everything except keeping a leash on JB. all the little "slips" he did to get things out there even if stricken from record.
im no lawyer so there was probably good reason for all of this, but i do wonder........
and would i have even noticed any of this had there been a conviction. i hate to think im a hypocrite
Actually, to imply that if a juror's name is made public - that it will cause them harm - is wrong. There is no evidence that any harm will come to them. We are asked to respect the verdict, so shouldn't we also respect the law which says the names are to be made public?

I am not understanding your post. I am not implying anything, I am flat out stating I believe the jurors safety and well being is at risk. It's an opinion.

No, I do not respect the verdict, and no I do not respect the law regarding release of jurors names. I also believe there is some leeway there personally, and that the law is wrong. Guess the Senator who said he will work on a Bill for juror protection also thinks the existing law needs to be changed.

It seems to me that HHJBP felt, and may still feel, the jurors are at risk as well. I respect his opinion 100 percent.
I, for the life of me, will never be able to accept this verdict. I will never be able to watch it on TV, I get physically ill when one of the jurors opens their mouth because their reasoning was just wrong on so many levels, legal as well as common sence. I say let the names out, while I wish them no harm I REALLY think getting them out in the open and letting them open their mouths more just MIGHT cause a mistrial. One of the legal TH said judges HATE it when jurors start talking to the press because it opens up that door for a mistrial. I know this probablly has a slimmer chance than FCA winding up in a convent, but maybe just maybe some sort of serious misconduct can be found. And for the record, Judge Perry is most definitely NOT my favorite person right now, he could have declared a mistrial once he read the verdict based on overwhelming forensic evidence and for the life of me I can not understand why he didn't

is that true? could he have declared a mistrial after a verdict reading? could the case be overturned and not subject to double jeopardy if there is jury misconduct? would talking before deliberations qualify or would it need to be full in jury tampering?
It is ridiculous to me to think the defense picked this jury...if anything, the state was lazy with jury selection, assuming, as they seemed to anyway, that they had their case "in the bag." And if memory serves correctly, JB wanted to continue jury selection forever, if he'd had his way so I don't see how anyone can honestly think he had these people "pre-selected" or whatever. He complained constantly about wanting to see more and more groups of 20. He would still be choosing a jury if he had his way.

This case has made me sure I won't ever sit on a high-profile jury, I know that much. I'll find a way out of it, using my health as a reason, or else just using this case, and offer to work on something else. Considering that we have not heard from 9 of the jurors, I believe, it is not obvious to me that they are all after money or anything else. I think the percentage of those who have not come forward probably helped JP recognize that the majority are hoping to be left alone for as long as is legally possible.

BBM: I am sorry to hear that you feel that way ... but, I am the complete opposite ... I would love to sit on a jury ! It would not matter to me whether it was "high profile" or not. I believe it is a "civic duty" as an American to be able to sit on a jury -- just like the right to vote ... And I always think about those individuals in other countries who DO NOT have a "jury system" like we have in the US and have "judges" or "permanent panels" that decide one's fate ... I'll take the American system anyday, even with the "flaws" ...

This Jury is "lucky" that I was NOT on the Jury because we'd still be "sitting there" ! I would have NEVER gave in ! I would have pointed out the evidence and connected all the dots until I was "blue in the face" ... and until it made them "blue in the face" ... whether they liked it or not ... They would have had it HUNG with me ... I am the kind of person who does NOT back down on my convictions and beliefs ... and I never will.

There is NOTHING anyone can say or do to persuade me that this "Not Guilty Verdict" was "justified", as well as rendered "honestly" ... 10 1/2 hours minus "comfy breaks" and not requesting one piece of evidence is NOT reasonable and cannot be justified !

The "Jury" has until October 25 ... but we shall see if Judge Perry "releases" the names then ...

Interesting insight into the Michael Jackson jury. Three jurors voted guilty and were attacked. The atmosphere in the deliberation room became extremely hostile. The foreman said he would contact the judge and have them kicked off the jury which is ridiculous, the foreman doesn't have that power. "People would not take their blinders off and look at the actual evidence." Their interview:


As for this trial, I don't see how two people can vote for 1st degree murder then switch to NG within 10 hours (actually much less if you count breaks, meals, etc). Same goes for the four for who initially voted for the lesser charges (I think aggravated child abuse). We know they didn't ask for any read backs of the testimony or look at any evidence. Were they lazy? Were they dazzled by the foreman's brilliance (yes, I'm being sarcastic)? Did the atmosphere become hostile like the MJ jury room?

I don't want them to write a book or make any money from this but if one juror speaks out and tells the truth about what happened in that room and why no one looked at any evidence, perhaps judges can learn from this and prevent this from happening again.

It wasn't even a DP qualified jury. If a person states they can't judge another then they certainly cannot vote for the DP.


for a DP qualified jury they sure were awfully concerned about the punishment phase in the GUILT phase.
these 12 were not even JURY qualified. sheep. no one had any thoughts of their own it seems that they were willing to stand up for. why did #2 give in? if he was a holdout wouldn't that mean he felt KC was guilty. why cave?
is that true? could he have declared a mistrial after a verdict reading? could the case be overturned and not subject to double jeopardy if there is jury misconduct? would taking before deliberations qualify or would it need to be full in jury tampering?

No-he can only overturn a "guilty" verdict if there was clearly no evidence to convict...I am pretty sure of that.
I have never heard of a case of mistrial after a verdict of not guilty. As far as I know, in this country the only way a verdict can be thrown out is if an appeals court does so--and appeals courts only get involved when a person is convicted and files an appeal. The state has no recourse to file an appeal, ever. If there is any exception to this rule it is extremely rare.

I do not think HHJP could have declared a mistrial after the verdict was reached, even prior to it being published. Whether or not there was jury misconduct will, as far as I am aware, have no bearing on this jury's not guilty verdict.

Verdicts of not guilty are final; only guilty verdicts can be overturned. In the US, only one side can appeal a verdict they believe to be incorrect. And that, my friends, is where our sytem fails, IMO.

Releasing the jurors' names will only have media looking to interview them. This will just give the jurors a new vehicle for spewing nonsense, IMO. And I am just no longer interested in hearing nonsense.

Release the names, don't release the names, I don't care either way. But either way, any juror who consents to an interview should not be crying about any resulting backlash.
Interesting insight into the Michael Jackson jury. Three jurors voted guilty and were attacked. The atmosphere in the deliberation room became extremely hostile. The foreman said he would contact the judge and have them kicked off the jury which is ridiculous, the foreman doesn't have that power. "People would not take their blinders off and look at the actual evidence." Their interview:


As for this trial, I don't see how two people can vote for 1st degree murder then switch to NG within 10 hours (actually much less if you count breaks, meals, etc). Same goes for the four for who initially voted for the lesser charges (I think aggravated child abuse). We know they didn't ask for any read backs of the testimony or look at any evidence. Were they lazy? Were they dazzled by the foreman's brilliance (yes, I'm being sarcastic)? Did the atmosphere become hostile like the MJ jury room?

I don't want them to write a book or make any money from this but if one juror speaks out and tells the truth about what happened in that room and why no one looked at any evidence, perhaps judges can learn from this and prevent this from happening again.

This just confirms what I've always known: Michael Jackson molested Gavin Arvizo!!! These jurors were bullied into acquitting him! I wish they'd been strong enough to hold out for a mistrial.
Interesting insight into the Michael Jackson jury. Three jurors voted guilty and were attacked. The atmosphere in the deliberation room became extremely hostile. The foreman said he would contact the judge and have them kicked off the jury which is ridiculous, the foreman doesn't have that power. "People would not take their blinders off and look at the actual evidence." Their interview:


As for this trial, I don't see how two people can vote for 1st degree murder then switch to NG within 10 hours (actually much less if you count breaks, meals, etc). Same goes for the four for who initially voted for the lesser charges (I think aggravated child abuse). We know they didn't ask for any read backs of the testimony or look at any evidence. Were they lazy? Were they dazzled by the foreman's brilliance (yes, I'm being sarcastic)? Did the atmosphere become hostile like the MJ jury room?

I don't want them to write a book or make any money from this but if one juror speaks out and tells the truth about what happened in that room and why no one looked at any evidence, perhaps judges can learn from this and prevent this from happening again.


this is why i vote for videotaped deliberations and having an officer of the court present. the bullying tactics are a part of what makes our great system flawed. Its sad to think how many innocent people are jailed and guilty ones set free due to the court having no clue what is going on behind closed doors with 12 unsupervised individuals. you never who is on a powertrip to bully their opinion onto you. i wish people would hold firm to their beliefs and not submit to be on the popular side. its was juror #2's duty to stand firm in what he believed if he truly believed in guilt. i have a strong feeling the foreman and JF were very into pushing their side and not hearing anything else. i would have prefered a hung jury on this.
I agree. I feel that there should be a officer of the court present. IIRC wasn't the vote 10-2 at first. What was said to make them change their decision to not guilty without ever looking at any evidence or transcripts.
the first day according to the Foreman. So, what's that really? A couple of hours. And the Foreman...well...what did he do after he was coronated? He took a voice vote NOT an anonymous one like most juries would do. No, he wanted to know where he stood, i.e. who they needed to work over, browbeat into voting NG. And that's what they did IMO. He was convinced he KNEW the law. The "law" demanded they ignore her bahavior during the 31 days, the "law" demanded they could not convict without cause of death and time and place of death. He did a great, a super job of completely misrepresenting what the law was and what they were supposed to do. No wonder they all want each other to shut up now.

Don't forget that they arrived dressed up the second day, so that makes me believe that they already had the decision the day before.
HHJP was concerned for their safety and that's that. During the first hearing he read OUT LOUD some threats that had been made. I believe it involved bodies being severed at the waist and the parts fed to piranhas.
Casey Judge Wants Change In Public Records Law

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The judge in the Casey Anthony trial is urging the Legislature to change Florida's liberal public records law to exempt jurors' names in high profile cases from becoming public.

more at link

I don't like serving on a jury, civiv duty or not, I just don't want to, but that is just me. However, if I everhave to serve, nobody and I mean nobody will bully me into changing my mind or the way I feel in a case.
I posted this on the news thread and deleted it because it was WAAYYY off topic (sorry).

It fits in here, I think. And I'd be the first to "reach out" to a jury member who admitted they got caught up. We've all made huge mistakes that can't be undone. In the very least, we can learn from them, and take responsibility for them. If one of those jurors came out in support of Caylee's Law, that would be a good example of trying to make a wrong into right.

I honestly believe that one day we will see on Fox or HLN one of the jurors saying they wish they had arrived at a different verdict. One of them will realize the verdict was wrong and that they were individually and collectively responsible for a miscarriage of justice.

In sequestered juries there is a phenomena of "group think". One or two strong willed jurors convince the others that their theory/opinion is correct and the others are coerced into acceptance. They state with certainty that they "know" certain things (law, facts of the case, recollection of testimony, etc) - which after analysis is too often false - and using this argument, these stronger/more persuasive jurors are able to persuade the others to go along with their decision. It is difficult to hold out for an opinion clearly out of sync with the group.

At conclusion of the trial, some jurors tenaciously hold fast to an unsupportable opinion even after there is clear and cohesive evidence that significant errors were made in reaching said verdict. I think we are hearing some of this now.

Other jurors, independent of this group-think environment, come to an entirely different decision from that which they decided in the group. It is not uncommon for jurors who find themselves in this position to finally break with "the group" and candidly speak out and outline the circumstances in the deliberative process.

"Group Think" is something human beings do without realizing it or understanding it, and the sequestered jury must be particularly susceptible to it :waitasec: .

I am a very impressionable person. I struggled in my younger years with holding a personal point of view, because everyone else's point of view was so . . . compelling. Turns out I just have a strong ability to empathize or relate emotionally. EMOTIONALLY is the operant word here.

Over the years I am getting grumpy and cynical and have become suspicious of that sensation I get when someone else's POV starts causing my personal ground to tremble. I have to ask myself, is it reason or fact that is swaying me, or is it how compelling and gratifying it feels to me, emotionally?

This is my personal opinion, but folks who "lose" themselves like this have a psychological profile. I think this profile can be targeted and exploited, and yeah I sound paranoid but I think we live in a soup of targeting and exploitation.

The remedy is simply to mature and grow as an individual, take risks and learn to live with the consequences of your choices.

Apparently, by deliberate targeting and a perfect storm of bad luck, we got a jury of vulnerable people (read: sheep). And my paranoia :crazy: suggests to me this was deliberate, on the part of the jury consultants used by the defense.
anyone think they don't want anyone to talk because maybe one or two are writing a book and they want to protect the profits?
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