Justin Ross Harris probable cause hearing; 3 July 2014

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Why would anyone type in how to survive in prison in the search engine unless you plan on doing something wrong?
Ha - wipe info from one device it pops up on another. Gotta love technology. And I'm glad this barf wad was too confident (or stooopid) to not think about that...

Loving this detective!
Msg was happening on KIK.

Defense asking for specific times the msg happened? Stoddard does not have that info with him.

Was it after Ross had returned from home depot store with lightbulbs.

Stoddard not sure, doesn't have those notes with him.

Actually, I think he was asked if the messages began before he went in to work leaving his child (at 9:30am).
Ross said he learned about turn around - the turn around program where you turn around and check to make sure your child is not in the car.
I want medical proof that Harris is "completely deaf in his right ear"!!! I don't buy it and even if he is, that has nothing to do with his eyesight!!

Or his left ear. Or his memory. Or his complete, absolute, utter lack of anything resembling a human conscience.
At the funeral. When he called from jail. :(

Thanks!! I mis-heard her...I thought she said, "I'm doing this for you, Ross" (as in, 'I'm being strong for you, Ross...'I'm attending this funeral alone, Ross...but I'm doing it for you'"

Thanks for clearing that up!
Why would anyone type in how to survive in prison in the search engine unless you plan on doing something wrong?

Didn't someone on the other thread say he should google that? Prescient.
he accessed the video on june 13 first time 2nd time he viewed it was unknown date at this time......
I agree. I just don't understand how one case can be deemed more horrible than another. How do you even measure that? I know why people think child murders are worst than adult murders, but how do you compare different child murders?

For me, personally, I consider the amount of suffering the child went through before dying. Killing is horrible, but torturing them first? There should be a special hell for those people.
I really wish HLN would show some video of Leanna
I don't really understand it when one case is deemed to be more horrific than all the other cases. What about children who are abused horribly until they are murdered? What about children who are kidnapped, raped and murdered by strangers? What about children who are killed in their classroom by a gunman? Obviously this is a horrific case but when this (and any case) is said to be the "worst of the worst", it doesn't really make sense to me.

Somehow it seems more horrific .... made by the fact that is was the babies' own parent who subjected him to the 115 degree oven for 7 hours. A slow an painful death.... :facepalm:
One of our members posted that vet video last thread. APD should hire us as consultants, lol!
video of vet in hot car watched twice. Date of first was June 13th. Dont know the date of the second.
I want medical proof that Harris is "completely deaf in his right ear"!!! I don't buy it and even if he is, that has nothing to do with his eyesight!!

Its insulting to deaf parents everywhere that this flimsy excuse is being used.
Why would Leanna say outloud that RH must of left Cooper in the car. I don't think that would be the first thing I would think.
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