KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

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KCL - that reported said it was submitted by juror 18 - but unless you know something we don't by being in the courtroom - they might not be the foreperson. The judge said any juror or the foreperson could submit a question on the forms they provide but the question must be signed and the juror number on the form.

A version I saw today of that online article indicated it was signed by the foreperson. it was brought to my attention for that reason. I suspect it was edited after that was questioned. The whole thing is suspect (how that form was released) but that's not what's important to me. What it actually said is.

Websleuths has officially worn me out and I think my time for updates has concluded...which is maybe why the court observer thread is gone.

I'm focusing my attention now where I know it's fruitful.

One more day and I believe a verdict will come in, I'm holding that faith and invite anyone who can or wants to to join me. The rest I'm not going to expose myself to anymore.
A version I saw today of that online article indicated it was signed by the foreperson. it was brought to my attention for that reason. I suspect it was edited after that was questioned. The whole thing is suspect (how that form was released) but that's not what's important to me. What it actually said is.

Websleuths has officially worn me out and I think my time for updates has concluded...which is maybe why the court observer thread is gone.

I'm focusing my attention now where I know it's fruitful.

One more day and I believe a verdict will come in, I'm holding that faith and invite anyone who can or wants to to join me. The rest I'm not going to expose myself to anymore.

Be strong and we will be strong with you. Please give my best to the Alexander family. I'm not the praying type, but I believe in positive attitudes and positive vibes.
NO I'm not saying that. I'm saying, as I posted, that a journalist posted the r question exactly as it was written according to this journalist. Which is usually sealed so someone gave this journalist the copy of this question including identifying the foreperson.

I'm saying that it got interpreted as the jury was deadlocked but how Katie Wick, me, Beth Karas and others are looking at this JURY QUESTION it does not appear they are deadlocked.

That's the best I can explain it and I do remember you, so you're welcome.

Ok I get that part but the Judge said it was deadlocked so that is what is confusing, would think if anyone knows, the Judge would know.
Katiecoo- Thank you for giving and doing and being and working and writing and supporting and EVERYTHING you do, everyday, for all you do it for. Especially us.

Taking the time in the morning to give us a heads up to your intention and day... for checking in from the bathroom or hallway- before, during, and after court. Thank you for reaching out to us when we don't know what is going on for certain. Thank you for coming home, at the end of the long, emotional, stressful days in court and filling us in on things we would never know otherwise.

No matter what- I check here periodically to read what you have to share.

I have never been the kind of person who cares who came up with what. I would not make a good scientist, I would share my results, ideas and information for the betterment of all- I would lose any company all sorts of patent rights because of the way I am- and millions of dollars in revenue to boot.

Don't you fret- I get you as do most here. I appreciate and am very grateful for all the balls you manage to juggle- with a smile and sense of humor when I would be in a pile of tears and absolutely no good to anyone.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Get a good nights sleep, tomorrow maybe the death verdict- otherwise I believe it will be Friday at the latest. This jury is going to come through, like they always have and take the proper care and time doing it.

Goodnight lovely Kathy~ Katrina
A version I saw today of that online article indicated it was signed by the foreperson. it was brought to my attention for that reason. I suspect it was edited after that was questioned. The whole thing is suspect (how that form was released) but that's not what's important to me. What it actually said is.

Websleuths has officially worn me out and I think my time for updates has concluded...which is maybe why the court observer thread is gone.

I'm focusing my attention now where I know it's fruitful.

One more day and I believe a verdict will come in, I'm holding that faith and invite anyone who can or wants to to join me. The rest I'm not going to expose myself to anymore.

I didn't see that version - wow. Sorry if my post upset you - I thought maybe the court observers could tell it was the foreperson.

:banghead: Now I feel I upset you. If I did, I hope you know - I would never mean to and I am truly sorry.

:crying: :seeya:
I didn't see that version - wow. Sorry if my post upset you - I thought maybe the court observers could tell it was the foreperson.

:banghead: Now I feel I upset you. If I did, I hope you know - I would never mean to and I am truly sorry.

:crying: :seeya:

No worries. I'm not upset by you at all. It's been a long day and I've given and given and given and am reminded of the "Little Red Hen" story my sister often referred to in times like this.

I encourage people to follow me on twitter from here on out. And I will be posting if/when/what I feel like sharing. And I will certainly miss tweets, miss questions, have my own opinions others will not share and still, I will go on in support of justice and the Alexander family.
Katiecoo- Thank you for giving and doing and being and working and writing and supporting and EVERYTHING you do, everyday, for all you do it for. Especially us.

Taking the time in the morning to give us a heads up to your intention and day... for checking in from the bathroom or hallway- before, during, and after court. Thank you for reaching out to us when we don't know what is going on for certain. Thank you for coming home, at the end of the long, emotional, stressful days in court and filling us in on things we would never know otherwise.

No matter what- I check here periodically to read what you have to share.

I have never been the kind of person who cares who came up with what. I would not make a good scientist, I would share my results, ideas and information for the betterment of all- I would lose any company all sorts of patent rights because of the way I am- and millions of dollars in revenue to boot.

Don't you fret- I get you as do most here. I appreciate and am very grateful for all the balls you manage to juggle- with a smile and sense of humor when I would be in a pile of tears and absolutely no good to anyone.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Get a good nights sleep, tomorrow maybe the death verdict- otherwise I believe it will be Friday at the latest. This jury is going to come through, like they always have and take the proper care and time doing it.

Goodnight lovely Kathy~ Katrina

Thanks Katrina..you know I love ya right back. According to the conversation I had today with the PIO she said she hoped there would be no deliberation Friday at all. Part of why I think a verdict will be tomorrow.

I also discussed with her my concerns about info getting leaked out..she's looking in to it.
KCL, many prayers for you and your family and The Alexander Family and friends.
Then I encourage you to see it exactly through those eyes. I choose otherwise.

Can't see a Judge stating it was deadlocked if it wasn't, and I do believe what she said was what the jury presented to her today.
Goodnight all- I can't hang with the vibe. Not cool. Thanks to all who are being kind, I'll see you in the morning.
Thanks for the love to those who are extending it. We've been on a long road together. It's almost over. I for one have a full life begging me to get back in to it, starting with a real life dinner date tomorrow night. Not quite sure how I'm gonna manage court tomorrow with how my work schedule is planted smack dab in the middle of the day but will head over in the am to help my friend Joi set up a big sandwich delivery for the Alexanders to have in the victim room tomorrow as they waited there ALL day today with crappy cafeteria food. And to whomever sent me the VISA gift cards awhile back (I'm sorry I've lost track of who it was right now, I've been saving that card) that's what I'm using it for. I had it saved, forgot, then this little project arose and my memory bank pulled it back up. Ahhhhhh...ok now really signing off cuz I haven't even seen the full Dr. Drew Show yet. And Ryan Owens I hear is gonna be on Nightline tonite...gotta go forage for that!

xoxo to all of you who deserve it.......
I'm told that every juror looked in the direction of the family today when this went down as they left the courtroom. Jodi's family was not even in the courtroom. This is all good. I have never seen them do this even once.

That's good to know. Perhaps seeing the contrast of devotion might make a difference to someone.

Thanks for hanging in there, KCL.
This is all very confusing. The judge clearly said that the jury indicated they could not reach a unanimous verdict and she instructed them to go back and try again. Did she get it wrong? Please don't think I'm being contrary, just trying to understand.


I hope for the sake of the Alexander family that this is over (one way or another) tomorrow.
Hi guys,

Finally back after a long long day at the courthouse.

I worked this morning and came out of my last session to find a ton of texts about the "deadlock", rushed down to the courthouse to find my pals in fight or flight...we all ran back upstairs and immediately held a prayer circle, led by Katie Wick in a small hallway. She led a beautiful prayer and we tapped in to the collective good energy and prayers coming from around the world and to be led in the ways to be supportive and helpful to the family in all the best ways.

So we were just mingling, talking to various journalists from Beth Karas to Jeff Gold to WildAboutTrial (who got me in a fit of hysteria over the word "blouse" asking me "What is a blouse? I thought it was a bird").

I was standing over at the wall charging my phone with Katie and we saw this article Kiefer wrote which included apparently a verbatim account of the note the jurors sent out, including the signed "foreperson". I found that odd as no other journalists were reporting on this set of details and usually notes like that are NOT released to the media/public. I'm sure you all know my feelings on Kiefer and of course I lean to thinking someone from the defense wanted that "out there" so they got that info to "their man".

Anyway, suddenly Katie turns to me and says "have you actually read this note?" and goes on to have this lightbulb moment asking if I thought maybe the jurors were just asking a question about the instructions, clarifying how they are to handle things if certain decisions were made/not made. Not necessarily saying they were THERE but how to handle it if they ever GET THERE.

Here is a copy of the note as Kiefer reported it:

The jury sent a handwritten note on an official question form to the judge. It said: “If the jury is unable to come to a unanimous decision @ this stage, do we notify the judge of this on the form (verdict) or do we just tell the judge her instruction on the bottom P. 10 on the final jury Instruction-Penalty phase?”

It was signed by juror No.18.

So it caught my attention and we sat there kind of chewing on this idea, the timing, etc. What we realized is that with the timing of how things went down today, is that this note/question came in about 40 minutes after they started deliberating today. Kind of a quick timeframe to get "deadlocked". What if they were just asking a question? Not indicating they were not in agreement!

We discussed it with another journalist who kind of poo pooed the idea as, apparently it was just drummed up by lowly "trial watchers" and not REAL JOURNALISTS (I'm not gonna name this person but not one of my faves and in Kiefer's back pocket imo). He actually got a bit aggressive when we were having the audacity to question this. He showed us Judge S's words on his cell phone but we kept saying "but that's not what the jury said!". What they asked was IF they are deadlocked. A whole lot in those two little letters.


So we float this idea to both Beth Karas AND Mike Galanos (super nice guy) and Ted Rowlands who are all ears and saying "you might have a point there!". Imagine that, a journalist who is listening and open to a new idea than the one they've wedded themself to.

Lo and behold, on Dr. Drew, Beth Karas floats this exact theory! We coached Katie all thru the dinner hour to say this on Dr. Drew which she did! Even though Beth had already suggested this idea.

All the hystrionics and drama today abated in one little two letter word.

So we ended up dining with Harold and Tanisha, I talked to Sam on the phone...they are all doing ok, all things considered.

I also passed messages to them from Janine Driver and Wendy Murphy that came my way...and a sweet message about God from our dear Jayarohh.

After we left I think we were all feeling pretty good.

I DO NOT THINK this jury is "deadlocked". I think they will reach a verdict tomorrow and sentence Jodi Arias to death.

I'm told that every juror looked in the direction of the family today when this went down as they left the courtroom. Jodi's family was not even in the courtroom. This is all good. I have never seen them do this even once.

Let's all keep breathing and surrounding this jury/family/ourselves in all the strength we can muster. This is where the rubber meets the road.

I'll say the words that said to my friends the moment I saw them today.

Now we have to dig deep.

Now is one of those life moments when you understand how strong you are.

Sweet dreams all.............:seeya:

KCL, I may be off base but I still think this jury will agree on a verdict. They have all the knowledge of the endless testimony to draw from. They reached the correct verdicts on two phases so far and I'm hopeful they will on this third phase as well. I don't envy them their job but they've held strong so far.
Please let the Alexander's know that we are holding them close in our prayers - and we're saying special prayers for you and your family as well. Your support is surely giving them strength during this painful process.
To make this clear right now. I'm on the phone with A News Junkie right now. We're still in love. We got caught in a maelstrom of worms accidentally! I'm actually laughing out loud right now!!!
I think we are all exhausted and frustrated right now. It has been a long trial, lots of distractions and tricks and frankly now that the end is near it's natural to feel a little anxious. I find the passion on here great. Like it or not folks, we have become a family. Even though we might not all agree on the small details and are getting a little frustrated with each other, we all have the same goal and that's justice for Travis. Lets not let our frustrations with Jodi and this defense take our focus away from that.
Thanks for the love to those who are extending it. We've been on a long road together. It's almost over. I for one have a full life begging me to get back in to it, starting with a real life dinner date tomorrow night. Not quite sure how I'm gonna manage court tomorrow with how my work schedule is planted smack dab in the middle of the day but will head over in the am to help my friend Joi set up a big sandwich delivery for the Alexanders to have in the victim room tomorrow as they waited there ALL day today with crappy cafeteria food. And to whomever sent me the VISA gift cards awhile back (I'm sorry I've lost track of who it was right now, I've been saving that card) that's what I'm using it for. I had it saved, forgot, then this little project arose and my memory bank pulled it back up. Ahhhhhh...ok now really signing off cuz I haven't even seen the full Dr. Drew Show yet. And Ryan Owens I hear is gonna be on Nightline tonite...gotta go forage for that!

xoxo to all of you who deserve it.......
A dinner date hmmm? Well ya know ya gotta come back and discuss the details! :giggle:
Thanks for all the time, effort and emotion you've given Travis, his family and WS. It is very much appreciated.
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