KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

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Morning! Katiekoolady, I do so understand your fatigue about the trial. I don't know how you have managed so long with your super-multi-tasking over all these months. You have reported back to us, giving us the real facts vs. what we hear in the media blare. You've supported the Alexander family to extraordinary levels and helped be a conduit for donations, financial and emotional. I am in awe of the Websleuthers who have sent thoughtful gifts to the family.

You have taken tender care of Alfonse in his time of need, carried on with your work, and been in court. Your spare hours are devoted to the family. I am so glad you have had HH's with other court-watchers on the roof. You have given yourself opportunities to vent, which is a good thing. You have had the opportunity to make connections with Beth and others in the media and used them as a sounding board to cross the barriers between those of us who have followed and what is broadcast. You have made so many new friends who will impact your life in the future.

Now, as we all sit, awaiting the ultimate outcome of this case, the level of anxiety has ratcheted up to an unbelievable level. I am a voyeur, so to speak. I watch and read. But I also feel all the anxiety and tension that is occurring right now.

I agree with those here and with you that this needs to be over, hopefully today. I have never believed that the jury was hung after less than 2 hours of deliberations. I do believe there was a misunderstanding as to the message sent to the judge and her reaction.

This jury has sat since January 2 and faithfully listened and questioned to an extraordinary level. They know the convicted murderer for the liar she is. They saw her student council speech. They know the horror of what she did and that she planned it out. All 12 jurors believed that. They believe she stole the gun, borrowed the gas cans, and lured Travis into a false sense of security so she could plunge a knife into his heart.

They heard her vilify the victim and her own family. I know that not a one of them wants to take a chance she could be released back into society to continue her chaos. She is a dangerous woman. I have no doubt that the problem they are facing is whether to trust the people who will make the report to the judge if she gets a verdict of life. I would also say that they may not trust that the judge wouldn't follow a recommendation for life with the possibility of parole. As she is required to do, Judge Stevens has bent over backwards to make the trial fair to the perpetrator of a heinous crime. For those on the jury who have said that they support the death penalty, but now have to face the inevitable fact that the DP would be the only safe way to keep her out of society forever, it has to be even more anxiety-inducing. I trust the jury.

Again, thank you for all your efforts. Thank you to those who donated to the family in one way or another. And thank you to everyone here. We all care. We will get through this and then face real life, knowing we made a difference in the lives of the Alexander family.

Prayers for a verdict today and healing for everyone the trial has touched.

Really beautiful post <3
Great post. It seems with every high profile case, the defense team always has a reporter or two in their back pocket. :twocents:

Disgraceful isn't it that if promised "the interview" a reporter compromises the truth!
did I just understand on HLN right now that if the judge does that admonition back to the jury too soon it is an appealable issue as this came up in the appeal on the previous person the prosecutor sent for a woman who is currently on death row.

Did I hear this and understand this correctly?

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Missed that, but it's because I won't watch HLN talking heads till someone talks them all off the ledge. Good grief. Katie Wick tried to tell DD last night that the media likely has it all wrong about a deadlock, but noooooo, he didn't want to hear her. Patted her on the head, essentially, and moved the camera away.

I'm choosing to trust my own common sense, and that if the many posters here yesterday saying... wait a minute. This jury has given no indication whatsoever that they would throw up their hands and quit just a few hours into deliberation.

These jurors are so dedicated that even after members are kicked off the jury they still are adamant to remain involved until the end, even in the face of public criticism and invasion of their privacy.

The remaining jurors have twice brought back their decisions in a time frame that indicates they weren't rushing to get it over with and weren't delayed by contention and division.

They are less than 8 hours into deliberating the most difficult phase of the trial. I would hope that this group would give each juror the opportunity to speak to their individual decision.. what went into it, and how they feel about making such a momentous decision.

I doubt that any of them will readily find anyone else in their lives who will understand what they have gone through during this trial, or how difficult it is to make this final decision.

Prayers to these jurors today. Thinking long and hard about Mormon Attorney's compassionate post yesterday about this jury, for myself I've found peace with whatever they decide.

I still hope for the DP, largely because it seems clear that all she has left is her savage and ceaseless desire to cause pain to Travis' family, and given life she will continue doing so.

Thanks to Mormon Attorney, I also will understand if one or more of these jurors decides they just cannot be responsible for helping put another person to death, even this one.

Praying for peace and healing to everyone on the very long list of people this murderer has so profoundly harmed and wounded.
did I just understand on HLN right now that if the judge does that admonition back to the jury too soon it is an appealable issue as this came up in the appeal on the previous person the prosecutor sent for a woman who is currently on death row.

Did I hear this and understand this correctly?

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Oh for the love of God... they keep saying that about EVERYTHING. Juan Martinez is not going to accidentally say something in his final closing argument- that he wasn't, by law, supposed to. Ridiculous. Does anyone actually believe that this seasoned prosecutor would? What he said was actually what the 'left out' jury instructions stated.

These TH are ridiculous, bordering on dangerous. Everything is an "appealable" issue to them. Don't believe it. Now the judge has caused an "appealable" issue-. No... I don't think so. She may have left off instructions accidentally- but no way did she state anything of the sort to the jury- in fact if you listen to it she was quite clear in the opposite direction.

Chris, Katie Cool Lady, KDDJ, are all reporting on twitter, they are all , and have been in prayers for the jury and for the family.
Be of good faith today. Hugs!

Here is a beautiful picture of Chris Hughes &#8207;with his beloved friend, Travis with this tweet "Miss you brother. Justice in route" Chris Hughes &#8207; http://t.co/upKBdkZR07

Michael Kiefer contradicted himself in his own brief article. At top he says it factually that they said they cannot reach a verdict, a few paragraphs down he is supposedly quoting a theoretical question. Doesn't matter either way, Judge sent them back and back they went where they CONTINUED.

In case he reports anything else today, remain calm and check an alternate source.

Michael Kiefer is the one who mysteriously reported that ALV had been to the hospital for anxiety one evening, that Nurmi tried to ask for a mistrial over, in a SEALED proceeding.

Michael Kiefer reported that Patrisha Womack left Mesa having been threatened, BEFORE,
Nurmi alleged the threat came on Sunday ( after she had left )

Michael Kiefer reported that ALV was followed to a restaurant, spied on is what he wanted the reader to infer, when he had already been straightened out by SEVERAL sources that ...no...... the folks who took the pic of ALV with Jennifer and the evening wear lady ,( her name escapes me...the mitigation specialist ), the picture taker was already at the restaurant, already even eating their food they had been served when this trio walked in. Even after he was straightened out , again, about he error in his report that the three were not followed and photographed or harassed as he claimed in his report, he did not do what every ethical journalist would do straight away, print a correction.

Michael Kiefer is against the death penalty.
Michael Kiefer does not like, or show any respect to Juan Martinez.
Who , this side of heaven does not respect JM?

Michael Kiefer would NOT have had access to the actual juror question and certainly not to the juror number of the person who asked it, likely until after the trial when all juror questions are put on the record. That is according to our own AZ Attorney.
If he had the least bit of discretion he would have summarized it, and left off the juror number, at a minimum.

Michael Kiefer did not report on the incident of ALV approaching Samantha. Indeed he was rude to our own KCL who tried to inform him of it. It was news. Big news, and ALV found out with in a sealed hearing just how big of news it was when JM let the judge know of it. One has to ask why he would not report that. People tell on themselves.

Micahel Kiefer has been overtly rude and cruel to Katie, KNOWING that she is a victim of a brutal murderer killing her sister and that she is there out the goodness of her heart trying to help a family in a like situation. I find that despicable. He is not to be trusted and he is no gentleman. Moreover, in respect to your question he is no ethical reporter.

This is my opinion only, but it is these things leave me to infer
Michael Kiefer certainly does have a friend on the defense team that feeds him information and in exchange for these scoops, he reports in a wholly biased way.
This is my firm belief. I don't want anyone up in arms, and Katie does not about this, she has been CLEAR ON THAT ...we don't want any letter writing or anything. I am just telling you the source is a poisonous tree, in my opinion.
In this situation he may have released something not realizing it was not to the advantage of his buddies. Isn't that always how it works....eventually?

The important thing to concentrate on is the jury is still at it, they have NOT given up. Who cares about Michael Kiefer and what he reports. THE FACT IS THE JURY IS WORKING, THEY DID NOT GIVE UP, THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS TO ME.
Remain calm friends. The jury has been with the Alexanders from the start and they are not going to let them down now. KNOW THAT! Consider this not a stumbling block, but a stepping stone for Travis' justice.

All of this is absolutely correct and there is more but even though he's an unethical jaded biased poor excuse for a journalist I won't divulge or quote things said to me in private...at least not yet. It's worse way worse than you can think. I will never ever let anyone disparage a murder victim or their family to my face ever ever again. Thank you Michael Kiefer for giving me that lesson.

I think yesterday is an example of a person who's venom has matched their ego and its out of control to blatantly post that. He's been a shill for the defense all along, reporting on things in a biased way that help their cause, the Daryl brewer interview highly suspect to me, so much more. I'll just say there are people watching and interested in these shenanigans. I'll leave it at that.

Thanks for this list AFF. Xo
Oh for the love of God... they keep saying that about EVERYTHING. Juan Martinez is not going to accidentally say something in his final closing argument- that he wasn't, by law, supposed to. Ridiculous. Does anyone actually believe that this seasoned prosecutor would? What he said was actually what the 'left out' jury instructions stated.

These TH are ridiculous, bordering on dangerous. Everything is an "appealable" issue to them. Don't believe it. Now the judge has caused an "appealable" issue-. No... I don't think so. She may have left off instructions accidentally- but no way did she state anything of the sort to the jury- in fact if you listen to it she was quite clear in the opposite direction.

Hi Frigga!

Can you clarify something for me? I thought the instructions were not left out of the packet, just that JSS didn't read that portion out loud. Is that correct?
Oh for the love of God... they keep saying that about EVERYTHING. Juan Martinez is not going to accidentally say something in his final closing argument- that he wasn't, by law, supposed to. Ridiculous. Does anyone actually believe that this seasoned prosecutor would? What he said was actually what the 'left out' jury instructions stated.

These TH are ridiculous, bordering on dangerous. Everything is an "appealable" issue to them. Don't believe it. Now the judge has caused an "appealable" issue-. No... I don't think so. She may have left off instructions accidentally- but no way did she state anything of the sort to the jury- in fact if you listen to it she was quite clear in the opposite direction.

What is especially sad--and maddening-- about the circus the TH's have created and abetted is that everyone watching is missing out on learning how the justice system actually works and doesn't work.

I suspect that coverage of trials on mainstream TV has been permanently downgraded to rank entertainment.
Sometimes I come here and it's like posting in a mine field for me:


I just wanted to tell you how much I've appreciated your comments these last view months both here and on the radio show despite the great cost to your emotional and physical health. You have been mountain of strength for all of us looking for justice for the Alexanders.

I'm sorry there have been those who have let their emotions get out of control and say hurtful things to you - please know there are many more of us out there who appreciate everything that you do.

You are truly a remarkable woman who is doing and will continue to do great things in the cause of justice for the victims of crime. Please do whatever it takes to continue to fill your own lamp with light to take care of you and your beloved brother.

I hope this jury reaches a true and appropriate verdict today. Ego, venom and extraneous 'stuff' seems to be growing the longer this trial goes on. It's saddening and sickening at the same time.
I've chosen to keep my focus on the only thing that matters. Justice for Travis.
I've chosen to keep my focus on the only people that matter. The Alexander family, their loved ones and friends. This is about them. And only them.
Those, like MK who are receiving their own gain, do nothing but stain the pure purpose of this trial. This is about Travis and his precious family. I already feel badly that I have the choice of clicking out, walking away and returning to my life at the end of this horrible chapter. They don't have that choice and never will. God bless them for all they've suffered and will suffer the rest of their lives. I admire them more than I can say.
I truly believe these THs WANT the jury to be deadlocked, and they won't dare report on this other possibility. That's all HLN talked about yesterday, and it gives them some high drama and something to scream about while there is no real news on this case.

HLN would love nothing more than to have their ratings bonanza extended by having a mistrial in this phase and another jury having to come in.

I'm disgusted by them not even talking about this as a possibility. I'm praying for a verdict today, and praying for continued strength for the Alexanders.

They are just ticked off they didn't get a interview with THE MURDERER....all they can get is the groupies outside the Court House...JVM is so irritating.......poor Beth when JVM asks her for comments and can't get a word in when she tries to answer...I just hope someone on another network see's what a jewel BK is and hires her...or HLN gives her her own show...
Katie, Wow! Your post just brings me to tears. I don't post often but I have to respond now as I want you to know that your so appreciated for so many reasons. Thank God for people like you. You have a way of lifting people up and you give so much. I know there's a special place for you in heaven. Thank you!

Gauntlet, I love having you here and reading what you have to say :) I knew what you were meaning and so does everyone else.

Like others have said, it's all good. I think KCL is really stressed and is dealing with a lot.

Today is a new day and hopefully verdict day :)

"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." -Dalai Lama

<mod snip>
Oh for the love of God... they keep saying that about EVERYTHING. Juan Martinez is not going to accidentally say something in his final closing argument- that he wasn't, by law, supposed to. Ridiculous. Does anyone actually believe that this seasoned prosecutor would? What he said was actually what the 'left out' jury instructions stated.

These TH are ridiculous, bordering on dangerous. Everything is an "appealable" issue to them. Don't believe it. Now the judge has caused an "appealable" issue-. No... I don't think so. She may have left off instructions accidentally- but no way did she state anything of the sort to the jury- in fact if you listen to it she was quite clear in the opposite direction.

Exactly! I did rewind to try to find what ATL heard, but I might not have gone back far enough. My take is the always boisterous defense attorney that was saying that since the judge gave the instruction for a hung jury to them, that if she jumped the gun that somehow would create bias to open the appeal door. (for a defense attorney, they never see that door closed anyway!) BUT, what my understanding of the law is - is that for an appeal to be successful, the 'error' would have to be so egregious as to affect the OUTCOME of the trial - and I don't see how an instruction to continue to deliberate and respect each person's individual opinion to agree or disagree can be seen as prejudicing the jury. IMHO, it only reinforced the seriousness of their decision and encourages them once again to not take their duty lightly.

Ratings :drama: Ratings :drama: Ratings :drama: IMHO, that is all it is!
Katie, I see the juror ALL arriving early today as a message to the family, not only did we not give up, we are here, sleeves rolled up, working hard, we are in, and we are in big! It is a wink and a nod, hang in there kiddos , we've got this!

Chris Hughes &#8207;
"Calling all friends of #TravisAlexander. Please pray that jury will be unanimous & get the sentencing right."
Hi guys,

Finally back after a long long day at the courthouse.

I worked this morning and came out of my last session to find a ton of texts about the "deadlock", rushed down to the courthouse to find my pals in fight or flight...we all ran back upstairs and immediately held a prayer circle, led by Katie Wick in a small hallway. She led a beautiful prayer and we tapped in to the collective good energy and prayers coming from around the world and to be led in the ways to be supportive and helpful to the family in all the best ways.

So we were just mingling, talking to various journalists from Beth Karas to Jeff Gold to WildAboutTrial (who got me in a fit of hysteria over the word "blouse" asking me "What is a blouse? I thought it was a bird").

I was standing over at the wall charging my phone with Katie and we saw this article Kiefer wrote which included apparently a verbatim account of the note the jurors sent out, including the signed "foreperson". I found that odd as no other journalists were reporting on this set of details and usually notes like that are NOT released to the media/public. I'm sure you all know my feelings on Kiefer and of course I lean to thinking someone from the defense wanted that "out there" so they got that info to "their man".

Anyway, suddenly Katie turns to me and says "have you actually read this note?" and goes on to have this lightbulb moment asking if I thought maybe the jurors were just asking a question about the instructions, clarifying how they are to handle things if certain decisions were made/not made. Not necessarily saying they were THERE but how to handle it if they ever GET THERE.

Here is a copy of the note as Kiefer reported it:

The jury sent a handwritten note on an official question form to the judge. It said: “If the jury is unable to come to a unanimous decision @ this stage, do we notify the judge of this on the form (verdict) or do we just tell the judge her instruction on the bottom P. 10 on the final jury Instruction-Penalty phase?”

It was signed by juror No.18.

So it caught my attention and we sat there kind of chewing on this idea, the timing, etc. What we realized is that with the timing of how things went down today, is that this note/question came in about 40 minutes after they started deliberating today. Kind of a quick timeframe to get "deadlocked". What if they were just asking a question? Not indicating they were not in agreement!

We discussed it with another journalist who kind of poo pooed the idea as, apparently it was just drummed up by lowly "trial watchers" and not REAL JOURNALISTS (I'm not gonna name this person but not one of my faves and in Kiefer's back pocket imo). He actually got a bit aggressive when we were having the audacity to question this. He showed us Judge S's words on his cell phone but we kept saying "but that's not what the jury said!". What they asked was IF they are deadlocked. A whole lot in those two little letters.


So we float this idea to both Beth Karas AND Mike Galanos (super nice guy) and Ted Rowlands who are all ears and saying "you might have a point there!". Imagine that, a journalist who is listening and open to a new idea than the one they've wedded themself to.

Lo and behold, on Dr. Drew, Beth Karas floats this exact theory! We coached Katie all thru the dinner hour to say this on Dr. Drew which she did! Even though Beth had already suggested this idea.

All the hystrionics and drama today abated in one little two letter word.

So we ended up dining with Harold and Tanisha, I talked to Sam on the phone...they are all doing ok, all things considered.

I also passed messages to them from Janine Driver and Wendy Murphy that came my way...and a sweet message about God from our dear Jayarohh.

After we left I think we were all feeling pretty good.

I DO NOT THINK this jury is "deadlocked". I think they will reach a verdict tomorrow and sentence Jodi Arias to death.

I'm told that every juror looked in the direction of the family today when this went down as they left the courtroom. Jodi's family was not even in the courtroom. This is all good. I have never seen them do this even once.

Let's all keep breathing and surrounding this jury/family/ourselves in all the strength we can muster. This is where the rubber meets the road.

I'll say the words that said to my friends the moment I saw them today.

Now we have to dig deep.

Now is one of those life moments when you understand how strong you are.

Sweet dreams all.............:seeya:


We love you, Kathy!! Thank you for your continuous updates, support and FAITH!!!!:loveyou::grouphug::cheer::heartbeat:


Katie . . . God bless you for all you do . . . you have made such a difference in so many people's lives.

Hugs to you!!!!!!!
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