KC standing by kidnap story per Lawyers

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In the recently released visit videos CA asked Casey: "Didn't you tell us she (Zani) has a key to our house"? Casey responded "Mom, I don't know...I don't know".

I also thought I had heard earlier Cindy say she DID have a key - who knows?
Cindy asked...Casey answered.
the kidnapping defense is a poor choice for the defense. If they use that angle they will be using her lies as her defense....which lets face it folks....is that the best way for a defense atty to defend a client? JB has really lost his mind somewhere in this.... even the head of the state florida bar said something to that effect yesterday when asked what defense jb could use he replied that he wouldn't do what a normal defense atty would do.
I see a bee a buzzin!!
No defense on this one is going to be a decent defense. There's no way the defense can get a plea bargain now. KC's only hope is for her lame story to work.
Skipping to the end... I'm curious about CA's binder. Does anyone know if LE actually was able to retrieve it? Seems she would've taken it with her to California. Her notes for the LKL show. I hope she left it home. Please tell me LE got it with the warrant!
It is not clear that the parents haven't struck a $$$$$ deal with some media entity that is supplying the funds to hire these hacks. That, to me, ia the most likely explanation for their sudden wealth. L KIng might comp em a hotel in LA but he is not gonna do it in orlando after they leave LA...and LE isn't going to put them up at the Ritz....

I would believe the hacks are all publicity hounds that comp their services if there is a known history of ALL of them doing it. Maybe there is. I doubt it.

I think the parents have extorted big blood money from the media (book, movie rights) and are going to try and use it to defend the little devil.


I think the scheme team is being paid. Lots of licensing fees. By the time this is all over the money will have dried up but for the time being they're being paid. IMO.
I think her lies, obvious lack of remorse or grief (in fact, quite the opposite, out partying looking like she didn't have a worry in the world, always with Tony who said she showed nothing etc), earlier internet searches re neck breaking etc will get her convicted of murder.

Exactly. What, Zanny and her sister Samantha pushed KC to the ground and stole her baby so what does a mom do after such a horrible occurrence? Why, go to blockbuster with her boyfriend hand and hand and rent movies, natch!

btw, I'm kind of sorry LP had his ears on the scene and had to spout this theory because if he hadn't told it third hand on NG then the original story of dropping Caylee off at Sawgrass would've stuck. Not that any of this matters, of course.
...and then live happily off it while their daughter languishes away in prison. This aspect of the case makes me almost as angry as the "thing" killing her own child. Oh, and the heavy-hitters might want to remember that little girl's name the next time they stand before a judge. It's Caylee Marie!!!

ITA. I sure hope they are able to charge and convict G, C & LA to put an end to their enjoying living the high life through this. It looked to me like George had even gone out and bought a new suit for dinner last night, and not a cheap one. This from a family almost in bankruptcy before this happened?? Something is not right here.
Exactly. What, Zanny and her sister Samantha pushed KC to the ground and stole her baby so what does a mom do after such a horrible occurrence? Why, go to blockbuster with her boyfriend hand and hand and rent movies, natch!
btw, I'm kind of sorry LP had his ears on the scene and had to spout this theory because if he hadn't told it third hand on NG then the original story of dropping Caylee off at Sawgrass would've stuck. Not that any of this matters, of course.

Disturbingly similar behaviour to G & C going out for a fancy dinner at the Ritz after they vehemently claimed to be absolutely certain she was alive. One would think the shock and sadness at discovering she was dead after genuinely believing she was alive and in a Florida mall a couple weeks ago, would not allow them to dress up and go out for a fancy dinner. They are all the same IMO.
ITA. I sure hope they are able to charge and convict G, C & LA to put an end to their enjoying living the high life through this. It looked to me like George had even gone out and bought a new suit for dinner last night, and not a cheap one. This from a family almost in bankruptcy before this happened?? Something is not right here.

It's funny you mention that, because as I watched the video of the A's returning home briefly yesterday, it caught my attention that CA looked as though she had been shopping in Ca or NY. Her shoes and jeans definitely looked expensive designer to me. I don't usually think a great deal about their nasty movie/book retainers, but Cindy is looking much better dressed than she did in the early days of this case.
I believe any attorney with a functioning brain and a minimum, a scant minimum of common sense would have asked Casey these few questions before taking the case:
  • Where did the nanny live?
  • How can we prove she existed? Let's think about that.
  • How did you pay her?
  • Do you have cancelled checks showing payment to nanny?
  • You paid cash? Where did you get cash?
  • Oh you had a job and that's where you got the cash? OK, give me your check stubs. Lost them? OK how about your tax returns? BTW were you claiming Caylee as a dependent? I think there is a deduction available for childcare, did you take that?
  • Well, do you have anything that Zanny touched so we could get a fingerprint? We could prove her existence that way. Diaper bag, brush, toys, on your car?
  • Crap girl, are you crazy? Please say yes and we'll go with that!
All the scientific evidence leading straight to KA should be enough to convince the jury to send her up the river (for a very long time) but I believe it will be KA herself that seals the deal.

I have no doubt they'll all be as disgusted & pissed off at her as the general public already is by all of this below & more..

1. KA's despicable reaction to her friend crying she'll "die" if anything happens to Caylee

2. KA's nonchalant & giddy behavior when talking to her parents & brother re: Caylee's safety

3. KA's vile "it's all about me" attitude during every jail visit with family

4. KA's disturbing lies to LE

5. KA's repulsive partying pics

All of this & more while her innocent baby daughter was (supposedly) kidnapped..It won't matter who she claims did it..It won't matter what her story is..Nobody can possibly get those sick& twisted images of KA out of their head..
I believe any attorney with a functioning brain and a minimum, a scant minimum of common sense would have asked Casey these few questions before taking the case:
  • Where did the nanny live?
  • How can we prove she existed? Let's think about that.
  • How did you pay her?
  • Do you have cancelled checks showing payment to nanny?
  • You paid cash? Where did you get cash?
  • Oh you had a job and that's where you got the cash? OK, give me your check stubs. Lost them? OK how about your tax returns? BTW were you claiming Caylee as a dependent?
  • Well, do you have anything that Zanny touched so we could get a fingerprint? We could prove her existence that way. Diaper bag, brush, toys, on your car?
  • Crap girl, are you crazy? Please say yes and we'll go with that!

It's funny you mention that, because as I watched the video of the A's returning home briefly yesterday, it caught my attention that CA looked as though she had been shopping in Ca or NY. Her shoes and jeans definitely looked expensive designer to me. I don't usually think a great deal about their nasty movie/book retainers, but Cindy is looking much better dressed than she did in the early days of this case.

I thought so too. And George was wearing a dress shirt and slacks. They did look better dressed than before. Not that it really matters. But I did notice it too.
Unless they can prove Casey had contact with, or produce this nanny, I think this tactic is going to bite them in the rear.

So.. how will they explain Caylee's corpse in KC's car?
Hopefully they will be able to prove that Caylee was killed in the home. Surely they wouldn't try saying a non existent babysitter broke into errr used her given key and killed Caylee in her home to frame Casey? Or would they.

And, she smuggled Caylee's dead body into KC's trunk, for a couple of weeks, and KC didn 't even notice!

And, THEN, she smuggled Caylee's corpse back OUT of KC's car!

Xanex the Nannex was a busy girl!
So.. how will they explain Caylee's corpse in KC's car?


Because Casey killed her daughter and transported the body before callously dumping her? Trick question?
Ok, let me see if I have the defense strategy:

Zanny was a co-worker of KC's at Universal although no Zanny ever worked at Universal, and was recommended by Jeff Hopkins to babysit Caylee because he used her to babysit his son, Zack, a good friend of Caylee's - although Jeff has no children. Zanny babysat Caylee for about 2 years so that KC could go to a job she didn't have and was paid $400 per week with money KC didn't have, although Zanny is rich and babysat out of love of Caylee. Zanny babysat Caylee at an apartment that she never inhabited during these 2 years but no one KC knows has ever met Zanny or heard of Zanny and Caylee did not recognize the name when it was spoken. KC does not have a phone number for Zanny, but Zanny has many phones with area codes all over Florida. Coincidentally, a Zanny viewed the same apartment a few days after the JBP incident, but it isn't the same Zanny.

KC dropped Caylee off at the stairwell of said apartment on June 9th between 9am and 1pm and hasn't seen Zanny or Caylee since, except for on June 16th at Jay Blanchard Park, where Zanny and her half-sister Samantha knocked KC to the ground, grabbed Caylee from her and took off in a car filled with Samantha's 3 children.

Zanny and Samantha threatened Caylee and the entire Anthony family and gave KC a script to follow or else. The script included stealing, lying, partying, shopping, smoking pot, watching movies, pole dancing and sleeping around with a few guys until a unspecified time when Caylee would be reunited with her loving, caring mother of the year.

Unbeknownst to KC, Zanny killed Caylee and entered the A home with her secret key to gather items that would frame KC for the murder. She then hid the body of the child in KC's trunk for a few days until she saw it parked at Amscot. She opened the trunk with her magic Nanny powers and saw that KC had not yet noticed the rotting corpse in her trunk, so Zanny stole the body back and drove it to KC's family neighborhood and dumped it in some flooded area behind KC's house which was also KC's childhood haunt.

Zanny has a magic umbrella which allows her to fly over rooftops and KC is 100% innocent.
What does CA's book of lies have to do with attorney/client privilege? I don't see it.

I thought if those were shared with a third party they were no longer privileged.

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