Keeping Hayleigh's Story In The Public Eye

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They are covering the case on HLN today. Interesting stuff today. Chad has sole custody of his 2 children from previous marriage. It is good coverage. Says LE is working very hard on the case and saying nothing.
They are covering the case on HLN today. Interesting stuff today. Chad has sole custody of his 2 children from previous marriage. It is good coverage. Says LE is working very hard on the case and saying nothing.

:eek: Chad has sole Wow, not what some would have lead us to believe. Wow.:eek::eek::eek:
Ron was fired for abandonment of job?? I think that is a reporter saying this. Didn't contact his job after Haleigh disappeared. Supposedly, LE is working on this case every day. Just not saying anything about it.

Kim saying Chad is supporting Crystal and the baby and his 2 kids he has sole custody of. (????) I didn't know that....

TJ Hart of W...something radio is the reporter. Kim says DCF is investigating. WSKY radio.

Misty leading a double life??

Sorry for the mess at reporting what was said...I type too darn slow!
Don Clark doesn't seem real thrilled with the way LE handled this at the beginning, said they should have sealed off the crime scene, not let them take things away, etc. Could have taken evidence, etc.
Kim says DCF has 60 days to present the case to their supervisors and they are at day 40 now.
This is the most information we have had in ages. I almost feel like over load. LOL
I can't believe Haleigh was finally brought up! Even if the "theme" was Ron possibly losing custody (which should be secondary to finding Haleigh, imo) I'm pleased Haleigh is mentioned in the media. She deserves to be found!!
In these cases when there is nothing from LE they won't cover it unless there is this extra kind of stuff. What do you say about "nothing new". People who watch won't want to just see the same thing gone over night after night. I see why they don't report on it but it sure is awful that kids get forgotten unless the family is a mess
Thorsmom I think the whole country is facing those same issues. We just don't hear about it until something awful like that happens and when the families have been involved in that stuff it all comes out. I bet there are more good people down in Florida than the ones we have been discussing
Thorsmom I think the whole country is facing those same issues. We just don't hear about it until something awful like that happens and when the families have been involved in that stuff it all comes out. I bet there are more good people down in Florida than the ones we have been discussing

Just seems the most outragous things are always happening here. And I swear it used to be such a beautiful, peaceful place. Where is Haleigh?:confused:
It is still a beautiful place. Now you just know who to look out for.
How can GSJ come to search for Haleigh when LE said "no more searching! Too dangerous with all the illegal stuff going on in the woods"....???
Well, I sure can't imagine why anybody would WANT to come here. The whole state is either crackpot or criminal! I'm seriously looking for somewhere to go.

well i'm not a crackpot or a criminal. have been here for many, many years, raised 3 boys that are not "crackpots or criminal" I love Florida. so now lets find little Haleigh and bring her home! :)
How can GSJ come to search for Haleigh when LE said "no more searching! Too dangerous with all the illegal stuff going on in the woods"....???

Bolded by me:)

Amster: good point! the thing that bothers me about the sheriff's statement is that, he is the sheriff, if he is aware of illegal activity in a certain area, and he must be aware of it if he has mentioned it and is concerned for the search teams, why on gods green earth isn't he doing anything about it? he is the one to enforce the law. I am sorry to say, there is something strange with the whole town. IMHO
How can GSJ come to search for Haleigh when LE said "no more searching! Too dangerous with all the illegal stuff going on in the woods"....???

It is my understanding that she is going to Satsuma to do A "blind drive" as she did in the Caylee Anthony case. This involves going to the last place that Haleigh, and Adji in his case, is said to have been seen and driving where her intuition leads her. I don't know that she would venture into the woods unless she is led there but I don't see how Law Enforcement would be able to stop her. I am going to wait and see what transpires here before I pass judgement on her. For the time being I am pleased that her arrival has drawn attention back to Haleigh. For weeks I have been scouring the news outlets and media resources for the smallest hint of where Haleigh has disappeared to. There is no new news and it is heartbreaking.

So, for now I will reserve MY judgement of what she is doing. Now if she calls all the news outlets and has a media ontourage with her and she begins to bring negative impact, I might reconsider my support. I feel if she is truly trying to get a feel for Haleigh and wants to be a serious, positive influence on the investigation she doesn't need an audience to do so. Everyone has an opinion on psychic's and their capabilities I am of the opinion that God made each of us and gave us all a unique gift....some people sing like a songbird...others can dance...I have seen babies that can read before they can speak and heard of a 10 year old that graduated high school and is now attending college. Who I am to say that there are those who do not possess this sensitivity and foresight into life or unfortunately death?
I don't have a lot of confidence in psychics but the more people are looking the better. The results will speak for themselves.
It is my understanding that she is going to Satsuma to do A "blind drive" as she did in the Caylee Anthony case. This involves going to the last place that Haleigh, and Adji in his case, is said to have been seen and driving where her intuition leads her. I don't know that she would venture into the woods unless she is led there but I don't see how Law Enforcement would be able to stop her. I am going to wait and see what transpires here before I pass judgement on her. For the time being I am pleased that her arrival has drawn attention back to Haleigh. For weeks I have been scouring the news outlets and media resources for the smallest hint of where Haleigh has disappeared to. There is no new news and it is heartbreaking.

So, for now I will reserve MY judgement of what she is doing. Now if she calls all the news outlets and has a media ontourage with her and she begins to bring negative impact, I might reconsider my support. I feel if she is truly trying to get a feel for Haleigh and wants to be a serious, positive influence on the investigation she doesn't need an audience to do so. Everyone has an opinion on psychic's and their capabilities I am of the opinion that God made each of us and gave us all a unique gift....some people sing like a songbird...others can dance...I have seen babies that can read before they can speak and heard of a 10 year old that graduated high school and is now attending college. Who I am to say that there are those who do not possess this sensitivity and foresight into life or unfortunately death?

I don't really have an opinion (one way or the other) about her searching. All I really care about is the media bringing attention to it, and these 2 missing children. ANY attention, is needed attention.
Every day I come home from work hoping that when I sign on here. There's news (much preferred good news), but am always disappointed that there isn't. It's sooooo sad.
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