GUILTY Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - *Arrest* #67

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If he didn't bring in a bat, then he didn't beat her to death, and if he didn't beat her to death, then she bled all over for no reason. And no one cleaned it up. Somebody better hurry over there, because it also means Baby K is still in her walker in the back room.

Oh, wait. Video only tells part of the story. THE OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE tells the real story. Kelsey's gone and all the evidence points to one person. The bat may have been behind his back, planted the day before, or parked right by her door. The bat's not on trial. He is.

And he's not just GUILTY, he's EVIL.

Definitely GUILTY 1st DEGREE

Please add me on! GUILTY of first degree murder.

I’m in the UK and all the action always happens when I’m asleep, hoping I wake up to a GUILTY banner. PF’s defense (if you can all it that) was pathetic imo. Prosecution case was powerful as was their closing according to reporter.

Just hoping the request to view the images were to completely solidify their decision, as to not seem like they’ve reached a decision too quickly. Although I couldn’t blame them if they’d reached a verdict in the first 15 minutes! He’s a murderer and hopefully he’ll be serving LWOP and forgotten about as soon as all this is over.

For me the heartache, trauma and future distress that PF has caused Kelsey’s family, especially her daughter is truly evil. How’s baby K going to feel in 20 years time knowing that her dad killed her mother with her in the next room, and afterwards took baby k to thanksgiving dinner with her mother’s body in the truck as they ate? Baby K serves a life sentence without her lovely, beautiful mother so PF should spend a lifetime in solitary confinement, he’s a danger to witnesses and society.


I voted in a poll last night, not sure whose it was. 1st degree murder, nothing's changed. Anything less than that is a travesty of injustice for Kelsey, but that's just MOO.

@katydid23 count me in I am also fora guilty verdict in the first degree murder

Add me to the tally. Guilty Murder 1

Count me for guilty of first degree murder.

Guilty yes for me too

Guilty of First Degree as well

Add me also, Guilty Murder 1

Unreal! Thank you again for being there!

Is there an official poll? My input- guilty first degree?

I'll jump off your post. 100% GUILTY as charged on ALL counts!

Me too! Murder 1st degree!

You can add me to that list

Latest Count= 68 Votes for First Degree Murder
Full house in here (while jury recessed). Ol Ma up in here, reading a book
Thank you, I was about to go look at that. Weird how you can read my mind.

Okay, I've never prepared crow before. Who has recipes? We are going to need it on the ready. :) MOO

ETA: On second thought, don't share those here as they will probably be considered off-topic. I don't want to get anyone in trouble!

To PM's helpers in the basement:
Be prepared to post the crow!!
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