KidFinders ~ Have the EVER found a kid? & Kathi B. Interview #2

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Okay here is the deal; for now anyway.
1.You can discuss this topic. But rather than post all the data from public sites,it would be preferable to post links to the site that carries the public information and we can put in the search parameters ourselves.
2.If anyone is thinking about any type of organized campaign, you need to clear that with Tricia first and make sure she is on board. (pun intended)
3.Be nice. The bickering in this forum has escalated to a a new high and we would like it to stop.
4. These rules may change at any time.
PROB W/PRIDE = Probation with a Pride office, they are user-fee based probation.
Pondering Mind- sorry it got off track. Basically the thread is that KFN has not found a missing child/person as of yet, questioning the donations, and also questioning the fact that the President of KFN has a criminal history then why is he the President of KFN

LOL! I have been following this thread, but just haven't today. I am VERY GLAD that this is being looked into again. I think that it is a HUGE deal that this guy was charged with impersonating a police officer. (especially w/car, lights and siren) Even without knowing what the circumstances were, I can't think of a SINGLE reasonable explaination for that. Makes me wonder what else is in his background that we don't and possibly LE doesn't know about! Then to be the president of KFN? :eek: Unfortunately too many things fall through the cracks and IMO, even if all or some of this has been reported before, what's it hurt to report it again. Sometimes that's what it takes to get the attention of the "powers that be".
I was just thinking. There have been a lots of people over the years who have been convicted of things and had lousy backgrounds filled with fraud and bad debt but if they changed their ways and decied to do some good in this world and they become involved in anything remotely public they are upfront about their past, go to great lengths to be transparent with everything that they do so there will be no questions and make a it a point to use their past as a way of helping others.

I just do not see that with Mr. Blue Shirt. His behavior does not appear to have changed at all. He has a very long history attached to his name and is still ringing up debts and a few of his associates have questionable pasts as well.
If KFN does fingerprinting etc. for children anywhere they set up a booth r whatever, it maybe the one thing a parent needs if God forbid their child goes missing. It might be a parent who might never have done so if they didn't have a booth set up while they were long as it's free r at a very, very, low cost to the parent.

I'm not saying I agree with the backgrounds of the people that run this organization, but it is sadly needed in the world we live in. I do greatly feel that they are taking advantage of the A's for their benefit.:furious:

Everyone should have their child's fingerprints & recent pictures of them at all times. I sure wouldn't want to identify my child's body because I didn't have fingerprints r whatever!

I would love if Caylee was found alive but the evidence is not pointing to that being the case!
Caylee Angel We Love You! :angel::blowkiss::angel:
I was just thinking. There have been a lots of people over the years who have been convicted of things and had lousy backgrounds filled with fraud and bad debt but if they changed their ways and decied to do some good in this world and they become involved in anything remotely public they are upfront about their past, go to great lengths to be transparent with everything that they do so there will be no questions and make a it a point to use their past as a way of helping others.

I just do not see that with Mr. Blue Shirt. His behavior does not appear to have changed at all. He has a very long history attached to his name and is still ringing up debts and a few of his associates have questionable pasts as well.

For a guy his age, one conviction later in life is not a big deal. Many people have 3 drink driving convictions younger than him, many have strings of fraud offences etc. It sounds to me like he became obsessed with someone and was trying to scare them??? Maybe they'll ask him at the "Caylee is Alive" presser? It seems to me none of the press want to criticise C & G or anyone associated with them and almost seem to be jumping on the Caylee is alive bandwagon.
If KFN does fingerprinting etc. for children anywhere they set up a booth r whatever, it maybe the one thing a parent needs if God forbid their child goes missing. It might be a parent who might never have done so if they didn't have a booth set up while they were long as it's free r at a very, very, low cost to the parent.

I'm not saying I agree with the backgrounds of the people that run this organization, but it is sadly needed in the world we live in. I do greatly feel that they are taking advantage of the A's for their benefit.:furious: Everyone should have their child's fingerprints & recent pictures of them at all times. I sure wouldn't want to identify my child's body because I didn't have fingerprints r whatever!

I would love if Caylee was found alive but the evidence is not pointing to that being the case!
Caylee Angel We Love You! :angel::blowkiss::angel:

Re the bolded part...I'd say "and vice versa"....I think the Anthony's are happily using them to assist in Casey's defence.
If KFN does fingerprinting etc. for children anywhere they set up a booth r whatever, it maybe the one thing a parent needs if God forbid their child goes missing. It might be a parent who might never have done so if they didn't have a booth set up while they were long as it's free r at a very, very, low cost to the parent.

I'm not saying I agree with the backgrounds of the people that run this organization, but it is sadly needed in the world we live in. I do greatly feel that they are taking advantage of the A's for their benefit.:furious:

Everyone should have their child's fingerprints & recent pictures of them at all times. I sure wouldn't want to identify my child's body because I didn't have fingerprints r whatever!
I would love if Caylee was found alive but the evidence is not pointing to that being the case!
Caylee Angel We Love You! :angel::blowkiss::angel:
All I have seen them do is provide bill boards and tshirts, no fingerprinting. And they SELL the t-shirts so that's not donating anything.
They have never conducted any searches for any child - in fact their "search and rescue" is a new service according to their website if they haven't changed it already
All I have seen them do is provide bill boards and tshirts, no fingerprinting. And they SELL the t-shirts so that's not donating anything.
They have never conducted any searches for any child - in fact their "search and rescue" is a new service according to their website if they haven't changed it already

Even if they haven't conducted searches they have done fingerprints etc. I totally agree that they r using the A's as much as the A's r using them. You are correct with the new service "search and rescue" which they r promoting for the A's sake to use them!
If you look at the links of photos it shows pics of them doing fingerprinting & photos.

I think they've gotten enough complaints already...don't ya think? I mean it even made the news, as did WS' involvement with the account being shut down.

There is a difference between a genuine, legitimate complaint from a "consumer", and wild speculation from people in forums being encouraged to write in and complain about an organization they have had no personal dealings with, and probably have no standing to make a complaint as a "consumer" (your term).

An investigation is one thing, and as I said before, I think it already happened or is still happening. Serious accusations are being made against the individuals involved in this group in relation to misuse of funds, and I don't see any real basis for those allegations. And I'm no fan of the Anthony's.

Well, FWIW, MY concern is for the well documented raffle fraud that clearly violates several statutes regarding the way a raffle must *by law* be conducted in Florida.

All of the digging and posting that I did had those violations in mind, and they are clear violations according to buyers descriptions of the tickets and the manner in which they were sold (raffle tickets cannot be sold in Florida). You can see links and pastes of the statutes on the last thread.

Is an oversight entity looking into this? I don't know. What I DO know is that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I just don't think that things generally are resolved to satisfaction when people sit back on their keesters and assume it's already been done.

SO. Owing to the fact that many WS'ers and others viewing the forums bought these illegal tickets, maybe we can agree to disagree on who constitutes a consumer and what their complaints on this forum should look like. I also disagree that you have to have a personal "standing" (your term) in ongoing illegal activity to do your best to bring it to the attention of those who are in a position to do something about it. Do I have to be a relative of someone getting assaulted on the street to call the police?

I also consider the fact that KFN will not disclose details about their 501 status under an umbrella charity to be frankly quite suspect. It is something that is just never done with a reputable organization.

Is KFN breaking any laws (aside from the raffle deal)? I don't know, but I would tell anybody who asked- and even some who don't, lol- to stay far, far away from KFN. Don't support their organization in any manner. There are other reputable organizations out there to throw our money at.
Well, FWIW, MY concern is for the well documented raffle fraud that clearly violates several statutes regarding the way a raffle must *by law* be conducted in Florida.

All of the digging and posting that I did had those violations in mind, and they are clear violations according to buyers descriptions of the tickets and the manner in which they were sold (raffle tickets cannot be sold in Florida). You can see links and pastes of the statutes on the last thread.

Is an oversight entity looking into this? I don't know. What I DO know is that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I just don't think that things generally are resolved to satisfaction when people sit back on their keesters and assume it's already been done.

SO. Owing to the fact that many WS'ers and others viewing the forums bought these illegal tickets, maybe we can agree to disagree on who constitutes a consumer and what their complaints on this forum should look like. I also disagree that you have to have a personal "standing" (your term) in ongoing illegal activity to do your best to bring it to the attention of those who are in a position to do something about it. Do I have to be a relative of someone getting assaulted on the street to call the police?

I also consider the fact that KFN will not disclose details about their 501 status under an umbrella charity to be frankly quite suspect. It is something that is just never done with a reputable organization.

Is KFN breaking any laws (aside from the raffle deal)? I don't know, but I would tell anybody who asked- and even some who don't, lol- to stay far, far away from KFN. Don't support their organization in any manner. There are other reputable organizations out there to throw our money at.

I didn't realise you couldn't sell raffle tickets in Florida...where I come from raffles are going on everywhere all the time...if you are just sitting in a pub, there is a good chance you'll be asked to buy a raffle ticket!

I agree that anyone who bought a ticket and feels they were ripped off or misled has the right to, and should, complain. I just don't think they ought be bombarded with all sorts of hearsay style complaints from everyone at WS that heard about it second hand from others. You say "do i have to be a relative of someone being assaulted in the street to call the police?"...i say, certainly not. But if you didn't witness it and you are only relying on hearsay from a forum that it occurred, it would be wrong, imo, for every person who simply read or heard about the incident to contact the police about it, particularly if they are already investigating it.

Re are they already investigating?....I assumed they were and that complaints were already in about them. If I was wrong, I apologise.

What I would be very interested in is hearing from the other families that they have apparently helped. I suspect they are using the donations to pay their own salaries (only guessing but I noticed DM has no other job), pay for the billboards, fingerprinting services etc and I'm guessing they are using p.i.'s to look for Caylee and the psychics (referred to on their website) and I suspect they are helping the As out financially, for example, paying for their travel to check out the "sitings" etc.

I really don't think they are obliged to look for a dead Caylee. As I said, I think it is probably waste of money to be looking for her alive, but I can't see that there is any law that would require them to stop doing that.
Trying to understand the connection between blue shirt and the Crimestoppers guy. Though I've been keeping up with this thread, maybe I missed it. Since Crimestoppers is a vocal organization that publicizes crime-related info, it seems there would certainly be info in their local papers (thus online) if blue shirt was charged with something relating to harrassing a local head of Crimestoppers.

An example of what Crimestoppers does in our area: I live in a gated community on a somewhat sparsely populated barrier island, but when a St. Augustine woman drowned a couple of weeks ago, a bulletin was quickly hand delivered by Crimestoppres volunteers to each house asking if anyone had witnessed anything between certain hours. The bulletin stated foul play was suspected two days before that was revealed by the local paper
So you aren't a fan of the A fam, but you are against people wanting to insure that money given to them has been fully accounted for to protect innocent people from being taken advantage of?

I have to ask...if they don't know for certain how much cash is being taken in (therefore possibly not reported), then how can they say in any document it was obtained legally and used according to the legal requirements? Under reporting of funds obtained could be a serious problem in any "charitable" organization who deals directly with cash donations, imo. (I am not saying this has happened in this particular case.)

How do they go about investigating the matter? Unless there is a papertrail, they would have to rely on donors to step forward to give statements as to how much money they contributed...yes? I think this would fall under the public's right to know. If it takes people questioning their methods of reporting or lodging complaints to be investigated in the first is this considered wrong coming from people who may not be directly involved, but are concerned?
So you aren't a fan of the A fam, but you are against people wanting to insure that money given to them has been fully accounted for to protect innocent people from being taken advantage of?

I have to ask...if they don't know for certain how much cash is being taken in (therefore possibly not reported), then how can they say in any document it was obtained legally and used according to the legal requirements? Under reporting of funds obtained could be a serious problem in any "charitable" organization who deals directly with cash donations, imo. (I am not saying this has happened in this particular case.)

How do they go about investigating the matter? Unless there is a papertrail, they would have to rely on donors to step forward to give statements as to how much money they contributed...yes? I think this would fall under the public's right to know. If it takes people questioning their methods of reporting or lodging complaints to be investigated in the first is this considered wrong coming from people who may not be directly involved, but are concerned?

I assume you are addressing me in your post?

I'm not "going against" people seeking to ensure the money is properly spent and do not appreciate that accusation. That's like saying because I don't think that everyone who heard about a crime needs to report it, means that I don't think the crime ought be investigated.

In any event, as the mods have already posted on this thread, Tricia is to be contacted before a campaign is started here in that regard.

I'm all for them being investigated. I just think at this stage there is not enough evidence to state as a fact, that the monies were or are being misapplied. If they are preying on the vulnerability of crime victims, I think that is disgraceful and hope they are stopped.
This is a rhetorical question...don't you think most of the country knows what Caylee looks like. Why the need to hand out more flyers??? Don't the A's know her precious face is very well known??? Save the money on copies and put it into filling your gas tank/flying to those areas there are "SITINGS"
I am only asking questions here as I don't know what has gone on in the investigation process or what accusations have been lodged against them. I am asking because you seem to know plus you do seem to have definite opinions on them being "baseless" thus far.

When they came out with the "paperwork" before they shut down the question then and still do they investigate and account for the cash donations? Does anyone else know?
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