Kiomarie and other issues

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If I had a friend who didn't report a child missing for over a month, and then lied-- again-- I'd run, not walk, to the nearest cop shop. There IS no explanation. And, if there is ANY chance that the child is still alive, the sooner information gets to LE, the better.

And, also... why ask KC about it, if everything KC says is a lie?

Also MOST of KC's friends were people whom she hadn't known long. Newish, fairly superficial relationships.

KC seems change friends like she changes boyfriends.

Of the three friends who had a fairly long history with KC-- one was positive (JG) and two were immediately suspicious (Kio and Ryan).

My guess was that Kio and Ryan became suspicious fast BECAUSE they knew that KC is cold and untrustworthy from their shared, longer histories. They just knew her batter than did most people.

But the thing was, Kiomarie thought that Caylee was dead and buried - not that Caylee was alive. So why rush to tell LE this only 4 days into the case when there were only suspicions. It's hard for me to understand making such an impetuous decision about a so-called "best friend" at that point.
No, I don't feel that my question is convincingly answered so far. I feel that if KMTC just wanted to back off from Casey she would have remained silent and observed from a distance until it became absolutely obvious that Caylee was dead or until such time as LE asked to speak to her. What I keep thinking is this: Once you accuse someone of murder, there is NO going back. You can count on your friendship being over forever, to say the very least. KMTC was willing to make that accusation about her "best friend" from high school 4 days into the case, before we knew about the chloroform, before we knew about the hair with the deathband and before we knew about the outcome of the odor analysis. I really want to know what the backstory is that made KMTC change her mind so very quickly from being willing to loan Casey $150 on July 9 (at least KMTC claimed she though it was Casey A initially) to thinking she was a murderess on July 19. Hopefully all of this will be cleared up at trial.
Again, and just for the clarity of the record, Kio and Casey were "best friends" in Middle School and that is a BIG distinction. Saying they were best friends in high school implies that this friendship was in recent proximity and it was several years away from that concept. And for myself, it would not matter if this was my best friend, my aunt or my grandma, if there was the smell of a decomposing corpse in that persons car then if I had information that might be of concern to LE I would blaze a path down there so fast it would make my "best friends" head spin off at the

Also, on July 9th Kio did not KNOW Caylee was missing and she did not KNOW that Casey had kept her dead child in the trunk of her car and she did not KNOW that Casey was keeping this a secret. So regardless if that was Casey A. or not is irrelevant-things changed quite a bit concerning the information available to Kio and others upon which to base a conclusion about Casey.

Also the seasoned detectives recognized the smell of death. Her mother and father recognized the smell of death. The dogs recognized the smell of death. Who needed to wait on the odor analysis to KNOW it was in fact the smell of death?:croc:
Even JG told LE in the very beginning, IIRC, that Casey was a habitual liar. I believe he really struggled with this because he cared for her deeply at one time and had a hard time reconciling the person he believed her to be with the person she eventually proved herself to be.

Yes, I agree with that. JG behaved more the way I would expect a friend to behave - despite the fact that he had good reason to be angry with Casey.
Don't know if this will help but I've got an early childhood 'friend' who has demonstrated sociopathic tendencies. She was indicted by a grand jury of 'stealing' $2,500 from a bank where she was employed, though she has vehemently denied any wrong doing. There have been numerous occasions of her lying and stealing through the years. I don't trust her at all, yet I care for her (in a strange way.) If she were to become implicated in an alleged crime, and I knew her character to be deficient in the past, would it be wrong of me to come forward with that information?

To me, it's not a question of right or wrong, it's more a question of the amount of time that had elapsed and the small amount of information that was available at the time. KMTC had not even spoken to Casey. No one knew how evasive Casey was being. There was little to no evidence revealed yet. I don't think KMTC ever smelled the car, so she would be going off of George, Cindy and Lee's info about that - if there was any.
But the thing was, Kiomarie thought that Caylee was dead and buried - not that Caylee was alive. So why rush to tell LE this only 4 days into the case when there were only suspicions. It's hard for me to understand making such an impetuous decision about a so-called "best friend" at that point.

If I suspected that my high school "best friend" had killed and buried her own child, the first thing I would do is get myself to the nearest police station to tell them what I know. But maybe that's just me... well me and Kiomarie. The girl I was "best friends" with in high school became wild and got into drugs and had several kids with several men. It was her change in lifestyle that made me back away from her. We were closer than sisters when we were younger, but she changed. It happens. I suspect this is what happened to Kiomarie and KC. It's because they were best friends when they were younger, that Kio knows her so well. But it doesn't mean that she is blind to the way KC is. But this is just MOO.
I think by day 4 there were already many news reports of the smell in the car and the way Casey had lied to police about her job. Hadn't we already seen her strut into court by that time. She was already looking pretty bad IMO.
Yes, I agree with that. JG behaved more the way I would expect a friend to behave - despite the fact that he had good reason to be angry with Casey.
Jesse was more than just a friend to Casey. They were lovers. They were engaged. He was willing to marry her and to be Caylee's father. That is a little beyond friendship. He was still in an extremely close relationship with Casey-they spoke practically every day I think, and it is not fair to expect a fringe person to behave in the same exact manner as one so close to her at that moment. Then again, there is the fact that people react least that is what the defense expects us to believe about Casey's "UGLY coping"...partying and dancing on the stripper pole while her daughter lay on the side of the road rotting like trash.:furious:
If I suspected that my high school "best friend" had killed and buried her own child, the first thing I would do is get myself to the nearest police station to tell them what I know. But maybe that's just me... well me and Kiomarie. The girl I was "best friends" with in high school became wild and got into drugs and had several kids with several men. It was her change in lifestyle that made me back away from her. We were closer than sisters when we were younger, but she changed. It happens. I suspect this is what happened to Kiomarie and KC. It's because they were best friends when they were younger, that Kio knows her so well. But it doesn't mean that she is blind to the way KC is. But this is just MOO.
You and Kio and ME!
No, I don't feel that my question is convincingly answered so far. I feel that if KMTC just wanted to back off from Casey she would have remained silent and observed from a distance until it became absolutely obvious that Caylee was dead or until such time as LE asked to speak to her. What I keep thinking is this: Once you accuse someone of murder, there is NO going back. You can count on your friendship being over forever, to say the very least. KMTC was willing to make that accusation about her "best friend" from high school 4 days into the case, before we knew about the chloroform, before we knew about the hair with the deathband and before we knew about the outcome of the odor analysis. I really want to know what the backstory is that made KMTC change her mind so very quickly from being willing to loan Casey $150 on July 9 (at least KMTC claimed she though it was Casey A initially) to thinking she was a murderess on July 19. Hopefully all of this will be cleared up at trial.

KC's own father was making similar statements although not quite as directly, particularly when he felt he was speaking privately to detectives. It's not a leap to figure that what changed between July 9th and the date of the accusation was that Caylee had been missing for over a month without being reported; a neighbor was reporting KC borrowing a shovel during the interim; the smell of death reported by family members and LE; etc. etc. Remember a LOT of info was coming out very quickly, including KC's string of lies to LE and everyone she knew.

I think Kio would have had to be pretty dense not to put those pieces together in short order. Many who never knew KC were able to put those pieces together even sooner than did Kio.
To me, it's not a question of right or wrong, it's more a question of the amount of time that had elapsed and the small amount of information that was available at the time. KMTC had not even spoken to Casey. No one knew how evasive Casey was being. There was little to no evidence revealed yet. I don't think KMTC ever smelled the car, so she would be going off of George, Cindy and Lee's info about that - if there was any.
Kio had always thought that something was not right about Casey. They all knew she lied. She knew she lied when she told her she was working at the Mummy at Universal because SHE was working at the Mummy so she knew that to be a falsehood and she had known Casey for years. She already KNEW she was a liar...and in those days when Caylee was reported missing she must have begun to imagine how bad Casey really was. In times of extreme stress, folks will think the worst-not the best...:blushing:
No, I don't feel that my question is convincingly answered so far. I feel that if KMTC just wanted to back off from Casey she would have remained silent and observed from a distance until it became absolutely obvious that Caylee was dead or until such time as LE asked to speak to her. What I keep thinking is this: Once you accuse someone of murder, there is NO going back. You can count on your friendship being over forever, to say the very least. KMTC was willing to make that accusation about her "best friend" from high school 4 days into the case, before we knew about the chloroform, before we knew about the hair with the deathband and before we knew about the outcome of the odor analysis. I really want to know what the backstory is that made KMTC change her mind so very quickly from being willing to loan Casey $150 on July 9 (at least KMTC claimed she though it was Casey A initially) to thinking she was a murderess on July 19. Hopefully all of this will be cleared up at trial.

With respect, Princess, several of us have explained how we feel about the issue,.

If you still feel that Kio somehow did something wrong, that's OK-- that's your opinion. You are entitled to it.

I think this may come under JBean's heading of "Agree to disagree," and that's fine.

But, when a child disappears, LE assumes that every hour that passes weighs heavily against the child being found alive-- ever. A missing child is a top emergency, for LE.

In an alleged kidnapping, after 48 hours the FBI may some in. The Lindberg law stipulates that after 48 hours, the kidnap victim may be assumed to have been taken across the state line, or out of the country, if not killed.

So, I have prolly said everything I have to say about this issue.

We just don't seem to agree. That's all. No problem.

I am at work and cannot review this thread. Rather than lock please review and see if anyone should self edit.
If you should,please do so.
If you are having respectful debate with no personal attacking or insults, then that is no problem at all.
Granted, many who have followed this murder for any length of time, know way more than we ever wanted to know about the M.O of Casey Anthony. I think it is a stretch to say she had " relationships." That is part of the problem, she did not have the tools in her tool kit to know how to relate. As she got older, and became pregnant it only got worse. She became more alienated & isolated from "normal" interactions with her peers. She interacted through her computer & phones endlessly, which of course she could do, because she had no job, and really had no life. She hung around the fringe of various groups, and melded from one to the other,using them for her social connections, rarely ever heading out of the small radius of the area of Orlando in which she lived.

I haven't yet decided if she knew she didn't have a life, or just thought these superficial interactions is what people did. she had no "pattern" or role model, given what she lived with, and that was for the most part negative. Because she lied, even to those she considered "friends" seemingly all the time, about things they knew or could find out were just not true,( take the job situation, for example.) so, given what they already knew about Casey & how she operated, the fact that she could do something to her child and concoct huge stories around it, probably seemed pretty conceivable to them.

Jessee was the one true relationship she had. He loved Casey and Caylee, but came to believe that her behavior and lies were "diabolical." . . his word
The multiple sexual partners were her way of being " accepted & connected."
This is just my perception, and opinion however.
Maybe this will help to refresh everyone's memory of what was going on at the time:

Well, I was hoping this article would be helpful, but this brings up even more questions - it seems that the shovel was taken by LE on Thursday July 17, 2008 and reported the same day which means KMTC read about it or heard about it on the news and made her decision then.

I guess we'll have to wait for the trial to understand what exactly happened and how she came to that conclusion so quickly.
Another thing that might have made Kio quickly suspicious of Casey is her (alleged) personal knowledge that Casey never even wanted to keep her baby. Didn't want the child . . . Now the child is missing with decomp smell in the car trunk? Boy, that would raise several huge red flags immediately, I would think.
Well, I was hoping this article would be helpful, but this brings up even more questions - it seems that the shovel was taken by LE on Thursday July 17, 2008 and reported the same day which means KMTC read about it or heard about it on the news and made her decision then.

I guess we'll have to wait for the trial to understand what exactly happened and how she came to that conclusion so quickly.

Why do you need a trial to understand how she came to her conclussions so quickly? I doubt anything more will be learned that we don't already know.

Based on the initial news reports, I already felt Caylee would never be found alive. No mother, makes it her mission to mislead detectives (taking officers to fake workplaces, empty apartments etc.. all of which was reported early) when her child is missing, and on top of it, it was known she never reported her missing to begin with, so for me it was an easy call that she was was no longer with us.
Kio was being a good citizen to me. Time is of the essence when a child a missing, and ANY information at all that may be pertinent must be reported as early as possible. To me, she deserves a reward.
With respect, Princess, we've all explained how we feel about the issue,.

If you still feel that Kio somehow did something wrong, that's OK-- that's your opinion. You are entitled to it.

I think this comes under JBean's heading of "Agree to disagree," and that's fine.

But, when a child disappears, LE assumes that every hour that passes weighs heavily against the child being found alive-- ever. A missing child is a top emergency, for LE.

In an alleged kidnapping, after 48 hours the FBI may some in. The Lindberg law stipulates that after 48 hours, the kidnap victim may be assumed to have taken the victim out of the country, thus federal intervention.

So, I have prolly said everything I have to say about this issue.

We just don't seem to agree. That's all. No problem.


Beat me to the punch. I was thinking the same thing.

PR brought up an interesting issue. I like things that make me think and recheck things. Which we did. But it seems that everything has been covered. Nothing wronge with having different opinion.
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