Knowing all you know today about this case who do you think really killed JonBenet?

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Who do you believe killed JonBenet?

  • Patsy

    Votes: 168 25.0%
  • John

    Votes: 44 6.6%
  • Burke

    Votes: 107 15.9%
  • an unknown intruder

    Votes: 86 12.8%
  • BR (head bash), then JR

    Votes: 4 0.6%
  • BR (head bash); then JR & PR (strangled/coverup)

    Votes: 113 16.8%
  • Knowing all I know, still on the fence.

    Votes: 55 8.2%
  • John, with an 'inside' accomplice

    Votes: 11 1.6%
  • I think John and Patsy caught him and he made her cover up

    Votes: 17 2.5%
  • I still have no idea

    Votes: 57 8.5%
  • patsy and john helped cover it up

    Votes: 9 1.3%

  • Total voters
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Sorry, I'm not getting a "boyfriend" out of this quote. I see something about a guy being off of the balcony. And something about a guy being brought into the house. No mention of a "boyfriend" anywhere that I can see.

Semantics. Just semantics.

Hi everyone! I keep seeing a reference to a theory by DocG? Does anyone have a link to where I can read this theory? Thanks so much! :)

Sorry, never mind! I think I found what I was looking for... I had been searching DogC instead of DocG, that's why I couldn't find it the first time!
I am one of the few people who believe in the Ramseys' innocence.
I am one of the few people who believe in the Ramseys' innocence.

There's a dedicated thread for IDI which is probably the best place to bat around IDI theories.

I think most people now days believe RDI, due to the evidence pointing that way, and I include circumstantial evidence such has post-crime behaviours.

Now most JB threads are largely discussing RDI, how/why/which one etc.

So LHP's husband will have been able to tell investigators what else might have been in that room, i.e. dolls, unopened Christmas Gifts, etc?


I doubt it. The trees and decorations were removed and brought upstairs weeks before Christmas, according to LHP. While he MAY have seen wrapped presents in there, the doll was the 1996 Holiday Barbie and would have been unwrapped that morning- UNLESS it was a gift for Jenny and had been wrapped with the size 12 panties. Either way, LHP's husband was not there after her death, was not in the house again actually, and so would not have seen the room as it looked when JB was found- with UNwrapped presents and the doll.
I doubt it. The trees and decorations were removed and brought upstairs weeks before Christmas, according to LHP. While he MAY have seen wrapped presents in there, the doll was the 1996 Holiday Barbie and would have been unwrapped that morning- UNLESS it was a gift for Jenny and had been wrapped with the size 12 panties. Either way, LHP's husband was not there after her death, was not in the house again actually, and so would not have seen the room as it looked when JB was found- with UNwrapped presents and the doll.

OK, thanks for that. Although did Patsy not say she was storing Christmas Gifts in the wine-cellar?

What you say about the Holiday Barbie chimes with Kolar's remarks on Tricia's talkradio, he said the partially opened gifts had already been opened earlier that day.

So the big Q is why dump all that stuff in the wine-cellar?

btw,wasn't PR the one who always used to say "take it down to the basement,I don't want to see it" whenever she got tired and sick of something?sorry don't recall where I read it.
but might be the reason why JB's body was located in the basement?
I'm really not getting the partially opened gifts. What kids on Christmas only partially open a gift? What does the partially opened gifts mean? Was it the panties that were for PR's niece? Wasn't there a gift mix up and she wasn't sure who's was who's, iirc?
Regarding the pineapple... from what I gather, pineapple (fresh, not canned) in a bowl was found on a table or counter in the Ramsey kitchen. Fingerprints identified as being Patsy's and Burke's were found on the bowl.

Both Patsy and John stated that JonBenet was asleep when they arrived home from the Whites and that she was taken directly to bed; she did not awaken during any of this. They denied that JonBenet ate any pineapple neither at the Whites nor at home that evening. What I am wondering is, who DID eat the pineapple? Has anyone ever admitted to preparing and/or eating it?
Regarding the pineapple... from what I gather, pineapple (fresh, not canned) in a bowl was found on a table or counter in the Ramsey kitchen. Fingerprints identified as being Patsy's and Burke's were found on the bowl.

Both Patsy and John stated that JonBenet was asleep when they arrived home from the Whites and that she was taken directly to bed; she did not awaken during any of this. They denied that JonBenet ate any pineapple neither at the Whites nor at home that evening. What I am wondering is, who DID eat the pineapple? Has anyone ever admitted to preparing and/or eating it?

Well, we know that JB did because there was some in her small intestine. As for the rest of the family, I have not read anywhere where they admitted to eating some.

Regarding the pineapple... from what I gather, pineapple (fresh, not canned) in a bowl was found on a table or counter in the Ramsey kitchen. Fingerprints identified as being Patsy's and Burke's were found on the bowl.

Both Patsy and John stated that JonBenet was asleep when they arrived home from the Whites and that she was taken directly to bed; she did not awaken during any of this. They denied that JonBenet ate any pineapple neither at the Whites nor at home that evening. What I am wondering is, who DID eat the pineapple? Has anyone ever admitted to preparing and/or eating it?

Pineapple was found in JB's digestive track. Specifically in the duodenum, iirc. No one has ever admitted to preparing or giving her the pineapple.
Pineapple was found in JB's digestive track. Specifically in the duodenum, iirc. No one has ever admitted to preparing or giving her the pineapple.

There are many odd things about this case but the pineapple is one of the oddest! Why not admit to giving JB a snack? What would it really have done to the timeline? Was PR worried it would pinpoint the time of death (I doubt JR regularly gave the kids snacks, I bet it was PR's job to do that)?

I know there is the theory that JB got it herself. I don't think so but to be prudent, do we know the container the pineapple came in? Was it those plastic cups with plastic film you have to pull to open? Or was it a can of pineapple where you had to use a can opener? Or the kind of can with a tab you can pull off the metal lid?
Thank you Tezi & Venom... I had forgotten to include in my post that I did know about the pineapple in JB's GI tract per the autopsy so I was aware of her eating it despite what the Ramseys claim. It is the other 3 family members I am wondering about.

I have followed this case off & on for years and have mostly been on the fence, though I sway strongly to one or more suspects now and then. Lately I have been leaning towards the JDI theory but I'm still sorting some things out. I also question whether he acted alone or with other(s).

That pineapple is, imo, very important. I want to know who prepared it, who all it was prepared for, and who all ate it (besides JB). The investigators MUST have asked these questions at some point!!!

IMO, MOO, etc...
I agree, the pineapple is so odd... I believe it is critical to understanding what happened that night. Oh, and the pineapple was fresh, not canned.
Thank you Tezi & Venom... I had forgotten to include in my post that I did know about the pineapple in JB's GI tract per the autopsy so I was aware of her eating it despite what the Ramseys claim. It is the other 3 family members I am wondering about.

I have followed this case off & on for years and have mostly been on the fence, though I sway strongly to one or more suspects now and then. Lately I have been leaning towards the JDI theory but I'm still sorting some things out. I also question whether he acted alone or with other(s).

That pineapple is, imo, very important. I want to know who prepared it, who all it was prepared for, and who all ate it (besides JB). The investigators MUST have asked these questions at some point!!!

IMO, MOO, etc...
You can be a JDI and still think he had help. I do (I think Patsy was his accomplice)
I agree, the pineapple is so odd... I believe it is critical to understanding what happened that night. Oh, and the pineapple was fresh, not canned.

The only significance the pineapple has, to my mind, is to illustrate they lied about that night.

OK, thanks for that. Although did Patsy not say she was storing Christmas Gifts in the wine-cellar?

What you say about the Holiday Barbie chimes with Kolar's remarks on Tricia's talkradio, he said the partially opened gifts had already been opened earlier that day.

So the big Q is why dump all that stuff in the wine-cellar?


To my mind, she knew JB was afraid of the cellar and wouldn't go willingly down there if wild horses dragged her.

I'm really not getting the partially opened gifts. What kids on Christmas only partially open a gift? What does the partially opened gifts mean? Was it the panties that were for PR's niece? Wasn't there a gift mix up and she wasn't sure who's was who's, iirc?

Patsy said she opened them looking for a gift, I forget which one. Now Kolar says they were opened earlier that day, as if they do not represent important evidence.

OK so why were they found next to JonBenet?

It could be the panties were wrapped for JonBenet's niece along with the Barbie Doll, so why dump the remainder in the wine-cellar whats the significance? Is it simply smoke and mirrors by the Ramsey's?

I reckon they either represent staging or are related to JonBenet's death in some manner?

To my mind, she knew JB was afraid of the cellar and wouldn't go willingly down there if wild horses dragged her.


Sure and with the door snibbed JonBenet would never get in anyway, Burke might though.

I get the impression Kolar is indirectly suggesting that JonBenet could have had any of the partially opened gifts in her bedroom since they had already been opened earlier that day?

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