Knowing all you know today about this case who do you think really killed JonBenet?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Who do you believe killed JonBenet?

  • Patsy

    Votes: 168 25.0%
  • John

    Votes: 44 6.6%
  • Burke

    Votes: 107 15.9%
  • an unknown intruder

    Votes: 86 12.8%
  • BR (head bash), then JR

    Votes: 4 0.6%
  • BR (head bash); then JR & PR (strangled/coverup)

    Votes: 113 16.8%
  • Knowing all I know, still on the fence.

    Votes: 55 8.2%
  • John, with an 'inside' accomplice

    Votes: 11 1.6%
  • I think John and Patsy caught him and he made her cover up

    Votes: 17 2.5%
  • I still have no idea

    Votes: 57 8.5%
  • patsy and john helped cover it up

    Votes: 9 1.3%

  • Total voters
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The "Amy" girl intruder was her mothers boyfriend on the side.

So Amy's case has been solved. Do you have a link for us to read how it was solved? Was the mothers boyfriend ever prosecuted?
So Amy's case has been solved. Do you have a link for us to read how it was solved? Was the mothers boyfriend ever prosecuted?

It was just discussed a few days ago in depth, just do a search here on Websleuths. The links have recently & previously have been provided
It was just discussed a few days ago in depth, just do a search here on Websleuths. The links have recently & previously have been provided

I guess I missed the links. Can you help me find them? Are they on this thread or another one?
Is this a link showing that a "boyfriend" was the intruder? I'm not seeing it. Was anyone arrested or prosecuted for this?

It is a link from a press conference given by the detective on "Amy"'s case. He was stating that although they initially thought the cases may be related (which is how he became involved in the JBR case) they soon realized this was not the case and that the perp was someone the mother has repeatedly let into the home while the dad was away.

BTW, Peterson, the detective is an IDI. He said he was 99% sure Santa Bill did it.

And still said "Amy"'s case was not related.

But then, you could just read it, since I took the time to post it. :seeya:
JonBenet hated going down to the basement. If PR forced her down there, I bet JB would have made NOISE!

I agree, Chelly. It also might play a part in the indictment about John Ramsey could have done something to prevent what happened but he didn't (or words to that effect).
It is a link from a press conference given by the detective on "Amy"'s case. He was stating that although they initially thought the cases may be related (which is how he became involved in the JBR case) they soon realized this was not the case and that the perp was someone the mother has repeatedly let into the home while the dad was away.

BTW, Peterson, the detective is an IDI. He said he was 99% sure Santa Bill did it.

And still said "Amy"'s case was not related.

But then, you could just read it, since I took the time to post it. :seeya:
I'm trying to figure out the "boyfriend" comment. I don't see it being a "boyfriend" anywhere. And I still would like to know if this "boyfriend" or anyone else was arrested and convicted.

If you don't know the answer that's fine <modsnip>
I'm trying to figure out the "boyfriend" comment. I don't see it being a "boyfriend" anywhere. And I still would like to know if this "boyfriend" or anyone else was arrested and convicted.

If you don't know the answer that's fine <modsnip>

I have already answered you. Agree to disagree. Have a super night! :seeya:
I agree, Chelly. It also might play a part in the indictment about John Ramsey could have done something to prevent what happened but he didn't (or words to that effect).

Seriously. The neighbor heard her screaming. Why didn't JR? :waitasec:
There is no full/complete DNA profile.
The word “complete” was something that the reporter injected.
Perhaps because it was in CODIS they mistakenly attached the word “complete,” but whatever the reason, it is in NOT a correct way to refer the “best” DNA profile in the JonBenet Ramsey case.

A full CODIS profile has 13 markers; any profile with fewer markers is a partial profile.
All DNA profiles in this case are PARTIAL PROFILES.
This is a fact.
The evidence is conclusive:

It has nine clear markers and a 10th marker which is just at meeting the standard.
-Lin Wood
One of the 2 drops of blood that were on the garment was tested early in the investigation, but was not of sufficient quality to be placed in data banks. But the DNA from the second spot is "of sufficient quality" to be added to the agency's Combined DNA Index System, Wood said.
"They had to spend some time, probably months, to get that DNA sample up to the qualifications to be submitted to the national databank," Wood said.
CNN, December 27, 2003

The male DNA sample, subsequently identified as Distal Stain 007-2, only contained 9 genetic markers…
The challenge to technicians was enhancing the DNA sample so that it could be entered into the state and national DNA databases, and it took a while for this technology to develop. As noted above, the FBI requires that 10 out of 13 genetic markers be identified in order for a sample to be entered into the Forensic Index database. DNA replication technology was utilized in the Denver Police Department’s crime lab, and the 10th marker was eventually strengthened to the point that the unidentified male sample discovered in JonBenét’s underwear was able to be entered into the state and national databases. This laboratory success didn’t take place until 2002, nearly 6 years after the murder of JonBenét.
Foreign Faction, Who Really Kidnapped JonBenet, James Kolar, page 140

I met with the man who had worked so diligently to enhance the DNA sample identified as Distal Stain 007-2. Denver Police Department crime lab supervisor Greg Laberge met me for lunch in early December 2005 and advised me that the forensic DNA sample collected from the underwear was microscopic, totally invisible to the naked eye. So small was it in quantity, consisting of only approximately 1/2 nanogram of genetic material, equivalent to about 100 – 150 cells, that it took him quite a bit of work to identify the 10th marker that eventually permitted its entry into the CODIS database.
Laberge confirmed that no traces of semen had been present in the underwear or clothing articles worn by JonBenét upon the discovery of her body.
The male sample identified in Distal Stain 007-2 was weak, and degraded
Foreign Faction, Who Really Kidnapped JonBenet, James Kolar, pages 303 - 304

As of this writing, I have been unable to determine the strength of the genetic markers that were identified as the Touch DNA samples found in the leggings worn by JonBenét at the time of the discovery of her body. Horita reported that they were weaker than the partial sample identified as Distal Stain 007-2.
The strength of the loci (genetic markers) observed in the cord of the wrist bindings were reported to be 6 markers, and those of the male in the garrote were 7.
Both of these samples were less than the partial sample of 10 markers identified as Distal Stain 007-2.
Foreign Faction, Who Really Kidnapped JonBenet, James Kolar, page 417
not meaning to raise a ruckus, it's something I don't know and I'm asking about it to gain perspective: on whose authority do we have it that JB didn't like the basement? did that claimed dislike/avoidance serve to advance a particular slant or agenda?
Is this a link showing that a "boyfriend" was the intruder? I'm not seeing it. Was anyone arrested or prosecuted for this?
Its there, its on that page:
"Peterson: (OFF MICROPHONE) ...home, yes. He was out of town. The wife was there and the wife kept on bringing the guy into the house. He went out, went off the balcony. There were a lotta similarities there. This was about three months after the Ramsey murder."
Its there, its on that page:
"Peterson: (OFF MICROPHONE) ...home, yes. He was out of town. The wife was there and the wife kept on bringing the guy into the house. He went out, went off the balcony. There were a lotta similarities there. This was about three months after the Ramsey murder."

Sorry, I'm not getting a "boyfriend" out of this quote. I see something about a guy being off of the balcony. And something about a guy being brought into the house. No mention of a "boyfriend" anywhere that I can see.
RPTR: Has the psychiatrist client been paying you for two years?

Peterson: No, he paid us for about four months.

RPTR: Who was that person? Can you name him, the psychiatrist?

Peterson: Dr. Steve Dubovsky of Boulder.

RPTR: How do you spell that?

Peterson: D-u-b-o-v-s-k-y, probably...s-k-i, possibly.

RPTR: You'd think he'd know.

Peterson: (OFF MICROPHONE) ...home, yes. He was out of town. The wife was there and the wife kept on bringing the guy into the house. He went out, went off the balcony. There were a lotta similarities there. This was about three months after the Ramsey murder.

Here is the link

Ok, so it doesn't state boyfriend, but it was the guy that the wife kept bringing in the house.
"they say here that semen WAS mixed with her blood and they have a full DNA profile and it is NOT JR or anyone close to JBR"

My bad :blushing: I just assumed the DNA they found was semen

But I still believe it was an intruder killing. The "Amy" girl that was sexually assaulted by an intruder who got in past the sec system puts that into play.

There was absolutely NO semen found in or on JB. There was dried semen found on the dark comforter found in the suitcase which was in the basement. The semen was sourced to JAR.
not meaning to raise a ruckus, it's something I don't know and I'm asking about it to gain perspective: on whose authority do we have it that JB didn't like the basement? did that claimed dislike/avoidance serve to advance a particular slant or agenda?

It was on acr: ( LW interviewed by PB. Here's what she said:

LINDA WILCOX: It's a wine cellar, that's what it was built as. It has no windows, I mean, it was a wine cellar. The last time I was in that room, there was nothing in it, it was bare. It wasn't used for storage, it wasn't used for anything. It was very damp, anything you put in there got kinda moldy, nothing was in that room. It wasn't necessarily hidden but it wasn't in plain view. And the room leading to it was the boiler room. It was kind of open but it was very dark. No one was ever down there much except maybe Burke. Burke was there occasionally. He had his train set down there. He was the only one who played down there. Patsy hardly ever went down there. She'd go down to get whatever she needed, she didn't like to go down there. It freaked JonBenet out. It was cold, it was damp, it was cluttered, it was dark. Pretty much the household help were the only ones who went down there. In fact, I'm the one who discovered the safe. Patsy didn't know it was there. One day, it was Suzanne, myself, Nedra and Patsy
thank you. I wondered about the source because I've seen it mentioned so often that JB didn't like going down to the basement. LW worked there from March '93 to Sept '95. she started when JB was 2 1/2 and left when she was one month past her 5th b-day, and that was 15 months before she died. kids often phase into/out of behaviors, including fears. LW said nothing was ever stored in WC, it was unused

PR 4-30-97 interview
Tom Trujillo: "Okay. You say that the artificial Christmas trees were stored in that room?"

Patsy Ramsey: "Yeah, uh huh."

Tom Trujillo: "Okay. How do they..."

Patsy Ramsey: "Oh, well, you know, Christmas before last, the guys that put them down there put the trees into the closed, into the cellar room there, would have been Bob, uh, Bob Wallace."

Christmas before last, in April of '97, was Christmas of '95. three months after LW observed it unused for 30 months the WC was where Christmas trees were stored, which continued to the next Christmas in '96 when LHP's husband brought them upstairs for display. I don't think it was unusual for a 6-year-old JB to be in the basement willingly, and it's the farthest distance in that house from the parents' bedroom
thank you. I wondered about the source because I've seen it mentioned so often that JB didn't like going down to the basement. LW worked there from March '93 to Sept '95. she started when JB was 2 1/2 and left when she was one month past her 5th b-day, and that was 15 months before she died. kids often phase into/out of behaviors, including fears. LW said nothing was ever stored in WC, it was unused

PR 4-30-97 interview
Tom Trujillo: "Okay. You say that the artificial Christmas trees were stored in that room?"

Patsy Ramsey: "Yeah, uh huh."

Tom Trujillo: "Okay. How do they..."

Patsy Ramsey: "Oh, well, you know, Christmas before last, the guys that put them down there put the trees into the closed, into the cellar room there, would have been Bob, uh, Bob Wallace."

Christmas before last, in April of '97, was Christmas of '95. three months after LW observed it unused for 30 months the WC was where Christmas trees were stored, which continued to the next Christmas in '96 when LHP's husband brought them upstairs for display. I don't think it was unusual for a 6-year-old JB to be in the basement willingly, and it's the farthest distance in that house from the parents' bedroom

So LHP's husband will have been able to tell investigators what else might have been in that room, i.e. dolls, unopened Christmas Gifts, etc?

The basement room has no lights.

The wine cellar "freaked Jonbenet out".

Add in the Maglite and the binding and I believe the basement was used as a punishment room for JB. I believe she may have been scared of the dark, in fact petrified.

I don't know if this has ever been discussed or confirmed anywhere though. :dunno:

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