Knowing all you know today about this case who do you think really killed JonBenet?

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Who do you believe killed JonBenet?

  • Patsy

    Votes: 168 25.0%
  • John

    Votes: 44 6.6%
  • Burke

    Votes: 107 15.9%
  • an unknown intruder

    Votes: 86 12.8%
  • BR (head bash), then JR

    Votes: 4 0.6%
  • BR (head bash); then JR & PR (strangled/coverup)

    Votes: 113 16.8%
  • Knowing all I know, still on the fence.

    Votes: 55 8.2%
  • John, with an 'inside' accomplice

    Votes: 11 1.6%
  • I think John and Patsy caught him and he made her cover up

    Votes: 17 2.5%
  • I still have no idea

    Votes: 57 8.5%
  • patsy and john helped cover it up

    Votes: 9 1.3%

  • Total voters
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This subject is a true obsession here at WS. I can hardly believe it? It will be a mystery case forever. No one who knows will ever talk. I leave it up to the one upstairs to punish the doer. Case solved.
I have a question or a thought but i hate asking in any JBR thread because theres some not to nice people in the JBR threads so just bare with me its just a thought ok..

Has anyone seen the TV show called Ray Donovan its on the movie channel and he is what you call a Fixer to the celebs kinda deal. My thought or question is for one do you even think someone like that exists in real life and also John was what the owner i believe of a multi million dollar company wasn't he .So i go back to the 2 hours missing from before or after the 911 call and remember how the phone records have never been checked they couldnt get access to them so theres the time the 2 hours what if because john was such a bigwig in his company could they have called someone like a Fixer this is prolly all fantasy but what the hay i thought i would throw it out there . If you have seen the tv show Ray Donovan you will understand this post better ...Ok thats it and be nice lol .
CanManEh, I like your idea and am a regular viewer of Ray Donovan. However, it seems to me a professional Fixer would have done a better job with the crime scene, probably removing the body. Certainly the phone records are a vital key to solving the JB murder. The R's HAD to have called someone that night.
Just as an aside that I find interesting (and I didn't know where else to put it), there is a "missing" girl from Salisbury, North Carolina, where a search of the home she had lived in has turned up (among other things mentioned):

  • A plastic bag with magazines about JonBenet Ramsey.
  • A book about the disappearance of JonBenet Ramsey with notes inside about remodeling a house.
Her name is Erica Parsons. Her adoptive parents didn't report her missing for almost two years and kept receiving support payments. When interviewed about her, authorities have noted that the mother referred to her in the past-tense.
Just as an aside that I find interesting (and I didn't know where else to put it), there is a "missing" girl from Salisbury, North Carolina, where a search of the home she had lived in has turned up (among other things mentioned):

  • A plastic bag with magazines about JonBenet Ramsey.
  • A book about the disappearance of JonBenet Ramsey with notes inside about remodeling a house.
Her name is Erica Parsons. Her adoptive parents didn't report her missing for almost two years and kept receiving support payments. When interviewed about her, authorities have noted that the mother referred to her in the past-tense.
I read that the adoptive mother was "obsessed" with the JB case......
The book about JonBenet with notes on remodeling a house is...odd. Why wouldn't you use a separate notebook to take notes? Does the remodeling part have something to do with JonBenet's case? Weird.
Just as an aside that I find interesting (and I didn't know where else to put it), there is a "missing" girl from Salisbury, North Carolina, where a search of the home she had lived in has turned up (among other things mentioned):

  • A plastic bag with magazines about JonBenet Ramsey.
  • A book about the disappearance of JonBenet Ramsey with notes inside about remodeling a house.
Her name is Erica Parsons. Her adoptive parents didn't report her missing for almost two years and kept receiving support payments. When interviewed about her, authorities have noted that the mother referred to her in the past-tense.

So did they find the page of notes titled:
How to kill your daughter and get away with it or Lessons learned from the Ramseys?
1. Don't leave her in the house after you kill her.
2. Don't write a stupid RN.
3. Don't report her missing.

Im not sure if that is an okay link or not but it is a link to a Primetime episode where DR Beuf was interviewed.

In which he confirms she was only in the office about 6 times for vaginal related issues and the rest was cold, sinus issues..

"DIANE SAWYER: (on camera) And some other notes. Dr. Beuf says he last saw JonBenet Ramsey in November 1996, and that was a checkup for a sinus infection. A couple of other things. Dr. Beuf says he has turned in people he has suspected of physical and sexual abuse in his career, and that he not only looks for physical evidence, but personality changes in the children involved. And he says he saw none of that with JonBenet Ramsey. And PrimeTime consulted other pediatric experts about JonBenet's records, and they agreed with Dr. Beuf's analysis that there was nothing unusual there for a girl her age. "

Also this in the same show,
"An abrasion on her hymen, which was otherwise intact, some vaginal area blood, some bruising. "

I have to wonder why there is so much dispute over the facts in the case. Why there are so many different reports and I have to wonder if all the books are not in fact to help solve the mystery but to just make money and further ones career. Let's face it, Hating the Ramseys is a spectator sport. People are making money off them every day. Off the death of JonBenet.

So much of feels like opinions based on opinion based on opinions. When I go searching I find little fact to back some of it up.

It really makes me wonder about it all.

Still reading and learning and looking. Examining documents and looking for proof and answers.

Right now, I feel like the best answer lies in starting from the beginning. OMO

I hope the link is okay. I can not find the actual link to the video for that episode.. Still looking.

This is such a great post.
People are making money off them every day. Off the death of JonBenet.

No 6-year old girl should have bruises or blood in her vagina. The hymen should be intact. Unless you are a pediatrician covering up for the sexual abuse of that 6-year old child.

Oh look at them, butter wouldn't melt in their mouths.

I personally cannot fathom getting all dressed in black, my makeup did, hair, etc, for a photo shoot to sell a book mainly about myself, on the back of my daughter's murder.

What sort of parent does that? I mean really? Most bereaved moms I have met have a hard time talking about their lost child at all, even decades later...let alone write, publish and market a book about it.

Seriously, what is the psychology behind it? Wouldn't you rather go back to a life of anonymity if you'd been through what these two were subjected to, considering they claim to be totally innocent?

PR was comfortable in the limelight, I guess, from her "beauty queen" days.


No 6-year old girl should have bruises or blood in her vagina. The hymen should be intact. Unless you are a pediatrician covering up for the sexual abuse of that 6-year old child.

Right you are, DeeDee.

(and let's not even mention the inconsistencies with JBR being potty trained and all the Urinary Tract Infections to boot!).
This subject is a true obsession here at WS. I can hardly believe it? It will be a mystery case forever. No one who knows will ever talk. I leave it up to the one upstairs to punish the doer. Case solved.

Careful, noonie. I made a comment like that a while back, and it got pulled like a talking doll's string.

Im not sure if that is an okay link or not but it is a link to a Primetime episode where DR Beuf was interviewed.

In which he confirms she was only in the office about 6 times for vaginal related issues and the rest was cold, sinus issues..

"DIANE SAWYER: (on camera) And some other notes. Dr. Beuf says he last saw JonBenet Ramsey in November 1996, and that was a checkup for a sinus infection. A couple of other things. Dr. Beuf says he has turned in people he has suspected of physical and sexual abuse in his career, and that he not only looks for physical evidence, but personality changes in the children involved. And he says he saw none of that with JonBenet Ramsey. And PrimeTime consulted other pediatric experts about JonBenet's records, and they agreed with Dr. Beuf's analysis that there was nothing unusual there for a girl her age. "

Also this in the same show,
"An abrasion on her hymen, which was otherwise intact, some vaginal area blood, some bruising. "

We're familiar with it, Scarlett. The problems with it are:

1) By his own admission, he never performed an internal exam on JB.

2) He hadn't seen her in a while.

3) He wasn't just her doctor, he was personal friends with John. He said he was quote, "in awe" of John.

I have to wonder why there is so much dispute over the facts in the case.

You took the words right out of my mouth.
Why there are so many different reports and I have to wonder if all the books are not in fact to help solve the mystery but to just make money and further ones career.

That is the standard IDI claim.

Let's face it, Hating the Ramseys is a spectator sport.

Hold on, let me find my violin.

People are making money off them every day. Off the death of JonBenet.

As opposed to the money THEY'VE made off JonBenet?!
Careful, noonie. I made a comment like that a while back, and it got pulled like a talking doll's string.

Well it's the irony isn't it?

Going to a sleuthing site to declare the sleuthing useless and invalid is kind of like going to a gay website and complaining about all the homos there.


I don't think they wrote their book for cash. Not in my opinion.. They wrote it to get their story out.

That is their right, They have a story to tell and wanted the world to hear it and understand their pov. But that is all it is.

They are not outsiders pushing an " I SOLVED THE CRIME" byline and now buy my book and find out.

There is a difference.

A big one.
Oh look at them, butter wouldn't melt in their mouths.

I personally cannot fathom getting all dressed in black, my makeup did, hair, etc, for a photo shoot to sell a book mainly about myself, on the back of my daughter's murder.

What sort of parent does that? I mean really? Most bereaved moms I have met have a hard time talking about their lost child at all, even decades later...let alone write, publish and market a book about it.

Seriously, what is the psychology behind it? Wouldn't you rather go back to a life of anonymity if you'd been through what these two were subjected to, considering they claim to be totally innocent?

PR was comfortable in the limelight, I guess, from her "beauty queen" days.



I can post lots of pics of mothers looking strong and determined even months after their childs deaths. Ready to take on the world and get justice.

It is hard to see where RDI comes from when it is mixed in with so much contempt for them. It seems that that is what fuels the speculation and not the actual facts after awhile.
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