Kronk Discloses More Information About Finding Caylee's Remains

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Please Tell me....why would it be necessary to put RK on the stand?
I TOTALLY agree with you. The man was suspicious in August, was blown off by the cops and couldn't help but remain suspicious. When he had the chance, he decided to look again, and poor Caylee was found.

IMO, everyone needs to leave him alone.


ITA. The poor guy. This just shouldn't happen to people doing the right thing. I am sooo glad he found Caylee and just don't get why people are doing this to him.
I have my questions about RK's story but I think tonight will be my last night trying to pick it apart. Before Caylee was found, that's all I wanted to happen so she could be put to rest properly and so KC had no chance of getting off for reasonable doubt.

Now that she has been found, I have all but stopped thinking about who is responsible for her death and started casting doubt about the person that found her. Shame on me. My focus has been taken off KC and placed on someone else.

I think this is the first time in KC's life where she doesnt want to be the center of attention and this time she actually should be.

Hats off to you RK. Just tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Undoubtedly, the defense was euphoric. Mr., "I wanted to be anonymous", likely traded his story for money. He would not talk to the defense, but he's more than willing to profit from Caylee's death.

When he's cross-examined, expect to see him impeached.

Why should he talk to the defense? He can talk to them in court!
Why should he talk to the defense? He can talk to them in court!

I would not talk to the defense either, why should he? Isnt he going to be on the DA side?
Kronk says that on Aug 11 he and his co-worker had an hour to kill at 1:30pm. They went to Suburban Dr. because it's shady. Apparently, that is when he saw suspicious things. Was he actually at the crime scene then, or some other part of Suburban (closer to the school)?

On Aug. 11, Kronk and his co-worker went to Suburban Drive because they are shady. They felt as if they may have heatstroke when they began to see suspicious things. Where are we they asked each other. They didn't know exactly. They decided to walk into the woods to see if they could figure it out. One of them suggested they cool off in the vehicle. No, let's stay here and look into bags and take pictures of snakes. Besides they could not recall where they had parked. To be continued ......
so what was this pic? do we have it on here? i really hope he didn't take a pic of caylee..
Angel's first Daily Update item today (see sticky) was an article from the Sentinal. Bottom of article - more information about Kronk via his counsel. Perhaps if GMA did pay Kronk, he will be able to pay off some debts. JMO,0,787726.story

(see bottom of this article snipped here - blue):

The network said it did not pay Kronk for his interview, but it acknowledged it paid Kronk to "license" a photo. A photo that aired during the interview showed a snake.

Kronk's lawyer and an ABC spokeswoman would not disclose what Kronk was paid for the photo.

Evans said it is not uncommon for national networks to pay $10,000 to $20,000 for photos.

Meanwhile, the Orlando Sentinel learned that Kronk owes about $10,000 in back child support to his ex-wife in Maryland. The two divorced in 1991, and she began seeking payment since 1996, according to court records. Their son is now 25.

Evans said he knew that his client owed child support but did not know why Kronk had not paid it or whether he was going to use this money to pay off the debt.

"Ultimately, it will be up to him," Evans said. "He's working to find a way to [pay] it."
I'm running behind and I'm only up to page 12 but here are some things I wanted to respond to.

And another thing :waitasec: I want to know the names of those deputies!


The Orange County Sheriff's Office is still in the middle of its internal investigation of the deputy who met Kronk on August 13. The deputy, identified January 13 by the Orange County Sheriff's Office as Richard Cain, is still on duty in the area for now.

This I do not agree with. A hero would have never said I stopped caring, Not if he really felt there was a 2 yr old rotting away in a plastic bag.

He didn't know there was a two year old rotting away there. He only saw something he felt the cops should see. After three calls I'd give up too.

what I got from it was that when LE came out, after that third call, neither of them saw the bag. It must have been moving around. He said the officer looked up and down and didn't see anything. You'd think RK would be saying, "it's right there, dufus!!!"

That is odd. :waitasec:

What in the world is going on here? So he's been to that site in November also? Why would that small detail be left out? Did he find the body then? Could he have been the person on the phone talking to the PI trying to lead him to the body? And since the PI's didn't find it, he went back to the site in December to "just find it himself"? I am so confused about all of this but I am still not convinced that this meter reader is some stand up guy. I knew something was not right about him and now we find about this? I wonder what's going to be said on Tuesday?

Where are we seeing that he was at the "site" in Nov? The article I read stated he was back in the neighborhood for work, but did not go into the woods. It supports what he said to Robin Roberts... LE didn't care, so he stopped caring. We should all be glad he started caring again, in December. NG would still be starting her show off with "WHERE... IS LITTLE CAYLEE?"

That's how I read it too.

Good thing he didn't confuse the snake with his.......oh, nevermind.:)

HA! The snake was 4 ft long!!!!:snake::eek:

You think that's long. :rolleyes:

I found it .


"I drove over there. I called. The officer showed up. I showed him a picture of a snake that we had found on Monday. He looked kinda shaken up. It was a 6 and a half foot diamondback rattlesnake. "I drove over there. I called. The officer showed up. I showed him a picture of a snake that we had found on Monday. He looked kinda shaken up. It was a 6 and a half foot diamondback rattlesnake."

This makes sense to me, now - pix was taken first time he was at scene. If I was driving around town all day and like to take pix, I'd probably have a camera with me in the truck. I was trying to eliminate the possibility that the pix was taken on Dec 11.

Why would he photograph it and then show it to the officer? I guess to warn him but it seems a little strange.

I don't drive around with a camera and I can't think of anyone I know who does. :waitasec:
I always thought it was a strange coincidence that he went to relieve himself and "just happened" to find Caylee. Now we know he'd been there several times before. It just doesn't sit well with me. But I'm not exactly sure what is going on or why I feel the way I do.

I grew up near a wooded area. I have never and would never open a garbage bag in an area like that. Maybe it just seemed to so out of place to him. But then again, supposedly he didn't open it-he kicked it and a skull rolled out. What are the odds of that?

It also seems odd to me that Casey's friend figured she might put a body in that area. If I had a missing child, my childhood friends would probably never say they think I'd put a body in the woods near my home.

I do think there is more going on here than what we're being told in the news. I am eagerly awaiting the trial to hopefully hear all the behind-the scenes stuff.
Why would he photograph it and then show it to the officer? I guess to warn him but it seems a little strange.

I don't drive around with a camera and I can't think of anyone I know who does. :waitasec:

On the stand, he will be asked: why did you not warn the tip line that there is a huge rattler in this location and searchers should wear snake boots and use extreme caution.
On the stand, he will be asked: why did you not warn the tip line that there is a huge rattler in this location and searchers should wear snake boots and use extreme caution.

I think that most people whom are rational would assume there could be snakes in the woods without being told.
Wudge, in his very first call to LE, Kronk tells the dispatcher that "we" saw a dead rattlesnake. It was also reported that when the officer came to meet Kronk at the area (Aug 13) Kronk showed him a picture of the dead rattler. Maybe he had it stored in his cell phone.
Wudge, in his very first call to LE, Kronk tells the dispatcher that "we" saw a dead rattlesnake. It was also reported that when the officer came to meet Kronk at the area (Aug 13) Kronk showed him a picture of the dead rattler. Maybe he had it stored in his cell phone.

I've been under the impression there was a live one too.
I've been under the impression there was a live one too.

Do you really think that during the murder trial they are going to ask the man who found the remains why he did not tell anyone about a "live" snake in the woods?????? Common sense has to fit in here somewhere people. Since there was water should he have warned them about gators too? This to me is just silly.:bang:
Yeah, there is at least one media report saying that an officer was there only briefly because they saw a big snake and just left before looking at anything.

Kronk had the opportunity on GMA to mention a live snake being seen on Aug 13 - but he doesn't. It's the kind of thing that is worth bringing up (esp if it stopped the investigation) and so I have doubts that a live snake was seen by Kronk and/or the investigating officer on Aug 13.

It is possible that LE saw a live snake during any investigation of Kronk's calls prior to Aug 13.
I don't drive around with a camera and I can't think of anyone I know who does. :waitasec:
Practically everybody in my family has a camera on their cell phone and have found them to be very useful tools. Especially, while we are shopping or if we catch ourselves doing something really stupid. :doh:
There is another conflicting story from media right after the skull discovery. The circumstances of the actual find were variously reported as:

1) Kronk picked up a bag and the skull rolled out.
2) Kronk kicked a bag and the skull rolled out.
3) Kronk poked or prodded a bag and the skull rolled out.
4) Kronk saw the skull near the bag, and did not cause the skull to come out of the bag.

Kronk's own testimony (directly quoted in media), of this moment of discovery, is somewhat ambiguous. From his statement, it is not clear if the skull was inside the bag, or hidden beneath it.
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