GUILTY KS - Harold 'Hal' Sasko, 52, murdered in his Lawrence home, 14 Jan 2014

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Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 18m18 minutes ago Topeka, KS
Melton: Last thing McLinn did before she fled Sasko's phone after killing him was to print off tattoo ideas from Sasko's computer.

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 15m15 minutes ago Topeka, KS
Officer Dean Kemppainen testifying he found Sasko dead inside after meeting McLinn's parents at Sasko's home for McLinn welfare check.

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 11m11 minutes ago Topeka, KS
Court adjourned for noon recess. McLinn leaves courtroom still sobbing after her attorney revealed her sex abuse history.

This sounds like it is a very interesting trial and I need to get up there. Probably will go tomorrow, I had to work today.
Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 4m4 minutes ago Kansas, USA
Afternoon testimony begins w/ Detective David Axman on the stand. Melton doing the questioning. Branson sits at table w/ boxes of evidence.
Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 2m2 minutes ago Kansas, USA
Story on this morning's opening statements:

From the article

Sarah Gonzales McLinn, 20, of Lawrence, suffered years of sexual abuse, ultimately leading to dissociative identity disorder, or multiple personalities, her attorney Carl Cornwell told jurors Tuesday morning.

McLinn is charged with intentional, premeditated murder in the Jan. 14, 2014, death of Harold “Hal” Sasko, 52, of Lawrence. McLinn lived with Sasko during the time of his death and had previously worked for him at Sasko’s CiCi’s Pizza restaurant. Cornwell is pursuing the "not guilty by mental disease of defect" defense.
Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 3m3 minutes ago Kansas, USA
Axman shows jurors photos of home's exterior, seen here, as well as blood drops in kitchen sink, floor & living room.

Sasko Home.jpg
Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 5m5 minutes ago Kansas, USA
McLinn, her tears subsided over the lunch break, has hand on forehand & eyes closed. Her head is down, refusing to look at photo screen.

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 2m2 minutes ago Kansas, USA
Jurors now seeing photo of a bloody hand print in hallway near lightswitch. Blood spatter on stairwell. Sasko's legs visable in background.

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 2m2 minutes ago Kansas, USA
Jurors now shown first gruesome image of Sasko dead at scene. Fetal position, wrists behind back and right cheek in pool of blood.
Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 2m2 minutes ago Kansas, USA
Photo: Blood smeared on white wall directly above Sasko's head. In the smeared blood, it appears someone took a finger to write FR??D?M.

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 32s32 seconds ago Kansas, USA
KBI matched the bloody fingerprints Axman found on the wall and stairwell at crime scene with Sarah McLinn's fingerprint.

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 3m3 minutes ago Kansas, USA
Axman: KBI tested and found traces of Ambien in three of 15 total Bud Light beer cans found strewn throughout residence.

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 17s17 seconds ago Kansas, USA
Axman: Most, if not all, personal items removed from McLinn's bedroom. All of the bedding & clothing was gone. Empty photo frame was on bed.
Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 8m8 minutes ago Kansas, USA
Axman now unseals evidence bag containing pill bottle found in bathroom. Bottle reads "Zolpidem" – generic Ambien – prescribed to Sasko.

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 1m1 minute ago Kansas, USA
Axman shows 4-foot piece of sheetrock from home. Stick figure is drawn on it, labeling the upper and lower abdomen with "Major Organ 1 & 2."

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 19s19 seconds ago Kansas, USA
The stick figure's thigh areas are circled & labled "Major blood vessel" with arrows pointing to groin area. The figure's face has a frown.

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 2m2 minutes ago Merriam, KS
Stick figure has a big bull's eye-like heart drawn on it. The sheetrock has holes and indents all over it, some piercing the labeled areas.

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 35s35 seconds ago Merriam, KS
Axman said the holes & indents in the sheet rock are consistent w/ someone throwing a knife at the stick figure. Holes are where blade hit.
Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 29s29 seconds ago Merriam, KS
Coroner Dr. Erik Mitchell next to testify. Bare with, this could get graphic. Doing my best to use discretion.

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 1m1 minute ago
Photo shown of Sasko's face and neck. Deep, straight wound lines throat from side to side. McLinn looks away.

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 5m5 minutes ago Kansas, USA
Photo shows Sasko nearly decapitated. Mitchell says cut was "down to the edge of the spine." McLinn looks away, still. Jurors remain stoic.

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 1m1 minute ago Kansas, USA
Mitchell now showing the actual black hunting knife allegedly used to kill Sasko. Mitchell says knife "definitely could do it."
Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 3m3 minutes ago
Before wound photos shown, Cornwell whispered something to McLinn's mom & Branson gestures to a Sasko family member. Gallery remained stoic.

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 22s22 seconds ago
Solemn faces, but no tears or gasps when Gordy evidence was shown. . We're now on a short recess. Courtroom hallways feel tense.
Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 2m2 minutes ago Kansas, USA
Topeka Cici's pizza manager testifying he knew of McLinn's alternate name, "Vanessa," and that he assumed the two had a sexual relationship.

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 3m3 minutes ago Kansas, USA
Manager said he was at Sasko's house when McLinn killed a household rabbit in kitchen sink. Judge reminds spectators not to show reactions.

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 1m1 minute ago Kansas, USA
McLinn purchased the rabbit in November 2013 from Lawrence's Pet World shop. Manager thought it was odd to skin and cook a domestic animal.

Ok I think this girl is psycho! jmo
Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 2m2 minutes ago Kansas, USA
Manager says he assumed McLinn & Sasko had sexual relationship "because there were instances when Hal came to work w/ hickeys on his neck."

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 1m1 minute ago Kansas, USA
McLinn's former boss, Trustin Jacobs, testifies that four days before the murder, she told him she "wouldn't mind seeing someone die."

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 14m14 minutes ago Kansas, USA
Now Bed, Bath & Beyond assistant manager Charles Gonzales testifies McLinn called day before Sasko's death, sobbing that her father died.

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 13m13 minutes ago Kansas, USA
Gonzales said "something obviously upset" McLinn before she made the phone call saying she wouldn't be able to work that week.

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 10m10 minutes ago Kansas, USA
McLinn would later flee Lawrence the following day (Tuesday) after killing Sasko.

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 10m10 minutes ago Kansas, USA
Bed, Bath & Beyond employee Cynthia Winkleman testified she spoke w/ McLinn at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday before McLinn killed Sasko.

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 9m9 minutes ago Kansas, USA
McLinn asked Winkleman to take her off of the work schedule for that week. Winkleman described McLinn's demeanor as "quiet" on the phone.

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 50s50 seconds ago
Coworker Kayla Czerniak said she & McLinn were to train in Overland Park the day of Sasko's death. McLinn canceled for "family emergency."
Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 2m2 minutes ago Kansas, USA
Czerniak said McLinn told her she escaped bad family situation in Topeka. Parents did meth, she took care of two younger brothers.

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 2m2 minutes ago Kansas, USA
McLinn's parents have never had substance abuse problems and McLinn was not taking care of any brothers, Cornwell said.

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 1m1 minute ago Kansas, USA
LPD officer Josh Litener shows internet searches of maps of Texas, Louisiana & Mississippi – the same area McLinn fled through after murder.

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 46s46 seconds ago Kansas, USA
The maps show the southwestern United States. The images were searched on December 28 – more than two weeks prior to Sasko's death.

LPD = Lawrence, KS Police Department
You are indeed a jewel, Jewels! Thank you for doing this; it's great to be able to keep up without constantly checking for updates. I really appreciate it!

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 2m2 minutes ago
Litener shows letter from Sasko to McLinn itemizing $475 of things he paid for her per month including car insurance, cell phone, rent, etc.

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 1m1 minute ago Kansas, USA
Litener also shows quote McLinn wanted for tattoo: "To a human born without conscience, a soul-stricken being must seem ridiculous."

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 1m1 minute ago Kansas, USA
Another tattoo quote read: "You see a monster is only a variation and to a monster the norm is monstrous."

Caitlin Doornbos ‏@CaitlinDoornbos 2m2 minutes ago
Court adjourns for the day. Listener to resume testimony in the morning.
You are indeed a jewel, Jewels! Thank you for doing this; it's great to be able to keep up without constantly checking for updates. I really appreciate it!


Your welcome!

I have got to get to the courthouse tomorrow, to watch this in person. I have got to see what this girl looks like, I have probably seen her and didn't realize it. I have shopped at the Bed, Bath and Beyond store where she worked many times. Also have eaten at the Cici's pizza before. As I said up thread she sounds like a real Psycho. imo
whoa - those quotes for a tattoo... yikes! Thanks for the updates here indeed Jewels53! you rock! Justice for Hal!
McLinn trial: Years of sexual abuse caused multiple personality disorder, defense says

Sarah Gonzales McLinn, 20, of Lawrence, suffered years of sexual abuse, ultimately leading to dissociative identity disorder, or multiple personalities, her attorney Carl Cornwell told jurors Tuesday morning.

McLinn is charged with intentional, premeditated murder in the Jan. 14, 2014, death of Harold “Hal” Sasko, 52, of Lawrence. McLinn lived with Sasko during the time of his death and had previously worked for him at Sasko’s CiCi’s Pizza restaurant. Cornwell is pursuing the “not guilty by mental disease or defect” defense.

During opening statements Tuesday, Assistant District Attorney David Melton told jurors that McLinn crushed Sasko’s Ambien sleeping pills into his beer, bound his wrists and ankles with zip-ties after he collapsed to the floor, felt for Sasko’s artery and plunged a “large, black survival knife” into his neck until the tip hit the carpet beneath Sasko’s body.
I got to go to the Courthouse today and it sure was exciting. I arrived 1 hr early as I wasn't sure about parking (which can be horrible), or the start time of the trial.

The Trial is being held in the Douglas County, KS Judicial Center which sets next door to the older courthouse. The Judge is Paula Martin (I actually served on a jury with her as the judge, very nice but strict). Prosector Josh Leiter was asking questions today (there are 2 at the table), and the defense is Carl Cornwell.

The 8 men and 6 women jury seem pretty focused, they are not allowed to take notes. That surprised me! The men were mainly 50s to 60s, with maybe 1 20ish and a 30ish. The women seemed to be in their 50's to 60's.

I could see a difference in the Defendant Sarah when the jury was not is the room she smiled more and seemed more engaged. Sarah looked like a very young teenager sitting at the defence table and she is actually 20. What actually scared me more was her mother, she was very scary looking and seemed very controlling by telling members of the family where to sit.

I met Caitlin Doornbos the one that is tweeting and told he I appreciated her doing so. I made a statement about Sarah talking so nonchalantly in the video about the crime and Caitlin said that was the word she was looking for in her newspaper article. I see she used it in the Lawrence paper that Brooke posted above. I almost forgot I met a journalist from the Topeka Capital also, didn't get his name though.

That is all of the back ground I will get my testimony info together and post it later. I will definitely go back tomorrow, there are several just spectators.

All of this is IMO and my own observations.
The day started off with an approach to the judges bench requested by the defence attorney. The judge had the jurors stand and chat with each other for the white noise, I found this unusual. lol
Then the judge ordered a recess and the attorney's went back into chambers. (So reminded me of the Arias trial).

PT - Witness was Detective Rinehart who was also on yesterday. Det. Rinehart did the Internet search history on the computer and the Tablet.

Viewed How to kill, skin and cook and rabbit 14x on 12-14-2013

You-tube video's , tattoos, how to dye hair, Where to get a passport in Lawrence, KS, and Maps of the SE U.S. on 12-11-13

Suicide by gun on 1-14-14

On the Tablet:
Rope bondage 1-10-14

Wilderness searches, avoiding toll roads.

PT done now the defence is up.

Cornwell asked about the note that Sasko (Is the victim) had about expenses, these were expenses that he had paid for Sarah. Cornwell didn't really ask many questions and wasn't very clear or they didn't pertain to the witnesses knowledge.

PT called Detective Robert Brown officer since 1996. Brown was responsible for the phones and primarily the text. He also went to the scene and shut down all of the computers and to properly shut down the phones he said put them in Airplane Mode.

On the day of the murder he processed Sarahs' phone as it was left behind this was 1-14-2012. Sarah had made 2 calls 1 to her Nana and 1 to her sister Ashley.

Det Brown ran reports off of Sarahs phone and got 500 pgs and off of her sisters Ashley and got 800 pgs. Then there was a few text read.

Defence just had a couple of questions for Det Brown.

All IMO and my observations.

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