Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #10 *Arrest*

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Some of you have wondered why Tim Miller of Texas EquuSearch compared EG to Casey Anthony. I never followed the CA case but knew the bare minimum, and a couple nights ago finished a book published before the trial because it was quicker than reading the zillions of threads on here. Here are a couple thoughts I came up with, since the case is fresh in my mind:

1. Casey was quite the partier. EG has had issues with drug use preventing her from having custody of her two older boys, and currently as she is in jail for endangering a child due to an incident involving drugs.

2. Casey was a pathological liar. Clearly EG is withholding information, and I wonder as many as you have if her account of the black man and white woman is similar to "Zanny the Nanny" in CA's case.

3. Casey seemed very jealous of the relationship between Caylee and Casey's mom. In her eyes Caylee may have loved her grandma more than her, and she knew her grandma was better at caring for her. Pure speculation, but I wonder if EG's relationship with JO involved similar feelings. EG knew JO loved Lucas dearly, and likely Lucas was very happy to see JO for visitation. Even though EG (to put it mildly) did not seem to care for Lucas, I bet it made her mad or jealous to see someone fawning over and truly caring about him. And acting like a loving parent, which she was not.

4. EG has purposely given LE false information. Caylee Anthony initially told so many lies that were so transparent it was incredible. Perhaps EG has done the same. She's likely acting clueless as to why her lies don't make sense. Perhaps she gave LE the "tip" about the park to throw them off somehow? JMO.

5. Casey showed little emotion or concern when she explained her daughter had been "kidnapped" by the nonexistent nanny a month before she reported her missing. Maybe it was just me but from what I've seen from EG's jailhouse interview, she did not seem panicked or distraught that her stepchild could be out there suffering and needed to be found immediately. Mostly she just off-handedly mentioned the 2 strangers she invited into her home, and reiterated why Lucas was wearing a pull-up.

6. Both Casey and EG clearly put themselves first to the detriment of their children. Casey resented not having enough partying freedom (although it seems she managed to party nonstop by dumping Caylee off at various friends' houses and her parents all the time) and there's a good chance EG resented Lucas, having to take care of him when he was not even her own son, and getting in the way of her fun (in her mind, with the drug endangerment charges it sounds like she still got to have her "FUN" even with kids).

Just some thoughts I had...

Thanks for this. I find EG scarily similar to Casey Anthony. It is not a similarity that I was hoping to see in ANYONE. EVER AGAIN!

I take it you refer to Diane Fanning's book? Mommy's little girl? I did follow Caylee's story right from the start but I do have DF's book. It's good for reference. Up until the trial of course. (I'm sure Diane is a member around here somewhere. Or she was when I was here as a lurker back in 2008-2011).

I also asked a few threads back (sarcastically) if the two individuals EG "saw" were called Zanny & Nanny. Jesus. She's like Casey Anthony 2.0.

This is it for me with both of them. Resentment. Both Lucas & Caylee were resented. And they both (EG & CA) could have left them with those that did love them - George & Cindy and all the relatives that cared for Lucas enough to call DCF.

Also, maybe it's just me, but they even look similar :eek: You know, crazy eyes...
You are more that likely right. It is just hard for me to comprehend someone being like that. I am a horrible liar, you can tell if I am not telling the truth in an instant. In fact I just don't lie for that exact reason.

The other thing I have thought about is chloroform. EG put Lucas down for a nap, bio mom's family says he didn't nap with them. So again, I wonder if a parent,stepparent used chloroform to aid the napping or bedtime issues. Heck, they could have even found this drug in her 1 year old!
(O/T: but it's another day for Lucas unfortunately :(

If anyone is feeling the strain of reading about this awful case everyday, our own wonderful leyash created a thread downstairs "Need a break...". It's sort of become a "go-to" for anyone who just needs a self certified time out from all of this awfulness. (Time to go wildly off topic!) Anyway. Head down if you're feeling up against a wall here).
What's that big hunt event coming up in spring? Someone mentioned it a thread or two ago. If I recall, the prize was found hidden in a runoff culvert.

I will help pay to get flyers printed that mention being on the lookout for Lucas while searching for the treasure if someone local wants to work with me on it.
What's that big hunt event coming up in spring? Someone mentioned it a thread or two ago. If I recall, the prize was found hidden in a runoff culvert.

I will help pay to get flyers printed that mention being on the lookout for Lucas while searching for the treasure if someone local wants to work with me on it.

It’s the river fest medallion Hunt. I’ll try to find a link

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What's that big hunt event coming up in spring? Someone mentioned it a thread or two ago. If I recall, the prize was found hidden in a runoff culvert.

I will help pay to get flyers printed that mention being on the lookout for Lucas while searching for the treasure if someone local wants to work with me on it.

This is the link for last year’s
The newspaper does daily clues and it’s a scavenger hunt. One clue leads to the next and so on

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E.G. Lies about nursing school.
Casey lied about "werk."
"Close to home."
Don’t get me wrong I hate a lot of what I call shock jocks . Nancy grace etc. but I feel like like if the media prime time got in involved . EG might like the attention and let some mistakes out.
What's that big hunt event coming up in spring? Someone mentioned it a thread or two ago. If I recall, the prize was found hidden in a runoff culvert.

I will help pay to get flyers printed that mention being on the lookout for Lucas while searching for the treasure if someone local wants to work with me on it.
Hi Gig...flip over to the flyer thread. Should be someone interested to help. :)

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The other thing I have thought about is chloroform. EG put Lucas down for a nap, bio mom's family says he didn't nap with them. So again, I wonder if a parent,stepparent used chloroform to aid the napping or bedtime issues. Heck, they could have even found this drug in her 1 year old!

Totally off topic kkdj but I noticed we have the same join date of July 2012. Not that it means anything, just noticed. I joined a 1 yr after Lisa Irwin.
Hi Gig...flip over to the flyer thread. Should be someone interested to help. :)

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What I had in mind won't work. I was imagining a festival. It doesn't sound like there are big gatherings. That's what would be needed to make it work. Maybe a booth at the next big city event?
Some of you have wondered why Tim Miller of Texas EquuSearch compared EG to Casey Anthony. I never followed the CA case but knew the bare minimum, and a couple nights ago finished a book published before the trial because it was quicker than reading the zillions of threads on here. Here are a couple thoughts I came up with, since the case is fresh in my mind:

1. Casey was quite the partier. EG has had issues with drug use preventing her from having custody of her two older boys, and currently as she is in jail for endangering a child due to an incident involving drugs.

2. Casey was a pathological liar. Clearly EG is withholding information, and I wonder as many as you have if her account of the black man and white woman is similar to "Zanny the Nanny" in CA's case.

3. Casey seemed very jealous of the relationship between Caylee and Casey's mom. In her eyes Caylee may have loved her grandma more than her, and she knew her grandma was better at caring for her. Pure speculation, but I wonder if EG's relationship with JO involved similar feelings. EG knew JO loved Lucas dearly, and likely Lucas was very happy to see JO for visitation. Even though EG (to put it mildly) did not seem to care for Lucas, I bet it made her mad or jealous to see someone fawning over and truly caring about him. And acting like a loving parent, which she was not.

4. EG has purposely given LE false information. Caylee Anthony initially told so many lies that were so transparent it was incredible. Perhaps EG has done the same. She's likely acting clueless as to why her lies don't make sense. Perhaps she gave LE the "tip" about the park to throw them off somehow? JMO.

5. Casey showed little emotion or concern when she explained her daughter had been "kidnapped" by the nonexistent nanny a month before she reported her missing. Maybe it was just me but from what I've seen from EG's jailhouse interview, she did not seem panicked or distraught that her stepchild could be out there suffering and needed to be found immediately. Mostly she just off-handedly mentioned the 2 strangers she invited into her home, and reiterated why Lucas was wearing a pull-up.

6. Both Casey and EG clearly put themselves first to the detriment of their children. Casey resented not having enough partying freedom (although it seems she managed to party nonstop by dumping Caylee off at various friends' houses and her parents all the time) and there's a good chance EG resented Lucas, having to take care of him when he was not even her own son, and getting in the way of her fun (in her mind, with the drug endangerment charges it sounds like she still got to have her "FUN" even with kids).

Just some thoughts I had...

JMO (in no way as a VI), but you’re spot on. I’d be willing to bet that both cases have Xanax and a “disposal” site that’s less than 50 feet off of a road in common. If you get a chance, pull up both of their mug shots - they even have the same bone structure.

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What conversation is this? Sorry I’m behind

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It is just a conversation between Emily and an unknown party. She explains to this unknown party that she was going to lose visitation with her boys because of a domestic incident that happened between her and Jonathan while her boys were there. She said that her boys went back and told their dad what happened.
What I had in mind won't work. I was imagining a festival. It doesn't sound like there are big gatherings. That's what would be needed to make it work. Maybe a booth at the next big city event?

The festival itself is HUGE. 100,000s usually attend

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I did not know that it was against the rules. I wish I had seen this though before elaborating on what the conversation was about. I thought that we could discuss anything about Emily though, including what was on sm? I just keep looking for things that could be helpful. I dont want the thread to get shut down.
I did not know that it was against the rules. I wish I had seen this though before elaborating on what the conversation was about. I thought that we could discuss anything about Emily though, including what was on sm? I just keep looking for things that could be helpful. I dont want the thread to get shut down.

If it came from her SM profile yes but this was from someone else’s

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E.G. Lies about nursing school.
Casey lied about "werk."
"Close to home."

I’m sorry I can’t remember, but was the school that EG said she studied nursing close by her home?

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I’m sorry I can’t remember, but was the school that EG said she studied nursing close by her home?

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I didn’t see whether she said which location but the location nearest her offers a medical assistant program

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