Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #12 *Arrest*

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I know everyone is working so hard to find our little lamb. I'm getting worried on how long it's taking to bring Lucas home. [emoji17]

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Yes. My thought on this is, what if one of those phone calls came from however came by the house. Maybe Emily told them they were all sick and for them come back in a couple of days when they might be feeling better. Plausible.

Except I believe the affidavit stated they were calls EG made, both of them from the area of OG....? I tend to think someone was there waiting, having seen Lucas and thinking she was in the shower or otherwise had her hands full -- or Lucas told her when she got home that this person had been by
While running errands today I saw quite a few of these in south Wichita...I wonder how often they’re emptied, how many are across the whole town etc...

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That's right along my line of thought too. And I would think how/where she hid the body is very different than if she actually set out to kill him. Can either of our VI's speak to tbr knowledge of a doctor's visit in the few weeks prior to the disappearance?

Just thinking out loud...

If there was a doctor visit, she would've known his weight. That's the first thing done at the office. Imo
One area I think we are really lacking info on is crime scene. As of March 2nd, the investigators confidently state that they "have now eliminated the possibilities of him walking away or being abducted." http:// We've discussed that this pretty much leaves one other possibility......but unlike all other cases we can recall....there has been no reporting that their home was ever cordoned off as a crime scene or that extensive evidence has ever been removed.

If some keen reporter were to do a follow-up interview her really well-spoken and observant neighbor (here he is talking about when Lucas disappeared), maybe HE could enlighten us on if he noticed a flurry of activity in those first few days (was CSI taking out carpet samples, mattresses, bedding, brown paper bags of evidence, electronics, etc. ?) and the media just "missed it"?

Could the reason be that they know he is not alive but also know that his death did not occur within the walls of that house?
That's right along my line of thought too. And I would think how/where she hid the body is very different than if she actually set out to kill him. Can either of our VI's speak to tbr knowledge of a doctor's visit in the few weeks prior to the disappearance?

Just thinking out loud...

I think you’re exactly right. I do believe that whatever happened to Lucas was “accidental”...not meaning that it wasn’t at her hands or that she couldn’t have prevented it, just that she didn’t intend for him to pass away. And I think she knew it was her fault and would be seen as such.

Because of this, as you pointed out, this would definitely have an impact on where she put his body. I’m still thinking this points to a quick/easy disposal (no burial or super thought out hiding spot). I’m picturing her freaking out, panicking, sitting on the couch rocking back and forth thinking “Omg, what am I going to do?” I’m thinking she put him in something to get him in the car and just drove out to the country, still freaking out and looking for a good place to put him. Just driving and driving in the dark until she could finally get enough “courage” (in her mind) to finally just put him somewhere and get it over with.

I initially thought she would have put him somewhere close to home, but after everything that’s been revealed, unfortunately I think he’s further away than I initially though. Maybe like 50+ miles.

Did the neighbor say he went to the house and seen Lucas while EG was at OG?

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I'm looking at the affidavit and wondering. The final paragraph says "the phone records show that Emily had two phone calls made on....The phone calls are being made from the area of central and rock. The... restaurant is located just north of this intersection"

I'm sure it isn't particularly relevant, but the intersection is actually north of the restaurant, not the other way around. Her home is south west from OG, would traffic at this time of day make it sensible to drive out of the way north to come back south? Or is it just that this places her outside her home in proximity of the restaurant and the actual intersection is irrelevant?

I think the wording "had two calls made" and "calls were made from" is sticking out because it isn't how normal people speak. I had two calls, I made two calls. Does the affidavit purposely not specify, only imply, that the phone calls are originating from EGs phone? Is it possible that "made" is not synonymous with "dialed out" but "connected" so the phone calls are "being made" by another source in the next sentence?

I'm also wondering about EG getting visits w/ her daughter. The news didn't say whether she's allowed contact with JH. It also wouldn't be any of our business whether JH currently has any visits, supervised or otherwise, but the thought crossed my mind.
I would believe he was still actually sick. Even people who love their children appreciate the break they get by dropping them off at school. I don't think she'd have kept him home with her for 10 days unless she had to.

Just thinking out loud...

Unless he had bruises or injuries that were fresh?
I'm looking at the affidavit and wondering. The final paragraph says "the phone records show that Emily had two phone calls made on....The phone calls are being made from the area of central and rock. The... restaurant is located just north of this intersection"

I'm sure it isn't particularly relevant, but the intersection is actually north of the restaurant, not the other way around. Her home is south west from OG, would traffic at this time of day make it sensible to drive out of the way north to come back south? Or is it just that this places her outside her home in proximity of the restaurant and the actual intersection is irrelevant?

I think the wording "had two calls made" and "calls were made from" is sticking out because it isn't how normal people speak. I had two calls, I made two calls. Does the affidavit purposely not specify, only imply, that the phone calls are originating from EGs phone? Is it possible that "made" is not synonymous with "dialed out" but "connected" so the phone calls are "being made" by another source in the next sentence?

I'm also wondering about EG getting visits w/ her daughter. The news didn't say whether she's allowed contact with JH. It also wouldn't be any of our business whether JH currently has any visits, supervised or otherwise, but the thought crossed my mind.

Imo it doesn’t make sense to go to that location at that time of day period. That is the highest traffic time of day on those roads (Edgemore, Rock, Central) seriously- I have been stuck in traffic in that area at that time of day on a Friday and you’re 10-15 minutes going one block sometimes.
If I was going I would probably go up Edgemore to Central, take Central to Rock and turn back south.

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Just got caught up. Scratch my theory then. Nevermind what I said. It was just a thought I had bc they kept stressing on him being sick.

Do you suppose Lucas was home alone when LG went to OG with baby and when ‘last person to see Lucas’ came to the door Lucas answered the door? LG comes home and loses her **** because he did that and that is when she did whatever it was she did?

Not LG, EG. Gah stupid fingers.

This makes a lot of sense however if this is the case then whoever saw him really dropped the ball and should have reported it to LE that a small child was left alone. JMO because it could have potentially saved his life.
Going on the supposition that the landlord saw Lucas through the window but did not communicate with him, my question is why not?

Did he/she not try? Or were they not able to?

What am I missing?
On that topic, parents still take their kids to school sick because they work, or still want that needed break.....

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I'm a teacher....and last year I was internal subbing for 2nd grade. This poor kid looked just awful (blood shot eyes, dark a mom, you can spot "sick" a mile away!). I said, "Let's get a buddy to walk with you to the nurse.....well he just burst out crying....and said, "Noooooooo!!! My mom said 'don't you go to the nurse today! you will be in big trouble!! I have important meetings and can't pick you up." She sent him knowing he was already sick and laid the guilt on him. I started tearing up right there!
I think you may have hit it on the head.

For all our efforts in figuring out why she goes into great detail about various things, we also need to be talking about what EG is not talking about -- especially when our VIs are.

Bruises may or may not have kept him out of public eye, but at the end of the day, everyone is talking about Lucas being sick except EG. If JH was out of town, it was up to EG as the daily care provider to ensure Lucas received appropriate medical attention -- did she? Did she avoid medical attention because of bruises? Or could she simply not be bothered? To me, this case smacks of one bad decision leading to another and another, and so it goes with all the lies as well.

Oh, here I go again--either way, she had to make Lucas vanish and play dumb. Right now the only thing that matters is figuring out how to bring Lucas home.

Yup- let’s find him. No Matter what she is unfit.

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Imo it doesn’t make sense to go to that location at that time of day period. That is the highest traffic time of day on those roads (Edgemore, Rock, Central) seriously- I have been stuck in traffic in that area at that time of day on a Friday and you’re 10-15 minutes going one block sometimes.
If I was going I would probably go up Edgemore to Central, take Central to Rock and turn back south.

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Well, if you don't have other responsibilities, the munchies can be some powerful motivation.

But, I don't mean to make light of the situation.

I am still wondering if she might be more than strictly a stoner. And maybe JH was ok with "just pot" but none of the other stuff. I don't understand why she's telling him she's gonna smoke a couple bowls and use this gift card. Is he less than trusting and able to view her location? No trust issues and still view each other's locations? Does she need to give HIM this excuse?

Is other drugs speculation even allowed here at this time?
I'm a teacher....and last year I was internal subbing for 2nd grade. This poor kid looked just awful (blood shot eyes, dark a mom, you can spot "sick" a mile away!). I said, "Let's get a buddy to walk with you to the nurse.....well he just burst out crying....and said, "Noooooooo!!! My mom said 'don't you go to the nurse today! you will be in big trouble!! I have important meetings and can't pick you up." She sent him knowing he was already sick and laid the guilt on him. I started tearing up right there!

That is just heartbreaking. It is a form of child abuse, in my opinion. Emotional abuse. Poor kid. :cry:
Going on the supposition that the landlord saw Lucas through the window but did not communicate with him, my question is why not?

Did he/she not try? Or were they not able to?

What am I missing?

I would think that either Lucas did not or could not open the door.
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