Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #19 *Arrest*

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Thank god we can finally discuss this.

Preach!!!!! Thank god is right ! Couldn’t wait for this to come out. Again not saying she was involved in lucas’s disappearance but sure hoping her in trouble may help her talk about anything she does know regarding EG and Lucas.

Going back to hiding Lucas... in my high school days- we would head to spots in the country to smoke. Not so much me, but me going with the smokers because majority of them were the jocks and of course I had a thing for those 😉 anyways... a lot of these young guys knew crazy spots due to their great Uncle being a farmer and he helped farm the land, or a friends grandpa owned property but never really went to the property so it was kind of the boys’s weed smoking spot. I wonder if EG had any spots like this. A rural old barn or something where she went to unwind and take in the scenery ? I may be far off but it was a thought!
What ticks me off is there are (possibly) 2 evil women is this whole scenario who hurt a little boy who deserved nothing but love. E.g. is the original monster in this story but the cousin most likely knew about the abuse, witnessed the abuse and could of protected him by notifying authorities and chose to stay silent and possibly write notes to cover the abuse. I am sickened, I want everyone who knew of the abuse and turned the other cheek to be locked up. In what world is it okay to hurt a child?! Disgusting pieces of work, JH if he isn't one then he needs to get his cheap together and start fighting for his boy!! But I'm afraid hes just another awful person in this story.
So glad you had caught that too. I noticed that when the news was released about the "Dr. notes"! SMH
I had the same thought. Also, although I haven't read a lot of doctors' notes, the one stating "consistent with a fall" makes me think someone watched too many Law & Order episodes to hear the medical examiner testifying. In my experience, the doctor would write something more plain language, "Please excuse Lucas from class, as he was injured in a fall." ...if they even went as far as to say the cause of the excuse. "Consistent with" is very much court proceeding type verbiage, and not really used elsewhere, IMO.
Thank you for posting what I (and I suspect most others) already knew.
I am led to wonder if she forged a prescription, as in a stolen prescription pad.:waitasec:


I’m kind of thinking it was a forged doc note possibly MOO

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(I keep doing different things with my hands now, trying to see what type of motions engage/impact those finger knuckles...)

No offense to anyone, but I feel we are late to the game on this, that these were too easily explained away as shadows, artifacts, etc. Sometimes one has to stand their ground here, even if others don't agree. Moo.

Love you guys!
He thinks JO is responsible? Haha, (not haha funny, haha stupid). I don't have anymore time for this man. :notgood: It's everyone else fault BUT Emily's. He didn't listen when she hit him, he didn't listen when family were concerned, he didn't listen when CPS were called. He didn't deserve that beautiful little boy. He should be ashamed of himself.

ETA: I can't work out if he it's that he is so stupid or he thinks we are all so stupid. Meh, either way.

I’m over JH....I have been for sometime but I’m just really sick of the naive, gullible BS!!!!! Man up! Say you wer wrong. admit to leaving your son in the care of some looney toon and admit you should have done more!!!!! I’m screaming on the inside! Grrrrrr 😡😡😡🤯
One of the lines says 'non drug', which would appear to be consistent with the conjecture that I think we're conjecturing?

What date was the picture of Lucas with the bruising and grazes on his face, the one in January?
I think it is important to look at the days missed and the dates Drs notes were received at school. They are in line with times of charges I believe. That is what I looked at when I originally posted about it.


They would not keep her anywhere in jail near EG. She would be out. LE would be watching her.

My brother got drunk caused trouble so he would be arrested to be thrown in jail with my sisters murderer. Police dropped all charges and called my dad to come and get him when they found out who he was.

I am not saying her charges would be dropped but they would not want them in jail together plus if she is suspect to finding Lucas they would set her free for now if she is not the one to be charged with his death and if they think she might lead them to Lucas.

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So glad you had caught that too. I noticed that when the news was released about the "Dr. notes"! SMH

Right from the beginning I knew this was some kind of fraudulent activity. I used to work in the medical profession- if a person is over 18 years of age, family members, including parents, are not allowed to speak to a doctor about a loved one's condition, unless they are in the room with them- permission has to be granted by the patient orally, if they are able to talk, OR must be on a list of people you allow the doctor to speak with, if you are unable to speak for yourself.

This also goes for doctor's notes- they are not allowed to write what is wrong with the patient- not even a child! Even if it is just the flu or bronchitis- they can't write it in a medical note for excused absences. Just date of being seen, a note saying that the doctor treated you that day and to excuse your absences for the following date(s). That's it. They cannot even answer a school nurse's question about bruises or abuse.

So yes, indeed, someone did forge those doctor's notes. I am wondering if she worked at the place where the notes were allegedly written from- they did say which facility it was (I'm thinking a walk in facility?) it was in an article, I just don't remember the name of medical facility, sorry. Either KE works there, or either she or EG knows of someone who does, who had access to write those notes. They are usually done by computer now in most places. Those that are caught up technologically, so I have no way of knowing if they were computer generated or handwritten.

Time will tell who wrote them. I can't say for a fact that it was KE- just giving my opinions on what could have possibly occurred with these doctor's notes.

My opinion only........JMO
The charge of Identity theft defraud to receive benefits greater than 100,000 - trying to figure out how that could fit with LH disappearance. I can only think of one possibility and I don't want to go there. Will wait to see if we find out anything more with regards to this being related to Lucas at all before I go down that path.
I’ve been researching those statues and what I’m seeing MAY have more to do with the IRS or etc. I’m not sure on that tho so don’t take it as gospel.
I wonder if someone else had any marks on their hands and arms??? I hope LE has checked that out.

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KE was on MSM videos speaking out for missing Lucas early on. Can anyone recall if hands or arms are visible in these recordings?
It may be important to know where the high concentrations were 3ish years ago. A lot of cities run the homeless off, and they set up camp somewhere new. So if it's prior to JH, was the homeless population located somewhere much different than today? She probably wouldn't be as familiar with today's locations as the past ones.
Yup, I stated that in one of my follow up posts.
Right from the beginning I knew this was some kind of fraudulent activity. I used to work in the medical profession- if a person is over 18 years of age, family members, including parents, are not allowed to speak to a doctor about a loved one's condition, unless they are in the room with them- permission has to be granted by the patient orally, if they are able to talk, OR must be on a list of people you allow the doctor to speak with, if you are unable to speak for yourself.

This also goes for doctor's notes- they are not allowed to write what is wrong with the patient- not even a child! Even if it is just the flu or bronchitis- they can't write it in a medical note for excused absences. Just date of being seen, a note saying that the doctor treated you that day and to excuse your absences for the following date(s). That's it. They cannot even answer a school nurse's question about bruises or abuse.

So yes, indeed, someone did forge those doctor's notes. I am wondering if she worked at the place where the notes were allegedly written from- they did say which facility it was (I'm thinking a walk in facility?) it was in an article, I just don't remember the name of medical facility, sorry. Either KE works there, or either she or EG knows of someone who does, who had access to write those notes. They are usually done by computer now in most places. Those that are caught up technologically, so I have no way of knowing if they were computer generated or handwritten.

Time will tell who wrote them. I can't say for a fact that it was KE- just giving my opinions on what could have possibly occurred with these doctor's notes.
Yes, violating HIPPA is unforgiveable without consequences. State Medical Boards will intervene.
if her cousin's case turns out to be related to lucas & prescription/injury explanations, another insight we can possibly glean about EG is her confidence level being high. this isnt to say we havent seen this before in her actions such as continuing to abuse Lucas even when his family suspected and reported it, but this certainly adds another instance where this is distinctly displayed, imo.

i realize there are some "ifs" such as maybe her cousin was someone who she knew she could trust & therefore it wasnt a big risk but imo, even if thats true, this behavior is incredibly brazen (among other things). something im going to factor as we continue to attempt get into her mind.
I didn't realize that DR was not to put on note the reason they were being excused.
Daughter sliced her foot on sheet metal required stitches. ER DR gave her a note excusing her from work and in the note it stated date of occurrence, the days she was to be excused from work, and reason she needed be excused was due to injury of foot requiring 16 stitches.
I didn't realize that DR was not to put on note the reason they were being excused.
Daughter sliced her foot on sheet metal required stitches. ER DR gave her a note excusing her from work and in the note it stated date of occurrence, the days she was to be excused from work, and reason she needed be excused was due to injury of foot requiring 16 stitches.
It seems some doctors go farther with it than others, and write more than they're probably supposed to. I don't require a doctor's note for absences, but one employee had a quite humorous accident, and did see a doctor, and the note stated it exactly, but at her request. She swore I wouldn't believe that the reason she missed work was true.
I’ve been researching those statues and what I’m seeing MAY have more to do with the IRS or etc. I’m not sure on that tho so don’t take it as gospel.
Maybe there were other Dr documents forged to receive government benefits of some kind for her children or for Lucas.

Think about it.

I asked this question before: Did Lucas receive any benefits? If a child with ADHD can collect a check. A hearing impaired child can collect a check. Then a child with his speech problem could collect a check. Maybe his family was not aware of it. The rules are the same it is Federal.
My best friend is a speech therapist and my daughter in law is a reading and math specialist that on the side helps Rhonda evaluate children.

But then again forging drs notes just might be a federal offense too.

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I didn't realize that DR was not to put on note the reason they were being excused.
Daughter sliced her foot on sheet metal required stitches. ER DR gave her a note excusing her from work and in the note it stated date of occurrence, the days she was to be excused from work, and reason she needed be excused was due to injury of foot requiring 16 stitches.
Usually, the doctor's office will say such and such was seen in office on a certain day and may return to school or work (on certain day with or without restrictions) and that covers first day out until date to return. in my experience.
Yes, violating HIPPA is unforgiveable without consequences. State Medical Boards will intervene.

I’m in Aus and we have strict privacy laws. As different countries have different laws I didn’t want to come in before. But there is no way a doctors note says anything other than date,name, Expected well date and just states unwell. There is also no way that any doctor I know (I work in healthcare) would ever state “bruise consistent with” as it opens them up to legal issues. They may state for children’s services for a different report that child stated fall or carer stated fall. But I don’t know any doctor who would commit to stating a fall unless under oath in court and being asked for an opinion.
Even if a child had a contagious illness and needs a clearance to go back to school the doctor will only write person is fine to attend, not why or anything.

Just adding you would surprised the amount of people who attempt certificate forgeries

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I’ve been researching those statues and what I’m seeing MAY have more to do with the IRS or etc. I’m not sure on that tho so don’t take it as gospel.

IMO JMO Possibly insurance fraud? It could have been discovered if LE was tracking down doctor notes. Recently in my town a family was caught staging car accidents and faking injury claims. Just speculation.
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