Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #19 *Arrest*

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Good grief, a weird thought just went into my head right now.

Could EG have been running towards a vehicle that had a person willing to help her, er, dispose of or help her harm and bury Lucas? As in, she knew she beat him badly, she knew he was unconscious and probably wouldn't make it through the night, she called someone to "help her" and ran out the door with him in her arms and placed him in their vehicle, where he passed away?
This is a very believable line of thinking...or was running somewhere, when it all actually happened, hence the police request of sightings of someone running. I assumed the police meant around the 3-6 pm Saturday time, but I think I just made that assumption, and perhaps it was late Friday to the early dark hours of Saturday.
Those of us here to support you will toss a little dirt into the hole, and little by little it'll raise you up to the top again. *Hugs*

❤️❤️ thank you. I love this thread and all of you #TeamLucas.
If only we'd catch a better chance at going over her injuries and extent a little better....

Well well, what a lovely 'thumbnail' in the coffin MSM has made for EG, so to speak.


(google still shot from Glass_br01.JPG )

I can hardly imagine all of this is from loafing about for days in the common tank. Not quite the sort of thing one accrues of fighting for one's reputation while defended by a wheelchair-bound inmate either.

I see a bruise on her right arm, midway, outwards. Then on the same arm in the crook of her elbow it looks like a red line, possible scratch? I notice that the knuckles on her right hand seem to be redder then her left hand. I'm guessing she is probably right handed. Which makes sense for the most damage to be with her stronger arm. I also note how crazy skinny her arms are. I feel like she could use a fruit loop for a bracelet. If she wasn't using drugs then she was starving herself. Or something. IMO.

Clearly injuries, moo. Practically gaping sores-ish. Open wounds, bruises, even upwards at fingernails, moo.

Eta: do you guys see a lateral red line on her right inside of arm near the shirt sleeve?

Oops, I replied to the wrong quote. This is the one I meant to reply to.
If we are to believe the charges on KE are not from Lucas's case...she was arrested 4/11, from something stemmed from January which was when "Lucas fell out of the cousins truck". I find it very hard to believe that this is not Lucas related. LE is digging into information and that makes me very happy.

KE from what I understand has a lot of property around her home, it would be worth looking into. And if E.G. hurt Lucas without intending to hurt him permanently, wouldn't she try contacting a nurse to help her and someone who knew of abuse prior so wouldn't be worried about contacting authorities..cousin again.

Just seems fishy to me, cousin was the one who spoke to reporters-possibly inserting herself into investigation?

Ei yi yi
JH never participated in searches. He told me about a month ago that he thought JO was responsible and that EG had nothing to do with it. When presented with proof that JO was not in the area, he deflected.

I honestly don’t know what his thoughts are now about what happened. I haven’t asked.

Thanks for your response.

This is ridiiiiculous...!!
Thank you for posting what I (and I suspect most others) already knew.
I am led to wonder if she forged a prescription, as in a stolen prescription pad.:waitasec:

I only skimmed what PB shared (I'm trying to be a productive employee today), but the screenshots appeared to show it was a non drug charge. Forging a prescription is classified as a drug charge in most jurisdictions, AFAIK.

Jan 18th is the alleged date...what date we're the doctors' notes provided for Lucas to the school? I would think these dates would be very close together.
Does anyone remember falling into a hole when a couple months went by and they hadn't found Caylee? I'm in that hole again. I pulled myself out of it eventually, but boy, it's deep.

I didn't follow Caylee, that was before my time here. I remember it, but I never got as deep into cases before WS.

Every night I go to bed and hope Lucas will be found, Junior and Joe will be found, Jacob and Madison will be identified, and a bunch of other hopes, too.

I am trying to read tnith's posts closely to try to help me understand more of EG's personality (pathology?). I just watched Face Of An Angel, which is sort of about the death of Meredith Kercher, and I kept seeing EG in the words and expressions of the character that represented Amanda Knox. There's a part of me that would like to explore more real crimes to see if I could find any analogs out there. Preferably clearer analogs than that one that I wasn't looking for.

I remember ages ago, I think maybe in the threads for Lucas, there were some posts about females killing children and choosing dump sites near their former places of employment. But I think all we have about EG is possibly Andover or El Dorado from her younger days, which aren't that long ago. I don't know where EG lived when she was with her ex, the father of her boys?

I don't know what people think about when they try to cover up a crime or in choosing a dump site. A possible consistency is that they seem to forget that they are the weakest link. They hide bodies in places *they* are familiar with. They clean up the primary site as best they can and that's where their focus is, but they often seem to forget that the dump site is a place *they* are known to have frequented in the past, it's something that doesn't always seem to occur to a murderer compared to cleaning up the primary location. So thinking about EG trying to put the blame on someone else when choosing a site is possibly not necessary, because the site was chosen by EG, not JO. That's why I think if EG was thinking about JO at all it would have to be limited to EG's fairly basic knowledge of JO but EG's area knowledge would have to mix with that...I don't think it could be a place where EG's heard that JO goes but where EG's never been before.

I would also have thought that this case would be slightly different from Caylee's in that what I gather of the dump site for Caylee feels sort of ad hoc? Had Casey been to that spot before? But my gut at the moment tells me it wasn't entirely ad hoc for EG and that she might have put some thought into it beforehand and that in some way it would be a place in her memory, whether recent or more distant past.

But what good does any of this conjecture do? Nothing. Is that the hole?
Bringing my post forward to see if we currently have any locals online that can give me a general idea of where the highest concentration of homeless groups are located???
It may be important to know where the high concentrations were 3ish years ago. A lot of cities run the homeless off, and they set up camp somewhere new. So if it's prior to JH, was the homeless population located somewhere much different than today? She probably wouldn't be as familiar with today's locations as the past ones.
Yeah. I don’t for a second believe this is unrelated. Even if this is unrelated, I doubt this individual is.

Ok, making coffee, getting a pop tart (yes, I’m 5) and hand sitting, anyone else is welcome!
I could live on Pop Tarts, cereal, and PB&J's. So I'm 5, right along with you! .... although, I'm not sure the copious amounts of coffee you drink (I'm guilty too), are healthy for us at our new youthful age. Gonna be a hard habit to kick. Haha
Yeah. I don’t for a second believe this is unrelated. Even if this is unrelated, I doubt this individual is.

Ok, making coffee, getting a pop tart (yes, I’m 5) and hand sitting, anyone else is welcome!

Why did you say POPTART?! I really neeeeeeed a Poptart now! Shall I PM you my mailing address?
And ditto to handsitting [emoji20]

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I wonder if someone else had any marks on their hands and arms??? I hope LE has checked that out.

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Thank you for posting what I (and I suspect most others) already knew.
I am led to wonder if she forged a prescription, as in a stolen prescription pad.:waitasec:


One of the lines says 'non drug', which would appear to be consistent with the conjecture that I think we're conjecturing?

What date was the picture of Lucas with the bruising and grazes on his face, the one in January?
Keep it going and save me a pop tart cause I'm a big kid too. :)
Back in a few.
Gotta put a few more comforting items in the room I have for my dear abused friend who is coming to use me as her "safehouse". <3
Love you guys/gals too much
You are an angel for helping this person out. God bless you! (Or whomever/whatever you believe in) I'm sure you are smart about this, but please be safe, and watchful. If her location were to somehow get discovered, it could be very dangerous for you both. (Done with my Mom sounded rant now) [emoji176]
(I keep doing different things with my hands now, trying to see what type of motions engage/impact those finger knuckles...)

No offense to anyone, but I feel we are late to the game on this, that these were too easily explained away as shadows, artifacts, etc. Sometimes one has to stand their ground here, even if others don't agree. Moo.

Love you guys!
You are an angel for helping this person out. God bless you! (Or whomever/whatever you believe in) I'm sure you are smart about this, but please be safe, and watchful. If her location were to somehow get discovered, it could be very dangerous for you both. (Done with my Mom sounded rant now) [emoji176]

I'm no angel, but thanks.
I don't ever give up on being watchful.
Mom-rant appreciated my friend. :)
The charge of Identity theft defraud to receive benefits greater than 100,000 - trying to figure out how that could fit with LH disappearance. I can only think of one possibility and I don't want to go there. Will wait to see if we find out anything more with regards to this being related to Lucas at all before I go down that path.
I see where you're going with it, and I would be surprised to see a family with the dynamics, and at the ages of JH/EG/JO et al. to have that sort of set up. But I've been wrong before....
I managed to capture a frame where you can clearly see that she has a scrape or scratch on her left forefinger.



  • glassscratch.png
    477.5 KB · Views: 221
Could she have also forged a prescription for something else? Something that would have been given to Lucas to make him sleep?

While I believe that Lucas death was the result of something far more intentional, it's always a possibility and is what I lean to with Caylee.

As it says 'non drug' I would think it's not a prescription for a drug per se, but possibly something more like a doctor's note to say that someone's sick? Or maybe to say that someone's sick and has bruising consistent with a fall? For example. But I'm not saying that's what it is, because I don't know.
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