Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #21 *Arrest*

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I was reading over all the recent posts tonight, and something came to mind.
Specifically the time where Emily threw a water bottle at Lucas and hit him in the head.

In the past, I have helped some women in abusive relationships get out, and on their own two feet. One in particular stands out now, as the abuse she incurred started with physical contact, and at the end of the relationship, the abuser started to throw things at her to harm her. He would “run into her” jarring her into door frames, throw glasses and objects at her, specifically the head area. He would grab her hair and pull it so her head would hit door frames, walls, etc. You get the idea.
In his mind, he was not “laying his hands on her”. She was having accidents. It was a way of disassociating himself from “actually hitting, and harming her”. He would cause her to fall, run into her and toss her off steps.

Emily reminds me so much of this individual. I can see her causing him to have accidents around the stove or kitchen, I can see her pushing him off stairs, I can her doing things of this nature for her own piece of mind.

Also, I had a friend that had a 4 yr old. He had an accident on their trampoline, and his face/mouth came down so hard on their oldest child’s head- The oldest child received stitches, and the 4 yr old bruised his 4 front teeth so badly that they died-they became grey to black at the top around the gum line and eventually had to be pulled.
Makes me wonder what really happened to Lucas’s front teeth.
I know there can be complications when a child has a cleft palate, and orthodontics is needed. To my knowledge he did not fit this criteria.
Just my own observation, and thought I’d share.

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I can see her shoving him, watching him stumble around and then ridiculing him. Remember she said (paraphrasing) we had to tell him to be careful all the time.
Do we know if EG was upfront about the fact she went to OG with Lucas on Friday? Or did that not come to LE's attention until the LL informed them?
I can see her shoving him, watching him stumble around and then ridiculing him. Remember she said (paraphrasing) we had to tell him to be careful all the time.

:cry: I'm not sure how much longer I can stay here and read all of this :( I'm tearing up while boiling water for coffee.
So you are saying she thought he might die Wednesday, so implanted the lie about JO, then killed him on purpose on the Friday?

That's far too coincidental for me and if he thought he might die Wednesday, why not just kill him then.

Could someone have dropped by unexpectedly, foiling her plans? Otherwise, why would she have lied about JO taking him for Valentine's Day? Unless it was to set JO up for Saturday's disappearance? To which that would be premeditated.
I feel as if she either told the lie that JO took him because she planned to kill him (maybe at the weekend because that's when she knew no one would be around - visitors etc).

I was torn between this and the fit of rage after the LL saw him but that doesn't explain the JO lie.

If I recall correctly, EG told the lie to JH about JO having Lucas on Valentines Day. Could it have been Lucas was too bruised and battered she didn't want JH to see his bruises on FaceTime, so she made up the lie about him being with bio mom? Then, after returning from OG, she realized Lucas was seen LL, lost it, and actually beat him more than she intended ! So, not premeditated, just a monster!!!!!!! MOO
This is maddening. I keep thinking of the searchers. Their forceful tenacity and what's got to be so disheartening. They need help! Not just more honorable foot soldiers but strategic manpower. I keep going back to what I always do. If anyone, anyone has a connection to a County Commissioner or their Association. They could serve in getting the word out to their workers who travel in mostly rural areas to be on the lookout. Talk about good ole boys. It can't be that much different in Kansas. I've been retired over ten years now, so I'm out of the loop. I'm also out of ideas.
Perhaps he was close on Wednesday, then had a ‘surge’ seeming to start to get better, and declined Friday
It’s not unheard of with serious injuries and illnesses

Very true! I’ve had plenty of patients on my ambulance whose families were in full on panic mode because “but she was having a much better couple of days and was fully lucid!” Just before the patient flies down hill and dies.
My own father did the same. He made it home for 32hrs before charging downhill and passing. I think this is very likely!

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I just realized this whole time, my opinion has been both that EG lied about JO having Lucas on Valentines Day to set up (premed) and that she killed him in a fit of rage after finding out the LL saw him through the window. These two things just don't go together. So, now I'm even more confused and unsure of what I believe than ever.

It could be both. Maybe she enjoyed the process. :gaah:
I’ve had munchausins patients previously as well as munchausins by proxy as well. I’ve read and re-read her history and looked so hard for the signs I’ve seen in patients, but all I can think is she never wanted attention for what she did to Lucas - right? And clearly she didn’t have him hidden in plain sight so she could then play the grieving mother...
Anyway I was just thinking out loud....
Where are you, Little Dude? She may not have “liked you anymore,” but so very many love you now! You are a treasured little man!

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You are an angel. Seriously.
There’s a thread for Lea Miller now. I’m working on a flyer.

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Do we know if EG was upfront about the fact she went to OG with Lucas on Friday? Or did that not come to LE's attention until the LL informed them?

I imagine it probably came out when they looked through her phone. I could be wrong though.

Are there any old landfills in the area? We have one near me that is no longer open and basically abandoned, so it made me wonder if there is anything similar there.

Unless otherwise stated, everything above is MOO[emoji230][emoji5]
​I just had what Oprah would refer to as an a-ha moment with this case. Whether Emily noticed a precipitous decline in Lucas’ health in the days leading up to his disappearance or she was pre-meditating his demise, I think it’s safe to say that whatever was going on was already underway on Valentine’s Day. Here’s the a-ha moment: EG went to out in public to OG not to be cruel & neglectful of Lucas (although the she was very clearly that anyway), she went out to be seen WITHOUT HIM. She was putting her “JO had Lucas for VD” plan into full effect. She needed to be seen without him to “prove” Lucas was with his bio-mom. Of course, Lucas foiled that plan in a HUGE way when he was seen by the landlord ... home alone peeking out a window. If being seen on VD really was EG’s attempt at alibi building, we all have to consider that her plan to disappear Lucas was already forming much earlier than the day/hours leading up to him vanishing. All my opinion, of course.
​I just had what Oprah would refer to as an a-ha moment with this case. Whether Emily noticed a precipitous decline in Lucas’ health in the days leading up to his disappearance or she was pre-meditating his demise, I think it’s safe to say that whatever was going on was already underway on Valentine’s Day. Here’s the a-ha moment: EG went to out in public to OG not to be cruel & neglectful of Lucas (although the she was very clearly that anyway), she went out to be seen WITHOUT HIM. She was putting her “JO had Lucas for VD” plan into full effect. She needed to be seen without him to “prove” Lucas was with his bio-mom. Of course, Lucas foiled that plan in a HUGE way when he was seen by the landlord ... home alone peeking out a window. If being seen on VD really was EG’s attempt at alibi building, we all have to consider that her plan to disappear Lucas was already forming much earlier than the day/hours leading up to him vanishing. All my opinion, of course.

Makes sense!

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​I just had what Oprah would refer to as an a-ha moment with this case. Whether Emily noticed a precipitous decline in Lucas’ health in the days leading up to his disappearance or she was pre-meditating his demise, I think it’s safe to say that whatever was going on was already underway on Valentine’s Day. Here’s the a-ha moment: EG went to out in public to OG not to be cruel & neglectful of Lucas (although the she was very clearly that anyway), she went out to be seen WITHOUT HIM. She was putting her “JO had Lucas for VD” plan into full effect. She needed to be seen without him to “prove” Lucas was with his bio-mom. Of course, Lucas foiled that plan in a HUGE way when he was seen by the landlord ... home alone peeking out a window. If being seen on VD really was EG’s attempt at alibi building, we all have to consider that her plan to disappear Lucas was already forming much earlier than the day/hours leading up to him vanishing. All my opinion, of course.

Except Lucas and JH face-timed on the 15th.
The thing that throws me is that EG didn't tell LE that JO had Lucas on Valentines day - she told them JO last saw him in December. So she wasn't painting a picture to LE about JO. JH facetimed with Lucas on the 15th so he could of asked Lucas about valentines day or seen him bruised if he had been beaten. Im not convinced EG is the one that told JH about valentines day and JO. IMO it is a case of people covering for each other with regards to the lifestyle and what went on in that home. I also think some justify the lies by Lucas is gone and me telling the truth and getting myself in trouble won't bring Lucas back so not going to reveal the violence or drug use that went on in the home. This is just my opinion.
I am not sure if this has been discussed and answered regarding VD and Lucas's Biological mother. I have read comments of JH and contact with Lucas on VD, but did his mother contact him too, as most mothers do to call him and say "Happy Valentine's Day Lucas?" Did she mention what part of this day she called or had face time with him?

Children enjoy celebrating VD at home and in school, having a class party and exchanging VD cards. I imagine most parents would contact their children if they are apart. Did JO mention speaking with him?
The thing that throws me is that EG didn't tell LE that JO had Lucas on Valentines day - she told them JO last saw him in December. So she wasn't painting a picture to LE about JO. JH facetimed with Lucas on the 15th so he could of asked Lucas about valentines day or seen him bruised if he had been beaten. Im not convinced EG is the one that told JH about valentines day and JO. IMO it is a case of people covering for each other with regards to the lifestyle and what went on in that home. I also think some justify the lies by Lucas is gone and me telling the truth and getting myself in trouble won't bring Lucas back so not going to reveal the violence or drug use that went on in the home. This is just my opinion.

Not trying to beat a dead horse, so to speak, but is there proof the FaceTime including Lucas happened or is it possible that was a lie on both their parts?

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