Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #21 *Arrest*

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So, we have two people going to court today that are in EG's circle, both for criminal offenses. Then, EG goes to court on the 11th right?
If you ask me, both of these people could probably help find Lucas with information they have knowledge of. Poorlittle Lucas was simply not being raised around fit people. I wish he would have been left with family who had him when he was younger, before he went to live JH full time. Anyway, I hope someone talks soon!
So, in this article it states that Emily told LE that Lucas had not seen his mom since December-
She apparently told JH the lie about Lucas’s mom having him on Vday.
Why lie to JH about this, but tell LE the truth?
The lie seems to have been told before he went missing. The question is WHY?? Looking at the major dates of abuse allegations and fight between her and JH, they seem to fall within a few days of major holidays. Mother’s Day, Valentines Day- why would she want to lie to him about Vday-did she not want him to know she was going to OG without him? Did he ask to speak to Lucas on VDay and she wouldn’t or couldn’t produce him? It almost sounds to me like she was punishing JH for being gone or Lucas was somewhere else- if he was somewhere else, why lie about it??

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Could it have been another occurrence of Lucas being left home alone? She didn’t want to admit to that. So JO took him for the day, and she’s off the hook with JH
I am praying today is the day !! I know you all are as frustrated as I am and I wish I were there to help with the searches, etc.
Thanks again to all the searchers and for each and every one of you here contributing to different options and scenarios.
I really have nothing to add this morning that hasn't already been discussed so I am heading to work and will continue to pray for guidance for the searchers and praying that "somebody" will start talking.
I feel confident that LE is processing every single thing and working their due diligence for Sweet Little Lucas !!!
I’m hoping someone from either side who has a loving and stable home will be able to take the newest family member and raise them. There was someone calling CPS and that person seems like a loving and caring individual ::heartbeat::
It neither here nor there at the moment, but hopefully something that can be considered in the future when the time arrives.
How far along is EG?

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What a generous thought. But IMHO the best thing for JH and EG's unborn baby would be to adopted to an entirely new family... Not passing judgment on their family members, but the child would be better off to never know about the circumstances surrounding the biological parents and their respective misdeeds/crimes. That is unlikely to happen if adopted by family members.
So, we have two people going to court today that are in EG's circle, both for criminal offenses. Then, EG goes to court on the 11th right?
If you ask me, both of these people could probably help find Lucas with information they have knowledge of. Poorlittle Lucas was simply not being raised around fit people. I wish he would have been left with family who had him when he was younger, before he went to live JH full time. Anyway, I hope someone talks soon!

I wonder if one will strike a deal for immunity and give up the info?

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Is Kansas a death penalty state? If so, perhaps they can offer to do life in prison without parole instead of death if she gives up the location of Lucas??

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We're not related and don't have a relationship in any way to any children involved other than Lucas so we wouldn't have the opportunity to have kinship placement or adopt.

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Darn :-( yet I can’t help but feel maybe that is a good thing in as much as y’all don’t have to be related to the monster!

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Is Kansas a death penalty state? If so, perhaps they can offer to do life in prison without parole instead of death if she gives up the location of Lucas??

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At this point she isn’t even charged with anything related to Lucas. Hopefully that will change and then plea deals could be in play.

To answer your question though Kansas does have a death penalty law but hasn’t executed anyone since 1965.
I wonder if one will strike a deal for immunity and give up the info?

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Well, I don't think it would be JH. His charge is a misdemeanor with little punishment attached imo.
The other criminal though........felonies! She has children too. What the heck is going on with felons raising children? Isn't it our responsibility as parents to raise our children to be a valuable part of society? Aren't we supposed to be a good example?
I can't help but feel sad for JH. I know that's not going to be a popular idea--and I 100% get that he wasn't there for sweet, sweet, Lucas like he needed his daddy to be there for him. But, still.....

I’ve always tried to post things that are unbiased and explain both sides of a point of view so I get what you are saying. But I hold JH the MOST responsible, he turned his back on his son when he needed him the most. And I think the only reason JH is free right now, is because he just happened to not be in town when Lucas died. I’m not yet unconvinced that the fatal beating didn’t happen while JH was here and it took LH that many days to finally pass away.

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Unless I missed something this charge would almost have to be between a state official (employee) and JH. CHARGES such as this are not usual between a child and adult or 2 adults.

I wiuld also like to see jh entire legal, criminal and civil filings.

Not necessarily. A good example of a charge that would get this verbiage would be - you and I are in the grocery store parking lot, and I think you looked at me wrong, so I say something rude/snotty to you, so you come near me, and we have a little pushing match, but we don't actually "hurt" each other. We are just jerks, and pushing each other, maybe to provoke a fight, but we don't actually fight. We had contact and it was in a rude or insulting manner. That charge would cover something like that.
I would be sympathetic of him, if he actually seemed to realize he let this happen. Instead, he still believes EG is innocent, and is standing by her. Even if she didn't hurt his child, she lied about how he went missing, she definitely left him home alone, and she drove under the influence with his other child. Those facts alone has washed away any sympathy, empathy and anything else for him because he is choosing to stand by a person so flawed they have ruined the life of children, when he should be standing by his children.

Everything you say is fact--I agree.

But I think, here's this guy who for whatever reason was entangled in this really unhealthy relationship--he's lost Lucas, likely his daughter, and possibly another child. On top of that, he has to accept that he is 100% responsible for all of that--that he chose this woman over his own child and his family. Now, he's being held accountable for something he allegedly did to her child. I don't know. The tragedy of it all just makes me sad for him.

I want him to be held accountable, but I still have empathy for him.
IMO KE charges have nothing do with Lucas, so I am afraid there will be no bargaining to get information about Lucas.
I’ve always tried to post things that are unbiased and explain both sides of a point of view so I get what you are saying. But I hold JH the MOST responsible, he turned his back on his son when he needed him the most. And I think the only reason JH is free right now, is because he just happened to not be in town when Lucas died. I’m not yet unconvinced that the fatal beating didn’t happen while JH was here and it took LH that many days to finally pass away.

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I'm not sure they both didn't hurt him. There's a reason JH didn't do something about EG abusing his little boy. And there's a reason EG's sons say JH is abusive. We need to find this little guy, determine COD. If it is injuries inflicted that led to death then when did the injuries occur, who was present, who all participated? Even tho LH was seen alive by the LL on the 16th, reported missing on the 17th, presumed deceased, doesn't mean that the fateful injuries didn't happen prior and slowly and eventually caused his passing.
I'm pretty concerned about this. Someone needs to be held accountable, or some people need to be held accountable. We have to find out little guy and get justice for him.
Hi PB. I notice under your name it says Registered User. Was this changed from Verified Insider? If so, can you say why? Thanks so much.

I have never been on WS on a computer and only use Tapatalk, so I have no idea what it’s ever said. I run a nonprofit and have dozens of cases at any given time. This is the only case in which I’m currently a VI.

You’re welcome to ask a mod if there’s a concern that I’m not a VI.
Our VI's wouldn't have any familiar rights to the baby. PB is an non-relative spokesperson, and FLA is related to Lucas' mother, so no relation to the other two children involved in this mess.

If and when it shifts, I’m here as a resource or just an ear. Unfortunately at my distance it is all I can truly bring to the table as I can’t search directly for our little man :-(

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I have never been on WS on a computer and only use Tapatalk, so I have no idea what it’s ever said. I run a nonprofit and have dozens of cases at any given time. This is the only case in which I’m currently a VI.

You’re welcome to ask a mod if there’s a concern that I’m not a VI.

Oh no not at all. I always considered you a VI and wondered if you were choosing to change that. I'm glad you are here and our VI. Thank you for helping us see the truth.
I’ve always tried to post things that are unbiased and explain both sides of a point of view so I get what you are saying. But I hold JH the MOST responsible, he turned his back on his son when he needed him the most. And I think the only reason JH is free right now, is because he just happened to not be in town when Lucas died. I’m not yet unconvinced that the fatal beating didn’t happen while JH was here and it took LH that many days to finally pass away.

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I began studying this story with an open mind, difficult as it was. At this point in time, considering the well thought out differing opinions presented and applying common sense, I declare my alignment with this opinion.
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