Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #21 *Arrest*

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Why not both?

"Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

Whatever gets us closer to realizing the truth behind all EG's lies.

Because she can't have both premeditated the murder and not premeditated the murder.
I just realized this whole time, my opinion has been both that EG lied about JO having Lucas on Valentines Day to set up (premed) and that she killed him in a fit of rage after finding out the LL saw him through the window. These two things just don't go together. So, now I'm even more confused and unsure of what I believe than ever.

well, both could still work. maybe Valentines Day was part of her original plan but something happened between wed-friday that caused her to take action/alter the plan after OG on Friday.
at this point, all we know for certain is that EG experimented with meth ( and while some of the photos are damning, we dont know if her active use overlaps w Lucas' disappearance. that being said, she had experimented with it and i have a very, very hard time believing JH didnt know.

-do we we know how long he has been at his job? this could have been something JH experimented with when he and EG first met or even earlier in life and then stopped later bc of the job and/or other reasons. i do find it hard to believe two people are living together (even violently) and one does hard drugs and the other does not. if its something they shared at one point, it could explain why he was OK continuing in a relationship with her.

-or alternatively, if hard drugs really isnt JHs thing, it could be something EG tried when he wasnt around. HOWEVER, i dont believe he didnt know, even if he is gone a lot. you eventually learn these things about your partner - whether they confide in you, tell you the partial truth, stumble upon the info from living together. in this instance, it was also part of the boys' father's custody battle. Somehow, JH would know that EG did/had done hard drugs, imo.

so, in my mind, i cant paint of a picture of a dad, even one who travels a lot, who both doesnt know his child is being abused and his partner is doing/has done hard drugs. at the beginning of this case, i maybe would have given JH the benefit of the doubt on being blind to one of those things but now, its too many things. while i dont think he has any clue what happened to Lucas, he may hold the key to the answers bc he knows more than he realizes by living with EG. but getting him to come around to that logic and realize the environment he left Lucas in is probably a huge battle on its own.
I HIGHLY doubt she planned on doing any cooking after taking herself out to dinner. He’d be lucky if she heated something up in the microwave. Don’t forget we’re not dealing with a maternal female. AT ALL.

Unless otherwise stated, everything above is MOO[emoji230][emoji5]
That was my thought exactly. Pull out a yogurt, apple, and peanut butter sandwich and call it a day. No way she fixed supper after going to OG. *I* wouldn’t have! I would done leftovers or an easy to put together meal.

Well, that is silly because obviously, *I* would have taken the child to OG with me!

It’s much more likely she had no plan to feed him at all. :-(
That was my thought exactly. Pull out a yogurt, apple, and peanut butter sandwich and call it a day. No way she fixed supper after going to OG. *I* wouldn’t have! I would done leftovers or an easy to put together meal.

Well, that is silly because obviously, *I* would have taken the child to OG with me!

It’s much more likely she had no plan to feed him at all. :-(

You’re both right, I just feel it has a place in the puzzle. Maybe Lucas tried to get his own dinner together while Eg was gone and she came home to a mess (or anger that he was eating) and lost her marbles. 😞
Because she can't have both premeditated the murder and not premeditated the murder.

She could have planned out what she would do IF
She could have rolled it over in her mind like a fantasy
And then following the fit of rage followed the rest of the ‘plan’

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She could have planned out what she would do IF
She could have rolled it over in her mind like a fantasy
And then following the fit of rage followed the rest of the ‘plan’

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agreed. while im partial to the theory EGs abuse went too far on Lucas and i think premeditated is far fetched, im open to some version of premeditated. maybe she was aware her abuse could go very far and had a plan in the back of her mind what should we do *if* it came to that (and maybe on some sick level fantasized about it too).

its sick to think but maybe this wasnt her first close call with Lucas - maybe there were a few other times he became unconscious/she felt he was close to dying. so, she had a plan of who she would call, where she would go, how she would clean etc if needed - almost like having a go-bag.

maybe Lucas wasnt doing well Wednesday which is what prompted the Valentines Day lie/she thought she had to put her plan into action.
agreed. while im partial to the theory EGs abuse went too far on Lucas and i think premeditated is far fetched, im open to some version of premeditated. maybe she was aware her abuse could go very far and had a plan in the back of her mind what should we do *if* it came to that (and maybe on some sick level fantasized about it too).

its sick to think but maybe this wasnt her first close call with Lucas - maybe there were a few other times he became unconscious/she felt he was close to dying. so, she had a plan of who she would call, where she would go, how she would clean etc if needed - almost like having a go-bag.

maybe Lucas wasnt doing well Wednesday which is what prompted the Valentines Day lie/she thought she had to put her plan into action.

So you are saying she thought he might die Wednesday, so implanted the lie about JO, then killed him on purpose on the Friday?

That's far too coincidental for me and if he thought he might die Wednesday, why not just kill him then.
I’m on it!
Hi! I was asked to share this information with you. This is the information for the PI who found Jennifer Marshell White's body in Alabama. They thought she might could help in this case.

Dawn W. Hendricks 256-303-9113. She is the Founder of* She is located in Huntsville, Alabama.
I feel as if she either told the lie that JO took him because she planned to kill him (maybe at the weekend because that's when she knew no one would be around - visitors etc).

I was torn between this and the fit of rage after the LL saw him but that doesn't explain the JO lie.
I was reading over all the recent posts tonight, and something came to mind.
Specifically the time where Emily threw a water bottle at Lucas and hit him in the head.

In the past, I have helped some women in abusive relationships get out, and on their own two feet. One in particular stands out now, as the abuse she incurred started with physical contact, and at the end of the relationship, the abuser started to throw things at her to harm her. He would “run into her” jarring her into door frames, throw glasses and objects at her, specifically the head area. He would grab her hair and pull it so her head would hit door frames, walls, etc. You get the idea.
In his mind, he was not “laying his hands on her”. She was having accidents. It was a way of disassociating himself from “actually hitting, and harming her”. He would cause her to fall, run into her and toss her off steps.

Emily reminds me so much of this individual. I can see her causing him to have accidents around the stove or kitchen, I can see her pushing him off stairs, I can her doing things of this nature for her own piece of mind.

Also, I had a friend that had a 4 yr old. He had an accident on their trampoline, and his face/mouth came down so hard on their oldest child’s head- The oldest child received stitches, and the 4 yr old bruised his 4 front teeth so badly that they died-they became grey to black at the top around the gum line and eventually had to be pulled.
Makes me wonder what really happened to Lucas’s front teeth.
I know there can be complications when a child has a cleft palate, and orthodontics is needed. To my knowledge he did not fit this criteria.
Just my own observation, and thought I’d share.

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Winner Winner Chicken Dinner on all of this.
I currently have a woman with no kids living with me. Her boyfriend has severe PTSD from serving in the Marines and refuses to be committed to treatment.
I have suffered tremendous longtime abuse in my earlier years and never reported it once. Because I was young and foolish and thought he would change. Doesn't happen except once in a million times in my experience.
I digress, but this guy was throwing things at her and beginning to push and shove her.
I finally said "hey this is only going to escalate dear" and thru many weeks of working with them both she locked herself in their bathroom and found the courage (thank God) to call 911. And get a restraining order.
I am teaching her women can choose to lean on each other in this world and we don't necessarily have to have a man in our lives. (@celibate by choice for a long time...LOL) :blushing:
Anyways, laying hands on anyone except in self defense is abuse. We all know their is a wheel of abuse that includes everything from controlling and isolating and ridiculing and every horrid thing in the book.
Thanks for your insights on all of this and please continue.
I love your line of thinking!!!
Chi (here for Lucas) :heartbeat:
So you are saying she thought he might die Wednesday, so implanted the lie about JO, then killed him on purpose on the Friday?

That's far too coincidental for me and if he thought he might die Wednesday, why not just kill him then.

Perhaps he was close on Wednesday, then had a ‘surge’ seeming to start to get better, and declined Friday
It’s not unheard of with serious injuries and illnesses
Hi! I was asked to share this information with you. This is the information for the PI who found Jennifer Marshell White's body in Alabama. They thought she might could help in this case.

Dawn W. Hendricks 256-303-9113. She is the Founder of* She is located in Huntsville, Alabama.

That link doesn’t work for me

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So you are saying she thought he might die Wednesday, so implanted the lie about JO, then killed him on purpose on the Friday?

That's far too coincidental for me and if he thought he might die Wednesday, why not just kill him then.

if lucas' health was quickly deteriorating and she wasnt seeking proper medical help, it seems possible he hit a low point Wednesday (why she puts the lie into action) but he was able to hang on for a few more days. then friday his health gets worse, possibly along with some medication/an additional beating from EG, which causes him to pass Friday. maybe she didnt want him to die which explains why she didnt kill him, the plan to frame JO was a last resort if he didnt survive one of her beatings.

that being said, i see your point. also, the scenario above is painting EG as an abuser who is aware of how severe her abuse is. while i think that may be possible, i think its also possible shes like "i didnt think it was that bad". so maybe the valentine's day lie wasnt about if Lucas were to pass but a way to cover her tracks for his current bruises & injuries. maybe death never even entered EGs mind regarding the valentine's day lie.

for example, if someone was coming by between wednesday - later in the week such as the boys and their dad for visiting (not sure what her long term plan was for explaining her and JH hadnt split), she had a hunch CPS would be by, the LL/new neighbors may see Lucas and go "omg is he OK", he needed to go back to school eventually, etc. as much as i think she was fine to drug Lucas and leave him home alone, she maybe knew she couldnt do this 24/7 for another week or so while he healed. so, if Lucas had particularly bad bruises/beatting, she felt she needed to lay the groundwork & say to people "oh those bruises happened earlier this week/wednesday with his mom, not under my care".
if lucas' health was quickly deteriorating and she wasnt seeking proper medical help, it seems possible he hit a low point Wednesday (why she puts the lie into action) but he was able to hang on for a few more days. then friday his health gets worse, possibly along with some medication/an additional beating from EG, which causes him to pass Friday. maybe she didnt want him to die which explains why she didnt kill him, the plan to frame JO was a last resort if he didnt survive one of her beatings.

that being said, i see your point. also, the scenario above is painting EG as an abuser who is aware of how severe her abuse is. while i think that may be possible, i think its also possible shes like "i didnt think it was that bad". so maybe the valentine's day lie wasnt about if Lucas were to pass but a way to cover her tracks for his current bruises & injuries. maybe death never even entered EGs mind regarding the valentine's day lie.

for example, if someone was coming by between wednesday - later in the week such as the boys and their dad for visiting (not sure what her long term plan was for explaining her and JH hadnt split), she had a hunch CPS would be by, the LL/new neighbors may see Lucas and go "omg is he OK", he needed to go back to school eventually, etc. as much as i think she was fine to drug Lucas and leave him home alone, she maybe knew she couldnt do this 24/7 for another week or so while he healed. so, if Lucas had particularly bad bruises/beatting, she felt she needed to lay the groundwork & say to people "oh those bruises happened earlier this week/wednesday with his mom, not under my care".

The boys had been to the house 2/11 and had seen Lucas there at that time. I am not sure tho what she may have told them or their dad about his presence
I only add this because this visit followed the lie that she had kicked JH out on 2/4

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Since we're throwing out graphic theories, I have my own idea of some of the events that may have transpired. For one, both EG and JH have been accused of violence against the children. That being EG abusing Lucas, and JH having been accused of harming EGs older sons and using a loud voice with Lucas. This behavior is not new for them, as we know because there were already signs of abuse and cover up when they went to NM, and the school nurse reported something.

All of this is indicative of both of these adults using some kind of hard drugs. If EG goes down for drug use and violence, so does JH. And heck, there could even be other people who were partaking at different times. A lot is at stake for them all.

Lucas had been having stomach problems. Not knowing what the doctor was told I can only guess as to what was really happening. My instinct is to surmise that Lucas was punched in the gut and there's was some sort of internal injury. Maybe early on the doctor didn't detect it, and took Emily's lies at face value. On Feb 11 the neighbor saw him and stated he looked quiet and (in my words) sickly. I have a feeling that by VD (Feb 14) he was showing advanced signs of this stomach trauma so she hid him away. I feel too, that she probably got tired of cleaning up after his stomach issues so fed him far less, if anything all. By Feb 16 he probably had declined to a point that he could no longer withstand any physical abuse whatsoever. I'm sure he was hungry, and the witch went and filled her gut and left this suffering child home alone, and he probably couldn't wait so snuck something to eat. He's 5, so I'm sure there was evidence. If EG returned around 6:00, my guess is within 10 minutes of returning home she went into a rage and did something violent that caused his death. She probably spent the next few hours plotting what to do with him, then went and did it. She then most likely then went in to CYA mode and cleaned her messes and plotted to cover her tracks.

I do think the edges are frayed, and things will start to unravel. I only wish that would happen sooner than later. I'm anxious for all the upcoming court appearances to unfold, and to hear what sorts of outlandish lies will come out of everyone's mouths. These are not rocket scientists, but more like bumbling criminals who have allowed the evil mastermind to manipulate them. And I believe she will sacrifice them all to save herself. We'll see if they put all their trust in her or stand for themselves. Let the chips fall where they may.
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