Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #22 *Arrest*

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I don't know about that. I think she used raising Lucas to her advantage- to get visitation with her boys. Then JH did something to cause a mark on one of them, and her ex filed a police report that night or the next day. Now she might lose visitation with her sons- even lied to her ex and said she kicked JH out afterwards, but after more quarreling with her ex, she told him it was their son's fault and hung up on him. This could be just a simple revenge tactic on her part- I can't have my sons, now you can't have yours. She's evil, pure plain and simple, drugs or no drugs.

I don't see how drugs are related to this, other than the fact that she smoked two bowls before going to OG, endangering her daughter.

Well, I do feel like drugs must have played some role in her losing custody/visitation with her own boys simply because the parenting plan SPECIFICALLY states that her choosing to use drugs is choosing not to parent (paraphrase) and could possibly play a role here as harder drugs can and will warp your way of seeing, understanding and thinking about things as well as affect your judgement and temper. I think she always has a temper, drugs or no, but I think it's definitely exacerbated by it as is her compulsive behavior (all of the previous driving violations, DV accusations/arrests, etc).

It could really go either way here but I do have a feeling there was at least dabbling with harder stuff than the mj.
We've been waiting for or FindLucasAllen to help us clear this up, but they haven't been on yet. I am sure we'll get the answer soon. I, too, am wondering if he was seen by two different people that night, or if the neighbor and landlord are one and the same. But- the landlord said they saw Lucas peeking out a window- that's not the same as having a Q&A with him.

(They're probably just sitting back watching us with popcorn, seeing how we are reacting to all of this lol

:popcorn: )
The mods usually tell us that if we see posts that we think are against the rules to just flag them and move on until a mod can get to the report, not to quote the posts or to debate them back and forth, cos that just makes more work for the mods.
(They're probably just sitting back watching us with popcorn, seeing how we are reacting to all of this lol

:popcorn: )

What flavor popcorn do you think those two are munching on? I think it's very selfish of them not to share, if you ask me! However, hubby made me one of my favorite cookies tonight in honor of me for Mother's Day- Oatmeal cranberry/raisin/white chocolate chip cookies. Want a couple? That'll teach those two for not passing the popcorn bowl(s) around! :lol:
So, as I understand it, legally she didn't have a choice. What does a person do in that situation? I personally, well, what I'd do would be much different than most people and not appropriate to say...let's just say you harm one hair on anyone's head and well...going to the pooping jogger thread for self imposed TO (there have been developments there btw...seems to be a growing epidemic lol.)
Well, I do feel like drugs must have played some role in her losing custody/visitation with her own boys simply because the parenting plan SPECIFICALLY states that her choosing to use drugs is choosing not to parent (paraphrase) and could possibly play a role here as harder drugs can and will warp your way of seeing, understanding and thinking about things as well as affect your judgement and temper. I think she always has a temper, drugs or no, but I think it's definitely exacerbated by it as is her compulsive behavior (all of the previous driving violations, DV accusations/arrests, etc).

It could really go either way here but I do have a feeling there was at least dabbling with harder stuff than the mj.

I don't disagree that she has an addiction, but I truly believe with her, this was a revenge thing. She has been abusing that poor child for a long time now, unfortunately, it's not just recent abuse. I won't say drugs didn't cause some issues, sure they can. I just feel that she is not a mentally balanced person to begin with and has no conscience, drugs or no drugs.

I could be wrong, though, and will admit it and apologize if it's found that drugs were the reason why Lucas is no longer with us.
I don't disagree that she has an addiction, but I truly believe with her, this was a revenge thing. She has been abusing that poor child for a long time now, unfortunately, it's not just recent abuse. I won't say drugs didn't cause some issues, sure they can. I just feel that she is not a mentally balanced person to begin with and has no conscience, drugs or no drugs.

I could be wrong, though, and will admit it and apologize if it's found that drugs were the reason why Lucas is no longer with us.

Hi steelslady, pass the good munchies!

When I refer to the drugs, I'm not saying it's the cause, but somehow could play a role elsewhere, moo.
I don't disagree that she has an addiction, but I truly believe with her, this was a revenge thing. She has been abusing that poor child for a long time now, unfortunately, it's not just recent abuse. I won't say drugs didn't cause some issues, sure they can. I just feel that she is not a mentally balanced person to begin with and has no conscience, drugs or no drugs.

I could be wrong, though, and will admit it and apologize if it's found that drugs were the reason why Lucas is no longer with us.

Ah, revenge...I can see this.

(Eta, o/t, reminds me of some of the parental abductions/domestics we see... which is one reason why parental abductions can be so dangerous...spite and revenge, harm the child to hurt the other parent...)
So, as I understand it, legally she didn't have a choice. What does a person do in that situation? I personally, well, what I'd do would be much different than most people and not appropriate to say...let's just say you harm one hair on anyone's head and well...going to the pooping jogger thread for self imposed TO (there have been developments there btw...seems to be a growing epidemic lol.)

LOL. I forgot about that thread!

I can tell you what I would do, but we need to keep in mind, I didn't have any problems that prevented me from having custody of my own children. However, someone touched a hair on my child's head in an abusive fashion? Oh, I have hiding spots where they would be safe, secure, and well loved while I stayed back here to fight the good fight. But I am also a different person and acknowledge that JO had good reasons to do what she did, and sadly, by her trying to do the right thing, and legally, she's paying the price for it now. A dear price. One that none of us can even imagine, unless we've walked in her shoes. I have not walked in her shoes. I have not been where she is today- in pain, tortured, and blaming herself, even though she did not cause her son's death.
OMG, You can't imagine how embarrassed I am for posting it in that shape, but you're welcome. :blushing:
I appreciate it too! I haven't been able to listen yet, read your transcription while waiting for a red eye flight last night, and am now getting my first time to sleep in 42 hours, and so I was appreciative to have some notes of it to think over.

I didn't even listen, and my heart breaks more than ever for Jamie. Please let Mother's Day be the day her boy comes home.
Lucas has likely been witness to the police being called before over fighting between the parents. Domestic calls at the apartment, police being called to the school when JO had to come pick up Lucas and EG and JO had a fight. MOO but he was probably terrified JH would be taken away and then what would happen to him.

Ah, revenge...I can see this.

Boy, I am going out on a limb here, but, I wonder, was EG jealous of JO for some reason? Perhaps she didn't like JO and JH getting along for Lucas' sake? Did JO' s presence in EG's life bother EG so much that perhaps in her demented head, she thought that by getting rid of Lucas, she would get rid of JO?
<modsnip> I admit that I've side eyed JO a lot during these past three months, but hearing her actually tell her side and the way she speaks about little Lucas, the way she broke down as she recounted the last thing she said to him. Like she don't know WHAT you would do in her position. You don't know how you would react. She knew EG was being abusive toward Lucas, she even stated that out of all of the bruise pics going around, she took all but maybe 2 of them. I'd probably have to be heavily sedated just to get through my days for a very long time. She knows she should have done more, she admits that much and really - there's not more that she could have done - lots of people tried. If she would have done more, JH and EG would have cut her out of Lucas' life as they did every other person who mentioned abuse. She planned on kidnapping him and turning herself in just so SOMEONE would listen. Sadly, she didn't realize just how bad EG was (which I speculated about before this interview aired) and that she wouldn't have the chance. I want to hug her and commend her for staying strong through all of the mud slinging and accusations against her.
Boy, I am going out on a limb here, but, I wonder, was EG jealous of JO for some reason? Perhaps she didn't like JO and JH getting along for Lucas' sake? Did JO' s presence in EG's life bother EG so much that perhaps in her demented head, she thought that by getting rid of Lucas, she would get rid of JO?
I believe so. JO stated that she and JH were on great terms and very close (even though they weren't together) until he met EG and then he basically just shut JO out. She also said that EG took over all communication regarding Lucas.....why else would a relative stranger want to do that? She didn't want JH and JO talking because she was jealous IMO.
One thing Jamie mentioned was that her opinion/feeling is that one of the first things EG did with LE was to try to point the finger of suspicion toward Jamie. Jamie theorized that's why LE wanted to contact her (Jamie) so soon and to prioritize calling her.

I found it hard to tell if that was just her feeling or if it was actually stated to her by LE?

When did Jamie say the VD allegation was made by EG? Did she say it was in the 6-page write-up, or am I getting that muddled with info from somewhere else? It was in the polygraph, wasn't it, that Jamie said about the VD thing, so EG must have told LE that before the polygraph. That could be what JH wanted EG to go to the police about. I imagine that EG and JH would have been talking and JH would be pressing her to remember everything she can and she's in an awkward situation because she's in making-things-up mode with LE and with JH now, and she's trying to act the concerned victim with JH, harassed by LE, totally innocent, but to keep up that facade she'd possibly want to give the impression of complying with JH's request to go over everything again and think of something *new* to give to LE, so maybe that's when she comes up with the VD story and JH says she's got to go to LE and tell them about it.

If it was like that she must have been a bit relieved when she did get arrested and locked up, because it would have given her a break from the questions from all sides and trying to keep her lies straight.
Yes, you are absolutely right. JO & JH will have to live the rest of their life with the shoulda, woulda, coulda.

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Boy, I am going out on a limb here, but, I wonder, was EG jealous of JO for some reason? Perhaps she didn't like JO and JH getting along for Lucas' sake? Did JO' s presence in EG's life bother EG so much that perhaps in her demented head, she thought that by getting rid of Lucas, she would get rid of JO?

I don't know if EG was jealous of JO (probably), but she said something like everything had to be arranged through EG to see Lucas. Even after the WPD contacted her on the night Lucas was reported missing and she had no way to get to Wichita, it took her some time to get the nerve up to call JH directly. She asked JH, knowing it was out of his way, if he could pick her up but ended up getting a ride from a guy on Craigslist. So, I think EG definitely felt threatened by JO or the relationship between JO and JH.
It was JH responsibility to communicate to JO regarding Lucas, IMO he just couldn't be bothered, just like when Lucas sick at school EG picked him up instead of JH. I can blame alot on EG, but lack of communication between JO and JH falls on JH shoulders IMO
Off topic in attempt to lighten the mood.

Did you guys know this was even a thing?

I believe so. JO stated that she and JH were on great terms and very close (even though they weren't together) until he met EG and then he basically just shut JO out. She also said that EG took over all communication regarding Lucas.....why else would a relative stranger want to do that? She didn't want JH and JO talking because she was jealous IMO.

Jealous and insecure..I cannot imagine someone telling me or my ex that "she/he " would take over the communication about our children..NOPE..not happening and I dont care that JH was traveling far away for ex was on the road every day, granted not hours away for extended periods, but far enough away to not be there for half school days, sick days, etc if needed him to pick up so we relied on our communication between ourselves..even if it was supposed to be his day or mine..we worked around it to accommodate the children.
MAGARITA25--- I know you are into the distances of when someone goes missing and where found... just wondering what your thoughts are for Little Lucas???
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