Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #22 *Arrest*

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If JH knows she EG killed LH, why is he so supportive? Or sat least stating he is to our VI?

Good morning Ana :coffee:, I'm just getting in and caught up but I just had some thoughts on this, please see post #78....

Additionally, she could be blackmailing him with soooomething, moo.

Eta: Just seeing pommymommy's notes now and getting caught up, sorry if this is not applicable.
Good morning Ana :coffee:, I'm just getting in and caught up but I had a thought on this, please see post #78....

Additionally, she could be blackmailing him with soooomething, moo.

Good morning Magz :coffeews: coffee is brewed for everyone here.

Thanks for directing me to it. I just saw this after I posted :giggle:

This is something I hadn't thought of at all. It makes sense. And also, she appears to be that kind of person who would try manipulate him like that (and imo, he appears weak enough to be that naive).

However, if this was what happened, I wonder why he has (seemingly) admitted to JO, or someone else, that he knows EG is guilty. If he was going along with her accidental drug theory and protecting her for the other children, I would expect him to keep quiet and profess her innocence to everyone.

Am I even making any sense? lol
OMG, You can't imagine how embarrassed I am for posting it in that shape, but you're welcome. :blushing:

You did great! Thank you so much for taking the time to do that. I'd write more but I have so many tears right now for Jamie and precious Lucas, that interview breaks my heart.
So, talking to myself in my head (and to you guys obviously, thanks for listening), if she is blackmailing him with something, it must be something quite significant, or something that he could be charged with after the fact, or maybe something where the statute of limitations hasn't expired...again, speculative brainstorming and still getting caught up but have to post right away or I'll forget, lol, eta: especially if I'm waking and baking like I get to do on weekends :giggle: )
General question regarding child support - does the state collect child support if there is an income withholding ordered and then the state pays the other party? If the person does not have a job are they required to pay the other party or do they have to pay the state directly some how?
So, talking to myself in my head (and to you guys obviously, thanks for listening), if she is blackmailing him with something, it must be something quite significant, or something that he could be charged with after the fact, or maybe something where the statute of limitations hasn't expired...again, speculative brainstorming and still getting caught up but have to post right away or I'll forget, lol, eta: especially if I'm waking and baking like I get to do on weekends :giggle: )

one reason im open to the blackmail theory is bc in today's world, everything is recorded via photos or videos. im around eg's age and if i had a penny for every not-flattering/embarrassing/weird photo or video randomly taken on my friends/ppls phones, i could quit my day job.

im wondering if what she has on him isnt all that scandalous but its videos/pics that include drugs in the home w the kids around or them very drunk and acting belligerent with kids around - even if JH isnt participating in the drug use, it would show he was aware and allowed his kids to be in that environment.
one reason im open to the blackmail theory is bc in today's world, everything is recorded via photos or videos. im around eg's age and if i had a penny for every not-flattering/embarrassing/weird photo or video randomly taken on my friends/ppls phones, i could quit my day job.

im wondering if what she has on him isnt all that scandalous but its videos/pics that include drugs in the home w the kids around or them very drunk and acting belligerent with kids around - even if JH isnt participating in the drug use, it would show he was aware and allowed his kids to be in that environment.

(Hmmmm....half kidding here, I think...could there be a sex tape? :puke: )

(Wild speculation and brainstorming, just jumping off your post...there is nothing to indicate this that we know of! Just thinking out loud, sorry LOL )

In seven single-spaced pages, the child-in-need-of-care petition describes a dysfunctional and violent household.

It says Emily Glass, Lucas' 26-year-old stepmother, has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, has difficulty controlling her anger and has experimented with methamphetamine and heroin.

Glass, the report says, was thought to be targeting Lucas due to her anger with the boy's father. The pre-kindergartner had bruises most often after Glass and the father fought, the state's child protection agency was told.

The day before Lucas was reported missing, a witness saw a young boy standing at the front door of the home. Glass later admitted to leaving the 5-year-old home alone that day while she went to eat at Olive Garden.

Those details are part of a Sedgwick County juvenile court document that provides the most complete account of abuse that Lucas allegedly suffered.


So, I wanted to bring something forward from the last thread, one of the injuries looking like it came from an "iron"....:( looking for quote...did LE take the iron for comparison/analysis after this came to light, and/or upon SW?

Eta: Also, I really want to know if there were rocks in the house, maybe painted ones, can JH or anyone verify this if she did paint rocks, or was that just a pinterest post that went nowhere? She does have a history of throwing stuff..

(I'll shut up and read now)
I think it's because of all the fussing and fighting going on. He was scared police would take his daddy

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Lucas has likely been witness to the police being called before over fighting between the parents. Domestic calls at the apartment, police being called to the school when JO had to come pick up Lucas and EG and JO had a fight. MOO but he was probably terrified JH would be taken away and then what would happen to him.
JO was at JH's court. She kind of just blew off the whole incident with JH and EG's sons, and said they're just digging up whatever they can.

She doesn't think JH was abusive at all.

Lie detector - EG failed and that's where the VD lie happened. JH passed his lie detector.

She thinks EG has something big on JH because "he loves that boy".

EG's family made the first report to DCF.

EG admitted to JO at one point that she had a heroin habit. JH drinks/drank and smokes weed and that now she thinks he's on something else.

JH told JO that he knows EG killed LH.

She had a plan to kidnap Lucas. If her latest report wasn't followed up on, the next time she had a weekend with LH, she was going to drive him to NM, leave him with his grandma, and turn herself in to force them to open a case.

EG dropped LH off with JO with two black eyes and tons of bruises. JO called the police to come look at him and they refused. JO called JH to ask him about it, JH freaked out that JO might take him to the ER and had EG pick LH up again.

JO didn't see it, but she's "150% sure" they completely, thoroughly processed the house as a crime scene.

JO would bail EG out if she could to find try to find out where LH. She emailed her a few times, but now isn't allowed to do so anymore.

She said LH was always scared saying "They're going to take my daddy to jail."

JH and EG were allowed to choose which questions they were asked on the polygraph.

JO says she suffers from a personality disorder.

(still from that video... this is all stuff JO is saying)

OMG just seeing all this.

Eta: This is all too much. My head is spinning.

Eta: This gives me some optimism, confidence, that some of our instincts are right on and always have been (drugs, possible blackmail...)

So, how can this (our instincts) help find Lucas? Keep searching, you guys could be close.
Lucas has likely been witness to the police being called before over fighting between the parents. Domestic calls at the apartment, police being called to the school when JO had to come pick up Lucas and EG and JO had a fight. MOO but he was probably terrified JH would be taken away and then what would happen to him.

Yes exactly what you said

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Man I spotted this a mile away (wish I could correct my typos after the fact (just did), embarrassing...):

02-24-2018, 03:08 AM#837

"Is she a:

A. Meth addict
B. Heroin Addict / Opioids / Pain piIlls
C. All of the above
D. None of the above


*Now that this has pretty much been confirmed I am all the more leaning towards a disorganized, hurried disposal, moo.

*Imo she seems to be a pansy scaredy cat (when she's not all big and mighty beating up on little kids).
If JH knows she EG killed LH, why is he so supportive? Or sat least stating he is to our VI?

Could it be the same thing JO said? She would bail her out and make her tell where Lucas is?
RSBM - I missed these couple things obviously speed reading. But why did this poor little man think his dad was going to jail. Was it something he saw or was someone threatening him with that. So sad. My heart just breaks with each little piece we hear.
And the polygraph thing. I don’t really know much about these as we don’t use here in Aus that I am aware. Is choosing your own questions something usually done ? I can see how this makes sense as much as i think it sounds strange also.

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I think he was possibly referencing the domestic calls that were made about them fighting - but, you could be right. JO and lots of people think that EG had some type of dirt, big dirt, on JH. If she thought he was getting out of pocket with her, she could have said that as a "keep messing with me and you'll end up in jail because I'll talk" reminder to keep him "in line"? Very bizarre about JH completely letting EG take over all of the communication regarding Lucas. I know it's common if the former couple can't get along, but from the way JO explains things it seems as if her and JH were always on good terms until EG came along.

I do believe a lot of us suspected this to be the case, as well....that EG was controlling and manipulative towards JH and did what she could to put barriers up between him and anyone outside of their relationship. Sad sad sad.
Sounds strange to me too. But I don't know how these things work. Just seems as if that is giving them way too much control. I thought the questions were supposed to catch them out.

Their choices of what questions they agree to and whicch they refuse to allow on the polygraphy is part of the polygraph process itself. It can be very telling, which I'm sure it was for the investigators.
If JH knows she EG killed LH, why is he so supportive? Or sat least stating he is to our VI?

JO said that in the first 72 hours, EG was on a psychiatric hold and had no contact with anyone. In that time thats when JO and JH talked and she said to him something like (paraphrasing) you know EG killed our boy, right? and then he replied yes that he did.

Then JO went on to say once the 72 hour psych hold was finished, EG was able to reach out to JH and he basically stopped ALL communication with JO and went back to being under EG's spell, apparently.

IMO She (EG) either has something big on him or he's just really weak minded for whatever reason when it comes to her. A particular Prince song comes to mind, but at this point I think it's something much more than that.
I can definitely see EG saying “if you tell anyone how I hit you, daddy will go to jail”

I think that’s all threats because Lucas loved his dad so much. But I do wonder if EG did have something on JH... that if she went down, she’d take JH with her.

Abusers of all types always find the “threat” that keeps their victims mouth sealed.
Kids are afraid of the police because they don’t want the cops to take away their parent.
I hate that he feared the police because of what he was told. She most definitely used Lucas’s dad as Lucas’s kryptonite-
Just when I think I couldn’t possibly be more sad, here I am-
What a little, strong, hero Lucas is.
Maybe knowing that Emily used JH as a threat to Lucas would change his tone- And start backing Lucas. Forget about her....let her rot.

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So, thinking more about this meth (and heroin) stuff,

I wonder if LE tested the house to see if it was ever used to manufacture...I know they only recently moved in, but I remember something from a friend of mine who worked construction, actually 2 separate friends of mine...what's it called, meth remediation? They can test houses for prospective buyers to see if meth has ever been made in there...the stuff gets all up in the vents and stays in the paint and they have these test strips they friend got deathly ill after putting in a new bathtub that had holes in it from the meth chemicals...
Could it be the same thing JO said? She would bail her out and make her tell where Lucas is?

Thank you for reminding me that she said that. There is so much I missed in my notes, which I why I hope everyone here will listen to the interview for themselves. I kept getting interrupted and there are so many things I didn't get down. This is one of them.
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