Found Deceased Ks - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #24 Arrest

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We were out in that area so much that I would like to think he wasn't alone for very long. This was the area I spent so much time in the people who lived out there were starting to recognize me and/or Mr. Pink and me.

I just cannot get over how close we were. Our mappers were SPOT ON and I am not exaggerating when I say that. They just needed a better searcher. What I did learn is to always search with at least 2 people because what one misses the other is less likely. I think this particular area, I searched on my own when Mr. Pink was at work.
Never mind you, they needed a better searcher! Just because you were close but didn't see him doesn't mean a damn thing- I had the same problem when I did a search- it haunted my sister, daughter and I for months that we were just a few yards away, but sometimes overgrowth and other things cause you to miss, try as you might. Also take into consideration- he could have been moved around a time or two- we'll find out soon enough.

I am so proud of you and all of the wonderful searchers here! You did an amazing job, and you know what? You were all closer to finding him than LE was- that's quite an accomplishment to me- you did great, my friend!
I believe the reporting has been bad and Emily went out to where she put Lucas with the PI.

I just want to say how awesome and amazing you are. And so many others who searched so hard. You are the hope and light in all this evil and sadness Mrs. Pink! I just know Lucas felt all those around him looking so hard, and knew he was loved. I see his smile as people enveloped him in their hearts. You are my superhero
Please forgive me if this is totally inappropiate right now but a reporter on twitter sent me a DM -

He wanted to interview me as he noticed I had tweeted a lot about Lucas, he is doing a story on how Lucas has touched so many of our lives.

‘I'd like to interview you today on Facebook.
I'm doing a broader story of how many live we're touched by this.
Maybe we can connect on Facebook and talk.
Such a sad story. Makes me talk to my boys more.’

As much as I would love to for Lucas, I just don’t feel that comfortable doing an interview, so I was just honest with him and said that I would ask on the ‘online forum’ I had been using to follow his case if there was anyone that would like. So if anyone on here feels like they would like to please send him a message on twitter.

Again sorry if inappropriate, I just wanted to give any of you guys the opportunity as I know how hard everyone worked to help find Lucas.

My heart is heavy, but I am just glad Lucas can rest now, sending everyone hugs today ❤️

Reporters will knock on any door they feel might open. It bears repeating that though this tragedy has taken months to get to this stage, the media reaction in itself is a form of crazymaking- I certainly would hope anyone whose taking this 'offer' up can consider the consequences incurred to those who have no choice about 'turning away from the tv' or moving on.

It would be nice if MSM didn't hold itself to the obligation of chasing 'leads' at such times as this, and made an effort of acknowledging how little they did BEFORE Lucas was brought out of hiding when it mattered most (would very much have preferred a daily segment touching on the importance of his life & how much that hole left behind has affected those who knew him, then).
When you read about these cases online, by yourself, the horror is devastating. All of my websleuths family is why I am here.... the compassion, the dedication, the absolute giving beyond giving to find these lost ones and get justice for them. You guys restore my faith in humanity. You are the light where it's dark, and such goodness where it's evil
Ok, enough gushing, I'm crying so much today. But love everyone here. And to Tricia, for "making" and keeping such a beautiful home for us all
Went to bed around Midnight Eastern and woke up at a 2:30. Haven't been able to get back to sleep. Lol..

So we get an update in 30 minutes right? I really hope that LE has evidence of trauma to Lucas's body so that they can have a COD. I say this not to be ignorant what so ever but I want Emily in jail for what she did. I want Lucas to have justice and for this to not be another Caylee Anthony case where COD couldn't be determined.

I really hope that people understand what I'm saying there. I don't mean at all Lucas should have been beat to death. I just want her punished.
Honestly, I am hoping she gave him one swift whack over the head with something heavy, and that it did him in quickly, but left evidence for a COD. Just the thoughts that that poor boy had to suffer while passing makes me angry and my stomach turn. Praying so hard it was fast for him, or that he didn't see it coming, and didn't know anything. I despise her right now.
Omg my heartbreaks for Jamie. At about 2 minutes(or 23 seconds left of the video) into this video you can see her fall to her knees. So sad. She tried everything to help that baby and no one would help her. :(

This video broke me. I have no words that would comfort Jamie at this time. I am so so very sorry you all are going through this. I am praying justice will finally be served.
I knew it the whole time.
My heart breaks for this precious babe. I'm greatful his remains were finally found.
I'm so angry I could spit nails.
I don't understand JHs actions throughout. He's backed EG,then I see reports he tried stalling The PI. Seriously?
No way. Nope.
I know there is no way I would have tried stalling anyone finding my child. When he went missing. I would put the fear of God into anyone I thought had anything to do with it. Thankfully he was found safe.
So I really don't get it.
RIP Sweet babe.
Reporters will knock on any door they feel might open. It bears repeating that though this tragedy has taken months to get to this stage, the media reaction in itself is a form of crazymaking- I certainly would hope anyone whose taking this 'offer' up can consider the consequences incurred to those who have no choice about 'turning away from the tv' or moving on.

It would be nice if MSM didn't hold itself to the obligation of chasing 'leads' at such times as this, and made an effort of acknowledging how little they did BEFORE Lucas was brought out of hiding when it mattered most (would very much have preferred a daily segment touching on the importance of his life & how much that hole left behind has affected those who knew him, then).

Well said, everyone who loves Lucas doesn' need a reporter dissecting it
I don't think she did. I think she took him there still alive I think she finished him off there and this was why no dogs hit on anything. Rumors are flying on FB as to whats she has said but since I can not bring them here I will not say what is said . It truthfully sounds false anyhow. I do think she took him there alive and killed him there.
You could be right but I pray you are not!
I hope he did not suffer at all :(
Reporters will knock on any door they feel might open. It bears repeating that though this tragedy has taken months to get to this stage, the media reaction in itself is a form of crazymaking- I certainly would hope anyone whose taking this 'offer' up can consider the consequences incurred to those who have no choice about 'turning away from the tv' or moving on.

It would be nice if MSM didn't hold itself to the obligation of chasing 'leads' at such times as this, and made an effort of acknowledging how little they did BEFORE Lucas was brought out of hiding when it mattered most (would very much have preferred a daily segment touching on the importance of his life & how much that hole left behind has affected those who knew him, then).

Mr. Pink and I went out to the site early this morning so that we would miss everyone else going out there. (We just had to see how we missed him!) Anyway, a reporter came up to us and I asked her if she was filming while we were there to please not show us. She said she was but was looking for family! So, I have the perfect interview subject for them!!


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Reporters will knock on any door they feel might open. It bears repeating that though this tragedy has taken months to get to this stage, the media reaction in itself is a form of crazymaking- I certainly would hope anyone whose taking this 'offer' up can consider the consequences incurred to those who have no choice about 'turning away from the tv' or moving on.

It would be nice if MSM didn't hold itself to the obligation of chasing 'leads' at such times as this, and made an effort of acknowledging how little they did BEFORE Lucas was brought out of hiding when it mattered most (would very much have preferred a daily segment touching on the importance of his life & how much that hole left behind has affected those who knew him, then).

That is very true
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