Found Deceased Ks - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #25 Arrest

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I can firmly state with my brother’s body being in the elements during June, July and August. There absolutely was more than bones and dried up skin, even after the coyote’s ravaging. I won’t go further into the gory details but...his body had to be kept in the freezer at the morgue until the very last minute because of the odor. He arrived at the funeral home in a plastic bag. This tough to remember. My heart is broken for Jamie.
My heart truly goes out to you,so sorry you had to go through this.
Click on the Poster's name and you will see Start a conversation, that is the new PM.
Thank you

You’re welcome! I’m still learning too. I’ve had plenty of them and even started them but for the life of me couldn’t remember how. Glad to see someone else explained more.
I have a feeling, not factual. She’s going to blame it on Lucas’ young cousins as an unintentional injury and she was trying to protect them from blame after Lucas succumbed to those injuries.
Ugh. I could very much see this being her story. It would “explain” her reason for the cover up, and her hesitation to speak up sooner. I really hope she doesn’t do that. Those poor kiddos don’t need that kind of burden placed on them. I can only imagine how difficult their lives are already.
EG red era How did he meet her?
He must have been desperate for a built in babysitter.

Can’t recall if we were told. And there could be a vast array of things that attracted them to one another. The thoughts I have just now are obvious with 1 2 yo and one in the mix. And I won’t elaborate. It just was

And perhaps he did see her as a babysitter. I guess we will find out at trial.

Sometimes monsters don’t tell you they mean harm. They are expert at deception and know all about covering up and explanations. They have more experience and have good reasons. They wait and lurk for the perfect time to pounce. Then it’s to late the damage has been done. And they move on to the next victim until it gets so serious someone smarter professionally trained runs into the monster. Some monsters get caught some have to wait. EG got caught.

It will be very interesting to watch the trial, see her and hear testimony. A bail or bond isn’t going to do it this time. And I do not believe the DA will present a case that has risk of ending with Aquittal.

If I post it here it’s my opinion.
Any word on how far along EG is with her pregnancy? I tend to wonder if a lot of her anger was directed at Lucas because she was ticked off finding out she was pregnant.

Has anyone actually confirmed she is indeed pregnant? Just wondering if it was a rumor and know endometriosis can look like a baby bump if severe enough.
Thanks in advance!
If anyone is interested, I had made a Super Hero graphic for Lucas. I am quite blind with cataracts and the graphic looked a little sloppy. A wonderful woman from the Lucas groups on facebook offered to clean it up for me. She even made a facebook cover! Here they are. I would love to have it printed and sent to Jamie.
So sweet!! Perfect!
she may have searched for an area prior to his death. Maybe this is the reason she can’t recall her 3-turn route to the Olive Garden? She was deflecting from what she was doing. .

Snipped by me.

Regardless whether before or after, EG's mind has lumped all of her Friday/Saturday driving as one event; and no wonder.

She didn't simply drive to a place she knew; she'd been driven to hide her actions once more, going down any number of nearly infinite roads hoping against hope to get away from the shocking surprise of consequences she did not care enough to watch out for.

In our eyes, mapping the tracks is an act of logical deduction.

This rodent ran wildly through it's own filthy nest looking for some escape, turning time and again away from the light and all signs of intervention in the moment it was presented.
Go where no one goes. Where no one would ever think to go, because no one would even know it is there.
It's funny to me that she states "he's a very little,small boy and can get hurt easily" yet she thought nothing about throwing him around like a rag doll while beating him black and blue on the daily! She's a disgusting bully who preyed on this precious baby boy!! She took her life's frustration and bitterness out on this helpless baby boy!
Her jailhouse interview was beyond pathetic and fake!! How could anyone be dumb enough to believe anything coming out of her mouth ever? Shes a pathological liar and a horrible one at that!
She referred to him as her baby boy. Her son. How dare she. Lucas was not her baby boy or son.
She was not his stepmother. She never earned that title.
With him, it was never about Lucas, these interviews. It was about what a good Daddy he was, how Emily wasn't abusive, how dare family bring up the past abuse to the media, how dare they address it while his son was missing. Even implying that someone, possibly a family member, kidnapped him. He continued to toss blame in any direction he could. Knowing that she was abusive herself towards him (Jonathan)! They had the cops called on them twice, both were arrested during one of those incidents. In front of children, they did this. I think he owns a piece in the blame pie.
If I read one more time that he was too stupid to know better, I think i will vomit. The man isn't stupid, he had his own dirty deeds he was trying to shrug off before the media got a hold of them and went on the attack. So far, he's been lucky that they haven't dug into his past a bit more.

I don't know if he knew what happened when he got back the morning after Lucas was reported missing. Or if he ever knew. Only Jonathan knows.
Agree. I will add one observation, based on nearly my 20 years of association with recovering addicts/alcholics, JH has the appearance and style of a frequent drug abuser. MOO.
Ugh. I could very much see this being her story. It would “explain” her reason for the cover up, and her hesitation to speak up sooner. I really hope she doesn’t do that. Those poor kiddos don’t need that kind of burden placed on them. I can only imagine how difficult their lives are already.
Yes. Personally, I think she convinced someone**, that their child or children were to blame and conned them into helping her that fateful Friday night.
Agree. I will add one observation, based on nearly my 20 years of association with recovering addicts/alcholics, JH has the appearance and style of a frequent drug abuser. MOO.
Oh my, there’s a lot of us that unfortunately have had to deal with addiction and alcoholism starting in early childhood. The consequences are life long and everlasting. JH does have that look about him, I’ve seen it many times. I lost my first brother due to a cocaine overdose. A few years later my last brother from complications of alcoholism. The first sign that my sisters and I knew we were close and started crying hysterically was when we saw a trail of Listerine empty bottles. We knew then that in a matter of seconds, our lives would again be forever changed.
Trailer trash samsonite! I CANT STOP LAUGHING.

I Spelled samsonite wrong though. Tell you how I came up with that.

In Alaska we flew in puddle jumpers from to Kenai to anchorage. If you were planning to lay back the same day it was fine. But if there was a chance weather was going to cancel plans back you could tell by the amount of people who had stuffed the very bare essentials into a doubled grocery sack
For an unexpected overnight hotel visit.

It was called NIKISKI SAMSONITE. I just altered it a bit.
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