Found Deceased Ks - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #27

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I think it must be a number error, because at least 4 other people saw Lucas on the 11th, meaning the earliest he could have died would be the evening of the 11th into the 12th. So it would be illogical to say 10th/11th instead of 11th/12th, assuming no one had seen Lucas after the 11th. But as far as we've been told there were two sightings after the 11th.
Well, one sighting, anyway. LE said it was a neighbor that had a Q&A with Lucas, a VI here said it was the land lord. It could just be one person.

Also, who's to say, after EG's ex picked up the boys on the 11th, that something didn't happen that night? Would she be sick enough to keep him in the bathtub for a few days (yes, people have done this, a recent case here on WS had a man who shot and killed his friend and kept him in the bathtub for over a week until HE called LE!), before placing his body in that culvert?
Wow. She really isn’t smooth at all.
We gave her credit for calling the cops so soon after death.

She had PLENTY of time to look for a hiding spot if he died in the 11th.

It really makes you wonder why she couldnt remember how she got to the Olive Garden. Was she checking on him or scoping a spot?

Maybe the Friday interaction with the LL lit a fire under her *advertiser censored* to tie all loose ends together quickly. Hence why she called the cops the next day.
Wow. She really isn’t smooth at all.
We gave her credit for calling the cops so soon after death.

She had PLENTY of time to look for a hiding spot if he died in the 11th.

It really makes you wonder why she couldnt remember how she got to the Olive Garden. Was she checking on him or scoping a spot?

Maybe the Friday interaction with the LL lit a fire under her *advertiser censored* to tie all loose ends together quickly. Hence why she called the cops the next day.
Also...her bio boys were set to visit again on the 18th
I have always wondered if Lucas was gone after the 9th, the last day he was at school, the day JH left, the day after EG's sons were interviewed by DCF.

The neighbor reported seeing Lucas and the two step-brothers on the 11th. That date can't really have been an error as that was the first Sunday they lived at Edgemoor?
Wow. She really isn’t smooth at all.
We gave her credit for calling the cops so soon after death.

She had PLENTY of time to look for a hiding spot if he died in the 11th.

It really makes you wonder why she couldnt remember how she got to the Olive Garden. Was she checking on him or scoping a spot?

Maybe the Friday interaction with the LL lit a fire under her *advertiser censored* to tie all loose ends together quickly. Hence why she called the cops the next day.
Well, it seems like she was doing an awful lot of cleaning and laundry on that Friday and Saturday. So much laundry, in fact, that she must have broke the washing machine, as the dang thing was outside near the garage, not hooked up, obviously!
I was reading here catching up , while listening to the NG podcast. I’m still back on page 35. Now I have to listen to it all over because I’m totally lost. It doesn’t give me the ability to just rewind part of it. I thought surely NG was talking about a different case entirely with her little “bombshell “ dropping at the tail end WTH was that.? I’m seeing other comments about it so I’m not caught up so I have to be missing something. If it’s related to this case though I’m just totally in shock.

I for one have always loved NG but listening to these podcasts on this case have honestly just left me feeling really wrong. I can’t explain it really it’s like I feel like I accidently stumbled on something that I wasn’t suppose to and I feel really quilty after. Do that make any sense? It just seems like I’m hearing information that I had no business knowing. It made me have a need to shower or something and not repeat a word. Then reality hits me and I know that it was heard by possibly millions and I feel even worse. I’ve never seen a case like this where so much info comes out NG. I’m so confused !

When I was a teenager there was a very publicized murder that took place in our city. It was making national news. Due to the rarity of murder here and some other details that brought sensation to the case. It was all anyone talked about. Well imagine my horror when just days after they arrested the killer , they had tire tracks and other very disturbing evidence that led them to the killer. My family and I were sitting down eating dinner when the Arrest hit the national news . The killer shared the very same last name as us. Which meant of course the worst , my uncle who was at our house daily. Who we all looked up to he was just with us the day the murder happened. With us and his toddler son. The SOB was a cold blooded killer and we had no idea no clue , life became hell for me kids at school were brutal. The last name wasn’t something I could change Kwim? LE didn’t warn us of any of this information before hand. We didn’t even know the most gruesome details until it went to trial . Everything was kept secret to not jeopardize the case. This was even before internet , so this stuff all coming out just seems so very unsettling imo.

I also just want to say when we talk about EG and how her family may not be worthy of MH because after all something happened with EG. So they could all be the same being raised by the same parents etc. Those kind of statements are something that I wish people would reconsider. Trust me when I say that sometimes people are just born with something off or they may be raised by the best people in the world , but drugs or alcohol etc influenced the chemicals in the brain . It usually isn’t the case of how one was raised so I just wish people would consider to not wrongly discriminate against the suspects family’s . They are very very very much also victims in the saga to. I’ve been there and it’s horrible to be family member of a suspect. People were out to harm me a child , my parents my grandparents. My dad was the best father I could of wanted. There was nothing period I’d change about him, so “sins of the brother “ so to speak really destroy innocent people’s life’s. None of us had any idea this killer on the lose terrified us, there were no clues it was one of own. Our life’s were also ruined. It’s a horrible rollercoster ride I wouldn’t wish on my worse enemy. It’s also something that isn’t just short lived . Every time the perp would come up for parole , we would have to go through it all over again . The SOB is free now living life normally served his time and boom he’s out , we weren’t even warned that was happening . I’ll stop now .
You are reading my mind. I was about to reply to OP and saw your post. Farther than where? Where did he think Lucas was? I’m still speechless about @liltexans post about the two phone calls from jail. The next sentence is about how she’s so sorry about what she did to Lucas, him, etc. I need the clarification guru. It sounds like JH knew what she did and knew it the whole time. I’m confused but I’m taking my sweet time reading each post one at a time. I’m not cheating. Yet. Crescendo building one sad admission at a time.

LE repeatedly searched Chisholm Park over a number of days times.
It sounds to me like they went back to the home last night because of something found in the autopsy that led them to the bathroom.
In the three years JH has known EG, he never knew her to hit or mistreat Lucas. She was always great with him.
Yeah all those bruises came from No where, and the reports and pictures from family members JH himself cut off after said reports.
Per JH, Lucas had been vomiting for a few weeks. They had taken him to the doctor and they had given him a prescription for liquid Zofran that didn't seem to be helping. JH wonders if maybe there was a problem from the Zofran.

Harsh flu season winding down, but it left its mark: Highest child death count in at least 5 years
Kim Painter, Special for USA TODAYPublished 10:49 a.m. ET April 30, 2018 | Updated 12:00 p.m. ET April 30, 2018

...CDC says that between last fall and this spring, the flu:

• Killed at least 160 children, making this the deadliest flu season for children since at least 2012-13, when 171 died. This year’s toll is likely to rise as delayed reports trickle in, Brammer said. ...
Harsh flu season winding down, but it left its mark: Highest child death count in at least 5 years
I cannot judge him on his demeanor. I can tell you about my son’s suicide in December, about the method, about it being live-streamed on social media, and waiting ten days to receive his remains from the coroner, all calmly. I can care daily for my patients as though nothing happened. Behind closed doors, I’m a mess. In my car alone, I’m a mess. In public, you become numb and detached. It’s survival, in my opinion.
I agree. Having just lost my sister I was able to maintain my composure. My grief roared when I was alone. I was on my best behavior when she died and at her funeral. Most folks grieve privately.
I would hope that LL at least would be keeping records of contacts between him/herself and tenants. I have never managed a property but it seems to make sense that you’d have to be constantly documenting things so when the year is done, you can deduct - right?
I’m terrible with dates myself, but if I’m questioned 2 says after something happens, I could definitely say, “I don’t know the date but I was there Friday...or a day or two ago.”
But I know that depending on how big an impression was left on them by conversing with Lucas, and how busy their lives might be, it’s rntirely possible the dates were mistaken. Especially if they weren’t spoken to until a week or more past the contact. I can’t even remember what I ate for dinner 2 nights ago!

Landlords don’t but receipts we have to save certainly do.
It would also make sense that he was already passed on when she sent the snap to JH. Like others I just cant get past the LL sighting but if you take that out of the equation every other factor points to him being gone :( earlier than we thought. All JMO
It was a very strangely worded comment from NG. In one line she said that the information came from the 2nd autopsy, and in the next line she said it was unconfirmed whether the information came from autopsy or the recent search of the bathroom?

Is that just because NG is trying to cover her sources so she doesn't want it to be clear if it's a leak from the ME's office, the DA's office, or from LE?
Maybe the LL saw Lucas the Friday before?
I would love to know when he was interviewed. It could be a mix up like that- perhaps he did see him on a Friday peeking out through a window- maybe to check to see if the cat was still there? He might have mixed up that Friday with the following Friday, to which he was suppose to address some weird smell, according to Emily.
Maybe the LL saw Lucas the Friday before?

And she left Lucas alone the Friday before to go to OG, and then on the 16th she went to OG again and this time she couldn't take Lucas?

And EG's statement was that the LL was there on the 16th. I suppose if the LL was there both Fridays it could have got muddled.
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