Found Deceased Ks - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #29

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A LONG time ago, we discussed how there's always some truth sprinkled throughout a story full of lies. Someone mentioned that her story of asking the mystery couple "Are you ok? Are you stranded? Do you need to come in?" sounded more like something a person may have said to HER (EG).

I can't quite put my finger on it....but swirling through my mind is this:

At some point, EG was out either scoping a place to "dispose" of Lucas.....or checking to make sure he was still hidden...something.....and a (possibly) passerby saw her maybe pulled over and asked her THOSE EXACT QUESTIONS. Can't you envision it?
  • "Are you ok? Are you stranded? Do you need to come in?"
Then her weird story of seeing a black man and a white woman
  • Is it possible that she (EG) is the (white woman) and the homeless guy the (black man)? Maybe this was a truth that she sprinkled in her BS maybe she was quick trying to think on her feet when being questioned by LE and used what was on her mind/happened recently
Again, it hasn't quite lined up in my brain....but I really feel those questions may have been asked OF HER, and that in some way she is the white woman with the black man....and she spun these bits into her story.

Please let me know if you can kinda see what I'm saying?????

I do see what you're saying, but FLA told us that the photo of the couple exists, so I'm not sure what to think.
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@knartin96, I totally get what you're saying!

Asking strangers to come into her home and then being afraid enough of them to take a photo is beyond bizarre. They aren't the kind of statements that are made up on the fly to CYA. They came from SOMEWHERE.

I have spent more time than I would like to admit thinking about it. And usually, I land on her completely fabricating asking them to come in - they exist, she took the photo, we now know that. She needed to work them into the interview, where she knew darn good and well she was POI#1, as the last to see Lucas. So why not sprinkle in some BS to paint herself as Mother Theresa. Mother Theresa would never harm a child!

That said - I have considered your scenario, and yes, yes I can see where she pulled those phrases from what someone else asked of her.

I've been unable to shake the feeling that once we have a better idea of what actually happened, that we will look back on what words of hers we have and go.... 'OH!' I feel like it's all right there, and we are missing that one little bit that will make it all come together. It's maddening.
A LONG time ago, we discussed how there's always some truth sprinkled throughout a story full of lies. Someone mentioned that her story of asking the mystery couple "Are you ok? Are you stranded? Do you need to come in?" sounded more like something a person may have said to HER (EG).

I can't quite put my finger on it....but swirling through my mind is this:

At some point, EG was out either scoping a place to "dispose" of Lucas.....or checking to make sure he was still hidden...something.....and a (possibly) passerby saw her maybe pulled over and asked her THOSE EXACT QUESTIONS. Can't you envision it?
  • "Are you ok? Are you stranded? Do you need to come in?"
Then her weird story of seeing a black man and a white woman
  • Is it possible that she (EG) is the (white woman) and the homeless guy the (black man)? Maybe this was a truth that she sprinkled in her BS maybe she was quick trying to think on her feet when being questioned by LE and used what was on her mind/happened recently
Again, it hasn't quite lined up in my brain....but I really feel those questions may have been asked OF HER, and that in some way she is the white woman with the black man....and she spun these bits into her story.

Please let me know if you can kinda see what I'm saying?????

not a bad train of thought, imo - if she was suspiciously pacing around her property/out front, i could see someone asking her this. also, i think all we know is that there was a black man and white woman smoking outside (and per your scenario, maybe shes the woman). this person/people could live on the block and have been strolling on the sidewalk for a smoke....many smokers only do it outside.

maybe she was worried LE was going to call this person in for questioning, particularly if she knew they were a neighbor/LE would talk to all neighbors so she wanted to put her own spin on the dialogue. when LE brings it up shes all "no thats not what happened, hes confused, i asked him if hes OK not the other way around. he was the one acting weird". she also may have awkwardly interacted with the smoking person(s) in an attempt to appear nonchalant.

a big question i always had from this is where exactly was EG and the smoking couple throughout the entire duration of this interaction (sidewalk, driveway, front lawn). if they werent next door the entire time and it was early in the morning, she wouldnt shout - did she walk over to them? was she already walking around beyond her lawn for other reasons?
@knartin96, I totally get what you're saying!

Asking strangers to come into her home and then being afraid enough of them to take a photo is beyond bizarre. They aren't the kind of statements that are made up on the fly to CYA. They came from SOMEWHERE.

I have spent more time than I would like to admit thinking about it. And usually, I land on her completely fabricating asking them to come in - they exist, she took the photo, we now know that. She needed to work them into the interview, where she knew darn good and well she was POI#1, as the last to see Lucas. So why not sprinkle in some BS to paint herself as Mother Theresa. Mother Theresa would never harm a child!

That said - I have considered your scenario, and yes, yes I can see where she pulled those phrases from what someone else asked of her.

I've been unable to shake the feeling that once we have a better idea of what actually happened, that we will look back on what words of hers we have and go.... 'OH!' I feel like it's all right there, and we are missing that one little bit that will make it all come together. It's maddening.

It's Soooo maddening......I feel like something is right there......what is it?

Now - I'm being facetious.....but I can come up with a plausible photo with a simple google search <modsnip>
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I like cryptology. Grandma would sit in her rocking chair for hours trying to decipher. I’m so sorry for the confusion. I accept my embarrassment if I’m able to help produce thinking. I think thinking is a good tool to calm the mind.

The confusion for me was more of the kind "I wish I had the answers"...
A LONG time ago, we discussed how there's always some truth sprinkled throughout a story full of lies. Someone mentioned that her story of asking the mystery couple "Are you ok? Are you stranded? Do you need to come in?" sounded more like something a person may have said to HER (EG).

I can't quite put my finger on it....but swirling through my mind is this:

At some point, EG was out either scoping a place to "dispose" of Lucas.....or checking to make sure he was still hidden...something.....and a (possibly) passerby saw her maybe pulled over and asked her THOSE EXACT QUESTIONS. Can't you envision it?
  • "Are you ok? Are you stranded? Do you need to come in?"
Then her weird story of seeing a black man and a white woman
  • Is it possible that she (EG) is the (white woman) and the homeless guy the (black man)? Maybe this was a truth that she sprinkled in her BS maybe she was quick trying to think on her feet when being questioned by LE and used what was on her mind/happened recently
Again, it hasn't quite lined up in my brain....but I really feel those questions may have been asked OF HER, and that in some way she is the white woman with the black man....and she spun these bits into her story.

Please let me know if you can kinda see what I'm saying?????
I did mention elsewhere my thoughts about Emily being the white woman and the homeless kid being the black man. That she might have taken a random photo behind of another white woman and black man to represent them- notice she didn't take a side view or faces. Only problem is, either she is really too stupid to find someone similar to represent the homeless guy, or maybe she thought no one would think anything of it and question it.

I really think she thought she was going to not only get away with Lucas' murder, but I also think she expected sympathy from the public. I think she's shocked at how fast people caught on to her and blamed her.
It's Soooo maddening......I feel like something is right there......what is it?

Now - I'm being facetious.....but I can come up with a plausible photo with a simple google search <modsnip>

Emily Glass speaks from jail: 'I would never hurt my son'

im actually really curious what the positioning of the smoking couple was.

-i took the phrasing "outside my home" to mean on the block/with an eyesight or shouting distance bc if someone was literally on your own property, youd be alarmed or you know them...did she know them and is trying to deflect that/throw suspicion on them?

-or did she make the effort to walk up to them? you arent going to shout early in the morning. which is super weird unless they were loitering for a long time. but even that doesnt seem safe to do, particularly 1 female against 2 people. if they are taking a walk/are guests or live in the neighborhood themselves, why would this alleged convo even happen?

-or was she already outside acting weird and fabricates this scenario to make herself normal/nonchalant to both them and if these ppl are potentially questioned by LE.

i wonder if the photo shows how near/far they were.
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I do see what you're saying, but FLA told us that the photo of the couple exists, so I'm not sure what to think.
she could still be turning the story around - re she is the one who was acting weird/doing something sketchy at an early hour but is framing her version of the dialogue to be her as the attentive neighbor and these two people the weirdos.
This is not directed at any particular comment, but I agree with those that have suggested there is some truth in EG's tales. We know the picture was taken, and we know EG said she talked to them and played concerned citizen with them. (I wonder if she was barefoot at the time? ;) ) But really, I wonder if they saw something - and they didn't even know they'd seen something - and she once again latched on to a potential scapegoat. She spent a week feeling out her options for scapegoats.
not a bad train of thought, imo - if she was suspiciously pacing around her property/out front, i could see someone asking her this. also, i think all we know is that there was a black man and white woman smoking outside (and per your scenario, maybe shes the woman). this person/people could live on the block and have been strolling on the sidewalk for a smoke....many smokers only do it outside.

maybe she was worried LE was going to call this person in for questioning, particularly if she knew they were a neighbor/LE would talk to all neighbors so she wanted to put her own spin on the dialogue. when LE brings it up shes all "no thats not what happened, hes confused, i asked him if hes OK not the other way around. he was the one acting weird". she also may have awkwardly interacted with the smoking person(s) in an attempt to appear nonchalant.

a big question i always had from this is where exactly was EG and the smoking couple throughout the entire duration of this interaction (sidewalk, driveway, front lawn). if they werent next door the entire time and it was early in the morning, she wouldnt shout - did she walk over to them? was she already walking around beyond her lawn for other reasons?

I have been the mom home alone - and afraid of a suspicious person I see out front of my house. It does NOT make sense, under any circumstances, that you would approach or speak to said suspicious person. You lock it all down and maybe even kind of "hide".

I distinctly moving into a new home and calling my dad (who was a cop) and whispering into the phone, "Dad, this is freaking me out....I'm scared" dad lived 45 minutes away in Chicago....and he said to me "Call 911" I was like, "No, that's so dramatic, what if it's nothing....I don't want to waste the police's time....etc" And as a cop, he said, "That's what you pay your taxes have every right to call even if it turns out to be nothing." And with that, I called 911.

Just don't buy her story 1 bit!!!
This is not directed at any particular comment, but I agree with those that have suggested there is some truth in EG's tales. We know the picture was taken, and we know EG said she talked to them and played concerned citizen with them. (I wonder if she was barefoot at the time? ;) ) But really, I wonder if they didn't see something - and they didn't even know they'd seen something - and she once again latched on to a potential scapegoat. She spent a week feeling out her options for scapegoats.

i really like your point about maybe they saw something but they didnt know it - so she awkwardly starts striking up this weird & overly friendly convo. these two ppl are probably like "what/why is this woman talking to us" and EG is thinking "they probably think im being so nice, theyll never suspect i was doing anything weird"

what could she have been doing?? (ik prepping to dispose of lucas' body/evidence but im trying to be more specific)
she could still be turning the story around - re she is the one who was acting weird/doing something sketchy at an early hour but is framing her version of the dialogue to be her as the attentive neighbor and these two people the weirdos.
Sure bc what is she doing up and outside at that hour. If there was a couple walking home or anywhere, she may have been worried they could be neighbors. Worried somehow word gets back to JH that she’s outside doing whatever. It’s so hard to put yourself inside the mind of an Emily-type person. They don’t think like we do. Logic goes out the window bc they’re busy running down their agenda. KWIM?
i really like your point about maybe they saw something but they didnt know it - so she awkwardly starts striking up this weird & overly friendly convo. these two ppl are probably like "what/why is this woman talking to us" and EG is thinking "they probably think im being so nice, theyll never suspect i was doing anything weird"

what could she have been doing?? (ik prepping to dispose of lucas' body/evidence but im trying to be more specific)
I don't necessarily believe she even spoke to them. I believe she saw them and thought, "oooh, some rando I can pin this on."
Sure bc what is she doing up and outside at that hour. If there was a couple walking home or anywhere, she may have been worried they could be neighbors. Worried somehow word gets back to JH that she’s outside doing whatever. It’s so hard to put yourself inside the mind of an Emily-type person. They don’t think like we do. Logic goes out the window bc they’re busy running down their agenda. KWIM?

what if what made her paranoid about these people is she had just gotten back from disposing of Lucas' body (alone or with a helper). Maybe she was worried they had seen her driving around the block or coming back out to her car on the driveway...they very well may have witnessed none of this but maybe they kinda popped out of nowhere and she was simultaneously like 1) someone i can pin this on/casually mention to LE if needed and 2) s**** someone saw me, i need to talk to them/smooth it over.

ik there is discussion of cell phone pings/theories she was at the bridge during broad daylight but she could have been checking on the body and disposed of Lucas at an earlier time....such as that night/morning. just a thought.
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This is not directed at any particular comment, but I agree with those that have suggested there is some truth in EG's tales. We know the picture was taken, and we know EG said she talked to them and played concerned citizen with them. (I wonder if she was barefoot at the time? ;) ) But really, I wonder if they saw something - and they didn't even know they'd seen something - and she once again latched on to a potential scapegoat. She spent a week feeling out her options for scapegoats.

The photo could have been of the homeless guy and some other chick who had stopped at her house earlier/another time....she conveniently snapped a photo of them walking away. With all of her free time (with JH out of town)....she could have had a regular parade of "friends" stopping by late at night to do god knows what. I just won't get this out of my mind until/unless someone who has actually seen this photo can in some way confirm that it is DEFINITELY outside of their home (some recognizable feature in the photo) and it DEFINITELY was like pitch dark out, and it DEFINITELY can be date AND time stamped.....
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