Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #3 *Arrest*

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I don't know when that interview was done with JH but if it was prior to EG's arrest, could he have being utterly dense in saying that the abuse allegations and Lucas' disappearance were two separate issues? Is he desperately trying to keep them separate in his head, blind to what many of us feel is a rather obvious connection?

After watching the FB pages of a few people with missing children recently, I can see why someone would want to keep their ID private. Some people don't even keep their feelings (and their outright abuse) to news pages or Find Me groups, they take it right to the public posts begging for help on the parent and family members' pages. It's like the modern equivalent of egging someone's house, but there are hundreds of people on there screaming accusations and insults. I might sometimes sympathise with some of the comments, but I don't think that's the place to put them. And then innocent parents are going to be just as afraid of this happening as guilty ones or the ones judged guilty by association in the court of public opinion.

Over here the police don't usually name a person arrested, they just say the gender and age, then the media does the rest. But the media do usually name the parents and try to do an interview with them (if they can, because of course the parents might be 'helping police with their inquiries' or they might be too upset to appear on camera). But we usually have a presumption of innocence of the family members, and I think that's starting to get hard with these US cases when so many of them are tracing back to the adults in the home. When you have the FBI involved, they should know exactly what kind of media coverage they do want and what they don't want to happen, they'll have an idea of how much pressure they want on someone who they see as a suspect or on who they see as a completely innocent victim, imho. I don't see it being out of the realm of possibility that they might suggest to relatives that they might want to keep a low profile for risk of negative public perception and insults and attacks coming their way, whether warranted or unwarranted. FLA has already said on here that Lucas' mom has received nasty messages, and she was in another state, and she was one of the ones concerned about possible abuse. A lot of people don't bother to get fully informed before they start spreading their judgmental hate.

And then look at cases like Mariah's where everyone (me being a prime contender) analyzed the heck out of the mother's interviews with the media. A lot of people felt very defensive about that kind of analysis, feeling they were being attacked for calling their own children their angels. A lot of people don't have a great understanding of all the nuances of things like that and just go with a gut feeling that someone is hiding something or guilty, and it can be wrong. What if someone was suffering a heavy migraine and did go to lay down and their child got out? Things like showering or sleeping can be used as the basis of an 'alibi' but they are also things people do every day.
I hadn't joined the family yet when Lucas was very young, but I do know that mom's parents had kinship custody of him before the father's side had him. I'm not confident in whether I know for sure how old he was when he moved from mom to grandma to dad's family back to dad enough to try to estimate ages, though.
It sounds like Lucas has so many extended family members who loved him and would have taken custody of him if Dad's girlfriend didn't want him with them.

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Here's my thought on JH's comments about the abuse:

He's saying stop asking about the abuse, that isn't important now, finding Lucas is important, and I agree with him. We can rehash for hours about the abuse allegations, we can talk about how horrible they are and those horrific pictures and how everyone failed Lucas but let me asking a question: does all that help find Lucas? This is what irritates me so much about the media, they are so hungry for some juicy tabloid news, the flashing headlines screaming ABUSE and they forget there is a missing little boy who needs everyone's help.

Right now...the abuse isn't important, JH isn't important, finding Lucas...that's important. JMO.
Someone else involved? Well, if dad was gone for long periods of time, it's possible SM has another guy.

Or at the very least, had someone help her move while dad was gone at work. I mean, moving is kind of a huge deal with lots and lots of boxes to pack and haul, not to mention all the furniture. 1 woman with 2 little kids to look after isn't going to do that by herself.
Endangerment means the child was left in a situation where they could have been hurt. .drug paraphernalia, left alone, etc.

Okay, thank goodness. I don't know why I thought the little girl may have been missing as well... but whew. Thank goodness. Now, WHERE IS LUCAS? Gah, I wish I could have TWO seconds with this evil woman.
It seems like she not only abused little Lucas but she was physically abusive to JH too. People don't often think of males being abused by females but it happens countless times every year with almost 1 million calls to 911. Being an abuse survivor myself by my ex-I can understand how the abuser manipulates the abused victim constantly. BUT what I will never understand is any parent (even if they are being abused themselves) allowing it to happen to their children. Nope, nope, nope. There is no excuse under the sun for any parent to allow that to happen to their innocent children. Little children like Lucas cant protect themselves but their parents can, and must do so.

My ex and I had three children and even he knew I would never sit there and allow him to abuse any of our children. I made that perfectly clear to him. He knew that was one line he could never cross and he never did and actually was a devoted loving dad to all of them. Every time he flew into a jealous rage and viciously assaulted me he made sure none of our children were home to see any of it. After 10 years+ of covering up for him........I walked taking all three children with me, and almost lost my life for doing so 10.5 months after we were separated, and close to the divorce being final. He knew at the time I didn't have the courage to protect myself but he damned well knew I would protect all of them if he ever became abusive in any way. Even abusers know their limitations of who they can target and who is off limits especially if they know the victim's strength and courage will be there front and center when it comes to protecting children.

I read that JH once threw the step-monsters clothes out or threatened to do so I wonder if this heated argument was over her abusive treatment of little Lucas and he wanted her to leave for good. But she charmed him into taking her back just like so many other DV abusers have done?

If so, I so wish he had made good on it throwing her out for good back then so little Lucas wouldn't have had to go through more abuse. Nor would we be here so worried and praying about his well being and praying he is found.

Things could have been so different if JH had only done the right thing back then when he had to know this evil woman was toxic.

I just can't understand.

This happens over and over and over and over again. I can think of like, 5-6 cases just off the top of my head that have happened in the last couple of years.

And yet it plays out the SAME way every single time. Past history of abuse, child goes "missing" suspiciously, then we find out they met with foul play.

So, how in the world can these people think you're not going to get caught? After watching past cases play out, HOW can these people think they are going to get away with something like this? I just don't understand it!!
Those pictures of that poor baby just gut me! I’m not giving “ dad” any kind of pass here. He may/ may not have taken part in laying hands on Lucas but to me he’s just as guilty. How dare he allow it to happen again and again. How dare he leave the kids with her. Trying to push aside all the talk of he abuse as if it has nothing to do with anything. My god wth is wrong with people?!!
( I’m so angry I don’t even know if I’m making sense anymore! )
I really don't think her endangerment charges stem from her taking a nap while both children were in the house. Technically most people do that every night when they go to bed at night with their children in the house.
I doubt if dad knows what she did to occur those charges. He will find out at her hearing. I bet when he does he is going to be more pissed than he was in his interview tonight.

I was kind of thinking the same thing.
BUT, if the nap = a kid getting hurt, then I feel that's a tiny bit different.

It could also be simply due to the bruises all over him - the baby girl may have bruises as well, which is where the charges for her came from.
I worried more this morning about my teen driving to school for the first time than I think JH worried about Lucas.
What about bridges or beauty spots around the Arkansas river as it goes through Wichita?

Sorry if this has been answered- catching up.

Here are pictures of the most famous spot on the river— keeper of the plains. There are multiple walking bridges that stretch across the Arkansas river.


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I just can't understand.

This happens over and over and over and over again. I can think of like, 5-6 cases just off the top of my head that have happened in the last couple of years.

And yet it plays out the SAME way every single time. Past history of abuse, child goes "missing" suspiciously, then we find out they met with foul play.

So, how in the world can these people think you're not going to get caught? After watching past cases play out, HOW can these people think they are going to get away with something like this? I just don't understand it!!

I feel the same as sad, and I’m also so sick of seeing the same pattern over and over again.
Unfortunately I don’t think these “parents” are thinking of consequences. I think they’re so selfish/entitled to their own wants and needs that frankly they don’t give a darn about them. Also for a person to stoop to the level of harming a child, they aren’t seeing the big picture. So perhaps they’re confident that they will get away with it. IMO you have to be a special kind of jerk to hit a child.

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Sorry if this has been answered- catching up.

Here are pictures of the most famous spot on the river— keeper of the plains. There are multiple walking bridges that stretch across the Arkansas river.


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I feel the same as sad, and I’m also so sick of seeing the same pattern over and over again.
Unfortunately I don’t think these “parents” are thinking of consequences. I think they’re so selfish/entitled to their own wants and needs that frankly they don’t give a darn about them. Also for a person to stoop to the level of harming a child, they aren’t seeing the big picture. So perhaps they’re confident that they will get away with it. IMO you have to be a special kind of jerk to hit a child.

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I couldn't agree more.
I am not against spanking, when it's done correctly, but I RARELY even spank my kids. Inflicting pain on them because they did something wrong just doesn't seem like it helps teach them anything. The point is, I can't imagine how someone could go so far as to leave BRUISES on a precious baby. Like... how ANGRY were you that you were able to do something like that?!?! And why didn't you take a step back, realize you were angry, and take a timeout for yourself?!

It makes me wonder if drugs weren't involved. It makes me wonder if PPD wasn't a factor. It makes me wonder if she had so much anger toward JH and that's how she decided to get back at him, for leaving her alone with the kids by herself.

This is all JMO, speculation, my thoughts - no evidence to back my thoughts up at all.
This father is certainly in denial! His GF, the main caretaker of his missing son is in jail for endangerment to his two children. He knows the families have complained to him and reported he and GF to CPS for abuse.

The anger one feels from him making these statements in not wanting to discuss abuse shows the guilt just the same as GF’s nap/shower story. IMO. My intuition tells me we are going to really be sick when the details of what went on in that Home come out.

I am sorry to say this but we haven’t heard what went on in the house yet when dad was away. Bet the neighbors at the old apartment could write a book on this couple!

My intuition is saying that he is doing this perhaps so he can give an excuse to isolate himself from the rest of the family so he doesn't have to speak to them and address questions and the real situation going on.
I must be the most naive person on earth. I was thinking maybe the abuse allegations were exaggerated. That happens sometimes. But those latest photos!

I left a thumbprint on my daughter once when I grabbed her to keep her from running in a busy parking lot. I’ve had to call the ex-in-law’s family to explain a bruise on my grandbaby’s bottom when he fell on the steps. He was interrogated once by the ex-in-laws because he had bruises all over his legs (after playing on a playground that had metal bars to crawl on instead of steps.) He told me the other day that my husband “messed with” his private parts (I was watching when my husband dried him off with a towel after his bath, and he definitely wasn’t messing with anything.) So, I’m hyper aware how something innocent can be distorted.

But forgive me, family of Lucas! I believe you now after seeing those photos!

I will say, even if he was abused, it is *possible* the abuser(s) don’t have anything to do with his disappearance. I know it’s not likely that she/they aren’t involved, but I am glad that in our country their guilt will be proven in court.

ETA: I forgot to mention the time my daughter fell on the playground, straddling a metal pole. Took her straight to the doctor so they could document the cause of the massive bruise on her lady parts.
The bridges interest me. I don't exactly know why they just do.
OK. I'll say it, but please be aware that I'm really sorry I have to say it. I'm a criminologist and I've seen this happen in other cases. If no one but Emily has seen Lucas since the house move, I'm wondering if she killed him before the moved and disposed of him in the trash. It sickens me to write this. But I'm worried that we haven't had any independent reports of when Lucas was seen apart from what she has reported. *hugs* to FindLucasAllen

He was seen at the new house by neighbors.
The neighbors saw Lucas but a lot of things could have happened since they did. I'm glad he has been proven to have been at the new house by these sightings.
In a move there is a lot of confusion on the part of new neighbors and lots of opportunities for a child to go missing.
There were probably lots of boxes and bags.
So hard to type that :(
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