Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #4 *Arrest*

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Don't know if this is has been said before and I sure hope that LE has already checked it because it would be right under their noses but in MSM it was said a neighbor saw EG on her knees with the 1 year old doing something in the flower bed. I wonder if they have checked this because I hate to be morbid but what if he was buried there? Here is what it said about it:

A neighbor, Leigh Burgess, said that another neighbor came to her Saturday evening, saying that the woman who lives in between them was upset because her child was missing. He was helping her to search. Not long afterward, police arrived. They focused on the back yard of the home where Lucas lives. Police also searched her yard, Burgess said.

Two days earlier, on Thursday morning, Burgess saw her new neighbors across the street. A woman and a small child were on their knees, busily clearing out a flower bed. Burgess thought the child looked younger than 5 – Lucas’ age – and thought the child might be a girl. They were gone from the yard before Burgess could introduce herself.

With LE all over the yard after the call came in about Lucas being missing, I would think they would have noticed disturbed dirt (ground). jmo
I can't bring it over from the other thread because I couldn't quote, but I just want to comment on the endometriosis. Me and my mother both have it. It can be absolutely debilitating. It doesn't only hurt during your period (though that is when the pain is at it's worst), it hurts 24/7. I cramp probably 20 days out of 30, and it ranges from mild to bad enough for me to take ibuprofen.

As far as it being an excuse to hurt Lucas, absolutely not. I wouldn't buy that for a single second. Regardless of how bad I am hurting, I've never thought about hurting my children.

Now, if she's on pain medication, or abusing pain medication, that could play a factor in her poor decisions, but not for a single second should she even attempt to use her pain as an excuse to hurt him, that's just ridiculous.
I'm thinking LE is focusing on talking to mom now and getting her to talk because they realize they are reaching a bunch of dead ends in their search.

Speculation, just my opinion, no proof.
It is really hard to type this, but I think the reason they are not searching right now is because they know he was likely placed in a dumpster before he was even reported missing. JMO

I've been fighting the thought, but I'm am considering this a possibility. It would've been easy for her to conceal her actions during a move - so many things get put in the dumpster when moving that it wouldn't look suspicious. And it also explains why she isn't providing information. It's just too AWFUL to admit to actions like this to LE or to family.

A park would be a much better place, but also would've taken some effort....not sure she would've done that, especially when surrounded (likely) with moving boxes.

She needs to admit to it, whatever it is. Might be false hope, but I do hope after time in the slammer she will come to some sense.

What I was thinking after I signed off last night was this...

There was some confusion over what was said about the search for Lucas at the home when it said the sniffer dogs couldn't find a trail and they couldn't find him in the home. I think it was bad reporting grammar and they meant that the dogs couldn't find a trail and the officers doing an eyeball search, checking under beds, cupboards, etc couldn't find Lucas in the home or garden.

Then, I think the day before yesterday someone said that LE had gone back to the current address to do checks there? I kind of suspect that the return to that address was the full forensic and cadaver dog search. As far as I know sniffer dogs don't go into the home to check for a person's scent, something is brought out of the home for the dog to sniff and the dog starts at the last known location for the person, not inside the home but outside the front door or wherever they were last seen.

At the point of the return to the address, that roughly coincides with the arrest of EG, though I don't know if it was before or after (maybe they needed the arrest to get the warrant for the full forensics/cadaver dog check?) the LE activity seems to have changed focus. I fear they might actually have found something concerning in the home, in the car, at the old address (if they were going back and forth during the move)? It could be the weather that has caused no reports of LE outside activity recently, but it could also have changed for this reason if they're trying to switch to an intelligence-led investigation based on tips, talking to people, and what they found during those higher-level forensic searches.

The parks searching didn't seem like it was ping based or anything like a trail or sighting because they went from one park to another, and then to a third in a totally different area of town. Maybe someone overhearing that she went to the park could have caused those searches, or the FBI team might have suggested to start in those places, but I see it more like in the Mariah searches where LE were focused on bridges over creeks and small ponds for nearly a week before they hit on the right creek.

If it's something like EG claims to LE that on Saturday morning she took the kids to the park, maybe they'd check the parks, but then why would Lucas' shoes be at home? If he only has the green shoes that fit him at the moment, then something must have happened in the home (if EG is responsible) because he was only in socks and not in shoes.

I've also been trying to consider that if something happened in the home there might have been a re-dressing (a pm re-dressing).. Or that Lucas might not have been wearing those clothes when he went missing and they're a part of the alibi and have simply been thrown into a dumpster? But if the latter was the case, why the socks and not the shoes? This is partly why I want to know if it was common for Lucas to wear socks inside the home? There's one picture of him in the house that I saw with his feet showing and he had bare feet, so when does Lucas wear socks but not shoes? Did something happen while he was getting ready for bed and he wears socks to bed? Did something happen when they were getting ready to go out and he had his socks on but not his shoes? If EG wanted things to appear that Lucas had wandered off, why didn't she put the shoes on or throw them in a dumpster, why leave them in the home yet say Lucas was wearing socks?

I don't have any potential answers to these questions, but they stand out to me, and I wonder if anyone else here might be able to work with them and come up with some ideas?
I also wondered about the pull ups.
That was a detail I found interesting.
Why use the pull ups description if it wasn't true? Especially during the middle of the day. I can't quite articulate why this bugs me.

I'm sure they checked current trash for used pull ups. Was there a box of them in his room?

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I don't even know what to think about the fact that she isn't talking yet.

It makes me feel like she took him or left him somewhere, that she is confident no one will find him. So why talk? She probably thinks they can't charge her if they can't find a body. I mean, while it's true in most cases, it's not impossible to place charges if they have enough evidence.

She knows where they have searched. I think if she felt like they were on a hot trail to finding him, she'd be more likely to talk, to try to save herself... but the fact that she isn't talking makes me think that she put him somewhere that LE won't likely find him easily.

Speculation on my part, obviously.
It is really hard to type this, but I think the reason they are not searching right now is because they know he was likely placed in a dumpster before he was even reported missing. JMO

I'm sure LE has considered nearby dumpsters. I wonder, though, if they've checked the dumpsters at any places that may have shown up on EG's phone ping record (if they have it?) For example, she may have remembered a dumpster hidden behind the grocery store or the big box store where she gets cleaning supplies, or behind the college she did or did not attend. Places like that may have surveillance cameras on the dumpsters as well, but time is running out to check those, I would think.

Afterthought: I'm not sure they have any probable cause to have her phone pings yet. Do we know anything about pings? Another thought: Unless you're not too bright, I guess you'd leave your phone behind if you were going to do something like that. Drats.
I have considered that a motive would be revenge on bio mom. There is no love lost between the two and maybe the picking up late at school incident was the final straw. For this *theory* I can see a dumpster involved.
I also wondered about the pull ups.
That was a detail I found interesting.
Why use the pull ups description if it wasn't true? Especially during the middle of the day. I can't quite articulate why this bugs me.

I'm sure they checked current trash for used pull ups. Was there a box of them in his room?

I've been lurking for quite a while, but this case and Cherish Perrywinkle's really pushed me to join.

As for why the description of the pull ups - consider that perhaps the description of what he was/is wearing is true. Pullups, no shoes. There is usually a kernel of truth in these things, it keeps the story straight in the teller's mind - descriptions of clothing and places - solid, vivid things you can draw from to use as anchors to make your story emotive and believable.
But the timeline doesn't have to be the truth, because time isn't linear when you are retelling a story. Especially if you're lying.
I have considered that a motive would be revenge on bio mom. There is no love lost between the two and maybe the picking up late at school incident was the final straw. For this *theory* I can see a dumpster involved.

I'm not thinking revenge against the bio-mom, but perhaps resentment about having to take care of little Lucas. The school incident could've been a trigger for an escalation in resentment and abuse, though. I mentioned upthread that EG's reaction at the school looks like how a user/addict/alcohol acts. They lash out, are defensive, and are irrational. They can get irrational to the point of violence that they feel is justified.

In a sober situation, anyone forgetting to pick up a child at school would be apologetic, embarrassed, and thankful that someone was there to help. They would reassure everyone, especially the child, that it won't happen again. Instead, she was angry at others even though she was a fault. Irrational.

By not showing up at school pick-up (because she was "napping"), her problems were out in the public for the school employees, other parents, etc to see. Plus, she had to face the fact herself that she screwed up - people using drugs/alcohol can't handle that. They lash out instead of taking responsibility.

The school incident indeed could've been what started worse treatment of innocent Lucas, caught up in her storm. But I don't think SM hurt Lucas to get back at bio mom. I think her behavior was selfishness cranked up to the level of violence. JMO.

The irrational anger and the "napping" looks like drug/alcohol abuse, in my opinion, which is not a professional opinion but one based on life experience. I don't know much about drugs, but I do have experience dealing with alcoholics, though none as ugly as this person.

Unsure if these have been shared already. They're from one of EG's Facebook 'blogging' pages. The page links to her twitter which has been posted here previously. Hopefully ok to share here.


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I also wondered about the pull ups.
That was a detail I found interesting.
Why use the pull ups description if it wasn't true? Especially during the middle of the day. I can't quite articulate why this bugs me.

I'm sure they checked current trash for used pull ups. Was there a box of them in his room?

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I had assumed she mentioned the pull up because it was true? It seems an odd thing to mention for a five year old who's wearing day clothes over the pull up, but maybe LE asked about underwear when they got the description of the clothing from her? I thought the reason for the pull up might indicate something happened at bed time, yet he seems to have been wearing day clothes?

Had he started to have some daytime accidents? Had she been called to the school over an accident? Is that why there's a question mark over him going to school for a week or ten days? I don't know if missing school is true or unfounded rumor. If he did have strep throat/cold and was in bed sleeping or sleeping on the sofa maybe it would make sense to use a pull up? But he was also reported to have been playing in the street when they moved into the new house, so how sick could he have been at that point? There could have been a relapse, a bad cold could have turned to bronchitis.
Unsure if these have been shared already. They're from one of EG's Facebook 'blogging' pages. The page links to her twitter which has been posted here previously. Hopefully ok to share here.

They're just things she's shared, not what she's personally written. i think it's just a facade of a wonderful caring mother for the benefit of other people?

It obviously sticks in your craw when you think of those pictures of poor Lucas covered in bruises!
I had assumed she mentioned the pull up because it was true? It seems an odd thing to mention for a five year old who's wearing day clothes over the pull up, but maybe LE asked about underwear when they got the description of the clothing from her? I thought the reason for the pull up might indicate something happened at bed time, yet he seems to have been wearing day clothes?

Had he started to have some daytime accidents? Had she been called to the school over an accident? Is that why there's a question mark over him going to school for a week or ten days? I don't know if missing school is true or unfounded rumor. If he did have strep throat/cold and was in bed sleeping or sleeping on the sofa maybe it would make sense to use a pull up? But he was also reported to have been playing in the street when they moved into the new house, so how sick could he have been at that point? There could have been a relapse, a bad cold could have turned to bronchitis.

It's possible he wasn't fully trained yet and the Pullups were "just in case."

IDK, but I do agree that she mentioned them because he was actually wearing them.

It's possible he wasn't fully trained yet and the Pullups were "just in case."

IDK, but I do agree that she mentioned them because he was actually wearing them.


Replying to myself....

I am recalling a family road trip when we ran out of clean underwear. My daughter had to wear her little sibling's Pull-ups instead of underwear. She was so mad (and still talks about the indignity of it, lol!)

Maybe he was wearing Pullups because there was no clean underwear. Bio-mom has mentioned that Lucas would be wearing dirty clothes when he visited with her.

Just an idea, speculation.

In a sober situation, anyone forgetting to pick up a child at school would be apologetic, embarrassed, and thankful that someone was there to help. They would reassure everyone, especially the child, that it won't happen again. Instead, she was angry at others even though she was a fault. Irrational.

By not showing up at school pick-up (because she was "napping"), her problems were out in the public for the school employees, other parents, etc to see. Plus, she had to face the fact herself that she screwed up - people using drugs/alcohol can't handle that. They lash out instead of taking responsibility.

The irrational anger and the "napping" looks like drug/alcohol abuse, in my opinion, which is not a professional opinion but one based on life experience. I don't know much about drugs, but I do have experience dealing with alcoholics, though none as ugly as this person.


Yes, I very much get the sense that she would have been irrationally angry that she “looked bad” when part of her MO is “Lucas’ savior.” Except that story had long since been believable and life was unraveling for her. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this.
They're just things she's shared, not what she's personally written. i think it's just a facade of a wonderful caring mother for the benefit of other people?

It obviously sticks in your craw when you think of those pictures of poor Lucas covered in bruises!

Exactly what it is! Might be even trying to convince herself that she's a great mother also :sigh:

I think some of that post are her own words as she's signed it 'Em' but others she has linked her source.
I had assumed she mentioned the pull up because it was true? It seems an odd thing to mention for a five year old who's wearing day clothes over the pull up, but maybe LE asked about underwear when they got the description of the clothing from her? I thought the reason for the pull up might indicate something happened at bed time, yet he seems to have been wearing day clothes?

Had he started to have some daytime accidents? Had she been called to the school over an accident? Is that why there's a question mark over him going to school for a week or ten days? I don't know if missing school is true or unfounded rumor. If he did have strep throat/cold and was in bed sleeping or sleeping on the sofa maybe it would make sense to use a pull up? But he was also reported to have been playing in the street when they moved into the new house, so how sick could he have been at that point? There could have been a relapse, a bad cold could have turned to bronchitis.

Hmm....your last sentence brings up something we haven't considered. What if he did have strep that was left untreated and progressed to something so serious he passed away due to neglect?

Who knows how long he might have gone unnoticed by EM? If he was quiet in his room, she might not have bothered checking on him - and then made the discovery. In her panic, she hid him instead of admitting she let a child die. Brainstorming ideas here, not facts.

TOTAL SPECULATION, something to consider?

Hmm....your last sentence brings up something we haven't considered. What if he did have strep that was left untreated and progressed to something so serious he passed away due to neglect?

Who knows how long he might have gone unnoticed by EM? If he was quiet in his room, she might not have bothered checking on him - and then made the discovery. In her panic, she hid him instead of admitting she let a child die. Brainstorming ideas here, not facts.

TOTAL SPECULATION, something to consider?


I definitely thought about this, but the rational side of my brain says if this was the case, I feel like she would talk, know what I mean? Thinking, "Well, I didn't kill him, so I can't be charged with murder, so maybe I'll just talk and they'll let me off easy..."

But then again, she may not KNOW anything legally, so she may think that talking will still get her prison time, so she's just choosing to remain quiet.

Gah. I just don't know with this girl.
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