KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #2

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Hopefully, if I run into a dark duelly, I will be able to calmly get the license number or something (will that even help?) Watch the Topeka-Capital Journal... you might read a weird story about a woman charged w/ road rage trying to run down a dark duelly.

On a more serious note... (would getting any information on these help, or are there too many to really track/trace?)

You're the first person I check w/ if I read such a story :) I think what we're doing is taking down all the tag numbers to have on record if the individuals would happen to match up w/ any of the other evidence, so if you did get a tag number, we would pass it on to LE.

That is NEVER, NEVER, my intention. I am not living this, you are. My family and I will ALWAYS be here praying for all of you. God knows your heart is broken, it's ok to be angry. You are a shining light, and God knows your heart, and He loves you. I agree with the others, this is a "safe" place to vent, and we all know that you are a lady of grace, and when the time comes God will give you the strength you need to handle that moment.
Until then, ...........be kind to my friend RITA, she has forgotten how awesome she is. :) Consider yourself hugged, over and over. Be at peace my friend.

I KNOW that was not your intention. I posted what I wrote and immediately saw your post and felt so bad. What you wrote was so encouraging and I felt like I really didn't live up to it in that moment. I don't want to let anybody down.

I wonder if LE has gotten any forensics back. No matter how small the blood spatters were, the blood could have at least been typed through scrapings. It would have told LE whether it was Pat's blood or not.

Also, any news as to whether or not LE has been able to recover any DNA or touch DNA from the cap? Any recoverable fingerprints on the money clip?

Is LE thinking that this was a dually truck because there are 2 tire tracks in the grass on the side of the road or in the dirt on the side of the road? I am sure they are taking into account that whatever vehicle involved could have pulled over, backed up once or twice for some reason and left the same kind of tracks? Or were those tracks in Pat's driveway?

IDK. I think I am just trying to make sense of the clues left. Nothing makes sense.

Pat, I want to echo the poster that stated your Mom would be proud of how you and your brothers have handled this heartbreaking situation. She would want all of you to be strong and 'stay the course', IMO. You have all handled yourself with grace and dignity and never lost your faith. I stand in awe of all of you.

Please know that there are prayers daily. Take care of yourselves. I have no doubt your answers will come in time.

It was her blood, no news on any other forensics. The dually information came from someone who saw a truck matching that description in the area that night. Thank you for your kind words and prayers.

It does take time for dna to be matched. I don't know the backlog time period in Kansas.
But that cap looked worn, it should have dna in the sweatband.
As for the dually truck, I think there was a witness. But the witness
is unsure about the color, red or a dark color.
Could be the witness saw the shape of the truck.

I don't know if there are tire tracks or not, but
it does seem that Patricia escaped and so the
truck would have been pulled over then.

Yes, there is a backlog I'm sure. And yes, somone who possibly saw a truck that was a dually, red or dark colored. No tire tracks that I know of.
((( Rita ))) I am sure that your Mom is proud of you...and feels your love

I hope that they will release more info (or at least tell Rita) about that cap and money clip....what does the Insurance company say about the cap??

what about the hay guy....??

how about asking people in the area were there any "traveling salesmen" or "day workers" looking for work in the area??

Rita I am hoping and praying for you and for Pat

I know the insurance company has given LE information about the hat - when they gave it out, how many were given, etc. Sometimes word gets around about traveling salesman, but nothing has been said about it that I know of. Still no word on the hay guy. I really don't think it was him now that our family talked about it, but his name was given to LE anyway.

Is there anyone that you know, did your father ever go hunting? Was he a hunte? Does he know anyone who can authentically mimic sounds of certain animals?
This is probably a longshot and will sound nuts, what if a person was out there making or playing some type of animal sounds to lure your mother outside?
Which types of animals are her favorites aside from horses? She did have her horse or horses on her property, right?

I didn't realize you lived so close to your mother that you could see her yardlight from your own house. Whoever did this.. they have to be familiar with the area and the risks involved.. it's personal in that they would have to know about Pat in order to take her, since she is such a cautious person.

Does your father have any close friends who would "help" him with something so horrible as taking your mother?

Well, I can see her yardlight as the crow flies - it's still a few miles away. But she lives on a hill and we live on a hill, so you can see pretty far. I absolutely agree this was someone who knew her in some way.

I don't think my "dad's" much of a hunter. (He for sure doesn't need to have a loaded gun in his possession!) No, she sold the horses during the divorce, so all she had at the time was her little housedog and the donkey. I don't see him pulling off any crafty moves because the alcoholism has burnt up too many brain cells...sad but true. If he was involved, he didn't play a part in actually being there that night. JMO
You're the first person I check w/ if I read such a story :) I think what we're doing is taking down all the tag numbers to have on record if the individuals would happen to match up w/ any of the other evidence, so if you did get a tag number, we would pass it on to LE.

I KNOW that was not your intention. I posted what I wrote and immediately saw your post and felt so bad. What you wrote was so encouraging and I felt like I really didn't live up to it in that moment. I don't want to let anybody down.

It was her blood, no news on any other forensics. The dually information came from someone who saw a truck matching that description in the area that night. Thank you for your kind words and prayers.

Yes, there is a backlog I'm sure. And yes, somone who possibly saw a truck that was a dually, red or dark colored. No tire tracks that I know of.

Don't ever think you are letting anyone down. Just keep taking it one day at a time. You have enough pressure without thinking you have to be "strong for us". Just continue to take care of your family and yourself, and I know this is going to sound way off base with the way you feel right now...but try to find some joy in each new day, cuz I know your mom would want you to be happy. I loved the message God gave you about your mom "working for Him" How awesome is that. Look at all the seeds your mom planted, and now you kids are coming along "watering" those seeds, and "planting" seeds in your own families. Love lives on.......irregardless. Please lay down your burdens, we all want to help you carry them . xoxo
I agree, it has to be local, someone that already knew her. When I drive by going home at night, you can see the house clearly on top of the hill, so whoever did this was "hell bent" on doing it, IMO, it is such a "visible" place that I think they must have thought "no one would think it out of the ordinary" for them to be there. I realize it gets dark alot earlier, but still, the area is so "open", I think that seems really weird.

Or were they just crazy?? We have wracked our brains over this so many times. How did they get her out the door and why did they take such a risk? Someday we're going to be asking those questions face to face.

The thing that I keep coming back to is WHY did they take Pat away? If the goal was to kill her, they could have just done it there at her home. Why did they take her? This is the only reason I hesitate to believe it was a hit of some kind. It just doesn't make any sense!

I know. We just shake our heads. I guess you could say why does ANY criminal take someone and hide their body? Less evidence, I guess. These monsters picked the wrong person though, because Mom didn't lead the kind of lifestyle or have any illness that would cause her to just walk away from her world. Were they planning we all would just think she picked up and moved on?? Whoever did this was not a brain surgeon.

I keep thinking that they took her away because they wanted something from her that she could not provide at that immediate location of her home.

What could that be????

Rita, did she have anything hidden worth value that people would want?
Was there a work safe somewhere that she could have possibly opened but after the scuffle outside the truck the plan was thwarted?

just thinking..

Nope, nothing like that. I'm scared to think of all the possibilities of what they wanted to do to her somewhere else. It makes me so sick.

just thinking now. how about a theif into either the cleaning or moving businesses that she worked for?

I don't think so. None of those people are local, so it wouldn't tie in w/ the Sabetha hat.
Any word from TES? Is it possible for them to begin?

I haven't heard anything from them this week, but I haven't talked to LE about it - maybe they've heard. We still have some snow on the ground and ice too, from the snow melting and re-freezing.
Don't ever think you are letting anyone down. Just keep taking it one day at a time. You have enough pressure without thinking you have to be "strong for us". Just continue to take care of your family and yourself, and I know this is going to sound way off base with the way you feel right now...but try to find some joy in each new day, cuz I know your mom would want you to be happy. I loved the message God gave you about your mom "working for Him" How awesome is that. Look at all the seeds your mom planted, and now you kids are coming along "watering" those seeds, and "planting" seeds in your own families. Love lives on.......irregardless. Please lay down your burdens, we all want to help you carry them . xoxo

Thank you...with a lot of tears. I know she would want us to be happy. I know she wouldn't want us to dwell on all the things we keep thinking about right now, because as a mom, I wouldn't want that for MY children - I keep telling myself that. It's just so much easier to know something than it is to actually do it.
Rita, upthread you asked WHY Mom wasted 36 years and just got 1 year to be at peace... I think the answer is her children and in no way did she see that as a waste.

Still sending prayers for Pat.
I know you are as close to your mom as I am with mine so from the beging I've been so worried about you cause I know I wouldn't be able to handle it if it had happened to my mom. I just want to tell you I've been praying and pleading and questioning why God lets things like this happen. Needless to say my faith is not as storng as yours but in reading your posts and hearing you talk.....it's moved me.....I don't know how to describe it but it's like I can see him and feel him in your words.....It's sparked my faith and made me want to believe and .... I'm still working things out....but I just thought you should know that I'm not easily influenced by others when it comes to my faith but....it's moved me. I will continue to pray and will hold on to Hope. I just wish there was more I could do.

Thank you for sparking my Faith. :eek:)
This thread started as, as most do, as a missing person case.
But for me it has developed into much more.
Somehow Patricia Kimmi's disappearance and her daily living
one's life by example and Rita's strength of character
has touched so many of us.
I only hope we have helped the Patricia Kimmi family
as well.

My prayers for Patricia and her entire family and friends.

Praying for you all today. PLEASE Lord - let this be THE DAY!
I read the posts here every day and every day I hope it will be the day that brings peace to Rita and her family.

When I drove by my old farm the other night I felt so different about it. Rita...I am sure you feel the same now. I remember a place that was so peaceful and so beautiful. That place seems gone now. The picture that was posted of the fog over the hills is a vision I enjoyed many times when I lived there.

So I was trying to make sense of all of the things that just can't make sense. And I began to think about the world we live in and the terrible things that happen here. God must look down on us sometimes and just shake his head at the mess that we as humans have made of this world. And I thought about Pat and her devotion to God. As soon as I had that thought I was overwhelmed with a peace that is difficult to describe. It seemed that the only thing in all of this that made any sense is that God needed Pat there with him.

It is all just so horrible. Too horrible to even make sense of.
Rita, you are allowed to feel sorry for yourself! I hope you know that!

Way back when i was young my maternal grandparents died in a house fire. They lived in a rural area in GA..neighbors saw the fire but thought they were burning brush....uhhh yeah..lol A man that had been married into the family was the man who sold the property to my grandparents. After my grandparents had died we moved onto the property. My parents had a house moved there to redo.

The guy who sold the the property would come over all the time. His bro also married into the family. And that brother on his deathbed told that his bro had admitted to starting the fire and killing my grandparents.
The guy eventually took his own life.

It was so many years later when it came out. I just recall thinking..wow..he would come over often..we spent time with him..ate dinner at his house etc.. It was a weird feeling.
I know my story doesn't help. But it is here to let you know that it can be people that you know who can commit such acts.

My thoughts and prayers...
Rita, again I pray for you and your family today! Pat... give us a sign where you are..

Any news on the TES search????
This evening when I drove home from work, you guys/gals should have seen it. There was the most amazing burnt orange sunset. It was beautiful, and above Pat's house it just looked like billows and billows of clouds all hooked together, like a big furry blanket. It was so pretty, I wish I would have had my camera with me. The clouds with the sun shining through them all around her house was awesome. I am hoping soon we will be able to bring Pat home so that she can again enjoy the beautiful view from her home, and it will erase all the "junk" that this awful person has done. I pray dear LORD, that you will open doors that need to be opened, and close doors that need to be closed. We thank YOU for everything, and we praise YOU. We will keep our hearts and eyes on YOU, in JESUS name, amen.
Rita, upthread you asked WHY Mom wasted 36 years and just got 1 year to be at peace... I think the answer is her children and in no way did she see that as a waste.

Still sending prayers for Pat.

I so agree with you here, she loved her children beyond all else and like all things Pat did, she did what she thought was right and was right at the time. You must derive some peace from the way that she loved you all, it's what you must take forward with you. Her love, where it concerned her family, it was boundless and full of joy. Because of you all, she felt fullfilled, she saw her love returned and it gave her reason to laugh and love. If she hadn't had you, that you might have called a waste, but she DID have you and it was what her life was all about. I know that you feel blessed to have had her as a mother, but us, as her friends, know that she felt blessed to have had you as her children and her grandchildren. She may have given you life but you returned the favor by giving her your life too. She truly felt blessed, it was what she always wanted to be was a mother and you gave that gift to her. Share in that love now, stay close, share your bonds and your love and your laughter.

I am sitting here just sobbing......Rita, I am so so sorry you hurt like this. Wish I could just wipe all of this away.......My family is wondering "what s wrong with me" this year.... they didn't know Pat-her goodness, her silly sense of humor, her peacefulness. I cannot "celebrate" Christmas this year as usual, and I may never again until someone comes forward and gives Pat her dignity back. EVERYONE deserves to have a place in this world, and it makes me so angry and miserable in my soul that we have no answers and she is just GONE. I hope and pray with all my heart that whoever has her lets her go some day...........and that she can call and get home. Stay strong..she is going to need every one of you to get past this...... I wish there was something I could DO..... I hate this more than anything in the world-the waiting, the watching, and the hoping..... Love to you and all of your family.

Prayers for you too!

Your family needs you too!


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