KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #3

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That was me, just a guess. It could well have been interview with Mrs. H. + highway patrol report + interview with truck driver = first degree attempted murder charges, too, but air bag tampering would really seal the deal.

Thanks for posting. I was too lazy to look back and see who it was.

There might be another thing that points to premeditation. What if he "always" wore his seatbelt and he didn't that day. There are conflicting reports as to if he did or didn't have it on.

Maybe Mrs. H had told him to put it on and he refused and she told LE that he had refused. To me that would be another sign.
1) why did RoH try to kill his wife (by car wreck) 24 hours after the inquisition hearing of the Patricia Kimmi case?

2) Why were the pieces of truck in Patricia's case found in a junkyard and burried (and reportedly burned as well) in his fields?

3) Why did he sell off all of his livestock (and horses that his wife reportedly loved)?

4) why is his family home up for auction on 27 March?

5) and a pondering thought: his car insurance is related to 'saylor'; the same insurance company as the cap found in Pat's case. They also insure farms. RoH also may have previously tried to scam on insurance claims by burning down a barn filled with cows.

6) why was he charged with first degree attempted murder vs second? What was his intent and planning for this as that is what makes murder1 different than murder2.
Everything that I have heard indicates that Mr. H talks alot. I really think that during the drive he was spouting about what he was going to do. Now Mrs. H. is alive and able to repeat everything he said to her.

As to whether or not Mr. H took Pat away from the home by himself. In my opinion he did. I am not saying that I don't think that Pat's ex husband was involved. My heart says he was although that would have to be SO excruciating for the kids. But I think that Mr. H went to the home and possibly did something to Skittles that got Pat's attention and had her leaving her home quickly. It is just the only thing that makes sense after Rita posting how cautious her Mom was.

Also, we know that Pat made it out of the vehicle at one point farther down the road. In my opinion it would have been really hard for her to do that if the person who took her had any help.

Again, just my opinion.
Everything that I have heard indicates that Mr. H talks alot. I really think that during the drive he was spouting about what he was going to do. Now Mrs. H. is alive and able to repeat everything he said to her.

As to whether or not Mr. H took Pat away from the home by himself. In my opinion he did. I am not saying that I don't think that Pat's ex husband was involved. My heart says he was although that would have to be SO excruciating for the kids. But I think that Mr. H went to the home and possibly did something to Skittles that got Pat's attention and had her leaving her home quickly. It is just the only thing that makes sense after Rita posting how cautious her Mom was.

Also, we know that Pat made it out of the vehicle at one point farther down the road. In my opinion it would have been really hard for her to do that if the person who took her had any help.

Again, just my opinion.
bbm and excellent thinking. Although from the looks of RoH he wouldn't have luck attacking a flea let alone a woman as strong physically and spiritually as Pat. IMHOO I still think ReH could have been an unwilling lure, perhaps she went into it with RoH saying, "we just need to talk to her" or mitigating the intentions.

Obviously Pat is having none of this and fights back and gets out of the truck down the road. My thinking on the cap is that it was sitting on the seat or hanging from the mirror (etc) in the vehicle and in the scuffle she was able to grab it and toss it out. In keeping with this, I could see the money clip laid inside of the hat. While we know the money clip was found with the hat we never heard if any money was in the clip and perhaps LE is holding onto that info. I do not see the perp having a hat ripped from his head and letting it sit out there in the elements to implicate him or her. I bet he/she never knew they were missing it until it came out in the news.

Further speculation on my part... but I could almost see RH owing the X something (money, land, etc) and threatening harm to Pat if he didn't pay up (or even thinking that he could get at the x thru Pat). Perhaps he thought he could convince her to 'talk' to him and it went all wrong and fast. It would certainly fit with his history of getting money in any way possible (cow burning incident) and the speculation on his abusive tendencies. With his recent *cough* liquidations of his livestock and farm he seems like a man in some sort of financial straits.

moo. moo. moo.
If convicted on the attempted first-degree murder charge, Hollister could be sentenced to 147 to 653 months in prison and fined up to $300,000. If convicted of the aggravated battery charge, he could be sentenced to 38 to 172 months in prison and fined up to $300,000. The sentence could be ordered served at the same time or consecutively.


This sounds good - for starters!
bbm and excellent thinking. Although from the looks of RoH he wouldn't have luck attacking a flea let alone a woman as strong physically and spiritually as Pat. IMHOO I still think ReH could have been an unwilling lure, perhaps she went into it with RoH saying, "we just need to talk to her" or mitigating the intentions.

Obviously Pat is having none of this and fights back and gets out of the truck down the road. My thinking on the cap is that it was sitting on the seat or hanging from the mirror (etc) in the vehicle and in the scuffle she was able to grab it and toss it out. In keeping with this, I could see the money clip laid inside of the hat. While we know the money clip was found with the hat we never heard if any money was in the clip and perhaps LE is holding onto that info. I do not see the perp having a hat ripped from his head and letting it sit out there in the elements to implicate him or her. I bet he/she never knew they were missing it until it came out in the news.

Further speculation on my part... but I could almost see RH owing the X something (money, land, etc) and threatening harm to Pat if he didn't pay up (or even thinking that he could get at the x thru Pat). Perhaps he thought he could convince her to 'talk' to him and it went all wrong and fast. It would certainly fit with his history of getting money in any way possible (cow burning incident) and the speculation on his abusive tendencies. With his recent *cough* liquidations of his livestock and farm he seems like a man in some sort of financial straits.

moo. moo. moo.

You may be completely correct, but don't forget that there are signs at the house that Pat didn't leave there willingly.
I'm so impressed that Pat's family was there today. I hope it shook up that SOB! I don't think I could have stopped myself from going after him right there!

So classy.
You may be completely correct, but don't forget that there are signs at the house that Pat didn't leave there willingly.
I think she may have initially opened the door willingly or semi willingly but what happened next defies willingly. Her partials on the side of the road prove it. I continue to thank all that is holy that the cap and money clip also flew out.... perhaps in this she has named her wrongdoers.

couple things of note from the video:

1) three more people testified in the inquisition TODAY. (which leads me to believe that Ro and Re testified last week.. I don't see either of them in any shape to testify today which means that inquisition ((anything ReH may have said)) could have been a sort of impetus to his attempt at the murder of his wife in the FIRST DEGREE (premeditation and intent)

2) the skid marks were from the truck trying to avoid the missile that RoH made of his SUV. They truly show (in this video) how far over the truck had to go to avoid this guy. And looking back at the picture of the SUV and it's angle.. it certainly looks like he was trying to have the truck hit the passenger side right in the middle... which it did

Your point #2 is the point I was trying to make yesterday. This "person" (using the term loosely) doesn't think like you or I. He has a "criminal mind". He thinks entirely too much of himself to believe that things "won't" go his way in anything he has done (past alleged crimes & present). As much as we would like to figure out what he is/was thinking, we aren't capable of it. Our minds can't go there. My fil worked w/him at GY. He is a sick "person".

just my unasked for opinion,
In another post here, someone mentioned that disabling the air bags would show that it was premedited also. Who knows?

After the "accident" I had asked if a Buick Suv would be equipped with air bags -- and wondered if Roger would have disabled them. An inspection of the vehicle would reveal that fact if so. If he did, premeditation would be pretty evident like "wfgodot" mentioned. But then, after seeing RogHol on the news footage, not so sure he'd be that "bright!"
bbm and excellent thinking. Although from the looks of RoH he wouldn't have luck attacking a flea let alone a woman as strong physically and spiritually as Pat. IMHOO I still think ReH could have been an unwilling lure, perhaps she went into it with RoH saying, "we just need to talk to her" or mitigating the intentions.

Obviously Pat is having none of this and fights back and gets out of the truck down the road. My thinking on the cap is that it was sitting on the seat or hanging from the mirror (etc) in the vehicle and in the scuffle she was able to grab it and toss it out. In keeping with this, I could see the money clip laid inside of the hat. While we know the money clip was found with the hat we never heard if any money was in the clip and perhaps LE is holding onto that info. I do not see the perp having a hat ripped from his head and letting it sit out there in the elements to implicate him or her. I bet he/she never knew they were missing it until it came out in the news.

Further speculation on my part... but I could almost see RH owing the X something (money, land, etc) and threatening harm to Pat if he didn't pay up (or even thinking that he could get at the x thru Pat). Perhaps he thought he could convince her to 'talk' to him and it went all wrong and fast. It would certainly fit with his history of getting money in any way possible (cow burning incident) and the speculation on his abusive tendencies. With his recent *cough* liquidations of his livestock and farm he seems like a man in some sort of financial straits.

moo. moo. moo.

Her partial plates would indicate a scuffle. If the hat & clip was by the teeth, I'd say he lost them in the scuffle. If the hat/clip was at a different location she probably grabbed them and threw them. I don't know if all 3 were found in the same location. Anyone know or remember?

We heard a rumor that the witness that saw the red truck saw someone shuffling around leaves like he was looking for something on the ground or in the ditch (not sure which). I don't know if that was true or not. Most likely it was probably too dark to ID the man since he couldn't even tell the color of the truck for sure. I think it was said (rumor) the guy was alone, so that would mean he came back afterwards to look for his lost things (hat and money clip).

By the way, does anyone recall if the red truck had 2 or 4 doors? Also, anyone know if the front seat was a bench type seat or bucket?

If it was a 2 door with bucket seats, most likely there were only 2 people (Ro & Pat). If it was a bench seat, there could have been 3 in the front seat. But most likely Pat would have been in the middle and unable to escape the truck.

If it was a 4 door with bucket seats with 3 people, then most likely two people would have rode in the backseat with one person driving. Mrs. H could have drove with Mr. H and Pat in the back or Mr. H driving with Mrs. H in the back with Pat. Either way, Pat could have tried to escape if it was a 4 door with bucket seats.

Since there are so many witnesses for the inquisition, I'm wondering how many of them are people "finally" coming forward saying that RH owned that hat and money clip? If so, why did they wait so darn long?
After the "accident" I had asked if a Buick Suv would be equipped with air bags -- and wondered if Roger would have disabled them. An inspection of the vehicle would reveal that fact if so. If he did, premeditation would be pretty evident like "wfgodot" mentioned. But then, after seeing RogHol on the news footage, not so sure he'd be that "bright!"

My husband just said the with some vehicles, you can turn off the air bags on the passengers side by a switch. So you don't have to be smart to do that.

I was unaware that you could turn one side off. I guess that is so if a really short adult rides with you, you can turn it off. Or maybe you have groceries/other sitting on that side?
I am praying that with this serious charge against RoH, the LE now has much leverage to go with in convincing him to "give up" any accomplices. RoH is facing a huge sentence in just this charge and WE know that most likely he will never see the outside again. (my prayer and opinion) BUT he is also very self-centered and should the LE offer him something to give someone up ... let's hope he will take the deal. Don't worry - any deal they give him won't be worth much in the long run... but would be so worth it if it reveals the plot, who was involved and most importantly where Pat is!
Not that I particulary care about whether RH is cold or not, did anyone think it odd he was walked into the police car in his hospital gown? Was his arrest that urgent? Where were his clothes??

Emergency medical workers would have cut his clothes off of him at the accident scene or in the ER.

I'm thinking that LE probably didn't see any reason to give him the dignity of a new change of clothes at taxpayer expense for a ride to jail. :waitasec:
My husband just said the with some vehicles, you can turn off the air bags on the passengers side by a switch. So you don't have to be smart to do that.

I was unaware that you could turn one side off. I guess that is so if a really short adult rides with you, you can turn it off. Or maybe you have groceries/other sitting on that side?

My parents have the passenger side air bag turned off in their SUV, they just have to stick their car key into a slot to do it. (they do it because my father recently had open heart surgery and the impact of the airbag could split his chest back open...)
I don't have a birthdate for RoHo (or for ReHo), but an anagram of "Roger Hollister" suggests his character, or lack of same - possibly having been hired to perform an illegal act by a certain someone yet unnamed, but whose character we can also label:

"Ogre hires troll."
I keep checking this thread to see if RoH has confessed....Pat & her family deserve for this nightmare to come to an end.
up up up you go Miss Pat! You will be at the top of this page until you come home.

Justice for the Kimmi family!!!!!!
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