KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #4

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Good Friday is always a sad day to me. It has such a heavy, gloomy feel. I tend to focus on the tragedy and loss of Jesus dying on the cross, and how his family and friends must have felt, rather than the miracle that is coming in the next few days. It is sad to me that so many didn’t see the truth while he was alive, and wanted him put to death for such senseless reasons. Well, Easter 2010 will have a renewed meaning. I will mourn his death, along with my Mom’s. I will continue to hope for true justice in this world. But, PRAISE GOD, that is not the end of the story. Thank you, merciful God, that lives destroyed by evil go on to live the fullest of Your life in Heaven. Thank you Father for always showing your glory by bringing goodness and hope from the worst times of our lives. The “joke” is on the bad guys, whether they are human or Satan himself – God ALWAYS triumphs.

He gives every single one of us the chance of mercy, forgiveness, and salvation until the day we take our last breath.

THANK YOU Father in Heaven, that Mom is now with Taylor and her PaPa Gary in Heaven, waiting for us all. See ya there.

Have a happy, BLESSED Easter friends.
Rita, I will pray for you and your family on this day. You are an inspiration to so many people.
Good Friday is always a sad day to me. It has such a heavy, gloomy feel. I tend to focus on the tragedy and loss of Jesus dying on the cross, and how his family and friends must have felt, rather than the miracle that is coming in the next few days. It is sad to me that so many didn’t see the truth while he was alive, and wanted him put to death for such senseless reasons. Well, Easter 2010 will have a renewed meaning. I will mourn his death, along with my Mom’s. I will continue to hope for true justice in this world. But, PRAISE GOD, that is not the end of the story. Thank you, merciful God, that lives destroyed by evil go on to live the fullest of Your life in Heaven. Thank you Father for always showing your glory by bringing goodness and hope from the worst times of our lives. The “joke” is on the bad guys, whether they are human or Satan himself – God ALWAYS triumphs.

He gives every single one of us the chance of mercy, forgiveness, and salvation until the day we take our last breath.

THANK YOU Father in Heaven, that Mom is now with Taylor and her PaPa Gary in Heaven, waiting for us all. See ya there.

Have a happy, BLESSED Easter friends.
amen rita.
Good Friday is always a sad day to me. It has such a heavy, gloomy feel. I tend to focus on the tragedy and loss of Jesus dying on the cross, and how his family and friends must have felt, rather than the miracle that is coming in the next few days. It is sad to me that so many didn’t see the truth while he was alive, and wanted him put to death for such senseless reasons. Well, Easter 2010 will have a renewed meaning. I will mourn his death, along with my Mom’s. I will continue to hope for true justice in this world. But, PRAISE GOD, that is not the end of the story. Thank you, merciful God, that lives destroyed by evil go on to live the fullest of Your life in Heaven. Thank you Father for always showing your glory by bringing goodness and hope from the worst times of our lives. The “joke” is on the bad guys, whether they are human or Satan himself – God ALWAYS triumphs.

He gives every single one of us the chance of mercy, forgiveness, and salvation until the day we take our last breath.

THANK YOU Father in Heaven, that Mom is now with Taylor and her PaPa Gary in Heaven, waiting for us all. See ya there.

Have a happy, BLESSED Easter friends.

May all of you...The Kimmi family have a Blessed Easter. May you all feel the warmth and love from your Mother's shining light. She is always with you giving you courage and strength. She was one of God's greatest creations. Amen.
Rita....thank you for continually being such an inspiration to us all....I really do not know how you do it...but I do know that your mom taught you well, that is obvious. Please try to have a happy and blessed Easter. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Rita, I will pray for you and your family on this day. You are an inspiration to so many people.

Rita....thank you for continually being such an inspiration to us all....I really do not know how you do it...but I do know that your mom taught you well, that is obvious. Please try to have a happy and blessed Easter. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Thank you both. Mom raised us to know God, to go to church...she planted that seed of faith that we have followed all these years. But it wasn't until Tony and Michele's daughter Taylor died that my faith really changed. I saw everything in such a different way and learned so much more about the God I serve, and the purpose in serving. When Taylor died, there were so many months of disbelief, but eventually, I think for survival, you start "rationalizing" things. My Mom and I talked about how much harder it would be if she had died a violent death...if she were kidnapped and we never found her...if we had to live with knowing that she suffered in any way. How ironic is it that ALL of those things have happened with Mom? I don't believe it's a coincidence. I think that Taylor prepared us for the things that were to come, both in losing her Grandpa Gary and Ninny. For me, beginning November 7, it was "sink or swim" time. Everything I learned in the past two years was put to the test and almost every day, there's a new test. But that's what faith is, it's not really faith if it flies out the window when you face a tragedy like this. I would not be STANDING if I didn't have faith in God, and KNOW that we will one day again see the people we love and have lost. Sometimes, you miss them so much, that it almost seems too good to be true that you will be with them again in Heaven. It is true though, and that's why we go on, and why we hope that people see, in memory of our Mom, that God can and will get you through anything. It's not easy, by any means, when there has been sadness upon sadness upon this nightmare, for our family in the last three years. There has been NO easy part. It proves though that all things are possible with God, and we are never, ever without hope.
Bumping back up with prayer for the Kimmi family that it won't be much longer till they get some answers.

I am seriously dedicating this to Pat's family today on good Friday. Please listen. HOLD ON!
"Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain; Faith, Hope, and Love, but the greatest of these is LOVE 1Cor 13:12,13

None of this makes any sense to any of us now, but someday it will. As we get ready to celebrate our Lords resurrection, I think of the day when the trumpet will sound, and He will return for those of us who have trusted in Him. What a reunion, in the blink of an eye. Thank you to all the mamas, daddies, grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, etc...that take the time to invest in a child and "teach them the way they should go" by teaching them the love of God. It has been shown to all of us what a blessing that can be. Pat Kimmi may have not lived long in years....but she "lived well" in teaching her children the most important thing in the world....salvation and love. In teaching them to put their trust in Christ, she has made sure they will be together for eternity, this separation (and I know it is terribly painful, I am not downplaying it) is only a blink of an eye compared to what we have to look forward to. No more pain or sorrow.... it's all good. Here is a heavenly "bump" to Pat, we tip our earthly hearts to you. Thank you for all the sacrifices you made and for never giving up on the promises of God, even when it would have probably been easier to. Well done Pat, well done. Rest in joy and peace, and to all my WS friends, if we never meet this side of Heaven I will look forward to seeing you there. Be Blessed and have a wonderful Easter. xoxoxoxox Kimmi kids
I tried to put a You Tube video here and wasn't able to. what do I need to do?
I had hopes that by now, Patricia Kimmi would be found and those who caused her murder would be locked up,
waiting their sentence here on earth.

But, not to be.

We wait. The Patricia Kimmi family waits.

But not for long.
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