KY KY - Crystal Rogers, 35, Bluegrass Parkway, 3 July 2015 #2

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Two thoughts after watching the show, Crystal’s car lit up like Nick’s police car and Grandma invoked the 5th amendment on everything related to her former car which they investigated and found. Likely to have tested positive to something via Luminol. 3 cars separately testing positive for some sort of bodily fluids and/ or blood.
The other interesting detail regarding Tommy Ballard’s murder because that is definitely what is was, regardless of what anyone’s personal belief is, is that there was a clearing showing how Tommy’s death was clearly an ambush and the clearing gave the executionist a clear line of shot. He knew someome was there hence the sighting and removal of grandson from the immediate vicinity. Brush cut and randomly tossed
On the Bluegrass Parkway in Jason Ellis’ path on his way home in additiom to knowledge of brush clearing in Tommy’s murder is beyond hinky.
I am embarrassed that my Old Kemtucky Home doesn’t look for more evidence and there should never be a limit in search items. I smell a rotten and stinking coverup. Why wasn’t Crystal’s car gone over with a fine tooth comb? Absolutely ridiculously stinks to high heaven!
Nick was Jason Ellis’ partner but Jason wasn’t in his regular cruiser and his German Shepherd was absent. No
Coincidence! Any idea if LE looked for or found a chainsaw?! Again I think Crystal would have pulled over if she saw a cop, particularly her boyfriend’s brother who may have stopped to help her. Investigators initially suggested that maybe she was involved with another cop? Could it have been Nick or is this another red herring? I hope and pray the detective and journalist are vigilant and stay safe. I still want to know the status of the flat tire. Was it emptied of air, a nail or an intentional slashing? Although I know this info will never lead us to Crystal because her brother stated she had been in worse situations with a flat tire, I am left wondering wth.
We need chainsaw and tree evidence from Houck family farm.
Also anyone know if Ballard’s hunting property/farm was searched with a cadaver dog? If her remains were left there after multiple moves, were they were afraid he would find her there on the opening day of hunting season at daybreak? Rhetorical question because likely the Houck brothers would have derived more pleasure from Tommy stumbling upon her remains. Ugh
And although I know I keep harping on this, in the color video of the Oxygen show, the “maroon Imapala” looks black to me in color. Maybe someone doesn’t want Crystal’s car fully processed because it holds eveidence of the Netherland murders. One or both Houcks are responsible for all of this. The damn Impala looks black to me please someone weigh in!
I would think that Crystal's children would go to Nelson County schools and Kathy taught at Bardstown.
I am a private school teacher and wonder if both Bardstown and Nelson county provide special services for learning difference children or if they'd combine that class of students to one specific school? I will look into it tomorrow amongst the other chaos I'm sure schools will be dealing with between first day of classes ETC. Thanks!
Two thoughts after watching the show, Crystal’s car lit up like Nick’s police car and Grandma invoked the 5th amendment on everything related to her former car which they investigated and found. Likely to have tested positive to something via Luminol. 3 cars separately testing positive for some sort of bodily fluids and/ or blood.
The other interesting detail regarding Tommy Ballard’s murder because that is definitely what is was, regardless of what anyone’s personal belief is, is that there was a clearing showing how Tommy’s death was clearly an ambush and the clearing gave the executionist a clear line of shot. He knew someome was there hence the sighting and removal of grandson from the immediate vicinity. Brush cut and randomly tossed
On the Bluegrass Parkway in Jason Ellis’ path on his way home in additiom to knowledge of brush clearing in Tommy’s murder is beyond hinky.
I am embarrassed that my Old Kemtucky Home doesn’t look for more evidence and there should never be a limit in search items. I smell a rotten and stinking coverup. Why wasn’t Crystal’s car gone over with a fine tooth comb? Absolutely ridiculously stinks to high heaven!
Nick was Jason Ellis’ partner but Jason wasn’t in his regular cruiser and his German Shepherd was absent. No
Coincidence! Any idea if LE looked for or found a chainsaw?! Again I think Crystal would have pulled over if she saw a cop, particularly her boyfriend’s brother who may have stopped to help her. Investigators initially suggested that maybe she was involved with another cop? Could it have been Nick or is this another red herring? I hope and pray the detective and journalist are vigilant and stay safe. I still want to know the status of the flat tire. Was it emptied of air, a nail or an intentional slashing? Although I know this info will never lead us to Crystal because her brother stated she had been in worse situations with a flat tire, I am left wondering wth.
We need chainsaw and tree evidence from Houck family farm.
Also anyone know if Ballard’s hunting property/farm was searched with a cadaver dog? If her remains were left there after multiple moves, were they were afraid he would find her there on the opening day of hunting season at daybreak? Rhetorical question because likely the Houck brothers would have derived more pleasure from Tommy stumbling upon her remains. Ugh

I’ve seen this mentioned a couple of times and wanted to clear it up. Ellis was never partnered with Nick Houck. Ellis was a k9 Officer and I’m pretty sure they didn’t even work the same shift.

Also, from what I’ve gathered, her tire wasn’t slit. I’ve read a few different times that it was still driveable and not sitting on the rim. Her dad had made a comment in the first couple of days after she went missing that her past behavior indicated to him that she would never just pull off the side of the road. He said she would’ve driven on the rims to an exit. I’ve never seen anything that stated that the tire was punctured. I’ve always wondered if the air had been taken out by pressing the valve.
What are the rules about facebook? It's been a while since I've been on here, but found something interesting.

As a general rule thumb for myself, if I see something on FB that I can’t substantiate and link to MSM, I keep it to myself. The majority of what I’ve seen on social media in regards to this case has all been rumor. There has not been one thing that I’ve been able to find true that connects any of the murders other than the Houcks, Crystal Rogers and Tommy Ballard. The only connection I’ve been able to find with Ellis is the fact that he worked within the same PD as Nick Houck. I feel pretty strongly that these group of people are probably connected. I don’t feel that way about the Netherlands.
I'm a 1st time poster to this thread. I happened to flipping channels this weekend and watched "The Disappearance of Crystal Rogers" on Oxygen. Some of my thoughts after watching this first episode and not knowing of the case beforehand:

1) we all think we know what happens in a police investigation from watching true crime and CSI, Law & Order etc. But what happens in reality never ceases to amaze me. You can only submit 10 items to the crime lab? Really Kentucky?! No wonder this case or any case for that matter isn't solved! If this is indeed true, and I was a citizen in KY, I would contact every elected official I knew and implore them to figure out something better.

2) Crystal did not drive the car to the interstate.

3) Tommy Ballard was murdered and it is related to Crystal's disappearance.

4) Brooks Houck's interview with Nancy Grace is a ridiculous red flag. He starts every answer with "That is a great question Nancy, thank you for asking." This IMOO is somebody with something to hide

5) In the police interview with Brooks Houck, Mr. Houck does not seem concerned at all about finding Crystal, nor does he seem worried about's the Mother of his child and he seems all calm and fine. I was more worried and distressed when my dogs went missing than he is about the Mother of his child

6) 2nd ridiculous red flag, his brother the police officer calls him in the middle of his questioning and tells him to leave?!

7) 3rd ridiculous red flag, Houck casually mentions in his police interview that he started a fire on his farm the night before it's known Crystal is missing?! Has the Houck farm been searched thoroughly?

8) So if you kill your girlfriend while your infant son is with you, you need help. He would need someone to help take the car to leave it on the interstate and drive them back. And help with the baby. The PO brother is involved and possibly others are involved in helping him that night.

All of this is MOO
So happy to see this brought back into discussion and the TV coverage was phenomenal! CR is around my age and also being a mom, this just reminds me that one can never be too safe. Many prayers for answers and justice for Crystal and her dad.

As a general rule thumb for myself, if I see something on FB that I can’t substantiate and link to MSM, I keep it to myself. The majority of what I’ve seen on social media in regards to this case has all been rumor. There has not been one thing that I’ve been able to find true that connects any of the murders other than the Houcks, Crystal Rogers and Tommy Ballard. The only connection I’ve been able to find with Ellis is the fact that he worked within the same PD as Nick Houck. I feel pretty strongly that these group of people are probably connected. I don’t feel that way about the Netherlands.
Ok, but this isn't a rumor, and it can be substantiated. The lady (the other Crystal) who was removing the signs about Crystal's disappearance) posted in December that she is engaged. The pictures and comments make it clear who she is engaged to. I found that interesting.
accidentally double posted and can't cancel it...
Was able to watch the Oxygen first episode last night. Upsetting to learn that my own state (which I am a lawyer in, though not criminal) has this 10 items to processing law. It is definitely not widely known that this is the case or I think there would be uproar.
I couldn't believe her vehicle had not been processed.
I look forward to the rest of the episodes. I hope this can help find Crystal.
Was able to watch the Oxygen first episode last night. Upsetting to learn that my own state (which I am a lawyer in, though not criminal) has this 10 items to processing law. It is definitely not widely known that this is the case or I think there would be uproar.
I couldn't believe her vehicle had not been processed.
I look forward to the rest of the episodes. I hope this can help find Crystal.

BBM. So is that really true, or is that just something they threw in the show to dramatize it a little more? I know the mother of Natalee Holloway was not too happy with Oxygen's coverage of her daughter's disappearance, and said that some things on the show were inaccurate. I'm taking this new show on Crystal with a grain of salt, although it is very interesting.
BBM. So is that really true, or is that just something they threw in the show to dramatize it a little more? I know the mother of Natalee Holloway was not too happy with Oxygen's coverage of her daughter's disappearance, and said that some things on the show were inaccurate. I'm taking this new show on Crystal with a grain of salt, although it is very interesting.

Seems like a real thing! The guidelines have broader language than what the show said, which was something like a Judge is required to sign off for additional testing. But requiring a Judge's approval may very well be how the guideline is applied in reality even though the language doesn't specifically say that.

B. Murder/Death Investigation Case
1. Initial Submission
a. One (1) to ten (10) items may be submitted; the investigating officer should indicate the order of importance for the
items being submitted.
b. Additional items may be submitted on a case by case basis if specific information regarding the circumstances for those
items (i.e., multiple victims and/or suspects) is provided by the investigating officer at the time of submission
More info at link, the relevant information begins on page 10.
Seems like a real thing! The guidelines have broader language than what the show said, which was something like a Judge is required to sign off for additional testing. But requiring a Judge's approval may very well be how the guideline is applied in reality even though the language doesn't specifically say that.
More info at link, the relevant information begins on page 10.

Wow, this is crazy
I've watched all of the Oxygen episodes so far and just cannot understand why this hasn't been solved.

The thing I came away with is that the Houck brothers know exactly what happened with CR and are responsible for it, IMO. There is just too much pointing in their direction that is unexplained.

I want to see this case prosecuted!
I've watched all of the Oxygen episodes so far and just cannot understand why this hasn't been solved.

The thing I came away with is that the Houck brothers know exactly what happened with CR and are responsible for it, IMO. There is just too much pointing in their direction that is unexplained.

I want to see this case prosecuted!

Money, power, influence, intimidation, bullying and secrets! Along with murder scare regular citizens with no money to fight back!
Jumping in--- if I am repeating anyone I apologize ---- the Impala was Crystal's car ? Was it found with the baby seat in it ? Was this the car she drove with her kids to Wal-mart ? What did she purchase here and were those items in the house ? Were they her usual everyday things -- Lysol, snacks, shampoo etc or was it more of a stock-up b/c she planned to leave / planned to leave and wanted to make sure her kids were good with toiletries etc for a few months ? The boy-friend is lying. Plain and simple.
Jumping in--- if I am repeating anyone I apologize ---- the Impala was Crystal's car ? Was it found with the baby seat in it ? Was this the car she drove with her kids to Wal-mart ? What did she purchase here and were those items in the house ? Were they her usual everyday things -- Lysol, snacks, shampoo etc or was it more of a stock-up b/c she planned to leave / planned to leave and wanted to make sure her kids were good with toiletries etc for a few months ? The boy-friend is lying. Plain and simple.

From what I remember, her keys, purse, phone and the diaper bag was still in the car when it was found. I'll have to look around for an article but she didn't buy anything remarkable during her trip to walmart. I know she bought either a tee ball plate or stand, a boys tshirt and a couple other things I can't think of. The Impala was her car and I'm pretty sure she drove it to Wal Mart that day.
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