Found Deceased KY - James 'Mike' Kimsey, 48, Louisville, 29 May 2015

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What is typically the reason that people leave with nothing?

I don't know why they do. I would guess they don't take a car, credit cards or phone so they can't be traced. Possibly the same with clothes, although we have had the discussion that some clothes could be taken and family and friends wouldn't know. Money... This could be taken and people not know. Many ppl set aside money monthly without anyone knowing. I do, but someone knows. We discussed it on WS and many ppl do the same. Not a lot, but several of us could walk and survive for a long time with a stash. I think time to clear their heads where no one can find them.

There was 17 yr old boy near me who left with nothing but a backpack. After six moths he called his mom and said he was fine, but he wasn't ready to come home. There was Hannah Thomas Garner. She left with nothing and ended up many states away living in someone else's home then woke up one day and called her dad. She was under 18. Most recently a guy returned home after living in streets for a year. I think people just don't want to be traced. I also think its be they don't know where they will be sleeping or staying and can't lug stuff around. It is sad how many people live and come home.... Makes you wonder what made them go in the first place. Breaks my heart.
If my DH disappeared in the night, leaving me and our little son alone, my parents would have insisted on taking us to their house where they would care for us both until I could wrap my head around things. I do not find this odd in the least. And, yes, I would go because I would not be able to take care of us very well.

If my DH was missing for 7 weeks when I returned to my home, my dad would have the locks changed without even asking me and he would stay with me and never let me go anywhere without him. This is what protective dads/grandpas do. I do not find this odd either. And I would need him to be there for me and my son.

The biggest red flag for me is the 3:30 time of last being seen alive. I can't remember where I read this information but, when one is lying 3:00, 3:30 seems to be the time everyone thinks of first. Maybe it was Haleigh Cummings' case, where the dad's GF said she woke up and noticed the back door open at 3:30 or so.

If LE sprayed luminol in the house and it lit up bloody anywhere, the wife would have been taken in for intense questioning. If there was evidence of a bloody crime, she would be arrested since it would be known that she lied about his actions that night. This hasn't happened.

All couples fight and it must have been very stressful in the home. She is a stay at home mom and he was now at home 24/7 - in pain from surgery and the recuperative period without pain meds and there must have been a lot of waiting on him hand and foot. Not to mention him, a type A pilot, being bored and he may have started accusing her of having affairs. Just thinking how a bored, Type A, used to being in charge of everything and everyone having to listen to his orders, stuck in the house and in pain would act. I think he would be a pain the azz. Perhaps she called him a paranoid schizophrenic because she was still mad at the constant accusations. Maybe?

Did he ever get his pain meds filled at the pharmacy? Could he have been selling them to someone that he was to meet in the woods in the back of the house and then ended up going for a car ride involuntarily? Was the back door unlocked when he was noticed to be missing as if he was coming right back ? Surely, he wouldn't intentionally leave for hours with the back door unlocked and his family asleep.

It seems to me that she called LE later in the morning after his disappearance and waited 4 days to call his family. He didn't leave in his car so she would have no reason to think he was just going off for a few days to cool off after an argument -on foot.

We haven't seen any evidence of financial issues, major marital discord, pending divorce, etc. He was about to go back to work. He didn't walk off and kill himself. He isn't accessing his bank accounts or using his credit cards.

OTOH I know of a husband who went out for his usual early evening jog around the neighborhood and shot himself in the head in a woodsy area. Of course there were lots of issues in the marriage, clinical depression, alcohol issues and pressure to make more money from his social climbing wife, but he adored his children and NO ONE thought he would ever do such a thing. So, it can happen.

It is very odd that no one seems to be actively searching for him. Not LE, not the family, not the community - no one. Perhaps he was located but doesn't want to be found? It is legal to walk away from one's life - albeit selfish and harming to family. However, this smacks of foul play.

I am having difficulty determining the direction of your thought here. You have several questions, that seem to be suggestive, and some that are random. I want to address a few things that may change your thought process here, because there are a few things that actually ARE known, and your post indicates otherwise. I do understand her father being helpful to her. My dad would have done the same, I think, in some way. I do not think it has been made clear that her father is the one who changed the locks on the doors, because neighbors told that there was a locksmith there, changing locks, but no one indicated at whose instruction. Even so, if it were her or her father, changing locks makes a statement that there is a reason to be fearful that someone with a key could enter the house. If Mike's keys were gone, then it makes sense that either they did not want Mike returning to the house, or they believe that someone else could have his keys and come back to the house to harm them, therefore it says that his keys were missing! THAT would mean that there was concern that either Mike or the perpetrator, intentionally planned to specifically harm Valerie, which would mean there was intent to harm. Not a random criminal act. Or, it could mean that changing the locks was meant to appear that there was cause for concern, although there was knowledge that that was not the case at all.

But then you say that Mike and his wife were fighting? I agree that it must have been very stressful in the home, but you seem to be pointing the finger at the victim here. Remember that Mike is the one that is MISSING. First of all, Mike was not in pain, by all accounts. He experienced some numbness in his extremities but was working through that with exercise. He was at the tail end of his recovery, expecting to pass his next medical and be released to fly. I'm sure he was bored, but he walked twice a day, and he hired a personal trainer to regain his strength and fitness, and he also spent a huge amount of time with his son. Why do you say that Mike is Type A? He was not a first-born child nor an only child, and although he was successful and accomplished, he was kind and good-hearted. You paint him to be a bully, and he was not, and no one that knows him can say otherwise. Where was he used to being in charge of "everything and everyone having to listen to his orders"? Or that he was "stuck in the house and in pain"? And WHY do you think he started accusing his wife of having affairs? Do you know for certain that he accused her of affairs? Do you know for certain that she was not having affairs? Do you know for certain that she denied having affairs? Regardless of this very personal issue in their marriage, it seems to me inexcusable that a wife would post on social media that her missing husband, clearly gone now for 3 months, is paranoid schizophrenic, when he has absolutely no diagnosis of mental illness, and everyone who knows him, and saw him or talked to him frequently, has stated that his demeanor never changed, that he was the same easy going, calm Mike as always. Even if he had had this diagnosis, it seems beyond horrible that she would post this for the entire world to see, even if he were not missing. Much worse with him missing and potentially something horrible has happened to him. Not to mention it is entirely untrue. So, my question on this matter, is why would she do that? What was the point? It was not helpful at all. The only reason to post that statement was to make things look as though she was the victim. If that is the case, then where is Mike and why is he missing?

Has it crossed your mind that his wife WAS having an affair, and Mike was angry about that? Could it be that he has known about an affair for some time, and this was part of their arguments? It would make more sense that he would suspect affairs back when he was flying rather than when he was at home where he witnessed every day's activities for the most part. Maybe it would have been good for his wife to get a job while he was out on medical leave, if she was so sick of him being home "24/7". She did not have to stay home all day every day, and did she do that? Was she home all day long every single day with Mike? Mike went on 2-3 walks daily as confirmed by neighbors. He worked out several days a week with a personal trainer, which is confirmed by the PT. So, he wasn't home 24/7. He also spent a lot of time outside, in his yard, according to neighbors. He went to neighbors yards and homes with his son for playdates and visited the neighbors. He looked for things to do to get out of the house too, according to neighbors, so assuming the worst about him, seems highly unfair.

He had no reason to sell drugs, and had none to sell. No evidence of marital discord or pending divorce? How do you know this? Earlier you state that he was a Type A pilot, ordering her around and accusing her of affairs. If that's the case, I would call that discord. I would also think pending divorce. Which raises an issue of custody of the young son. And THAT, could be reason for someone to go missing, and it was not the persecuted wife who went missing. It was the one that you say would be a pain in the azz. Mike did not take a gun, as the scenario you mention, and he would not have voluntarily left his son. So, did she actually call LE later the first morning? Do we know this to be true? Did she call her father at the same time? I still think it is very strange that she called her father, but not his father. If it was concerning enough to call her father, it should have been concerning enough to contact his father.

I think you may want to step back and look at this from a different perspective, and remember which one of the two is missing this time.
I don't know why they do. I would guess they don't take a car, credit cards or phone so they can't be traced. Possibly the same with clothes, although we have had the discussion that some clothes could be taken and family and friends wouldn't know. Money... This could be taken and people not know. Many ppl set aside money monthly without anyone knowing. I do, but someone knows. We discussed it on WS and many ppl do the same. Not a lot, but several of us could walk and survive for a long time with a stash. I think time to clear their heads where no one can find them.

There was 17 yr old boy near me who left with nothing but a backpack. After six moths he called his mom and said he was fine, but he wasn't ready to come home. There was Hannah Thomas Garner. She left with nothing and ended up many states away living in someone else's home then woke up one day and called her dad. She was under 18. Most recently a guy returned home after living in streets for a year. I think people just don't want to be traced. I also think its be they don't know where they will be sleeping or staying and can't lug stuff around. It is sad how many people live and come home.... Makes you wonder what made them go in the first place. Breaks my heart.

Don't you think in most cases these people who leave like this have some recognizable signs when people look back, trying to figure it out? Also, I keep thinking that someone like Mike, who had several surgeries to fix worn out parts of his body, to be stronger and more physically fit, having even hired a personal trainer---would not be someone who just suddenly throws in the towel. He has had several back surgeries over the years too, and always worked hard to get back to service and 100%. This time, he wanted to get it all over with at once, so he could get these joint replacements behind him, and he was recovering very well, excited about his next medical and anxious to go back to work. With that history of working hard to improve and get stronger, that seems to be someone who had a reason to live his life, and a reason to get back to his job. He had another reason in his son. Spouses can come and go in life, and Mike knew that. But his son was his life, and it seems totally out of character for him to leave his son in a situation that would be of concern. I have known people to commit suicide that one would never expect, but usually there is a history of depression or financial problems or guilt of some sort. None of that in this case.
Don't you think in most cases these people who leave like this have some recognizable signs when people look back, trying to figure it out? Also, I keep thinking that someone like Mike, who had several surgeries to fix worn out parts of his body, to be stronger and more physically fit, having even hired a personal trainer---would not be someone who just suddenly throws in the towel. He has had several back surgeries over the years too, and always worked hard to get back to service and 100%. This time, he wanted to get it all over with at once, so he could get these joint replacements behind him, and he was recovering very well, excited about his next medical and anxious to go back to work. With that history of working hard to improve and get stronger, that seems to be someone who had a reason to live his life, and a reason to get back to his job. He had another reason in his son. Spouses can come and go in life, and Mike knew that. But his son was his life, and it seems totally out of character for him to leave his son in a situation that would be of concern. I have known people to commit suicide that one would never expect, but usually there is a history of depression or financial problems or guilt of some sort. None of that in this case.

My comment was a generic one. I don't know him. I think unless someone truly knows him they can't say if he has these feelings or not. The very first case that brought me here, the wife said he had no depression or any negative feelings. He was a new father. She was convinced that he got in an accident on his way home from work. The search area was near the toll he last paid. Eventually it moved near his home and later his car was found and eventually he was found in a field, having committed suicide. She later went public saying he suffered from depression amongst other things. She didn't think they would take the search seriously. Time was wasted and the wrong areas were searched. My point is that she knew but his parents didn't have a clue. Either did his friends. Sometimes things aren not want they seem.

I have no clue what happen to Mike and my comments are general statements.
He may have been upset or sad about something that had happened in the marriage, or something that he discovered, but he was not clinically depressed and he did not suffer from a history of depression. This has been confirmed medically. So what exactly was told to police initially to delay this investigation? And why?


Do you have a link for this? How can it be confirmed medically? I would think hippa laws would prevent such a statement.

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HIPPA applies to his healthcare providers, not to individuals not involved in his care. Even a healthcare provider stating that he does NOT have a diagnosis, is not divulging confidential information. To state that he DOES have a particular diagnosis, would be a violation of HIPAA for a provider. For someone to make a statement that he DOES have a diagnosis for which he DOES NOT, is not just simply wrong, but egregious in nature!
Ok. Again, do you have a link?

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HIPPA applies to his healthcare providers, not to individuals not involved in his care. Even a healthcare provider stating that he does NOT have a diagnosis, is not divulging confidential information. To state that he DOES have a particular diagnosis, would be a violation of HIPAA for a provider. For someone to make a statement that he DOES have a diagnosis for which he DOES NOT, is not just simply wrong, but egregious in nature!

Who confirmed he wasn't depressed?

IMO even if five doctors came forward and said they weren't treating him for depression it doesn't confirm he wasn't being treated by someone else or if he was depressed and not being treated. I don't believe it's possible to medically confirm someone isn't depressed, period. It's not like there's a blood test that came back negative. Lots of people with depression get through every day without anyone knowing they're ill.
I was sharing Mike's story with a friend today and she made an interesting observation that I had not thought of. She said maybe the reason the wife has been absent in the media is that she didn't want her face on area news or social media because......while no one has seen Mike.......maybe someone would remember her. Interesting......could bring in new possibilities. 4 days was a long time to move around while he was missing and no one knew.
Who confirmed he wasn't depressed?

IMO even if five doctors came forward and said they weren't treating him for depression it doesn't confirm he wasn't being treated for depression by someone else or if he was depressed and not being treated. I don't believe it's possible to medically confirm someone isn't depressed, period. It's not like there's a blood test that came back negative for depression. Lots of people with depression get through every day without anyone knowing they're depressed.

Yes. And if there was depression and/or mental illness, he may not have been too keen to share that with friends and family. So unless it came from LE, I'd take it with a large grain of salt. But with no link to back it up, who knows if anyone connected with the case even made this statement.

Sent from my KFJWI using Tapatalk
Agreed! Also, no one to my knowledge has asked the "church" to get involved. Whatever their policy on doing this sort of work is, they need a request first. I don't think any family of Mike's has asked, or has taken any iniatitive to ask anyone. The wife isn't communicating anywhere about Mike, and his parents and sisters keep being very affected by this, but I can't see that they are actively doing anything other than to hire an outside of town detective (?). If this was my family member I would have conducted searches, etc. Just look at the Bardstown woman for instance. No, they have not found her yet-- been missing for two months-- but they are ruling things and places out.
Something is up here. I think the police know more then they have said.

I don't really follow the information posted on Facebook so it's good that you shared with us the info that Mike's parents have hired a detective. And, I hope the detective and LE are working together on this case!
Yes. And if there was depression and/or mental illness, he may not have been too keen to share that with friends and family. So unless it came from LE, I'd take it with a large grain of salt. But with no link to back it up, who knows if anyone connected with the case even made this statement.

Sent from my KFJWI using Tapatalk

I agree with you and BlueSneakers on your statements. I gave the example of the case I followed that brought me to WS. The wife said he was not depressed or anything, so LE released it. He ended up committing suicide and afterwards she said, well, he actually was depressed. So.....I assume anyone can be depressed or anxious or anything. Family and friends and even LE will cover things up for whatever reason. Just a few days ago a mom went missing and her family said she would never leave her kid voluntary. People asked if she had a medical condition. Family said no. Sure enough she has lupus and she left on her own. She is know back with the family.

Unless you are the missing person you can't say they don't have depression, anxiety, etc. It's not possible.
I agree with you and BlueSneakers on your statements. I gave the example of the case I followed that brought me to WS. The wife said he was not depressed or anything, so LE released it. He ended up committing suicide and afterwards she said, well, he actually was depressed. So.....I assume anyone can be depressed or anxious or anything. Family and friends and even LE will cover things up for whatever reason. Just a few days ago a mom went missing and her family said she would never leave her kid voluntary. People asked if she had a medical condition. Family said no. Sure enough she has lupus and she left on her own. She is know back with the family.

Unless you are the missing person you can't say they don't have depression, anxiety, etc. It's not possible.

Remember this guy?

Walked away from his son and family friends in the middle of a Broncos game. Found a week later a couple hundred miles away.

Sent from my KFJWI using Tapatalk
I've tried to consider the possibility Mike could have been suffering from depression, but I always end up dismissing the idea because:

I believe LE knows a lot more than we do, and...

1) IF they actually thought Mike left the house (with the intention of harming himself or even if he left the house "disoriented") then they would have continued searching all areas within walking distance of the home... but, they didn't.

2) IF Mike called a friend (or Uber/taxi service) to pick him up, then LE would already have phone records and a lead on the friend/driver (and/or location where he was taken).

3) Even if Mike took a bus out of town there would be surveillance footage.

It's possible I'm missing some other scenario involving depression, but right now I just don't see how it works in this case.
I've tried to consider the possibility Mike could have been suffering from depression, but I always end up dismissing the idea because:

I believe LE knows a lot more than we do, and...

1) IF they actually thought Mike left the house (with the intention of harming himself or even if he left the house "disoriented") then they would have continued searching all areas within walking distance of the home... but, they didn't.

2) IF Mike called a friend (or Uber/taxi service) to pick him up, then LE would already have phone records and a lead on the friend/driver (and/or location where he was taken).

3) Even if Mike took a bus out of town there would be surveillance footage.

It's possible I'm missing some other scenario involving depression, but right now I just don't see how it works in this case.

If I remember correctly (and please correct me if I'm wrong), there wasn't a lot of LE searches in the Leanne Bearden case. So #1 may not mean a lot.

Sent from my KFJWI using Tapatalk
Is it possible Mike had a girlfriend and ran off with her? She could of pulled up to the house, picked him up, and he just left his life. Perhaps the wife had her suspicions hence didn't call the police?

I hope something like this is the case, even though it's a bad thing to do. At least then he'd still be alive and well. He could be living off the girlfriends money which would explain the lack of activity on his bank account, and if you're leaving your life you're going to want a new phone.

I know this is unlikely, I hope Mike is ok.
People do the darnedest things. Like commit suicide when no one sees it coming. It could have happened here. Walk fifteen minutes to a wooded area and shoot yourself (too much noise at night?), hang yourself, or I guess you could stab yourself.... Or take a walk and fall and crack your head by stumbling in the dark and die when you didn't intend to. Get hit by a car along the road, and be tossed into some roadside brush or down a hill so that you won't be found right away. Any of this and a lot of other things could have happened to Mike. It's a shame that there are no searches. I would love to know where the police searched, how many searchers and for how long. Was all their investigation wrapped up in one day?
Who confirmed he wasn't depressed?

IMO even if five doctors came forward and said they weren't treating him for depression it doesn't confirm he wasn't being treated by someone else or if he was depressed and not being treated. I don't believe it's possible to medically confirm someone isn't depressed, period. It's not like there's a blood test that came back negative. Lots of people with depression get through every day without anyone knowing they're ill.

I agree that depression can be disguised, but it isn't easy for people who are truly clinically depressed, and those are the ones who typically have problems at work and socially, are not even-keeled, sleep too much or not at all, let themselves go, have poor concentration, lose or gain weight, and show no interest or take no pleasure in anything really, and will run away from life in one way or another. Mike could not have been a pilot if he were depressed either. Never has he shown any sign of depression, and the symptoms of depression are pretty clear. For those of us who know Mike very well, we can say that he was always the same up until he disappeared. Never moody and always the same calm and friendly guy who was always smiling and easy-going. He was successful throughout his entire life, served in the Air Force for 10 years before being Honorably Discharged. He is from a prominent and well respected family, yet he is a humble man who would help anyone in need. He was not afraid of adversity, and he tackled things head on. It would have been absolutely and totally against his character to walk away from anything, especially his life. Now, did he have faults? I'm sure he did, because we all do. I'm not saying he was perfect. I'm sure if something made him angry enough, he would walk away to cool off. If he had been upset by something in his marriage, he may have gone for a walk to calm down before discussing, but his young son was his world and he would not have left him permanently, unless it was beyond his control. What could he do without his identity? Additionally, he had just spent the last 18 months going uphill. He was working very hard to live! He got through his surgeries, rehab, physical therapy, and had hired a personal trainer to work out with. He was anxious to get back to flying. Who works that hard to just say 'forget it, I don't care anymore'? Not this guy because he was not a quitter, ever! And remember, LE can gain access to medical and pharmacy records, and they do when investigating situations like this.

All signs lead to the fact that Mike was taken against his will. I think the question that needs to be asked is "why". What could have happened in that house that could have ended with him missing? And who was at the house the night that he went missing? Were there visitors? The fact that there was a delay in notifying neighbors, gave the neighbors an opportunity to not remember anything from that night because 3 weeks had passed. Had they been notified the next day, they may have remembered seeing something unusual at the house, whether it was a visitor or someone on foot, Mike walking from the house, an argument or fight....

His wife initially put the thought out that Mike had a mental illness, and has recently made statements that he left on his own. If he was depressed and he did have mental illness, why would someone who loves him put that on FaceBook, because the natural reaction would be one of sorrow and concern, wouldn't it? If he were depressed and left on his own, why didn't his wife ask for help to search for him so that he doesn't harm himself, from the minute she discovered he was gone? Why wait? If his wife is concerned, loves him and wanted him found safe, wouldn't expediency be the key to his safety and getting help for him?

Clearly, something went awry that night, and there is a reason that his wife and police did not search for him right away, and there is a reason that neighbors were not told right away. Someday it will be clear hopefully.

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