GUILTY KY - Randy Russ, 54, UC professor, Dry Ridge, 15 August 2014

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Randy Russ

UC Professor goes missing, family desperate to find him

A UC Professor is missing and his family is desperate to find him. Kentucky State Police says no one has seen or heard from Randy Russ since Aug. 17 Russ is a part-time computer science professor at UC and his family says for him to miss the first week of school means something isn't right. "We were wanting to pass out flyers to see if anyone has seen him in the area," says Connie Fetters, holding up a flyer with her brother's picture in the center. Fetters and Russ's daughter Kate are heading to Dry Ridge to hand out the flyers hoping someone will recognize Randy. "He didn't pick up his best friend from the doctor. They've been best friends since he was kids. That kind of worried me. Then, we went out to his house and all the mail was piled up," said Kate Russ. Police say a neighbor last saw Randy at his Dry Ridge home on Aug. 17 but since then his phone has been disconnected. His dogs were left alone inside his home and Randy along with his Ford Focus station wagon are gone. "This is totally not him," said Connie.


The friend found Russ' back door unlocked, so he went inside. He found Russ' pets, three dogs and a cat, which hadn't been cared for in a couple weeks. Animal hair and feces were spread throughout the home.

Russ' prescription medication was also left inside.

His sister said he wouldn't have intentionally left his home in that shape. "He had clothes in the washer that had not been put in the dryer," Connie Fetters said. "It's not like he's packed up and left."

Fetters said that police have not found any reason for someone to hurt her brother. But she believed someone or something is keeping him from home.

Randy's FB:
According to fb, he's widowed. I wonder when his wife passed away and if this could be depression related to that? He also has two is posting on fb trying to find him, the other is taking fish face selfies.

It has been reported that he was friendly and loved to talk to others but no one missed him for 2 weeks. That is ODD.
It has been reported that he was friendly and loved to talk to others but no one missed him for 2 weeks. That is ODD.

Quite strange.
According to fb, he's widowed. I wonder when his wife passed away and if this could be depression related to that? He also has two is posting on fb trying to find him, the other is taking fish face selfies.

Only Kate and her sister are mentioned, but I wonder if he has any step-kids?

Kate said her father has lived alone since the passing of her stepmother in January 2004.

Also, this is very odd wording to me:

The state police said it is too soon to determine whether Randy has met with foul play.

"We got some guys working on it," Jones said. "They are trying to get with his cell phone carrier [to find out] the last time it was used. They are also going to his bank to see if there has been any movement in his bank account. We're looking at every avenue we can right now."

KSP doesn't sound especially concerned or urgent about this.
This article is totally different than the HP one. That one said KATE and other relatives went to the house after all the odd things added up and raised alarm flags, and then discovered everything amiss (and some things missing) in the home.

Whereas this one says THE BEST FRIEND (who R was supposed to take to the appointment) went to the home, discovered everything amiss, the prescriptions there, etc. And then has his sister as the one saying basically everything Kate was quoted as saying in the HP one.

Definitely doesn't seem to be a good sign that the medication in the house is heart medication.

Fetters said Randall is supposed to take his heart medication and is due for a doctor's appointment in a few weeks.

This is also interesting:

"He's a good-hearted person," Fetters said. "He'd do anything in the world to help anybody in the world, and I'm just hoping that's not what got him in trouble."

Here it sounds like R's sister (the 'Fetters' quoted above) is the one who is afraid something has happened to him, and if Kate (daughter) may be thinking he may have left by choice?

"We're all here for him no matter what the situation is," Katie said. "We just want him home and we just want to know he's safe and that he's okay no matter what might be the reason he's gone. We just want him home."

The HP article very much seems to indicate Kate thinks he's gone (and not by choice) and something happened - for all the reasons his sister stated here.

Sort of seems like there's a mix up of who's saying what in the media maybe?
Hmm. Doubtful it is suicide with no note. I realize that no note suicides are prevalent, but it seems to me that he would want his animals cared for. Most likely a car accident, IMO.
I would like to know the driving routes Randy would take regularly. Anywhere his car could have gone off the road would be a good place to begin searching. I feel that Randy is probably deceased, but that his death could be either accidental or foul play. I guess I mostly wonder whether this was an accident due to the car not yet being found abandoned, which we see so often in foul play cases.

I hope the family can get some help from LE. Doesn't sound like there is much effort on their part.
According to Kate, a search of the house revealed that several items were missing, including jewelry, a rifle and a pistol.

While the guns missing could suggest he was suicidal, his missing a friend's appointment (to give him a ride), leaving his pets unattended and leaving clothes in the washer suggest otherwise. I had thought the possibility of a hunting accident, but why would he take jewelry with him to hunt?

Without knowing about the missing items, I would think that he'd gotten an emergency phone call and took off. Missing jewelry indicates theft unless he'd sold it or given it away without his family's knowledge. I wonder if it's women's jewelry that's missing and if it was his wife's. If so, has he been seeing someone? Have LE checked his computer?

While the guns missing could suggest he was suicidal, his missing a friend's appointment (to give him a ride), leaving his pets unattended and leaving clothes in the washer suggest otherwise. I had thought the possibility of a hunting accident, but why would he take jewelry with him to hunt?

Without knowing about the missing items, I would think that he'd gotten an emergency phone call and took off. Missing jewelry indicates theft unless he'd sold it or given it away without his family's knowledge. I wonder if it's women's jewelry that's missing and if it was his wife's. If so, has he been seeing someone? Have LE checked his computer?

This seems unlikely, but it could be possible he pawned those items. Jewelry and firearms are popular items to pawn when one is in need of cash. And I highly doubt he would have told his family if that was the case.
According to Kate, a search of the house revealed that several items were missing, including jewelry, a rifle and a pistol.

"Other than the missing items, it looked like he had stepped out and intended to return," said Kate. "He had clothes in the washer waiting to be switched over to the dryer, and all his medications were still in the house."

Changed my mind. This info leads me more towards foul play. Def. not suicide, IMO.
This is the most recent update I could find. Really nothing new.


Kentucky State Police said it has been doing all that it can to get the word out about the missing professor since the report was filed.

State trooper David P. Jones said they have given multiple interviews to various news stations, released photos of the missing professor and have detectives issuing search warrants for his bank account and his cell phone usage in hopes of finding his location.
Thank you, Indy Anna. This seems really alarming, especially the delay in the discovery that he'd gone missing, and the lack of information.

"My dad loves animals -- he's got three dogs and a cat -- and those animals had been in the house for two weeks, without any food or water," she said.

How many times pets are left to suffer when people go missing. It doesn't even say if they survived. :(
The picture of Randy from FB is not a very flattering photo. Someone even commented on his FB wondering what was up with the picture.
Randall Russ: Search for missing UC instructor, Grant County High School teacher is getting nowhere
DRY RIDGE, Ky. - The investigation into the disappearance of a University of Cincinnati instructor and Grant County High School teacher is getting nowhere.

No one has seen Randall Russ since Aug. 17.

"I don't have any clue what happened," says Russ' neighbor, Caleb Cray.

Neither does the Kentucky State Police.

"We currently have two detectives working on his investigation. We're still working it as a 'missing person,' " said David Jones of the Dry Ridge post.

And they're still right where they started.

"Frustrating. Very," Jones said.
Randall Russ: Search for missing UC instructor, Grant County High School teacher is getting nowhere
From the article you linked:

Police say it's not as if they aren't trying. But there has been no sign of Russ' green Ford Focus with Kentucky veterans plate 7338DD.

No cell phone or credit card activity.

BBM Since Russ's vehicle is also missing, I think it's odd that there's been little mention of it. Why isn't a picture of a green Ford Focus on the Missing poster along with the license plate number? This is even the first I remember seeing the lp#.

If there has still been no cell phone or credit card activity since the last time it can be verified (more than two weeks before he disappeared, I presume), then I suspect an accident rather than foul play. When someone disappears with their vehicle, it's usually because they ran off the road, either into a ravine or a pond. I wonder, where was the last ping from Russ's cell phone? He seemingly left the house on an errand in the middle of doing laundry, so IMO he was going to a store to quickly pick up some items. He possibly had a heart attach. I hope searches have been done of ravines and ponds along the route Russ would have taken to any stores in the area, looking for brush that has been disturbed, breaks in fences, etc.

The only thing really suggestive of foul play (other than missing jewelry, possibly) is that his landline phone was disconnected. Did he did get cell phone reception at home? If so, maybe he decided to cancel his landline service. It would be interesting to know how Russ normally contacted friends and family, and how they contacted him. Did he use the cell only while traveling? Was there a record of a conversation he had with the phone company, requesting to cancel his phone service? Was the phone simply unplugged from the wall -- was it in working order; if not, maybe Russ was heading out to buy a new telephone when he disappeared.

The outcome does not look good, I'm sorry to say. If Russ had an accident, I'm afraid he won't be found until late autumn/winter, when thick foliage has died back.

According to Kate Russ, Randall Russ was supposed to pick up a childhood friend from the doctor’s office last week. When he did not show up, the friend went to Randall Russ’ house where he found piled up mail, the phone disconnected, the dogs uncared for and the lawn untrimmed. Randall Russ and his Ford Focus weren’t at the home.

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