KY - Rowan County clerk Kim Davis Jailed for Contempt, 2015

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Well, I confess to having called her 'disgusting', but I did mean it with respect to her actions, her hypocrisy, and her hatred -- I don't know her as a person at all, nor do I wish to. Even then, I think 'odious' would have been a better word choice.
I hate that bigots are allowed to hold down government positions at all. Of course some keep it hidden, but since it is against the law to discriminate I don't see why it shouldn't just end there. Separation of church and state and all that.

She is an example of why I lost my religion...I guess I just see too much hypocrisy in all of it.

I don't want anything to do with "religion". There is no way I would want to be any where near or a part or the people that act or think like this.
I'm not sure of your question but I'll take a stab...

I see hate, vitriol and judgmentalism in the fact that she will sign marriage license to "adulterers & fornicators" (bibles definition not mine 1 Cor 6:9 NASB) yet not sign for a gay couple. Not only is she cherry picking she is doing it within the same scripture. At least that is where I see it.

Thanks! I was addressing the poster who said most of the hate, vitriol, and judgmentalism has been directed at those who support Ms. Davis.

I can see where I was unclear because I kind of went off there.

My question still stands though, to the aforementioned poster.

I am really interested in examples of H, V, and J.
Thanks! I was addressing the poster who said most of the hate, vitriol, and judgmentalism has been directed at those who support Ms. Davis.

I can see where I was unclear because I kind of went off there.

My question still stands though, to the aforementioned poster.

I am really interested in examples of H, V, and J.

Me too, especially if the comment was directed at WSers.
Locally here in Kentucky, the news channels appear to be wondering IF she'll return to her job tomorrow (or later like perhaps next week). The news keeps noting she's getting paid wether she works or not. Another hot topic on the news is that one of her deputies, a male unrelated, states he plans to continue to issue marriage licenses even if his boss, mrs Davis, orders him to stop the issuance of the marriage licenses. He also anticipates he will be fired by Mrs. Davis for insubordination when he continue to follow the federal law (and do what he has been ordered by a federal judge to do as well).

It is widely known Kim Davis' son is also on her staff and has refused to issue licenses, there are four other deputies that are currently following judges orders (in addition to the male noted above), and it is uncertain what their intentions may be once Mrs. Davis returns to work in regard to following licensing.

I speculate that the male deputy will file a personnel grievance immediately if he is fired as his termination would be highly questionable under these circumstances.

Kim needs to resign if she can't compartmentalize her civic employment from her fanatical religious beliefs; they can't both be present at work.

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Man. Where can I sign up for an $80K a year job that I don't even have to show up to to get paid?
The 10 commandments are God's word passed on to Moses to pass on to the others. God's "rules", if you will, as to what is a sin and how they should/shouldn't behave. No where in those 10 commandments does it say anything about same sex marriage or even homosexuality. Mrs. Davis has gone against at least 2 of those commandments. I do not know of a verse in the bible that states same sex marriage or homosexuality is a sin. If someone else knows of one, please point it out. The bible does say we are to love one another. That appears to be something Mrs. Davis failed to remember. Then there is also Judge not lest ye be judged. It is not Mrs. Davis' job to decide that same sex marriage is immoral, a sin, and/or illegal. It is Mrs. Davis' job to issue marriage licenses to all who qualify according to the law. Something she has failed to do as well. If she were truly sincere in her beliefs, instead of wanting publicity, she would resign from her position and find a job that allows her to follow her religious beliefs/convictions.

The 10 commandments are God's word passed on to Moses to pass on to the others. God's "rules", if you will, as to what is a sin and how they should/shouldn't behave. No where in those 10 commandments does it say anything about same sex marriage or even homosexuality. Mrs. Davis has gone against at least 2 of those commandments. I do not know of a verse in the bible that states same sex marriage or homosexuality is a sin. If someone else knows of one, please point it out. The bible does say we are to love one another. That appears to be something Mrs. Davis failed to remember. Then there is also Judge not lest ye be judged. It is not Mrs. Davis' job to decide that same sex marriage is immoral, a sin, and/or illegal. It is Mrs. Davis' job to issue marriage licenses to all who qualify according to the law. Something she has failed to do as well. If she were truly sincere in her beliefs, instead of wanting publicity, she would resign from her position and find a job that allows her to follow her religious beliefs/convictions.


I did a little searching and this is what I found in the New Testament:

Romans 1: 26 - 27:
[SUP]26 [/SUP]For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; [SUP]27 [/SUP]and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.

I'm only posting this in reply to the request for verses in the bible that refer to homosexuality being a sin. I have no desire to engage in a biblical debate. There are several passages in the Old Testament, but I have found that a lot of people feel that the New Testament is the law that Christians should live by since the crucifixion of Christ.
I've thought about this a bit more. So to continue.

I may well have tunnel vision, but I don't recall seeing much antagonism (or, if you will, hate) directed here on websleuths toward Davis personally.

Really looking forward to being enlightened.

Snipped for focus. I do hate her sense of fashion. That absolutely creeps me out. JUMPERS? Really people? JUMPERS???? ;)
Snipped for focus. I do hate her sense of fashion. That absolutely creeps me out. JUMPERS? Really people? JUMPERS???? ;)
For our European WS friends....jump[emoji1] ers here are not sweaters but s loose sack-like dress worn over a blouse or knit shirt. Not fashionable in any way IMO
Snipped for focus. I do hate her sense of fashion. That absolutely creeps me out. JUMPERS? Really people? JUMPERS???? ;)

Davis is wearing a "frumper".

"A long, mid-calf or ankle length, loose, ugly, frumpy jumper, worn with a t-shirt, turtleneck, or polo style shirt underneath. Frumpers are most often seen on fundamentalist, homeschooling Christian women or their daughters for the sake of modesty."

I wondered why she dresses to horribly and then I found out she is an Apostolic Christian and then it made sense.
Davis is wearing a "frumper".

"A long, mid-calf or ankle length, loose, ugly, frumpy jumper, worn with a t-shirt, turtleneck, or polo style shirt underneath. Frumpers are most often seen on fundamentalist, homeschooling Christian women or their daughters for the sake of modesty."

I wondered why she dresses to horribly and then I found out she is an Apostolic Christian and then it made sense.

Do you know if Apostolic Christian women don't cut their hair?
Please be advised. This lady worked at the county for decades.

She could have applied and been accepted to any county position at any time that didn't have her doing gay marriages.

Now when she first got the job. She had no problems. But now she is acting like she can no longer work due to having to marry gay couples.

Maybe she needs to understand that her bills don't care about who marries who.

But regardless of how she feels. Her bills are still due.

So lets hope she doesn't decide to sue the county and have the tax payers pay her mortgage or whatever; Just because she decided not to no longer do her job. Jmo.
Do you know if Apostolic Christian women don't cut their hair?

Q: OK, well, what’s with the long hair and skirts?

A: Apostolic Pentecostals are the strictest of all the Pentecostal groups, according to Synan. Like most Pentecostals, they do not use alcohol or tobacco. They generally don’t watch TV or movies either. Women who are Apostolic Pentecostals also wear long dresses, and they don’t cut their hair or wear makeup. It’s called “external holiness,” he said, and it’s meant to separate its followers from the rest of the world in the way they look and act — although, he noted, men who are Apostolic Pentecostals look “like everybody else.”

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Kim Davis's wardrobe choices are as irrelevant to her job as her personal religious beliefs.

I don't care if she wears ugly, ankle-length Aunt-Jemima shifts and clogs. If she's comfortable wearing that, I couldn't care less - as long as she doesn't try to use her office to discriminate against others for what they're free to choose to wear.

I don't care what Kim Davis's religious beliefs are. As long as she doesn't use her office to try to impose her religious beliefs upon others, she can believe whatever she wants to believe.

She crossed a clearly delineated line when she refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. She and her supporters may believe a victory has been won for religious bigotry, when, in fact, they have lost the battle, and rightfully so.

Enlightened folk will not tolerate or support discrimination. The ignorant and intolerant are a dying breed.
Thanks! I was addressing the poster who said most of the hate, vitriol, and judgmentalism has been directed at those who support Ms. Davis.

I can see where I was unclear because I kind of went off there.

My question still stands though, to the aforementioned poster.

I am really interested in examples of H, V, and J.

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