GUILTY KY - Trey Zwicker, 14, beaten to death, Louisville, 11 May 2011 #2

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Terry Zwicker on. He's saying that if the jury believed JY knew something about the murder, he was guilty and should have been charged. He won't judge the juror but hearing from him doesn't make the verdict any easier.
To me it sounded like that juror used something other than going by the law to find JY not guilty. Sorry now I forgot how he worded it. I am blaming it on old age. ugggg
After Dark (I know, I know) covering this now. They have home video of JG and and JY when he was little. JG is holding JY, leans over to "grandma" (I think) and tells JY to "pop her in the mouth.

Juror on also. He's remaining anonymous. He and some jurors think JY "may have been aware of the situation" and brought into it unknowingly. A scenario they considered was Trey was sneaking out with JY and JG used that opportunity to kill Trey. He believes JG killed Trey.

Juror says the moment on the stand where JG says he was "covered in Trey" the night of the murder was like JG was reliving that moment. He believed it.

Hopeful, thanks for that info. about what the juror says...I have not seen it yet, so I'll catch the re=play tonight. All I can say's almost better not to hear the jurors speak after something like this, IMO! First of all, nothing JG said about the murder itself was believable to me!! Did the jurors not catch onto that?? Especially the part about being "covered in blood" stands out in my mind as NOT BELIEVABLE the way he said it. IIRC, the prosecutor said, well what do you remember about that night, and he was like, all I remember, you know...just being covered in blood. Oh really, Gouker, that's ALL you remember?? And if you were so "covered" in blood, when did you have time to take a shower and clean up and figure out where to hide your clothes...when the whole time Amanda was waiting for you to come back from "Cassie's."

And the part about JY being caught up in it "unknowingly"?? OMG. So JY just happened to randomly ask Trey to go down to the ditch that night, and Gouker just happened to knwo the exact time they were going, and happened to think, "oh I guess I'll just kill him now." No, sorry the juror is wrong...this required coordination for the two of them if Gouker in fact did it. If JY did it it would not require him to coordinate iwth Gouker, but if they think Gouker did it, then it DID require communication b/w Josh Young and Gouker about it.

The "covered in blood" moment was NOT was lying and trying to think of something believable on the spot.

So disappointed...if the jurors had good reasons that's okay, but at least this juror did not use logic.

Talking about he's gonna get a lot of help...4 social workers plus therapist, etc., etc.. At this point, since he's already freed by the jury, I hope he can get help for society's sake. There is not anything else they can do judicial-wise.

He must have been good with the Stoneburner's for them to be doing all of this for him and seemingly not minding at all that he was charged with murder or being involved in a murder. It is just really so confusing, all of this.

Due to the timeline and everything that went down that night, I have a hard time believing Gouker had the time/opportunity to do everything by himself. So then someone helped him...who was that someone? We're supposed to believe that it wasn't JY and he was just sleeping innocently. Okay, so then was it John Robertson? That doesn't make any sense. No motive and I'm assuming his kids are his alibi. Yes, he could have gotten up after they were asleep, but it still doesn't make sense. Was it some random neighborhood kid that Gouker bribed? I'm assuming the detectives checked a lot of alibis. 4 people said it was Josh Young. JY was very close with his dad, he would be the most likely kid to do it...why would his Dad ask some other kid when he had his own son? There is just no way in my mind that this kid is innocent.

And yet obviously the Stoneburner's have a different picture of him....
One more thing...I realize a lot of you have moved on, but I am still thinking about this case!...well one more thing is that why didn't LE ask Gouker what he was wearing DURING the cookout, and ask others like Amanda, Cassie, John, Amanda's brother, to confirm it. Even if it was a month after the murder, they might have remembered what he was wearing. That way they could see if he was wearing the 34 red jersey the entire night, or if he changed. I don't see Gouker as the kind of guy who would change just 'cause his clothes smelled like BBQ.
He plead guilty to his case they wasn't really any investigating was there IMO
I know.. Again I will be in the minority but here goes nothing.

I think this kid was not guilty. I believe that his dad murdered Trey and that he used his son he had only known a short time to see if he could get away with it and see if JY would get less time. I think that JG is a monster. A true ugly monster. I believe that nothing in JY up to the time he went with his dad showed him to be at all capable or interested in killing someone but JG is a monster through and through.

There was nothing to directly tie JY to the murder. No evidence. Nothing that said he was even there.

I hope that he remains with his foster family and gets as far away from that clan of misfits that was his biological family and has a decent life.

I am a bit late to verdict talk, but I concur with what you wrote down to the smallest detail.

I also pray for Trey's family to heal and carry on. And certainly for "mom" to be a little more careful when choosing bed mates.
He plead guilty to his case they wasn't really any investigating was there IMO

No, I'm talking about why didn't the detectives ask him when they first started zero-ing in on him and JY, which IIRC was about a month or so after the murders occured. I mean, when they were still questioning him, before they arrested him.
Hey guys...don't know if anyone checks this thread anymore, but here's an interview I found that Joshua Young has done after the verdict:

I don't know what to think. He for sure seems very innocent in this...speaking all soft-spokenly and all that....but I keep thinking that we all know how good of an actor his Dad is, maybe he got some of his acting/fooling genes.

Also thought it was interesting when the reporter asked him if he would ever talk to his Dad again, or visit him or smetihng like that, and he gave a long pause and said "I don't know." Then later in the ineterivew, after the reporter is going over how he feels about all the people testifying against him, and how he feels about his dad blaming it on him, then he asks him again do you wanna see your dad again....and this time Little Josh says "no, no I don't." Seems like he's just saying that 'cause he figured out it's what he's "supposed" to say. I dunno, maybe I'm reading too much into that.

I also felt like he was lying about the part where he says how good friends him and Trey were. All the rest of his answers were so short and to-the-point, this was the only question he elaborated on (by that I mean gave more than yes or no or 3-word answer). He said yeah, we were good friends. then he says we never had any problems, not a bad word or problem between us. Like I said, b/c all his other answers were pretty much yes or no, I felt like he was going out of his way to show they were "cool."

I also thought the reporter was very sympathetic towards hiim and did a shi*** interview. He could have at leaset asked him, "so what do you think happened that night?"

One more thing, on the Save Joshua Young or whatever it is, Facebook page, one lady said her daughter was a juror and they both with Little Josh the best. Then she says "I think his Gouker and the cuz did it"...I guess meaning the cousin Cassie. So I'm assuming that after the trial the daughter and her discussed it and I'm deducing that the daughter came away from the trial thinking Gouker and Cassie did it. Which to me is ridiculous, I did not believe that Cassie did it and I cannot believe her testimony came across in such a way that someone coudl think that! I thought Cassie was, as the prosecutor said, NOT sophisticted enough to do it with Gouker and then cover-up he rinvolvement and then get on the stand and act calm. Geez. From the juror's mom's comment that she and her daughter wished Little Josh well and the mom was on the Save Joshua Young facebook page, I get that the juror thought Little Josh had nothing to do with everything. I could understand if the jurors thought that he was in some way involved, but they just didn't have enought evidence to convict, but this lady thought he was actually innocent.
This kid's chance at a normal, healthy life are looking slimmer and slimmer. :sigh:
Hey guys...don't know if anyone checks this thread anymore, but here's an interview I found that Joshua Young has done after the verdict:

I don't know what to think. He for sure seems very innocent in this...speaking all soft-spokenly and all that....but I keep thinking that we all know how good of an actor his Dad is, maybe he got some of his acting/fooling genes.

Also thought it was interesting when the reporter asked him if he would ever talk to his Dad again, or visit him or smetihng like that, and he gave a long pause and said "I don't know." Then later in the ineterivew, after the reporter is going over how he feels about all the people testifying against him, and how he feels about his dad blaming it on him, then he asks him again do you wanna see your dad again....and this time Little Josh says "no, no I don't." Seems like he's just saying that 'cause he figured out it's what he's "supposed" to say. I dunno, maybe I'm reading too much into that.

I also felt like he was lying about the part where he says how good friends him and Trey were. All the rest of his answers were so short and to-the-point, this was the only question he elaborated on (by that I mean gave more than yes or no or 3-word answer). He said yeah, we were good friends. then he says we never had any problems, not a bad word or problem between us. Like I said, b/c all his other answers were pretty much yes or no, I felt like he was going out of his way to show they were "cool."

I also thought the reporter was very sympathetic towards hiim and did a shi*** interview. He could have at leaset asked him, "so what do you think happened that night?"

One more thing, on the Save Joshua Young or whatever it is, Facebook page, one lady said her daughter was a juror and they both with Little Josh the best. Then she says "I think his Gouker and the cuz did it"...I guess meaning the cousin Cassie. So I'm assuming that after the trial the daughter and her discussed it and I'm deducing that the daughter came away from the trial thinking Gouker and Cassie did it. Which to me is ridiculous, I did not believe that Cassie did it and I cannot believe her testimony came across in such a way that someone coudl think that! I thought Cassie was, as the prosecutor said, NOT sophisticted enough to do it with Gouker and then cover-up he rinvolvement and then get on the stand and act calm. Geez. From the juror's mom's comment that she and her daughter wished Little Josh well and the mom was on the Save Joshua Young facebook page, I get that the juror thought Little Josh had nothing to do with everything. I could understand if the jurors thought that he was in some way involved, but they just didn't have enought evidence to convict, but this lady thought he was actually innocent.

I agree with you. And in regards to his dad, I think he's hurt. His dad ruined his life, in more ways than one, and then acted on the stand like he didn't really give a flying crap about Little Josh. I think he has damaged his son backwards and forwards but JY can't help but still love his dad and hurt for the situation.
Now this:

'The Courier-Journal reports that police had found and taken Joshua Young into custody around 6 p.m. ET Wednesday to Jefferson County Youth Center for fleeing and evading authorities, a police spokesman said.'

This does not surprise me at all. I wondered how long he would last in the foster parents home. For Joshua to comply to any rules must be very difficult, he probably never had any all his life. Except for the short time he did live with the foster family.

Now Joshua is a big boy just like his daddy! I mean that in a respectful way, this is how he always wanted it to be and so has Big Josh!

I don't see a future for Joshua other than jail time, thanks to his dad for the influence. :jail:
Before his arrest Wednesday, Young told WHAS11 on the phone that he was fine, he was touring the city and smoking marijuana. This comes just weeks after young was acquitted in the murder of his step-brother Trey Zwicker. Trey’s father says he still believes Young was involved in his son’s murder and believes Young won’t stay out of trouble.

Unfortunately Joshua sounds proud of himself in this article.
I've stayed away from this thread, because I honestly thought he got by with murder. This video shows the true 17 year old. Not a cute kid. :stormingmad:

Just using your post as a jumping off place. Thanks for you comments!

I really thought maybe he would have taken the opportunity to turn his life around after the Not Guilty verdict. I guess I should quit living in a fairy tail life. I try to give people the benefit of doubt, even though I thought he was involved.

It sure didn't take him long did it though!
I agree with you. And in regards to his dad, I think he's hurt. His dad ruined his life, in more ways than one, and then acted on the stand like he didn't really give a flying crap about Little Josh. I think he has damaged his son backwards and forwards but JY can't help but still love his dad and hurt for the situation.

I think JY adores his dad and looks at him as a hero. Imo, he wants to be just like him. That is why he doesn't adhere to rules. After all Gouker took the fall for him and let him get away with murder of a 14 year old teen, imo.

Even the way he speaks to reporters is in lockstep with how his dad talks. I never expected him to behave himself especially in a good home with rules. That is why he loves his dad so much.......he never set any rules for him to follow.

It may be a silver lining that he absconded from this decent foster family's home. No telling what could have happened to them or the other children there with him around. IMO, he is no good.

Now he conveniently says 'he doesn't remember sh** the night Trey was murdered. Yeah right.........that is exactly how his dad testified on the stand when he said he really couldn't remember the details. BARF! Two peas in a pod.

Trey's father tried to warn everyone that the nerdy boy seen in court is NOT the real Josh Young yet the jury bought it hook, line and sinker anyway.

"It hasn't been very many weeks now that we've been out of trial and he's already showing off. Granted, I know that people are saying, 'Well, he was locked up for two years, he's acting out,' but no, everyone's now getting to see the true little boy that walked away from murder," Zwicker said.

Read more:
I think JP adores his dad and looks at him as a hero. Imo, he wants to be just like him. That is why he doesn't adhere to rules. After all he took the fall for him and let him get away with murder of a 14 year old teen, imo.

Even the way he speaks to reporters is in lockstep with how his dad talks. I never expected him to behave himself especially in a good home with rules. That is why he loves his dad so much.......he never set any rules for him to follow.

It may be a silver lining that he absconded from this decent foster family's home. No telling what could have happened to them or the other children there with him around. IMO, he is no good.

Now he conveniently says 'he doesn't remember sh** the night Trey was murdered. Yeah right.........that is exactly how his dad testified on the stand when he said he really couldn't remember the details. BARF! Two peas in a pod.

Trey's father tried to warn everyone that the nerdy boy seen in court is NOT the real Josh Young yet the jury bought it hook, line and sinker anyway.

"It hasn't been very many weeks now that we've been out of trial and he's already showing off. Granted, I know that people are saying, 'Well, he was locked up for two years, he's acting out,' but no, everyone's now getting to see the true little boy that walked away from murder," Zwicker said.

Read more:


As long as the public remains ignorant, murderers, like this one, will continue to walk. IMO

News flash America!
Children can be psychopathic killers that are more than capable and they can not be fixed!

And... Mothers do murder their own children all the damn time.
And this, which includes a video of Josh Young saying crappy things and thumbing his nose at the law:

I don't wannt do it, but this is for the Joshua Young jury: I TOLD YOU SO. I knew that was the real Joshua Young, I know he murdered Trey, it was in the evidence if the jury had just looked at it. By the evidence, Gouker could not have done it SOmeone else did it, that person is Joshua Young. All his supporters wanna put a blind eye to it.

Also, I feel like Terry Zwicker's life is in danger. We KNOW that Josh Young hates him, Gouker hates him. Gouker could easily pull some stunt from the jail, conspire with Little Josh from the inside, and Little Josh could kill Terry Zwicker.

This kid needs to be locked up for life.
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