GUILTY KY - Trey Zwicker, 14, beaten to death, Louisville, 11 May 2011 #2

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Joshua Young as been arrested AGAIN!!! He left his foster parents, they reported him missing and he tried to evade police!

got away with murder!! THIS is the true Joshua Young!!! A cold-blooded murderer who will not stay out of jail.

Good! Jail is the perfect place for him. Like father, like son!!!

ETA: Carp! He is already been released? Yikes. He's a danger to society and everyone who testified against him.
Can someone please tell me when the video of him smoking with the cap on and holding the phone with his friend, when was that taken? Is that in recent days after his arrest, or is that some previous video?

You'd think he'd be happy at his second chance for life. You'd think he'd be happy he has a safe home with stability and good food and clothes. You'd think he's be happy with a nice roof over his head. Nah, not him. Funny how short his "good little boy" act lasted. I predicted way back when that shortly after his release, he would go visit his Dad in prison, and that's exactly what's gonna happen.

By the way, where is he getting money for his marijuana and his wanderings all over the city? Where is he getting money for his cell phone? Where is he getting money for food? He said he's doing some construction jobs...I doubt it, I think he's just sitting around smoking weed and doing God knows what all day, that's what I think.

Maybe his loyal supporters at the Save Joshua Young page are funding his activites.
I'm just not seeing where he did anything wrong. He was acquitted. He's not on probation. Sure he's in the foster care system and it needs to be reported, but he was tried as an adult for murder. Either he's an adult or he's not. I'd like to think he truly is innocent, but this doesn't prove to me he's guilty. My teens have also not come home nights and ran from the cops on dirt bikes. I guess they are murderers too.
Can someone please tell me when the video of him smoking with the cap on and holding the phone with his friend, when was that taken? Is that in recent days after his arrest, or is that some previous video?

You'd think he'd be happy at his second chance for life. You'd think he'd be happy he has a safe home with stability and good food and clothes. You'd think he's be happy with a nice roof over his head. Nah, not him. Funny how short his "good little boy" act lasted. I predicted way back when that shortly after his release, he would go visit his Dad in prison, and that's exactly what's gonna happen.

By the way, where is he getting money for his marijuana and his wanderings all over the city? Where is he getting money for his cell phone? Where is he getting money for food? He said he's doing some construction jobs...I doubt it, I think he's just sitting around smoking weed and doing God knows what all day, that's what I think.

Maybe his loyal supporters at the Save Joshua Young page are funding his activites.

On HLN, they said the video was a day or so before his arrest. This is when he was "missing" from his foster parents home.
I'm just not seeing where he did anything wrong. He was acquitted. He's not on probation. Sure he's in the foster care system and it needs to be reported, but he was tried as an adult for murder. Either he's an adult or he's not. I'd like to think he truly is innocent, but this doesn't prove to me he's guilty. My teens have also not come home nights and ran from the cops on dirt bikes. I guess they are murderers too.

I highly doubt your teens were ever suspects and then defendants in a murder trial though. A murder trial where the evidence pointed toward Josh Young as the murderer than it ever did against Josh Gouker.

But it wont be the first time a jury let a murderer walk and sadly it will not be the last.:(

I highly doubt your teens were ever suspects and then defendants in a murder trial though. A murder trial where the evidence pointed toward Josh Young as the murderer than it ever did against Josh Gouker.

But it wont be the first time a jury let a murderer walk and sadly it will not be the last.:(


I just don't know if he's guilty or not. No one knows for sure except the murderer and Trey. If it was Josh, I don't think he'll be able to keep it to himself so we will know the truth in time. From what I've read and heard during the trial, it just seems like a whole mess with these people. I'm sure I let my sympathies for Josh's home life and childhood cloud over things.

I follow him in social media and I'm a little shocked he took off like this because his little sister lives with him and it appears he loves her to pieces. Things seemed to be going good for him based on what he's posted (going back to school and such).

I want so bad to believe in his innocense. It's weird because I don't know this kid at all, but I'm a mom of boys not much older than Josh. I just can't fathom admitting guilt if that even makes sense.

ETA: I think it's unfair that HLN is reporting he's "in trouble again."
I'm just not seeing where he did anything wrong. He was acquitted. He's not on probation. Sure he's in the foster care system and it needs to be reported, but he was tried as an adult for murder. Either he's an adult or he's not. I'd like to think he truly is innocent, but this doesn't prove to me he's guilty. My teens have also not come home nights and ran from the cops on dirt bikes. I guess they are murderers too.

In Kentucky, a child that's in foster care, has to stay in the system until he's 18, UNLESS his father, gives up his parental rights and the foster family can adopt him. I'm sure glad he showed his true colors.
Can someone please tell me when the video of him smoking with the cap on and holding the phone with his friend, when was that taken? Is that in recent days after his arrest, or is that some previous video?

You'd think he'd be happy at his second chance for life. You'd think he'd be happy he has a safe home with stability and good food and clothes. You'd think he's be happy with a nice roof over his head. Nah, not him. Funny how short his "good little boy" act lasted. I predicted way back when that shortly after his release, he would go visit his Dad in prison, and that's exactly what's gonna happen.

By the way, where is he getting money for his marijuana and his wanderings all over the city? Where is he getting money for his cell phone? Where is he getting money for food? He said he's doing some construction jobs...I doubt it, I think he's just sitting around smoking weed and doing God knows what all day, that's what I think.

Maybe his loyal supporters at the Save Joshua Young page are funding his activites.
And if they run away from foster care, Kentucky arrests them.
I just don't know if he's guilty or not. No one knows for sure except the murderer and Trey. If it was Josh, I don't think he'll be able to keep it to himself so we will know the truth in time. From what I've read and heard during the trial, it just seems like a whole mess with these people. I'm sure I let my sympathies for Josh's home life and childhood cloud over things.

I follow him in social media and I'm a little shocked he took off like this because his little sister lives with him and it appears he loves her to pieces. Things seemed to be going good for him based on what he's posted (going back to school and such).

I want so bad to believe in his innocense. It's weird because I don't know this kid at all, but I'm a mom of boys not much older than Josh. I just can't fathom admitting guilt if that even makes sense.

ETA: I think it's unfair that HLN is reporting he's "in trouble again."


That is the point though LamarQ. You are right he cant keep his mouth shut and he didn't do it before the trial. He bragged that he killed Trey. And in the future he will brag about it again to impress someone else trying to show how tough he is and a clone of his father. I have no doubt we are going to hear of him again. Why this jury thought the witnesses in this case would be the Mr. Rogers or Mother Teresa type still stuns me even now. They were exactly who people like JY and JG associate with but it never means they cant be telling the truth.

He must not love his sister as much as he pretends. He told the reporter he had no intentions of going back to his foster home and liked being on the run. He talked of freeing his dad, smoking pot, and about the serial killer, The Zodiac.

I do understand you wanting to believe he is innocent but many of us have been here for a decade and we have seen what teens (both boys and girls even younger than JY) are capable of doing..........even the ones with a pretty face can be diabolical and their acts can be horrific just like Trey's death and worse.

I believe many things about JY. None of them good. I do believe he videoed his dad killing the dog. I do believe he laughed as he was doing it too. I think there is more things we don't know about him either that would probably boggle our minds.

I have always felt the boy presented in court was an illusion and the real JY lies behind the mask he wears.

I just don't know if he's guilty or not. No one knows for sure except the murderer and Trey. If it was Josh, I don't think he'll be able to keep it to himself so we will know the truth in time. From what I've read and heard during the trial, it just seems like a whole mess with these people. I'm sure I let my sympathies for Josh's home life and childhood cloud over things.

I follow him in social media and I'm a little shocked he took off like this because his little sister lives with him and it appears he loves her to pieces. Things seemed to be going good for him based on what he's posted (going back to school and such).

I want so bad to believe in his innocense. It's weird because I don't know this kid at all, but I'm a mom of boys not much older than Josh. I just can't fathom admitting guilt if that even makes sense.

ETA: I think it's unfair that HLN is reporting he's "in trouble again."

LamarQ....I believe there were FOUR people who heard from Josh Young's own mouth that Josh Young killed Trey. Obviously the jury did not believe, whether fully or partially, any of them. They chose to believe Josh Gouker, the LAST person they should have believed. To be fair, I think the prosecutors did horrible examinations of the witnesses. I feel like they didn't go into enough detail...Cassie, for example, I don't think they even asked her well, what did Big Josh and Little Josh tell you about how everything went down that did they do it and what happened? They basically just asked her most of the time about when Little Josh woke her up about the disposal of the bat. The did a HORRIBLE, horrible questioning of Gouker...I'm still unsure as to the reason for that...whether they purposefully didn't want him to say a lot in case he ever tries to get a trial. If they had pressed Gouker on the DETAILS of what went down that night, it would have been obvious to the jury that Gouker didn't do it. Then they would have to ask themselves, if Gouker didn't do it, who did it??

The only one who goes into details like that is Juan Martinez. If he had had this case, Joshua Young would have been found guilty.
I'm just not seeing where he did anything wrong. He was acquitted. He's not on probation. Sure he's in the foster care system and it needs to be reported, but he was tried as an adult for murder. Either he's an adult or he's not. I'd like to think he truly is innocent, but this doesn't prove to me he's guilty. My teens have also not come home nights and ran from the cops on dirt bikes. I guess they are murderers too.

RBBM: If your boys leave and do not tell you for days at a time, that is very disturbing. If they run from cops on dirt bikes, that is a crime.

I have a son and he lets me know where he is and he certainly wouldn't disappear for days without telling me, or his bags would be packed. It's highly disrespectful. And if he ever ran from the cops and got caught, he would have more to worry about from me then the law!!

JY is a different story. He was accused of murder, bragged to all his friends that he did it and much more. I watch the trial every single day. IMO - he was at least an accomplice or was the murderer. Just because he was found not guilty, does not make him "innocent". The video to the media is filthy and disgusting. The TRUE Josh Young. He is loving the spotlight. Bragging about getting high and being on "the run". Those are HIS words, so he knows it's wrong and it's against the law.

I wish he would have opened his mouth before this, the jury would have found him guilty!! He was given a second chance and it only took him 3 weeks to start to blow it! I really do feel bad for the foster parents, they seem to really care.

It's only a matter of time before he hurts someone and ends up back in jail.
RBBM: If your boys leave and do not tell you for days at a time, that is very disturbing. If they run from cops on dirt bikes, that is a crime.

I have a son and he lets me know where he is and he certainly wouldn't disappear for days without telling me, or his bags would be packed. It's highly disrespectful. And if he ever ran from the cops and got caught, he would have more to worry about from me then the law!!

JY is a different story. He was accused of murder, bragged to all his friends that he did it and much more. I watch the trial every single day. IMO - he was at least an accomplice or was the murderer. Just because he was found not guilty, does not make him "innocent". The video to the media is filthy and disgusting. The TRUE Josh Young. He is loving the spotlight. Bragging about getting high and being on "the run". Those are HIS words, so he knows it's wrong and it's against the law.

I wish he would have opened his mouth before this, the jury would have found him guilty!! He was given a second chance and it only took him 3 weeks to start to blow it! I really do feel bad for the foster parents, they seem to really care.

It's only a matter of time before he hurts someone and ends up back in jail.

IMO his foster parents are fools.
IMO his foster parents are fools.

I think they really truly believe he was innocent. I don't see how they could let him into their home with other kids if they even remotely thought he was involved. I think they bought his story that he was "sleeping" the whole time like a good little boy.

I also think that they thought whatever emotional problems he has could be rehabilitated if they gave him love and stability. What people don't understand is that there is obviously a very strong bond between parents and children...I believe Joshua Young loves his father even more today because of what he did for him (taking the rap). I believe he still considers Gouker a "hero" for standing up to the police and the law ("fu** the law", as Young said). While all the rest of us and everyone around him knows what a bad influence Gouker is on him, he's still his Dad and that bond is still there.

Joshua Young will never "betray" his Dad for anyone, not even these nice people who are willing to give up their peaceful lives to try to help him. He will NEVER let them adopt him, I can tell you that right now. Ain't no one gonna take the place of his Dad, is prob. what he's thinking.

It takes a strong person to step back and realize the faults in their parents, and even stronger person to break that cycle and try to learn from it. Josh Young is not a strong person, he'll always be following his Dad around and following his advice and "example."
I think JY adores his dad and looks at him as a hero. Imo, he wants to be just like him. That is why he doesn't adhere to rules. After all Gouker took the fall for him and let him get away with murder of a 14 year old teen, imo.

Even the way he speaks to reporters is in lockstep with how his dad talks. I never expected him to behave himself especially in a good home with rules. That is why he loves his dad so much.......he never set any rules for him to follow.

It may be a silver lining that he absconded from this decent foster family's home. No telling what could have happened to them or the other children there with him around. IMO, he is no good.

Now he conveniently says 'he doesn't remember sh** the night Trey was murdered. Yeah right.........that is exactly how his dad testified on the stand when he said he really couldn't remember the details. BARF! Two peas in a pod.

Trey's father tried to warn everyone that the nerdy boy seen in court is NOT the real Josh Young yet the jury bought it hook, line and sinker anyway.

"It hasn't been very many weeks now that we've been out of trial and he's already showing off. Granted, I know that people are saying, 'Well, he was locked up for two years, he's acting out,' but no, everyone's now getting to see the true little boy that walked away from murder," Zwicker said.

Read more:

He is his father's son, despite the many years apart.

I'm not at all surprised at his "true colors" because we saw glimpses of it in his police interviews. He sounded like a street wise whose goal was to fill his daddy's shoes one day. He's on track for his goal.
I'm just not seeing where he did anything wrong. He was acquitted. He's not on probation. Sure he's in the foster care system and it needs to be reported, but he was tried as an adult for murder. Either he's an adult or he's not. I'd like to think he truly is innocent, but this doesn't prove to me he's guilty. My teens have also not come home nights and ran from the cops on dirt bikes. I guess they are murderers too.

You don't see anything wrong with evading police, dropping out of school, running away from home, drifting around town and smoking weed during media interviews and essentially laughing at the justice system that just acquitted you of murder?

There's a lot wrong with it. It doesn't prove he committed murder but it does prove that his character is more in line with his felon father as opposed to the sweater-vest-wearing darling that he tried to portray.
Article from today:

Josh Young has had quite a week. He's been arrested, reported missing twice, and found himself back in custody. Four weeks ago, the teen was acquitted of murdering his stepbrother.

Young's family told WAVE 3 News that he was turning himself in Friday morning after he failed to appear in court earlier this week. Juvenile cases are kept confidential, so it's unclear where Young is now or what the future could hold.

Young was first reported missing last Friday after he never returned to his foster home, but he certainly let people know what he was up to through social media.

On September 4, Louisville Metro Police arrested the teen for fleeing and evading officers on foot. Child Protective Services ended up taking over the case. Two days later Young was reported missing again.

Young was back in court on Friday.
He is his father's son, despite the many years apart.

I'm not at all surprised at his "true colors" because we saw glimpses of it in his police interviews. He sounded like a street wise whose goal was to fill his daddy's shoes one day. He's on track for his goal.

Nice to 'see' you Minor.

I found his reaction upon hearing the jury had found him NG.. chilling.

At first he tried to suppress his little smirk but he just couldn't contain it. I am positive he was thinking........'wow dad really did get me off.'

He comes across as nothing more than a shadow of his dad and he is proud of it too.

Like Trey's father said we are now seeing the real JY. He no longer has to pretend he is the nerdy geeky guy...............its back to being a gangsta.

I did read that Gouker had custody of him from the time he was 6 weeks old until he was 6 years old. Those are the formative years and really can determine how someone is going to turnout. Gouker was teaching JY to hit others.. even his own grandmother.. by the time he was two years old.

I really don't care what happens to him but I do worry about those who will come in contact with him over the years.

The saddest part in all of this is a 14 year old teen with a promising future did not get the justice he deserved.:(

You don't see anything wrong with evading police, dropping out of school, running away from home, drifting around town and smoking weed during media interviews and essentially laughing at the justice system that just acquitted you of murder?

There's a lot wrong with it. It doesn't prove he committed murder but it does prove that his character is more in line with his felon father as opposed to the sweater-vest-wearing darling that he tried to portray.

Minor, every time I would start to think he was looking very young and innocent in his sweater-vest, I would remind myself that he's a Justin Beiber look-a-like, down to his age (or close to it) and the way he dresses. And if anyone follows celebrity news, they know Justin Beiber is probably doing a whole lot of "adult" things, even though he looks scrawny and young. 17, 18, even 14, 15, in these days they're probably smoking weed, having sex and doing a lot of other things.
I've stayed away from this thread, because I honestly thought he got by with murder. This video shows the true 17 year old. Not a cute kid. :stormingmad:

I felt in my heart he was innocent but...

It's quite possibly finally official that I am THE worst judge of character ever in the history of mankind. :blushing:
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