GUILTY KY - Trey Zwicker, 14, beaten to death, Louisville, 11 May 2011 #2

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During Dr. Phil, JY lies about things that are so obvious, like:

-Facebook and posting a pic of himself wearing "gang attire" and he denies it and says, I don't have a Facebook account. Makes it seem like he never had one. Then he has to admit he just deleted it a couple of weeks prior, after he gets caught in his lie.

-In the VIDEO of him smoking and saying "Free Josh Gouker, too, *advertiser censored** the law" - he says that wasn't him saying that, it was his friend. OMG. It's on VIDEO, and he's still lying about it.

He is a liar.
I don't think Cassi and what she did is some big mystery.

When Det. Russ called with Josh G there, she at first didn't want to "snitch" on Josh Y, b/c she feared that that would upset Josh G. She knew Josh G would not forgive someone elsetalking bad about his son - in his mind, he is the Owner of JoshY, and only he gets to do or say something bad about Josh Y.

Going against someone's child is like going against the parent, at least it is very often perceived that way.

I don't udnerstand why Dr. Phil can't get that??
Dr. Phil finds it easy to ridicule Cassi, but he doesn't call out Josh Y on obvious lies he tells on the show.
Can't stand the audience clapping over ridiculing Cassi. They instead choose to believe Josh Y, who lied at least 2 times right in front of them, over things they know he lied about, having nothing to do with the murder, and he still lied about it right to their faces. Dumb audience.
Just finished watching Dr Phil interview in its entirety. Anyone have thoughts on the end when Terry Zwickers said "they're all guilty," and included Trey's mother? He said, "they al know what happened." Is he saying that the mom found out later who it was (Josh G or Josh Y or both)? Or that she found out THAT NIGHT after it had happened?
Anyone's thoughts on this?
Dr. Phil finds it easy to ridicule Cassi, but he doesn't call out Josh Y on obvious lies he tells on the show.
I kind of wonder (hoping I guess) that Dr. Phil was playing Josh hoping to get him to take the lie detector test.

Can't stand the audience clapping over ridiculing Cassi. They instead choose to believe Josh Y, who lied at least 2 times right in front of them, over things they know he lied about, having nothing to do with the murder, and he still lied about it right to their faces. Dumb audience.
I think it's easier for someone to see poor, poor Josh has had such a rough childhood, the poor kid, had it so bad. Then look at Cassie sleeping with her cousin off and on all of these years and see her as a freak so it's easier to turn on her. Who does that sleeping with your cousin stuff? I don't care if you're blood or not, if you're raised as family, you're family.
Yes, Josh did have a rough childhood and I wish that he and any other children were never subjected to it. However, he's choosing his own way and life now. We'll see where it leads him. I don't think it's going to be upward.

Just finished watching Dr Phil interview in its entirety. Anyone have thoughts on the end when Terry Zwickers said "they're all guilty," and included Trey's mother? He said, "they al know what happened." Is he saying that the mom found out later who it was (Josh G or Josh Y or both)? Or that she found out THAT NIGHT after it had happened?
Anyone's thoughts on this?
I have watched and read a lot about this case and I believe that Trey's dad blames his mother for dragging that trash around her son, so feels that she's guilty of harming him, too? I read somewhere he said Trey's mom knew who those people were before she allowed them around his son, so she put him in harms way. Not sure I disagree with that.

People really need to be selective who they take their kids around. Kids pull something from everyone they're allowed to be around. Why anyone would drag these type of people in around their kids, unless they are the same type, is beyond me.

The video posted up thread where Josh said he got away with it, I don't think he was playing, I think it slipped out and he then went to cover your a$& mode.

Justice was not served or both JG and JY would be sitting behind those bars.
I believe it was Josh Young that committed this crime and the fiasco that came along after concerning all the lies and other BS was JG. More teaching for his son. Disgusting.

I don't think Cassi and what she did is some big mystery.

When Det. Russ called with Josh G there, she at first didn't want to "snitch" on Josh Y, b/c she feared that that would upset Josh G. She knew Josh G would not forgive someone elsetalking bad about his son - in his mind, he is the Owner of JoshY, and only he gets to do or say something bad about Josh Y.

Going against someone's child is like going against the parent, at least it is very often perceived that way.

I don't udnerstand why Dr. Phil can't get that??

I think Dr. Phil did get that. He seemed to be trying to cajole and manipulate josh into taking that polygraph. He also needs to walk a fine line so he doesn't get sued.

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During Dr. Phil, JY lies about things that are so obvious, like:

-Facebook and posting a pic of himself wearing "gang attire" and he denies it and says, I don't have a Facebook account. Makes it seem like he never had one. Then he has to admit he just deleted it a couple of weeks prior, after he gets caught in his lie.

-In the VIDEO of him smoking and saying "Free Josh Gouker, too, *advertiser censored** the law" - he says that wasn't him saying that, it was his friend. OMG. It's on VIDEO, and he's still lying about it.

He is a liar.

Here is the link to that interview. I can't get it to work, probably because he CONVENIENTLY deleted his facebook before going on Dr. Phil. But most of the words of the interview are written in the article.

HE is the one who wanted to go on Dr. tell his story (cough cough)
He reminds me of JA, loves the media attention. Google Joshua young WDRB, and you will see where he reaches out to them alot. Also try Wave 3 and WHAS 11.....he's everywhere.
I kind of wonder (hoping I guess) that Dr. Phil was playing Josh hoping to get him to take the lie detector test.

I think it's easier for someone to see poor, poor Josh has had such a rough childhood, the poor kid, had it so bad. Then look at Cassie sleeping with her cousin off and on all of these years and see her as a freak so it's easier to turn on her. Who does that sleeping with your cousin stuff? I don't care if you're blood or not, if you're raised as family, you're family.
Yes, Josh did have a rough childhood and I wish that he and any other children were never subjected to it. However, he's choosing his own way and life now. We'll see where it leads him. I don't think it's going to be upward.

I have watched and read a lot about this case and I believe that Trey's dad blames his mother for dragging that trash around her son, so feels that she's guilty of harming him, too? I read somewhere he said Trey's mom knew who those people were before she allowed them around his son, so she put him in harms way. Not sure I disagree with that.

People really need to be selective who they take their kids around. Kids pull something from everyone they're allowed to be around. Why anyone would drag these type of people in around their kids, unless they are the same type, is beyond me.

The video posted up thread where Josh said he got away with it, I don't think he was playing, I think it slipped out and he then went to cover your a$& mode.

Justice was not served or both JG and JY would be sitting behind those bars.
I believe it was Josh Young that committed this crime and the fiasco that came along after concerning all the lies and other BS was JG. More teaching for his son. Disgusting.


I don't know anything about who was on that jury, but I have a feeling the defense tried to stack it with people they knew would feel sympathy for Josh, for whatever reasons. Or who have not been exposed to teens who commit crimes. We know b/c we follow cases, we know some teens can do horrible things. Most people think they're "kids" who aren't capable of anything.

Anyway, yes, I agree with everything you said.

What also had me really puzzled is how the jury didn't seem to catch onto Josh Gouker's act on the stand. To me, it was obvious what kind of act he was playing. He was playing the part of the "monster," and that's exactly what he told Dr. Phil he was doing. He wanted the jury to think he, alone, did it, so they would find Josh Y not guilty. I have to say that I can't blame Josh Gouker for basically calling the jury gullible, because they bought his act. He said when they asked him the questions "do you love your son" and "would you give your life for your son," he said he just made up the answers so that the jury would think Josh Y was innocent of the crime. And I believe him on this part of what he told Dr. Phil.

They don't understand Josh Gouker's connection to his son. That will always be his son. It doesn't matter to Josh G what other people think of what kind of father he is - he doesn't care and he knows he would never win any "Father of the Year" award. What matters to him is that that is his blood. And he doesn't give a *advertiser censored** what other people think.

I also think the prosection did a terrible job in their questioning of Gouker, but now I'm thinking maybe they didn't want to ask too many detailed questions about the crime and risk him getting later changing his story and getting a trial or something like that. They wanted to just keep him in prison where he belongs.

I think Dr. Phil did get that. He seemed to be trying to cajole and manipulate josh into taking that polygraph. He also needs to walk a fine line so he doesn't get sued.

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Yes, now that you and menmo mentioned this, I see it now. You are right. He couldn't attack Josh, or there would be no chance of him taking the polygraph.

The overall lesson I learned from that Dr. Phil show is that Josh Y is very good at coming up with lies on the spot. It seems like second-nature to him, and I assume that this is a "skill" he has honed from very early on in his life, to get out of trouble for things.

For example, the thing Terry Zwicker called him out for about his Facebook and posing with some kind of gang sign on his Facebook page. And Josh Y immediately said "no, no, no, I never did that." And then when pressed and cornered, he makes his lie more elaborate and says "no I didn't even have a Facebook page." Then when pressed more, he has to adjust and say "oh yeah but I deleted that account a LONG TIME ago." And then it comes out that it's only been like 2 weeks since he deleted it.

Same thing with the video of him saying "free josh gouker," and he sees himself caught and he just looks Dr. Phil straight in the face and says "oh no, that was my friend who said that."

It's the same thing he did with the murder, changing his story and it was probably so easy for him to make up and adjust his lies.

Same thing with the kidnapped witness, who seemed so sure that Josh Y was completely innocent and unaware of anything - well, it's obvious Josh Y put an act on her. Played the part. I think he's way smarter than his father and he probably figured this lady would be questioned by police and questioned about what Josh Y was doing and saying. That's why he kept shut and played the part.

Haven't been back to the Josh Young discussion since his trial. I was one who believed he was guilty and should have been found guilty - wasn't falling for the baby faced scapegoat for his father.

Anyway - subsequent events, including the Dr Phil show, have firmed up my belief that he killed Trey and got away with murder.
Yes, now that you and menmo mentioned this, I see it now. You are right. He couldn't attack Josh, or there would be no chance of him taking the polygraph.

The overall lesson I learned from that Dr. Phil show is that Josh Y is very good at coming up with lies on the spot. It seems like second-nature to him, and I assume that this is a "skill" he has honed from very early on in his life, to get out of trouble for things.

For example, the thing Terry Zwicker called him out for about his Facebook and posing with some kind of gang sign on his Facebook page. And Josh Y immediately said "no, no, no, I never did that." And then when pressed and cornered, he makes his lie more elaborate and says "no I didn't even have a Facebook page." Then when pressed more, he has to adjust and say "oh yeah but I deleted that account a LONG TIME ago." And then it comes out that it's only been like 2 weeks since he deleted it.

Same thing with the video of him saying "free josh gouker," and he sees himself caught and he just looks Dr. Phil straight in the face and says "oh no, that was my friend who said that."

It's the same thing he did with the murder, changing his story and it was probably so easy for him to make up and adjust his lies.

Same thing with the kidnapped witness, who seemed so sure that Josh Y was completely innocent and unaware of anything - well, it's obvious Josh Y put an act on her. Played the part. I think he's way smarter than his father and he probably figured this lady would be questioned by police and questioned about what Josh Y was doing and saying. That's why he kept shut and played the part.

I think it's obvious that Josh Y is guilty of this crime. I also think when someone can just automatically bold face lie to anyone and everyone's face there's a huge problem boiling within. This kid, unfortunately to me, is bad news and will most likely always be. The foster parents that seemed to believe in him and want to make a positive difference in his life? I commend them for their efforts but I think he played them, too. Not sure this kid could ever have a real emotional connection to anyone. I think he'll be in trouble again before long and may join his fathers residence sooner than even I could imagine.
Just my opinion, of course.
IMO "Little" Josh is a sociopath who seems to have no real connection to anyone. He's a user and a liar and an opportunist. I'm not a behavioral expert but that is what it looks like to me as a layperson.

I really don't think Josh Gouker had anything to do with Trey's death - it's hard to see how he could have with the video tape of him at the store wearing the same jersey he was wearing the next day blood, no mud or anything to indicate he had been at the scene of the crime.

I think Josh Gouker helped his son cover up and flee, but probably more out of concern for himself than his son. He probably assumed he'd get blamed, and he had helped dispose of the evidence so he ran before he even thought it through. At that point, little Josh was so beholden to his dad for helping him get out of trouble, and that might explain some of his idolization of his father after the fact.

IMO Little Josh is every bit a psychopath as his father, and maybe worse.
IMO "Little" Josh is a sociopath who seems to have no real connection to anyone. He's a user and a liar and an opportunist. I'm not a behavioral expert but that is what it looks like to me as a layperson.

I really don't think Josh Gouker had anything to do with Trey's death - it's hard to see how he could have with the video tape of him at the store wearing the same jersey he was wearing the next day blood, no mud or anything to indicate he had been at the scene of the crime.

I think Josh Gouker helped his son cover up and flee, but probably more out of concern for himself than his son. He probably assumed he'd get blamed, and he had helped dispose of the evidence so he ran before he even thought it through. At that point, little Josh was so beholden to his dad for helping him get out of trouble, and that might explain some of his idolization of his father after the fact.

IMO Little Josh is every bit a psychopath as his father, and maybe worse.
Just finished watching Dr Phil interview in its entirety. Anyone have thoughts on the end when Terry Zwickers said "they're all guilty," and included Trey's mother? He said, "they al know what happened." Is he saying that the mom found out later who it was (Josh G or Josh Y or both)? Or that she found out THAT NIGHT after it had happened?
Anyone's thoughts on this?

I always thought the mom knew about it as soon as Josh Gouker knew - that night after the fact. I think she covered for Josh G because he just seems to have that effect on people. Scared of him or dependent on him or just used to following orders. I think she helped cover up though and then got the nerve to take out a restraining order against Josh G, which is really what got the ball rolling and ultimately resulted in the indictments.
Just finished watching Dr Phil interview in its entirety. Anyone have thoughts on the end when Terry Zwickers said "they're all guilty," and included Trey's mother? He said, "they al know what happened." Is he saying that the mom found out later who it was (Josh G or Josh Y or both)? Or that she found out THAT NIGHT after it had happened?
Anyone's thoughts on this?

I always thought the mom knew about it as soon as Josh Gouker knew - that night after the fact. I think she covered for Josh G because he just seems to have that effect on people. Scared of him or dependent on him or just used to following orders. I think she helped cover up though and then got the nerve to take out a restraining order against Josh G, which is really what got the ball rolling and ultimately resulted in the indictments.
Josh Young arrested for assaulting his live in girlfriend. I knew we would see him again!

Since he got away with cold blooded murder of a young teen with so much promise it has made him even more arrogant and bolder than ever before.

The jury has now let him out to create more violence on innocent others.

He is going to windup killing someone else one day. He is like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode again.

Trey's father has always been right about Josh Young. I hope the jury knows about all the trouble he has been including violent acts since they let him get away with murder. I hope it haunts them that they fell for the nerdy geeky look and robbed Trey of the justice he richly deserved.

The paperwork states Young and his girlfriend got into a verbal argument in the afternoon, which turned physical, leaving bruising on her arm. Police say Young also punched her in the stomach so hard she threw up.

Police say another fight broke out later that day because the victim was not in bed with Young. The officer on scene said Young choked the victim and placed a pillow over her face. According to the police report, the victim told officers Young told her he was going to make her watch while he killed her nanny, before killing her.

Police also say at some point during the arguments, Young said he would go into a police station and start shooting, so the police would have to shoot him.

Trey Zwicker's dad Terry says he wasn't surprised when he saw Young had been arrested.

"I don't care if they acquitted him or not. He's guilty as sin and he'll pay for it someday. People now can see he does have violent tendencies. All those people who were saying oh he's a good kid and wouldn't hurt a fly. They were wrong," said Zwicker.
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