Kyron Horman Case Review #1: Thread #2: LE Press Conference & Release: June 6 2010

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Post #3—Slideshow of classroom. Speaker’s notes: “Sheriff’s Capt. Jason Gates said teachers described Kyron as ‘an energetic student, a very social kid who loves to play soccer and build model cars with his dad. (End quote missing on slideshow which indicates the original quote from Gates continued.)

Everything else I have read or heard regarding Kyron’s personality/demeanor was in stark contrast to this quote—always accenting his timid nature. Since this came from teachers, it gives one pause concerning why he may have been timid except at school.

I guess I'm wondering how the teacher would know whether Kyron loved to build model cars with his dad. Did Terri tell her that? I just had to fill out a form describing Princess PeePee's likes and dislikes, things she loves to do, what can frustrate her, etc etc. I know Terri took tons of pictures of Kyron doing just these things, but how'd the teacher know? I'm guessing it's because Terri filled out the same kind of form.

It's only his mother and father who describe him as shy and reserved. Even the pictures we've seen of him kind of belie their statements.

BBM. I wonder if it's just as simple as Kyron talking about it? Maybe in a casual conversation with Kyron alone, or with Terri present, or during show and tell of some sort, during a "hobby" discussion with the class, you get the point. It definitely could've been from Terri filling out a form, or it could have been from Kyron filling out something, but either way it was something specific that the teacher knew. Must've been a big deal to him. Poor Kyron :(
Makes me sort of wonder why parents thought he was shy and reserved, yet he was outgoing at school? Was the disicipline at home so harsh that Kyron had learned to just keep his mouth shut, fade into the background as much as possible, and avoid confrontation? (with either parents, I'm not naming names here). What would make a kid shy at home and outgoing at school, think about it. It should be the other way around, if anything. I am going to have to ponder this one.

I'm wondering if soccer and other activities at school helped draw him out of his shell some recently, made him less shy. Maybe he'd been timid up until recently, and his parents said he was shy out of habit, KWIM? But really, he doesn't look very shy in all his pics that I've seen. He looks like a happy, bright, smiley kid, even a little on the silly/goofy side.
11:10 a.m. -- Vickie Coghill, a 35-year resident of Portland's Skyline area, pointed to the billboard outside the school, which reads "June 4, I.B. Inquiry Expo, 8-10, Talent show, 1-2:45." Kyron was to take part in both the expo/science fair and the talent show, Coghill said.

1:29 p.m. -- Neighbors stop by Brooks Hill Historic church, across the street from the school, to mull over the investigation. "This kind of thing is unheard of," says Jim Kelley, 50.

Kelley, who lives about a mile and a half down hill, at the end of a winding, secluded country lane off Cornelius Pass, said police, federal agents, K-9 teams and helicopters scoured the area Saturday.

"We had two odd sightings of a vehicle on our road Friday," Kelley said. Around 3 p.m., he and a neighbor reported seeing a white pick-up truck with a female driver pull to the end of the long road, idle and then turn around. Then again at 2 a.m. Saturday morning, a similar white pickup truck appeared, idled and when a neighbor loosed her dogs, eased away.

"A, it was strange to have a car there, any car there, that we didn't know, and B, it was strange to have a vehicle come down our dead-end road twice in the same day, hours after a little boy goes missing," said Kelley. "That's beyond rare."

Kelley said authorities have twice searched the deep ravine, creek and railroad tracks located near the end of his street by air and on foot.

Portland Superintendent Carole Smith adds security, orders dialer for Skyline School

"Other responses by Portland school district announced Sunday include:

Skyline School will be reemphasizing policies involving all staff, contract, and volunteers to display identification badges to anyone on site. Those who do not cooperate will be asked to leave.

School leaders, including deputy superintendents, representatives from the teacher's association and school security will debrief on protocol to "ensure that we're having smooth hand-offs between parents and school staff.""
How does Vicki Coghill know what Kyron was supposed to do or not do that day?
During police interviews Sunday, a student said he last saw Kyron later that morning near the south entrance to the school. That was the last time the boy was seen, Staton said.

At some point that morning, Kyron's teacher, Kristina Porter, marked the boy as absent. But it wasn't until 3:30 p.m. -- when his stepmother, Terri Moulton Horman, met the school bus -- that she discovered Kyron had been absent from school.

Nora Schreiber, a Skyline parent and volunteer, said the school has three main entrances and one secure exit. Two of the doorways are near the main office and are monitored, while a third on the north side of the school is not. Kyron's classroom is adjacent to that door, which opens onto a rear parking lot.
How does Vicki Coghill know what Kyron was supposed to do or not do that day?

There were several reports early on from different people that Kyron was supposed to be in the talent show. And then there was the parent recently, the mother of the GJ child, who said Kyron was supposed to be in the show.

If all these other parents knew, why didn't Kaine? Or Desiree?

Maybe it was an assumption that all kids in certain classes were going to be in the show, but in actuality, not all kids in those classes were going to.
Nora Schreiber, a Skyline parent and volunteer, said the school has three main entrances and one secure exit. Two of the doorways are near the main office and are monitored, while a third on the north side of the school is not. Kyron's classroom is adjacent to that door, which opens onto a rear parking lot.

A golden nugget of information. :) Thank you, gliving! Two doors were monitored. I never picked that up before.

I heart you. :blowkiss:
During police interviews Sunday, a student said he last saw Kyron later that morning near the south entrance to the school. That was the last time the boy was seen, Staton said.

At some point that morning, Kyron's teacher, Kristina Porter, marked the boy as absent. But it wasn't until 3:30 p.m. -- when his stepmother, Terri Moulton Horman, met the school bus -- that she discovered Kyron had been absent from school.

Nora Schreiber, a Skyline parent and volunteer, said the school has three main entrances and one secure exit. Two of the doorways are near the main office and are monitored, while a third on the north side of the school is not. Kyron's classroom is adjacent to that door, which opens onto a rear parking lot.

I looked at the Skyline school map layout. I'm not seeing how Kyron's class is "adjacent" to that north entrance. That entrance is in the middle of the hallway.
My notes on the press release:

- 200 children interviewed by about 6pm Sunday June 6.
* 275 children in the school

- Kyron classified as missing endangered due to 1) the passage of time, and 2) the weather

- secondary searches of unspecified areas will take place

- will continue to interview children and "anyone who has or believes they have info related to the case"
* who are those other people besides parents?
During police interviews Sunday, a student said he last saw Kyron later that morning near the south entrance to the school. That was the last time the boy was seen, Staton said.

At some point that morning, Kyron's teacher, Kristina Porter, marked the boy as absent. But it wasn't until 3:30 p.m. -- when his stepmother, Terri Moulton Horman, met the school bus -- that she discovered Kyron had been absent from school.

Nora Schreiber, a Skyline parent and volunteer, said the school has three main entrances and one secure exit. Two of the doorways are near the main office and are monitored, while a third on the north side of the school is not. Kyron's classroom is adjacent to that door, which opens onto a rear parking lot.

Great find, TY gliving... I wonder if the other two non secure exits,by the main office were monitored on the day of the Science Fair ? And by whom ?

During police interviews Sunday, a student said he last saw Kyron later that morning near the south entrance to the school. That was the last time the boy was seen, Staton said.

At some point that morning, Kyron's teacher, Kristina Porter, marked the boy as absent. But it wasn't until 3:30 p.m. -- when his stepmother, Terri Moulton Horman, met the school bus -- that she discovered Kyron had been absent from school.

Nora Schreiber, a Skyline parent and volunteer, said the school has three main entrances and one secure exit. Two of the doorways are near the main office and are monitored, while a third on the north side of the school is not. Kyron's classroom is adjacent to that door, which opens onto a rear parking lot.

Good find!

Maybe this would be more appropriate for a spin-off thread, but the North door wouldn't have been near either of the places TH's truck was sighted, though it would be less visible, unmonitored, and with access to the path leading to the access road.
Found this

School Handbook is dated 2008 - looks like it wasn't updated for the most recent school year:

From Handbook:
Building Security
All parents, visitors and volunteers are required to checkin at the office prior to entering any other portion of the building. Identification tags are to be worn by all adults in the building during school hours. For security purposes, only the main entrance and East door will be unlocked during school hours. All other doors will be locked or monitored, as required by our district’s security policy. Please assist us as you enter or exit the building and check to see that doors are closed securely. If you are in our building and notice individuals without an identification badge, please ask them to register in the office.
Sometime between 7 and 7:45 p.m., Staton personally called the FBI. He said the circumstances -- Kyron disappeared from school on a busy morning -- prompted him to ask for help from the feds.

"I wanted them involved because the last time this child was seen was inside a school," he said. "This was not a child walking away from their home or getting lost in the woods. This is a child who got lost inside a school with faculty there. That was the last time the child was seen."

The bureau pulled in agents from across the country. Two who would help with the technical aspect arrived that night. Another set of agents with expertise in missing-child cases landed at midnight. More joined Saturday morning.

By then, Kyron had been gone for 24 hours.
Article is dated June 12 but refers to the first 24 hours
Sometime between 7 and 7:45 p.m., Staton personally called the FBI. He said the circumstances -- Kyron disappeared from school on a busy morning -- prompted him to ask for help from the feds.

"I wanted them involved because the last time this child was seen was inside a school," he said. "This was not a child walking away from their home or getting lost in the woods. This is a child who got lost inside a school with faculty there. That was the last time the child was seen."

The bureau pulled in agents from across the country. Two who would help with the technical aspect arrived that night. Another set of agents with expertise in missing-child cases landed at midnight. More joined Saturday morning.

By then, Kyron had been gone for 24 hours.
Article is dated June 12 but refers to the first 24 hours

But but but... yesterday Gates said the FBI volunteered because they care...
The missing boy, Kyron Horman, was seen Friday morning by Kyron's step mom, who reportedly says she took him through a science fair at school and sent him off to class. His teachers say he never checked in, and no one has said they have seen him since.
During police interviews Sunday, a student said he last saw Kyron later that morning near the south entrance to the school. That was the last time the boy was seen, Staton said.

At some point that morning, Kyron's teacher, Kristina Porter, marked the boy as absent. But it wasn't until 3:30 p.m. -- when his stepmother, Terri Moulton Horman, met the school bus -- that she discovered Kyron had been absent from school.

Nora Schreiber, a Skyline parent and volunteer, said the school has three main entrances and one secure exit. Two of the doorways are near the main office and are monitored, while a third on the north side of the school is not. Kyron's classroom is adjacent to that door, which opens onto a rear parking lot.

Another question I'm trying to find out : is that secure exit door anywhere near where the Groundskeeper saw those children coming out of ? ( say it isn't so... )

Schreiber said she and her son, J***, 9, were interviewed Sunday by a federal agent. She said she told the agent that Friday was an especially hectic day at Skyline.

"On a normal day, seeing a stranger will make you go, 'Hmm. I wonder who that is?' On such a hectic day as Friday, there was such a lot going on. To tell you the truth, I was focused on looking at the (science) project and helping J*** fill out his (evaluation) form and not on the faces around me."

Schreiber said Kyron was supposed to perform in the school's talent show at 1 p.m. but she didn't see him there.
Found this

I think my question about whether the doors were monitored on that day is answered. IMO yes, the doors would have been monitored on that day. Since the normal visitor sign in requirement was not in effect that day ( makes sense since there would have been long lines ), it seems safe to * assume * that the doors would have been monitored. Thus the school could maintain a limited vigilence of people who entered and exited....

How does Vicki Coghill know what Kyron was supposed to do or not do that day?

I think that's a good question. At first I thought she was the mother of the boy that Kyron was supposed to be in the talent show with and it still could be, I guess, though somehow I thought that was JS. She may have just been saying that because she heard it elsewhere though.

"He's our boy, and he's gone," said a teary Vickie Coghill, who manages the Brooks Hill Historic Church, where reporters and camera crews have camped out across the street from Skyline since the disappearance.

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