Kyron Horman Case Review #1: Thread #2: LE Press Conference & Release: June 6 2010

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THere is also an east exit onto the parking lot, which also seems to be considered a main exit/entrance. You can see it on the right side of the top floor plan I posted above (which is the same as your link). I lost gwenabob's photobucket link again, if someone has that there are good pictures of the parking lot exit.

I'm confused too!
There are 2 doors on that side, one with the portico. That's where the buses were parking that day, along that side. Then the children go in the portico. The other door is just a small white one on the other end of that side of the building.

BeanE I stuck my questions about the doors over on the Skyline school thread. I guess we're expanding too much here on it, so maybe we can continue that conversation over there instead of starting a whole new thread. I'll be back later, gotta go. You are Soooooo organized!
There are 2 doors on that side, one with the portico. That's where the buses were parking that day, along that side. Then the children go in the portico. The other door is just a small white one on the other end of that side of the building.
Yes, the portico door is the one I figure Terri told LE she exited out of. The white door is off the gym. It looks to me like there are actually at least 7 doors that open out of the school, there might be another one off the mechanical room/room 112 area.
Please help me, if you will, as we go through these news articles. I had one open yesterday as I was trying to find all the news articles for June 5. I think it may have been June 6 or June 7 though.

Anyway, what I'm looking for is a school official, possibly Matt Shelby but maybe someone else, giving a quote. I want that quote. :) lol

It's something like 'we have parents taking their kids out of here like that all the time". I know that's not exactly what he said, but it's close. I think it had something about the two teachers who saw Terri and Kyron together in the same paragraph as the quote.

If you should see it, I would really appreciate it if you would post the quote.


ETA: Why is it as soon as I post something like that I find what I'm looking for lol. Just found it.
All elementary schools in the school district will begin use of the automated attendance call system so that "families will be notified of any unexcused absence during the day the absence is recorded," said Superintendent Carole Smith.

It will take about one week for the system to be implemented at the schools, including Skyline, and, in the meantime, staff will manually make the calls.

Shelby said the district is also looking at a better way to manage semi-public events, such as school science fairs.

ETA: I know this isn't what you are looking for BeanE but I have found conflicting statements. I will keep looking.
I'm not entirely sure where the buses went to pick up and drop off, and to which portico is everyone is referring? The parking lot in the school, to me, does not look big enough for a bus to turn around in safely. Why is there a big loop around the field of what seems to be a driveable road?
I'm not entirely sure where the buses went to pick up and drop off, and to which portico is everyone is referring? The parking lot in the school, to me, does not look big enough for a bus to turn around in safely. Why is there a big loop around the field of what seems to be a driveable road?

On one of the other threads, someone found a notice to the parents. There was some kind of repair or construction going on, and it was telling the parents where the buses would be parking.

I'm afraid to say which directional side of the building it is because of all the confusion lol. If you look at the diagram, it's to the right of the stage/gym. That side of the building.
On one of the other threads, someone found a notice to the parents. There was some kind of repair or construction going on, and it was telling the parents where the buses would be parking.

I'm afraid to say which directional side of the building it is because of all the confusion lol. If you look at the diagram, it's to the right of the stage/gym. That side of the building.

I have not seen that notice, did it say where the construction was going on. This is the first I've heard of any construction. I just tried to search it and I'm coming up empty.
I have not seen that notice, did it say where the construction was going on. This is the first I've heard of any construction. I just tried to search it and I'm coming up empty.

My memory is that there was a notice in the school newsletter/bulletin to the fact that a car/bus/person accident had occurred, and that thenceforth no cars could be parked in the rear.

I am wondering if (despite the apparently tight turning circle) that the policy was always for the buses to turn in the rear, then draw up along side the (east) portico to discharge the kids. So whether they chose to discharge the kids in the rear or by the door, there was no parking allowed in the rear of the school. (I think there were only a scant half-dozen spaces, anyway.)

I had originally thought that parking in the rear and exiting by separate doors was the most likely way to avoid observation. But that was early on, and I have a few new ideas that don't involve TMH.
That brings up a question, where do the teachers and staff park? Anyone know? Usually most schools have teacher and staff parking designated areas, or they used to anyway. :)
Some of this just doesn't make sense to me.

It's hard to get an exact feel without going to the school and looking around but the north door Nora is talking about seems to be off the middle of the school, not the end where Kyron's class is. The same thing with the south door Sheriff Staton says is where Kyron was last seen. Were we misled by the photo with the janitor? Was his room not classroom 213 but a room further towards the east side of the school?

We still have the report from a LE spokesperson June 5th that Terri said she went up one flight of steps and Kyron went up another. Him being seen at the south entrance (the front entrance to the school) may fit with that. It still leads me to believe that Terri told LE she went up the steps by the cafeteria, to the gym, while Kyron went up the steps at the front entrance. She then saw him when they both got to the top floor, waved and watched him walk towards his class. Then she exited out the main east door to the parking lot (at least that's her story). Here is the map again for reference. The stairs are circled in red.


Above BBM.. Seems as if I vaguely remember something in those first few days of acct of Terri and Kyron taking stairs on opposite ends of the building but I certainly never realized this was Terri's strange account of what happened as she LEFT...

She takes a polar opposite set of stairs than Kyron[completely on opposite farthest ends of each].
Reaches the second floor froom her set of stairs[at one end of the school] and Kyron reaches the second floor from his set of stairs[at the opposite end of school] and waves good bye to him from there[her on one end he on the other] BUT DOES NOT stand there for the 10-15 more seconds[at the max] NEEDED to see him walk INTO HIS CLASSROOM... Nope, she DOES NOT take those 15 secs more that were needed AFTER SHE HAD already taken the extra[IMO unneccessary time]time to go up an opposite set of stairs at the other end of the school to walk up them, wave at Kyron whose at the other end having come up the opposite end of the school stairs, and then WITHOUT TAKING those extra 15secs[after all shes unneccessarily done]she IMMEDIATELY turns and goes RIGHT BACK down those same very steps and to the front door located on the east part of the building????!!!!!!????

OMG! The frustration...

I've gotta take a break from this or it won't be little smiley emoticons pulling out their hair, BUT RATHER ME PULLING OUT MY OWN HAIR IN UTTER FRUSTRATION!!!!!!
I have not seen that notice, did it say where the construction was going on. This is the first I've heard of any construction. I just tried to search it and I'm coming up empty.

I'll try to find the post. This is going to sound crazy but I'm thinking it had something to do with a woman hit by a car? And then they had to do some repairs.

I'll look for it in the morning.

ETA: Just saw Moraq's post after I posted this. :)
There were several reports early on from different people that Kyron was supposed to be in the talent show. And then there was the parent recently, the mother of the GJ child, who said Kyron was supposed to be in the show.

If all these other parents knew, why didn't Kaine? Or Desiree?

Maybe it was an assumption that all kids in certain classes were going to be in the show, but in actuality, not all kids in those classes were going to.

I think it might be a case of knowing after the fact. It might be that some of these other parents used to be just as clueless about the talent show as Kaine and Desiree (and Terri?) were but since they were alerted to Kyron being missing they've discussed the school day with their kids and the neighbors who have their children in Kyron's class and some of those children would have known about the talent show even if their parent's didn't, and then rumors travel fast. "Yeah, we had practiced a song and dance number, everyone in the class was supposed to be in it. It's about a farmer. I was one of the sheep. Kate's the cow. Kyron was supposed to be the dog." Or something like that. Soon everybody will know that he was supposed to be the star of the show doing a dog imitation.
OT...but I never have understood the significance placed on the talent show...obviously Kyron was supposed to have other places that day as well, such as lunch, in class, etc. and he wasn't, so why would the talent show be a flag for anyone? He had already been marked absent hours earlier.
OT...but I never have understood the significance placed on the talent show...obviously Kyron was supposed to have other places that day as well, such as lunch, in class, etc. and he wasn't, so why would the talent show be a flag for anyone? He had already been marked absent hours earlier.

I suppose if Kyron loved or hated the idea of being in a talent show it might mean he'd be more or less likely to run away that day.

If it was the sort of event that parents were expected to go to it might mean *something* that Kyron's parents didn't, but I don't think it's been confirmed either way if it was for everyone or just students. It might have been more likely to be in the evening if it was meant for the parents to attend, considering there already was the SF that day.

About what that *something* is, it's anybody's guess IMO. It might mean that one or more of the parents hadn't heard about it, had heard about it but forgot, heard about it but couldn't go due to work or other issues, didn't care to go because it was not such a big deal to begin with, chose not to because Kyron told them not to bother, chose not to because they weren't that interested in it etc.

In the guilty Terri scenario, the significance is that if she had been expected to go there but changed her plans and didn't go it might mean that she knew that Kyron wouldn't be there and didn't care to pretend to realize that he was missing in front of the whole school. But I don't know if I can assume that she was expected to be there because I still don't know if any parents were expected to be there at all.

More on topic: thank you for those maps but I'm still a bit confused about which door he was seen at.
Question: what does monitored mean? camera? physical person acting as a door monitor? Question 2: The secure exit, is that the South Exit? And does that door always remain locked from the outside? And does that door sound an alarm if opened from the inside? Do we have that info somewhere already?

And, were those 2 doors monitored THAT DAY? During, before and after the science fair? By whom? Anyone monitoring those doors consistently, without leaving that duty station? Anyone consistently monitoring those doors without any other duties or distractions?Was one of those two doors the door that led to the outside where the groundsman saw kids outside the school? If so, who was on duty at that door--or was anyone? Or was that door unmonitored and easily opened from the inside--or the outside? Is it possible someone could have walked in via that door after seeing kids coming out that door?
If monitoring the door means that there is a secretary or some such person sitting in their office doing their job on the phone and on the computer where they could see the door in case they occasionally glanced in that direction it doesn't mean zip to me.
Case Review Thread #3 for June 7 is now open here:

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