Kyron Horman Case Review #1: Thread #2: LE Press Conference & Release: June 6 2010

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Schreiber said she and her son, J***, 9, were interviewed Sunday by a federal agent. She said she told the agent that Friday was an especially hectic day at Skyline.

"On a normal day, seeing a stranger will make you go, 'Hmm. I wonder who that is?' On such a hectic day as Friday, there was such a lot going on. To tell you the truth, I was focused on looking at the (science) project and helping J*** fill out his (evaluation) form and not on the faces around me."

Schreiber said Kyron was supposed to perform in the school's talent show at 1 p.m. but she didn't see him there.

I've chaperoned Science Fairs ; IMO they are hectic. But, most importantly, was this person Schrieber a door monitor on that morning ? Does she say that ? It doesn't sound that way, it sounds more like she was with her child, and close to her child's exhibit ...

Schreiber said she and her son, J***, 9, were interviewed Sunday by a federal agent. She said she told the agent that Friday was an especially hectic day at Skyline.

"On a normal day, seeing a stranger will make you go, 'Hmm. I wonder who that is?' On such a hectic day as Friday, there was such a lot going on. To tell you the truth, I was focused on looking at the (science) project and helping J*** fill out his (evaluation) form and not on the faces around me."

Schreiber said Kyron was supposed to perform in the school's talent show at 1 p.m. but she didn't see him there.

I wonder if Kyron had an eval form and if it was filled out and when and by whom and to whom it was given and what was talked about when it was given to that person.

Now that's a great sentence. :)
I wonder if Kyron had an eval form and if it was filled out and when and by whom and to whom it was given and what was talked about when it was given to that person.

Now that's a great sentence. :)

Good question, I'd would suppose he did. And I wonder if it said something like "Looks like Kyron had a whole lot of help with his project", which just might tick someone off?
Is this O/T?
I've chaperoned Science Fairs ; IMO they are hectic. But, most importantly, was this person Schrieber a door monitor on that morning ? Does she say that ? It doesn't sound that way, it sounds more like she was with her child, and close to her child's exhibit ...


I don't think she was a chaperon. I think she was just someone interviewed by the press about her interaction with LE and what she observed on the day of the SF.
A lot of parent/student I missing where they interviewed teachers and other school employees?

The FBI called in its child abduction rapid deployment team Sunday as the search teams scoured the area between Kyron's school and his home. Meanwhile, hundreds of students, parents and school staff were interviewed by detectives in an effort to fill every gap of the timeline on the day he disappeared.
My notes on the presser video

- children and families interviewed for timeline development

- has timeline changed? no, but filled gaps

- no closer to finding Kyron

- shut down a lot of avenues, narrowed focus

- brought it down to a very narrow focus based on interviews etc

- last seen at school, late hour in the morning. no other info that he was seen anywhere else. near classroom, south entrance door.

- can't confirm appt. will develop on timeline if Terri was last to see. will use pics and video from students and parents.

- student interviewed that morning was last to see.

- no suspects

- compiling all the names

- not prepared to call this a kidnapping yet

- will pinpoint this evening which direction.
* this sounds like family versus stranger, when listened to in context.

Just a random note not related to the presser, but related to this day, June 6. Kaine was still being heavily questioned, and this continues until Tuesday June 8.
Two school resource officers will be in place to provide enhanced security at Skyline School.


We are re-emphasizing our existing policy requiring all school staff, contractors and volunteers to display their I.D. badges and for visitors to sign-in and wear name tags at every school, during school hours. Any visitors who refuse to sign-in and wear a name tag will be asked to leave.

Why? Why bother? If everyone knew it was Terri, she had told a number of people she was taking Kyron to the doctor that day, if the existing procedures had been working just fine and dandy for everybody, then why make have security officers? Why have people wear badges and sign in?

What is it about having 2 security officers, and having everyone wear badges, would prevent another parent from coming to school, telling everyone they were taking their child to the doctor, and then later that day coming back to the school and claiming they left their child there?

Makes no sense.
Does anyone know if this was the first year that Skyline used the IB programme (as it is spelled online. :) )
During police interviews Sunday, a student said he last saw Kyron later that morning near the south entrance to the school. That was the last time the boy was seen, Staton said.

At some point that morning, Kyron's teacher, Kristina Porter, marked the boy as absent. But it wasn't until 3:30 p.m. -- when his stepmother, Terri Moulton Horman, met the school bus -- that she discovered Kyron had been absent from school.

Nora Schreiber, a Skyline parent and volunteer, said the school has three main entrances and one secure exit. Two of the doorways are near the main office and are monitored, while a third on the north side of the school is not. Kyron's classroom is adjacent to that door, which opens onto a rear parking lot.

Question: what does monitored mean? camera? physical person acting as a door monitor? Question 2: The secure exit, is that the South Exit? And does that door always remain locked from the outside? And does that door sound an alarm if opened from the inside? Do we have that info somewhere already?
During police interviews Sunday, a student said he last saw Kyron later that morning near the south entrance to the school. That was the last time the boy was seen, Staton said.

At some point that morning, Kyron's teacher, Kristina Porter, marked the boy as absent. But it wasn't until 3:30 p.m. -- when his stepmother, Terri Moulton Horman, met the school bus -- that she discovered Kyron had been absent from school.

Nora Schreiber, a Skyline parent and volunteer, said the school has three main entrances and one secure exit. Two of the doorways are near the main office and are monitored, while a third on the north side of the school is not. Kyron's classroom is adjacent to that door, which opens onto a rear parking lot.
Some of this just doesn't make sense to me.

It's hard to get an exact feel without going to the school and looking around but the north door Nora is talking about seems to be off the middle of the school, not the end where Kyron's class is. The same thing with the south door Sheriff Staton says is where Kyron was last seen. Were we misled by the photo with the janitor? Was his room not classroom 213 but a room further towards the east side of the school?

We still have the report from a LE spokesperson June 5th that Terri said she went up one flight of steps and Kyron went up another. Him being seen at the south entrance (the front entrance to the school) may fit with that. It still leads me to believe that Terri told LE she went up the steps by the cafeteria, to the gym, while Kyron went up the steps at the front entrance. She then saw him when they both got to the top floor, waved and watched him walk towards his class. Then she exited out the main east door to the parking lot (at least that's her story). Here is the map again for reference. The stairs are circled in red.

Some of this just doesn't make sense to me.

It's hard to get an exact feel without going to the school and looking around but the north door Nora is talking about seems to be off the middle of the school, not the end where Kyron's class is. The same thing with the south door Sheriff Staton says is where Kyron was last seen. Were we misled by the photo with the janitor? Was his room not classroom 213 but a room further towards the east side of the school?

According to the Skyline handbook, his teacher's class was 213.
Looking at that map, there's the possibility that Terri and Kyron went up the same set of steps (such as those in the center) with Kyron going up one side, Terri going up the other side. It's even possible then that they could have been holding hands. Then Terri could stop at the top of those stairs and watch Kyron head down the hall to his class, and either turn around and go back down the way she came, or head toward the opposite end and head out the door that way.

Just throwing it out there, since "Kyron went up one flight and Terri went up another" isn't exactly clear.
Question: what does monitored mean? camera? physical person acting as a door monitor? Question 2: The secure exit, is that the South Exit? And does that door always remain locked from the outside? And does that door sound an alarm if opened from the inside? Do we have that info somewhere already?

I went back doing a search for keyword monitored in the forum. It looks like this hasn't gotten much attention at all since the early days.

I can't think of anything 'monitored' would mean except a person standing by the door and watching who's coming and going.

Thinking back, for example to the threads where we discussed how to get Kyron out of the school, it seems people were posting about some doors being locked so you could go out, but not in.

But this is significant. It says it's a district requirement to have the two doors monitored, and the person in the article was sure they were monitored.

In that case, Kyron sure didn't exit either of those two monitored doors. That makes getting him out of the building even more difficult.

I think what we need is a new thread to revisit getting Kyron out of the building, based on this new info.

After I get done going through all the materials we're reviewing, if nobody has started threads - I think this is the third or fourth - I'll go ahead and start them, but if somebody wants to volunteer in the meantime, it would be appreciated. :)

We need a map or diagram of the school with Kyron's classroom, the two monitored doors, and the buses along the side with the portico marked. Also the door out to the access road where the plants are the kids went outside to see.

I'm so bad at putting things on pics and diagrams. If someone would volunteer to do that, it would be wonderful.

ETA: You all were posting while I was sloooowwwllyyy typing. :)
Here's a link to freefallz map:

This map shows a compass. I only see three entrances/exits to the school on this one. One north, one west, and one south, which looks like the main entrance. I'm soooo confused.

THere is also an east exit onto the parking lot, which also seems to be considered a main exit/entrance. You can see it on the right side of the top floor plan I posted above (which is the same as your link). I lost gwenabob's photobucket link again, if someone has that there are good pictures of the parking lot exit.
THere is also an east exit onto the parking lot, which also seems to be considered a main exit/entrance. You can see it on the right side of the top floor plan I posted above (which is the same as your link). I lost gwenabob's photobucket link again, if someone has that there are good pictures of the parking lot exit.

There are 2 doors on that side, one with the portico. That's where the buses were parking that day, along that side. Then the children go in the portico. The other door is just a small white one on the other end of that side of the building.
My notes on the presser video

- no closer to finding Kyron

Just a random note not related to the presser, but related to this day, June 6. Kaine was still being heavily questioned, and this continues until Tuesday June 8.


I picked up on the rest of the quote about LE not being closer to finding Kyron and I thought it was strange, so I'll add it how I wrote it down:

" closer to finding Kyron than they HOPED they would be.

I just can't imagine what that would or could mean.

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