Kyron Horman Discussion Thread 2017-2019

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She could have planned it alone or with someone in advance and had a location already prepared which would shorten time to dispose of this precious child..Killed one place and when heat was off and that location cleared removed and relocated where a search had already been done..Or a handoff to someone who would have had the time while she drove around for her alibi..So many possibilities..I just want this cruel game but her or another involved to just come to an end, bring closure to this case..peace for the family. And if in deed Kyron was murdered that his body is found and to rest in peace..
I wouldn’t put it past an evil woman to sell a child to someone that is a pedophile or part of a ring. Ppl sell pics of children on the dark web and it’s so disgusting. Someone sick brained enough would sell a child I bet. I mean he hasn’t been found yet. Anything is possible at this point.

But let’s say that he was “left” out in the elements somewhere:

Do any locals know of the best area to “place” him for the time Terri had to commit the crime that day? Ppl keep mentioning the garden. Where else?

Honestly her selling the child off makes more sense to me than anything though. I don’t know why. Lots of ocean ports there - and water ports are notorious for being the most convenient way to traffick humans. She already tried to pay to get rid of her husband. Why not GET PAID to get rid of his child?
Re: selling or placing Kyron -- I don't think Terri/Stella/whatever she calls herself now would give up a smidgen of control in the situation. The recipients might find a higher bidder, might be sloppy with "disposal," might even be so careless that Kyron escaped.

Those are risks she wouldn't take, IMHO.

Before the bus arrived at 3:30 PM the plan was all wrapped up & tied with a bow.

RIP, Kyron, keep watch over your Mom & your sister!
I wouldn’t put it past an evil woman to sell a child to someone that is a pedophile or part of a ring. Ppl sell pics of children on the dark web and it’s so disgusting. Someone sick brained enough would sell a child I bet. I mean he hasn’t been found yet. Anything is possible at this point.

But let’s say that he was “left” out in the elements somewhere:

Do any locals know of the best area to “place” him for the time Terri had to commit the crime that day? Ppl keep mentioning the garden. Where else?

Honestly her selling the child off makes more sense to me than anything though. I don’t know why. Lots of ocean ports there - and water ports are notorious for being the most convenient way to traffick humans. She already tried to pay to get rid of her husband. Why not GET PAID to get rid of his child?
nah..possible does not mean probable. Death makes far more sense (actually none of it makes sense really when you get down to it). There's no backing of a sudden unexpected windfall and you can rely on her for not keeping it hidden and spending it quickly
I know when this happened, Terri lawyered up so LE could not question her. Is it still that way?
I don't know if this has already been discussed, supposedly the authorities were checking the stepmother's hard drive to one of her old computers. i don't know if this is were a new tip came from or not.

I had not heard that. Where did you get that information? It's fascinating....
on the 2nd article - can you or someone give a 10% synopsis on that - EU laws won't allow me to read it... TIA!

Niner, I don't think anyone has summarized the article for you.

First, the source and date of article May 15, 2017. Source is New details in the search for Kyron Horman

It says the investigation is ongoing and active.
The article outlines the areas of concentration of the ongoing search. They are listed extremely briefly in both the article and thus, the summary of same has to be brief:

1) New ground searches.

2) New analysis of computers and material on computers.

3) Looking at California ( this refers to TH's new area of residence ).

4) Questioning whether a GJ can be convened in Multnomah County. Article states that one remains empaneled.

5) NCMEC is working on an age progression photo or sketch as Kyron would be 14 years old now. The placeholder for the photo or sketch is blank on my computer.

HTH! :)
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I really feel there will be answers in this case one day. Sweet Kyron and his parents have a special place in my heart! Sending continued prayers!

I pray for little Kyron every day and night. I'll never forget that sweet little boy with the thick glasses and sweet smile.

I was about his age when the doctors realized I couldn't see. It took me months to get used to what the world really looked like through thick glasses.
After that, I couldn't stand to not have my glasses on until the very second I had to close my eyes for sleep. I put them on the second I woke up every AM, too.
( contact lens came years later as children weren't deemed responsible enough to wear them back then).

I imagine it was much the same for Kyron, except children get glasses much earlier now thanks to pediatric eye exams.

God bless little Kyron.
Thanks a bunch SeekingJana!

You sound like me with your glasses. I too had to get glasses in about the 2nd grade. But than in 1964 at Berkeley Univ. they had these new things called "contacts" & somehow my Mamma got my bro & I into to the "test" of wearing them. Loved them until after I had my laser surgery and went back to glasses.

Where are you Kyron!
It must have been a very difficult day for Desiree and Kaine. Not that all those other birthdays haven't been torture for them since he went missing.....but 16 is such a milestone.....and they did not get to share it with Kyron :(

Please, dear Lord, let there be justice for this sweet innocent little boy who will never grow up on Earth as far as we know at this point. You've had him longer than he walked in this world. Please make his Heaven a wonderful, fun, happy place without fear or worry eternally. Amen.
I haven't been on this thread in a long time, and good to see there is still lots of activity and good ideas. What is the latest on DDS? The last I heard anything substantive about her was when she was questioned and kept pleading the fifth. I have always been hopeful that she would eventually do the right thing and tell LE what she knows. Yet, here we are so many years later and she is still maintaining her silence. It's really hard to understand.

Amateur opinion and speculation only
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