Kyron Horman Discussion Thread 2017-2019

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Everyone's probably seen this by now, but for anyone new or a little bit unfamiliar with the case, it might offer some insight.

It annoys me that they twice showed the picture she took of Kyron in front of his science fair project without his glasses. That is certainly not the original picture and the little guy really needs his glasses.

Now it's got me remembering the rumors very early on that Kyron's glasses were found in the F250. I don't believe there is one chance in one hundred billion that he is still alive, if that is true.

Anyway, how the original picture looked. Probably not much more than one minute after this picture was taken, Kyron disappeared. (This was taken in his homeroom at Skyline School).

I read this and thought of Kyron.
Human remains found in Roseburg
I did too. I recall allegations of late night fight between the couple, and TH plans to go to Roseburg (her parents home) on day Kyron disappeared. I believe this was from TH emails.

Wow -- 8 years is a longtime. Still so heartbreaking...
I did too. I recall allegations of late night fight between the couple, and TH plans to go to Roseburg (her parents home) on day Kyron disappeared. I believe this was from TH emails.

Wow -- 8 years is a longtime. Still so heartbreaking...
I saw the article about the remains found and also thought about Kyron.
I'd forgotten about TH's plan to go to Roseburg that day. Wasn't that in an email she sent Desiree?
But, Roseburg is almost 3 hours away. Neither TH nor DDS had enough unaccounted time to drive there.
Well she did live there after with her parents, so who knows, maybe someone else pi$$ed her off.
Is there no possibility that she could have had him in a container or something and transported him at a later date?

Desiree has been saying for years that their Sheltered Nook Road property was never searched by cadaver dogs.

I doubt the above mentioned possibility myself, but it's like Knox said above: "Wouldn't that be something ... "
Is there no possibility that she could have had him in a container or something and transported him at a later date?

Desiree has been saying for years that their Sheltered Nook Road property was never searched by cadaver dogs.

I doubt the above mentioned possibility myself, but it's like Knox said above: "Wouldn't that be something ... "

I had that very same thought....
What am I missing.....what has bee released that Desiree hinted at that would affect Terri and be a surprise? I thought it was to be released last Saturday, but am I missing it? I understand what everyone is discussing but that is not what Desiree was hinting at was it..... is LE making this announcement?
What am I missing.....what has bee released that Desiree hinted at that would affect Terri and be a surprise? I thought it was to be released last Saturday, but am I missing it? I understand what everyone is discussing but that is not what Desiree was hinting at was it..... is LE making this announcement?
If you are missing it, I am, too. I don't think so, though. I don't think there has been a date given for what Desiree is saying we should expect.

All we're talking about here is the human skull (and maybe a bone?) found at a traffic exit in Roseburg--near where TMH's parents live or lived. (I'm not sure if they are still there, but it's where she stayed while she was first hiding-out after she was forced to leave the Sheltered Nook Road property).

We're just speculating--it probably is not Kyron. It'll be some time before we can say for sure, but it's a long, long, long shot.
If you are missing it, I am, too. I don't think so, though. I don't think there has been a date given for what Desiree is saying we should expect.

All we're talking about here is the human skull (and maybe a bone?) found at a traffic exit in Roseburg--near where TMH's parents live or lived. (I'm not sure if they are still there, but it's where she stayed while she was first hiding-out after she was forced to leave the Sheltered Nook Road property).

We're just speculating--it probably is not Kyron. It'll be some time before we can say for sure, but it's a long, long, long shot.
Thanks Truth...I thought I really missed something. Sounds like Desiree know something that she wants to share but cannot. It must be so hard for her.
I don’t want to be That Guy but I read Desiree’s full Facebook post that is referenced in the “something big is coming” part of this and to me t doesn’t sound like she has anything. Just a mom clinging to faith that something is happening soon.

I was just saying on reddit (shhh I do both) that I feel it in my soul something is happening in this case soon. I feel like she’s doing the same thing.

I’ll attach a screen shot of the post they are referencing in the news article.


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Not sure if this is allowed but I deleted the contents of this post because upon further research the person quoted in that blog is a known fraud.
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What ever became of that witness in the red pick up truck who was traveling southbound on the freeway (30?) and saw a white truck like Kaine's rip onto the freeway from a side street (NW Logie Trail?), with a driver who strongly resembled TH, with long red hair, and an infant in a car seat? The time this witness gave corresponded to TH's actual timeline as determined by MCSO.

I always found this claim interesting, but never was able to discover who this witness was.
If you are missing it, I am, too. I don't think so, though. I don't think there has been a date given for what Desiree is saying we should expect.

All we're talking about here is the human skull (and maybe a bone?) found at a traffic exit in Roseburg--near where TMH's parents live or lived. (I'm not sure if they are still there, but it's where she stayed while she was first hiding-out after she was forced to leave the Sheltered Nook Road property).

We're just speculating--it probably is not Kyron. It'll be some time before we can say for sure, but it's a long, long, long shot.

I tried not to give much thought to Desiree's "something is coming" posts since it was so close to the anniversary of when Kyron went missing. I believe identification of bones found will take some time. The bones of Lindsey Baum (10 yr old WA girl missing since 2009) were finally identified as belonging to Lindsey on May 10, 2018 after bones were found by hunters last Sept 2017.
What ever became of that witness in the red pick up truck who was traveling southbound on the freeway (30?) and saw a white truck like Kaine's rip onto the freeway from a side street (NW Logie Trail?), with a driver who strongly resembled TH, with long red hair, and an infant in a car seat? The time this witness gave corresponded to TH's actual timeline as determined by MCSO.

I always found this claim interesting, but never was able to discover who this witness was.
I think if you go a few pages back on this thread, you will find the beginning of a short discussion regarding this witness.

The first comment at the link below is the beginning comment--comment #330. Other comments which may be of interest are: #334; #336; #341; and #343.

Kyron Horman Discussion Thread 2017/ New Search July
I tried not to give much thought to Desiree's "something is coming" posts since it was so close to the anniversary of when Kyron went missing. I believe identification of bones found will take some time. The bones of Lindsey Baum (10 yr old WA girl missing since 2009) were finally identified as belonging to Lindsey on May 10, 2018 after bones were found by hunters last Sept 2017.
Desiree first began hinting about something coming early, early in the spring.

I think it might simply be a new search, but whenever I make predictions like that I'm always off by ten miles.

I know from following other cases--the Susan Cox Powell case comes to mind--whenever "bones" are found it usually takes between 4 to 6 weeks before the media releases a brief statement identifying the remains, or at least indicating whose remains they are not.

We saw that in Kyron's case in the spring of 2017, with the remains found in the River View Natural Area of Portland.

In Lindsey's case, once law enforcement had confirmation that the remains were, indeed, that of Lindsey; I think they then took some time "getting their ducks in a row" or what-have-you before they faced the media.

So, probably the longer it goes without us hearing something, the keener our suspicion should become. (There can be exceptions, of course).
I fully believe Kyron was a victim of a fatal abusive act at the hands of one person - and that person is the only one who knows what happened to him.

I believe if other parties had been involved along with Terri they would have talked by now and given Terri up.

She had little time to dispose of the child’s remains after snapping and killing him, so her best bet would be somewhere relatively close to where he went missing (the school).

He can’t be very far from where he went missing. Jmo. It might be an area that has been searched and “cleared” that he is in, giving Terri the sense of false confidence she’s been wearing.
Can anyone confirm or refute that Kyron had an anyphylactic allergy to bee stings? Also, I am reading where many of you are commenting that it was previously reported that his glasses were found somewhere because if so I've been following the case since day one and I've never seen that. I do know that I questioned how easy it would be to lead someone with poor eyesight into the dark abyss, speaking with personal experience as someone who has poor eyesight at best this has always gravely concerned me. I pray and hope that some news is forthcoming because although he is not my child he weighs heavily on my heart and mind everyday and his parents deserve whatever peace there is to be had and Terri deserves both incarceration and Karma. I wish these parents closure too although that will never replace their beloved son. I would like to hold out hope that Kyron is being held somewhere as in a few other recent cases but regardless his life nor his parents will ever be the same. Hoping for something soon and to rephrase a long ago Websleuth, who I cannot recall and therefore cannot credit when Caylee Anthony was missing who begged Caylee to whisper where she was. We continue to listen and Kyron whisper loudly little guy! We love and miss you and need your parents to find the peace they so desperately need and deserve! ❤️
She could have planned it alone or with someone in advance and had a location already prepared which would shorten time to dispose of this precious child..Killed one place and when heat was off and that location cleared removed and relocated where a search had already been done..Or a handoff to someone who would have had the time while she drove around for her alibi..So many possibilities..I just want this cruel game but her or another involved to just come to an end, bring closure to this case..peace for the family. And if in deed Kyron was murdered that his body is found and to rest in peace..
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