Kyron Horman's general discussion thread - 2015/2016

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I don't believe that Terry did this. I know I am in the minority.. But there he is in school that day and then he is gone and I think if she walked him out that morning, He would have been seen.

I think that people looked at her from the beginning because Desiree pointed the finger at her. I think they wanted to blame someone for Kyron's disappearance and terry was the target.

I think that if there was any evidence that she did this, She would have been locked up long ago.

Scarlett, it's very interesting to me how often we agree and disagree, in the minority. I completely agree with you here, that as odd as Terri is, I don't think she has any idea what happened to Kyron.

Always interesting to post with you.
She ought to have kept her mouth shut.

This self serving media appearance isn't helping her image.

Now she'll feel the heat in Sacramento, and have to slink off someplace else.

Yes, it does help her image to have People do a kind story about her, with flattering pictures.

Of course, there will be the dedicated haters who follow her around and try to make her life miserable. I wonder how this group of people would react if Kyron's remains were discovered in such a way that Terri was cleared. My guess is, in the usual way haters react - to point out something else negative about their target and excuse themselves because it seemed obvious their target was flawed.

I've seen it so often I know it will happen. There would be a few who were sorrowful and apologetic, but most would say it was no wonder they were suspicious, and are still suspicious.
Yes, it does help her image to have People do a kind story about her, with flattering pictures.

Of course, there will be the dedicated haters who follow her around and try to make her life miserable. I wonder how this group of people would react if Kyron's remains were discovered in such a way that Terri was cleared. My guess is, in the usual way haters react - to point out something else negative about their target and excuse themselves because it seemed obvious their target was flawed.

True....It wouldn't surprise me if People got the exclusive because they promised it would be very flattering towards Terri. An interview with a suspect in a missing child case who is proclaiming her innocence could easily be written in a snarky way.
She wanted Kyron gone, he was in the way now that she had a child of her own with Kaine.

IMO, she manipulated someone else into doing the dirty work.

She has been able to outwit, outlast, and outplay Oregon LE, but I would never congratulate someone for getting away with disappearing a little boy.

I have 3 adopted dogs that I love to pieces, I didn't give birth to them but I still love them, and even after I had kids, I still love my dogs too, so why do you think a person who raised this kid from early on could do this to a child? People who choose to be teachers do it usually because they like kids. Teaching is a hard job dealing with everyone's kids good and bad, I am sure she felt Kyron was better behaved than some of her worst students, because she raised him. I just can't see someone doing that to a child they raised for years, without some other obvious signs of abuse. I could believe an accident occurred, but not a murder, just because she finally had her own child with kaine. One of the most important things single parents look for in new relationships, is a trustworthy partner that will treat their children fairly, and like their own. Since they both had children from previous marriages they both would understand how important that is.
I am always jumping back over and under the fence.. I am not sure where I stand today.

Tunnel vision does happen. I was just reviewing Elizabeth Smart case, and I think about Riley Fox.

I always wondered if Terri was having an affair. The other cell phones.

I remember that first day Kyron went missing, how they search the woods thinking he was lost. I think they should go back to that moment of why they searched those woods... Someone must of said something and those first words are usually the best words to go on.

Has Terri's account of what she did that day every change? The hour or so that she was driving around was that the time Dede was unaccounted of.?
I always wondered if Terri was having an affair. The other cell phones.

Surely, at this point, she would admit to that and tell where she really was that day. I mean, her marriage is over anyway and what difference would it make now? Unless she is protecting the other person, but to be accused of murder for five years? Why would you do that?
I have 3 adopted dogs that I love to pieces, I didn't give birth to them but I still love them, and even after I had kids, I still love my dogs too, so why do you think a person who raised this kid from early on could do this to a child? People who choose to be teachers do it usually because they like kids. Teaching is a hard job dealing with everyone's kids good and bad, I am sure she felt Kyron was better behaved than some of her worst students, because she raised him. I just can't see someone doing that to a child they raised for years, without some other obvious signs of abuse. I could believe an accident occurred, but not a murder, just because she finally had her own child with kaine. One of the most important things single parents look for in new relationships, is a trustworthy partner that will treat their children fairly, and like their own. Since they both had children from previous marriages they both would understand how important that is.

Correct me if I'm wrong ... Terri had teaching degrees, but never actually taught for any length of time?

JeannaT-valid points. I think I suffer from "confirmation bias" in this case. But until LE steps up and clears her, I can't either.
look at this site and all of the parents who have killed their child, some brutally.

then there are all of the sex abusing teachers
This only happened a couple years ago, when cell ping technology was very accurate. Since they know two people called DeDe during the hour and a half she was missing, although DeDe didn't answer, surely they checked the cell pings? And then what came of that information?
Respect. I really appreciate your perspective, because I worry, at times, that I have lost mine.

However, I do work at a school and I am hypersensitive to the fact that school is almost the LAST place where a child can be be abducted. I am a middle/high school counselor in a tiny district, and I have to make several calls before my elementary kids' teachers will release them to my parents or siblings. I work here and they are hypervigillant about MY family. We play by the rules and yet, they make sure that everything is legit.

School is the worst place to snatch a child. Our small rural district, which is an hour outside of Portland, has cameras EVERYWHERE. It would not raise an eyebrow if I came to collect my children at an odd hour, but everyone would notice if an unfamiliar person tried to scoop them up, on the property. If my 12 year-old is 10 minutes late to get my 7 year-old after school, I hear about it. I understand that is not everyone's experience, but the attention to detail does alert me to the fact that people are checking, relentlessly.

If Terri took Kyron off the school campus it would be unremarkable. It would not draw attention, nor would it look out of place. I could not tell you how many other parents have removed their children from our school at odd hours in recent days, but I'd certainly take note of someone leaving against their will or looking out-of-place.

Also, just consider that Desiree, while not always objective, might have a front row seat to Terri's behavior. I don't trust everything I read on the internet, but I tend to trust the people on the scene. Desiree does not have any incentive to suspect Terri. She is no longer in competition for Kaine's attention, and there in no benefit to her blaming Terri. She appeared to give Terri the benefit of the doubt, initially. Please just give the idea that Terri is guilty a whirl.

I don't believe that Terry did this. I know I am in the minority.. But there he is in school that day and then he is gone and I think if she walked him out that morning, He would have been seen.
I think that people looked at her from the beginning because Desiree pointed the finger at herow seat. I think they wanted to blame someone for Kyron's disappearance and terry was the target.

I think that if there was any evidence that she did this, She would have been locked up long ago.
I don't think "we" want to consider the possibility that Terri is innocent because then we have to confront some really negative thoughts about Desiree. How far do we allow someone whose child is missing to go? Would you be okay if you lost everything, couldn't get a job, ruined reputation because of false accusations? Sure people can make excuses...Terri didn't cooperate! Desiree was grieving! But it's still ruining the life of an innocent person. It would be a huge elephant in the room if someone else was ever arrested. When you read comments on other websites that support Terri, you will see that a lot of them are extremely negative towards Desiree. IMO, it's understandable why people who think Terri is innocent would have such negative feelings towards a woman who lost a child, and I think a lot of us don't want those thoughts so we don't consider that Terri could be innocent.
To me, it just seems implausible that Terri's innocent. My opinion has nothing to do with not wanting to see Desiree in a bad light.

I feel this as strongly as I feel MR murdered Dylan.

All mooooo!
I don't think that to believe Terri is innocent equals having bad feelings about Desiree. I did spend some time lurking around on find kyron sites yesterday, and came away feeling like I needed a shower. There are some crazyazz women out there, who never knew Kyron, who have made it their preoccupation to hate Desiree or Terri, and they are dangerous. They're crazy and dangerous, IMHO.

I think I can fully believe Terri is innocent and is being wrongly vilified by these crazy women, and also find Desiree blameless. Her life must be unbelievably painful, and she believes Terri is responsible for harming/disappearing/murdering her son.

I don't blame either of these two women, but the peripheral circus around them is evil, IMHO.
I don't think that to believe Terri is innocent equals having bad feelings about Desiree. I did spend some time lurking around on find kyron sites yesterday, and came away feeling like I needed a shower. There are some crazyazz women out there, who never knew Kyron, who have made it their preoccupation to hate Desiree or Terri, and they are dangerous. They're crazy and dangerous, IMHO.

I think I can fully believe Terri is innocent and is being wrongly vilified by these crazy women, and also find Desiree blameless. Her life must be unbelievably painful, and she believes Terri is responsible for harming/disappearing/murdering her son.

I don't blame either of these two women, but the peripheral circus around them is evil, IMHO.

I don't see how you can say Desiree is blameless if Terri is innocent. That would mean she ruined an innocent person's life. Not just that, but how many other children have been victimized by the real killer in the years since? I don't think losing your child or thinking someone harmed your child gives you a free pass. How would you feel if you were slandered all over the media because of false accusations? Where is the line? What if you were driving and accidentally hit and kill a child, and while the investigation is going on, the parents are all over the media, saying you were drunk, high, texting, had a menacing look in your eyes, and then it comes back that none of that was true....was it okay for them to do that because they were grieving?

I strongly believe that Terri got the People exclusive/cover because of how Desiree talks about her in the media. So now she is not just the main suspect in the murder, she's been directly accused by the mother of the missing child. That's her hook.
I don't see how you can say Desiree is blameless if Terri is innocent. That would mean she ruined an innocent person's life. Not just that, but how many other children have been victimized by the real killer in the years since? I don't think losing your child or thinking someone harmed your child gives you a free pass. How would you feel if you were slandered all over the media because of false accusations? Where is the line? What if you were driving and accidentally hit and kill a child, and while the investigation is going on, the parents are all over the media, saying you were drunk, high, texting, had a menacing look in your eyes, and then it comes back that none of that was true....was it okay for them to do that because they were grieving?

I strongly believe that Terri got the People exclusive/cover because of how Desiree talks about her in the media. So now she is not just the main suspect in the murder, she's been directly accused by the mother of the missing child. That's her hook.

I see what you're saying, but to me, intent is everything. Desiree firmly believes (as do many in the public) that Terri harmed Kyron. And now, she's getting away scot free and won't tell where Kyron is, which is completely ruining Desiree's life. I don't think an hour goes by that Desiree isn't wondering where Kyron is. I think the public crazies, and the true kidnapper are fully to blame for their part in Terri's misery, but I don't hold Desiree at fault.

I wonder if we'll ever know the truth.
Fwiw, the body language and facial expressions that TH had at the very first press conference is what turned my head to TH. It was TH herself that continued(s) to cause her to be on my radar as a poi. I can respect the opposite opinion as well though. I think there are only a select few people who truly know what happened to kyron. My heart breaks for this family and for Kyron. I pray the he is found and the truth comes to light.

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I think that Desiree loves kyron and misses him terribly. I think she will fight for him forever. And I am not blaming her but I believe that she was not smart to come out against terri so publicly. I would rather have justice for my child than polarize the case and cause obstacles.
Desiree has decided that Terri did this without any real proof. She just thinks she did. I don't like that. I am sure she is angry and hurt and sad but I don't think it helps to have a a campaign against someone who has never been charged.

I search Kyrons name from time to time waiting for that miracle. But if he is found, I believe that Terri won't have been a part of it.

I agree with this because I think it will be difficult to find a untainted jury pool for this case, should Terri ever be brought to trial. The thing that has been bothering me is I read in an article that KH didn't know he had a landscaper, then I read another article that said he often worked from his home, so if your home a lot how do you not know you have a landscaper? Just doesn't make sense. Then I read about a red mustang with the red squirrel plates racing all over Sauvie, but TH had the truck, so KH had the mustang then? Then the whole kH owning the phone that was being used by MC for sexting with TH. Then I read on websleuths under kyron sightings of someone who saw a boy that looked like Kyron with a guy that looked like KH at a farm animal auction after he was reported these are the things that make it impossible for me to convict Terri, these are the things that cause me to doubt her exclusive involvement.

My next point is looking for Kyron, I feel the age progression photos are off, and I am concerned they don't account for a heavier Kyron. Kyron was short, and will most likely continue to be short, he was the right weight for his age, so he might end up looking heavier because he is shorter, and more kids are obese these days. Also there has not been enough good pictures of Kyron, the ones on FB all seem to get fuzzy when you blow them up to look for details like moles...Kyron had moles and I think he had more than were ever mentioned. I would like to see that documented more thoroughly so we can see where all those are at exactly. My other hopes would be some side views of him to see how flat his facial bone structure is, and his ears. I would also like to see some up close views of his hands. The thing is my kid had a rounder face like Kyron when he was younger, and his face is still rounder now that he is older, because his skull structure is more Mongoloid, than Caucasian. I doubt anyone would die his hair, it would be too noticeable, so I would think the kid would wear a lot of hats to cover his hair, and forehead. It was said when he got upset he had a noticeable pink/red kind of looking v shaped birthmark on his forehead. The other problem is they now have glasses that don't make your eyes look so big, so because he had those glasses that made his eyes look so big its hard to see just exactly how big his eyes really were in comparison to his face and a new set of those glasses could make his eyes look so much smaller. If they had some recent photos of him without glasses so we could see the real size of his eyes in comparison to his face that would be helpful. The photo they have of him at the science fair without glasses is not correct because it still reflects his bigger eyes from the glasses being photo shopped removed. I also noticed from Kyron photos that he seems to have a slightly lazy right eye that didn't seem to open as wide as his left eye from time to time. At this point over 5 years later, it's going to be the little details that bring this kid home. Another consideration is lattice for lashes or the glaucoma drug can cause a permanent change in eye color if used for long periods of time, or even possibly just using colored contacts.

Perhaps LE can check into any child between the ages of 5-12 receiving a mole removal from a dermatologist in the last 5 years?

These are the things I think are important to finding Kyron, forget the bashing and start focusing on the most important part, which is looking for the kid.
I see what you're saying, but to me, intent is everything. Desiree firmly believes (as do many in the public) that Terri harmed Kyron. And now, she's getting away scot free and won't tell where Kyron is, which is completely ruining Desiree's life. I don't think an hour goes by that Desiree isn't wondering where Kyron is. I think the public crazies, and the true kidnapper are fully to blame for their part in Terri's misery, but I don't hold Desiree at fault.

I wonder if we'll ever know the truth.

Yes, I can "understand" Desiree's actions....However, I do hope that if Terri is ever proven innocent, she makes millions from this case---book deal, interviews, etc. Share everything about how you were treated---it's your turn now. I would also support Terri suing LE and the media. I would also support a lawsuit against Desiree for all of the money Terri has lost since Kyron went missing. IMO, if Desiree ever got paid by the media because of Kyron's case, Terri should get the money because if it weren't for Terri, the crazy sexting stepmom who secretly hates the stepson who hasn't been arrested, the case would have faded away a long time ago.
I don't think that to believe Terri is innocent equals having bad feelings about Desiree. I did spend some time lurking around on find kyron sites yesterday, and came away feeling like I needed a shower. There are some crazyazz women out there, who never knew Kyron, who have made it their preoccupation to hate Desiree or Terri, and they are dangerous. They're crazy and dangerous, IMHO.

I think I can fully believe Terri is innocent and is being wrongly vilified by these crazy women, and also find Desiree blameless. Her life must be unbelievably painful, and she believes Terri is responsible for harming/disappearing/murdering her son.

I don't blame either of these two women, but the peripheral circus around them is evil, IMHO.

There are some pictures on FB I would like to share and spread to get Kyron's face out there, but unfortunately I am not going to share photos that would lead people back to this peripheral circus of crazy, bashing, manipulating, evil people who complain themselves about being blocked by the DA Rod Underhill, but then turn around and block people on their Kyron FB page for having a different opinion about why Terri has not been charged on the Murder for hire plot, after they posted about the murder for hire plot. If LE had the evidence to prosecute for that they would have, but they needed more than what he said to prosecute, and from what I read the landscaper seemed to have retracted that murder for hire plot at a later point, who knows why? Did he claim he didn't hear them correctly? just a little humor (my neutral side showing thru). In the drew peterson case they had him recorded on tape talking about it so that's why they could prosecute him because they had two types of evidence. I honestly can't stand being manipulated by people leaving out details to sway opinion towards their cause. How do you trust a person like that? willing to make you look like a clueless zombie for their cause?
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