Kyron's doctors appointment

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I have always thought Kyron was poisoned, last night someone on here

mentioned Foxglove, so I googled Foxglove+ oregon+ dede.

I found a post by gooddkittie, whose name is dede in portand. The

post has been edited. But it is under a list of poison plants in the NW.

I am trying to post a link, its not working. I have permission

to post this.

It is thread 4941. will try to link, again.

[ame=""]List of plants poisonous to birds - Tailfeathers Bird Community[/ame]
BBM..IMHO.. What? The teacher voiced concerns last fall/winter and you couldn't get an appointment until May? IMHO...You need to change physicians..

Nope, he's one of the best, which is why he was SO booked. We saw his ped, his ped evaluated him, and determined we needed to see his neuro...the neuro wanted to do a comprehensive workup which needed a certain amount of time, for which he had limited availablity. Because it was 'just spacing' that he was not in danger of hurting himself and his grades and health was not affected we were simply put on a cancellation list.

This is is neurologist. He also sees a neuro-psych...for LDs (as I mentioned before the seizures gave rise to some developmental issues)...the neuro-psych actually took about 6 months to get in to see!

I'm telling you, a week to get into to see a neuro or a neuro-psych, IS really fast. Either she was bringing him to someone who is not all that popular, she lucked out with a cancellation or someone had some influence (perhaps the ped).

And before you ask...we also have a VERY reputable ped...which is why my son sees the best specialists...unfortunately that means waiting. I've heard nightmare stories of peds prescribing mood or behavioral meds without doing the approapriate screening/assessments with the appropriate specialists...

I don't know what all happened here...none of us do...but at face value it sounds to like a typical neuro/neuro-psych assessment.
BBM.I disagree...Sounds hoaky to me... For her to even attempt to explain what she needed for the teacher to do especially when Terri, herself, claims everything that morning was totally out of control..People running around everywhere..How inconsiderate of her to bother the teacher at a most inopportune time.. JMO

Of course we don't know anything for certain, but according to media Terri gave her the paper work on Thursday not Friday. And besides that, if she had the forms in her hand and left the house with the intentions of giving them to the teacher...what sense does it make to NOT do that when she gets there, even if it is crazy. She's a mom, her primary concern should be her son, not whether it's the most opportune time to hand over some papers that need to be filled out. And let's not forget that this woman is a teacher...I'm sure it wasn't the first time she'd been handed these exact same forms to complete...they are pretty self explanatory anyway.
Nope, he's one of the best, which is why he was SO booked. We saw his ped, his ped evaluated him, and determined we needed to see his neuro...the neuro wanted to do a comprehensive workup which needed a certain amount of time, for which he had limited availablity. Because it was 'just spacing' that he was not in danger of hurting himself and his grades and health was not affected we were simply put on a cancellation list.

This is is neurologist. He also sees a neuro-psych...for LDs (as I mentioned before the seizures gave rise to some developmental issues)...the neuro-psych actually took about 6 months to get in to see!

I'm telling you, a week to get into to see a neuro or a neuro-psych, IS really fast. Either she was bringing him to someone who is not all that popular, she lucked out with a cancellation or someone had some influence (perhaps the ped).

And before you ask...we also have a VERY reputable ped...which is why my son sees the best specialists...unfortunately that means waiting. I've heard nightmare stories of peds prescribing mood or behavioral meds without doing the approapriate screening/assessments with the appropriate specialists...

I don't know what all happened here...none of us do...but at face value it sounds to like a typical neuro/neuro-psych assessment.

Yeah, none of us knows exactly what the medical history is. But from the email information given, I think Terri is full of it.

Apparently your son had seen his pediatrician and been evaluated before the long wait for a specialist. Kyron had not even been seen by any doctor. He could have had a condition that needed urgent care. IMO He should have been seen by a doctor to determine whether the seizures were serious or not.

My husband's friend just had a seizure a week ago. He went to the ER immediately. They found he had a mass in his brain, and did a biopsy immediately. I just don't see a doctor not wanting something like that done right away. I'm not saying to run him to the top neurosurgeon's office, but at least make sure its not something like a stroke.
I have always thought Kyron was poisoned, last night someone on here

mentioned Foxglove, so I googled Foxglove+ oregon+ dede.

I found a post by gooddkittie, whose name is dede in portand. The

post has been edited. But it is under a list of poison plants in the NW.

I am trying to post a link, its not working. I have permission

to post this.

It is thread 4941. will try to link, again.

List of plants poisonous to birds - Tailfeathers Bird Community

When I google Foxglove+ oregon+ dede, the only thing that comes up is your post. On that site, I see a gooddkittie with the name 'DeeDee' and the location Oregon. I don't see a Dede with a location of Portland.

Can you help?

The link is working. scroll down to goodkittie's deleted post.

it lists her name as dede. it follows a long list of nw poisons.

i found it to be rather curious under the circumstances. i have no idea

if it is dede spicher but i think she knows what could be used to make

a child sick. moo
The link is working. scroll down to goodkittie's deleted post.

it lists her name as dede. it follows a long list of nw poisons.

i found it to be rather curious under the circumstances. i have no idea

if it is dede spicher but i think she knows what could be used to make

a child sick. moo

Can you give me a post number or something? How do I see a post that's been deleted?

The only gooddkittie post I see is number 20, which says the post is 4 years old and a winky icon. That person's name is DeeDee and her location is Oregon. I can't find a DeDe in Portland. Can you give me a post number or date or something to look at?


ETA: Wait. You have no idea if it's Dede Spicher?
What does "prenatal care" include? Does it mean things like what drugs the mother took, what vitamins, any substances she may have been exposed to, etc? And given current privacy laws, can that prenatal info be added to a form by anyone except the birth mother?

I'm really clueless about what's included these days in "prenatal history." How about stuff like if the mother suffered a fall?


Excellent excellent point!!! A doctor would need the information from the BIRTH MOTHER!!!

Especially with Desi's medical history which may have an impact!!!
"The teacher thought I said I was going to take Kyron with Kitty for a doctor’s appt. I said I was going to look at other exhibits – how do you mess that up?"

I wonder how Terri knew that this was the sentence that the teacher "misheard"?

So Terri goes to the science fair, hangs out with Kyron, speaks to a teacher or two about random things and at some point says she's going to look at other exhibits (a social nothing of a sentence you might say when you want to move on from a conversation) --- how does Terri know that the teacher confused "looking at other exhibits" with a comment about a doctors appointment?

Wouldn't Terri instead have said in the email, "for some reason the teacher thought I was taking Kyron to the doctor - I don't know where she got that idea."

Excellent excellent point!!!!!!!!

My hubby and I caught someone in a lie on that exact scenario.
One of my sons is epileptic and has had just about every kind of seizure you can imagine. I was the only one that noticed his absence seizures, so until I pointed them out they pretty much escaped every one else's eye. They can be very subtle and so IF he had them and IF no one else noticed it wouldn't surprise me one bit. Seizures can be different for all people and are unique to the individual.

Additionally, this does not sound like an emergency type situation, just something that should be evaluated. jmho of course.
Of course we don't know anything for certain, but according to media Terri gave her the paper work on Thursday not Friday. And besides that, if she had the forms in her hand and left the house with the intentions of giving them to the teacher...what sense does it make to NOT do that when she gets there, even if it is crazy. She's a mom, her primary concern should be her son, not whether it's the most opportune time to hand over some papers that need to be filled out. And let's not forget that this woman is a teacher...I'm sure it wasn't the first time she'd been handed these exact same forms to complete...they are pretty self explanatory anyway.

this past year, a child in a teacher's classroom was having what the teacher felt might be absence. The teacher had another more qualified staff person come and observe the child with the parent's permission.

Info was documented. Then a conference was held with the parent and staff members, getting the parents input.

The parent then made an appointment with a some kind of specialist doctor.

It took at least a couple of months to get into the specialist here.

I forget what the outcome was.

But if the school is involved here, it's more than filling out a piece of paper as it would have to be another staff member involved, I feel.

It would be hard for the teacher to focus on Kyron exclusively to gather the info necessary on how often, length, when, etc.

I'm not saying that she didn't have an appt; that would be insane for her alibi if she didn't. I just think if there was this concern, there would be more staff involvement.
Anyone think the source of these emails was LE? Reporter said she trusted source 125%. Just curious.
When I google Foxglove+ oregon+ dede, the only thing that comes up is your post. On that site, I see a gooddkittie with the name 'DeeDee' and the location Oregon. I don't see a Dede with a location of Portland.

Can you help?


The Foxglove plant is used to get digitalis, a drug used to treat congestive heart failure. Long time ago I had a couple courses about plants and drugs - I was going to save the rain forests! lol
This plant was talked about for it's medicinal purposes and for how toxic it was. I remember it being purple. That's all I remember. moo
But you are talking about AFTER it's been determined that seizures are occuring.

If these episodes were life threatening, then absolutely he would have been directed to the ER.

But since it (as it's been described) seemed to have been 'spacing out' and perhaps some processing issues...then he would have been put on a 'urgent' type of list, and from my experience, 1 week out is PRETTY fast.

We just went through this same type of thing with my son. His teacher raised the issue in the fall/winter...out appointment wasn't until may.

Her concern was that he was spacing out and she could NOT regain his attention. When he came out of it he was a bit dazed.

My son DOES have a history of seizures and it still took about 4 months to get in to see his established doc. And no I don't live in the boonies...I was taking him to Children's Boston.

I had him on the cancellation list too...who knows Terri could have as well.

The preliminary appointments DO include comprehensive questionaires that do need to be completed by a teacher (and others to be completed by the parent as well).

I am shocked that if took that long to get your son in, and I am sorry I cannot imagine the worrying you did in that time span.

What I was trying to say is that I have never filled out pre-appointment paperwork on seizure disorders because there was no appointment. In most cases, a child has a seizure or is thought to have had a seizure is taken to the ER and therefore no pre-appointment paperwork. I have had to fill out paperwork for medication changes but this is after the seizure disorder is diagnosed. From my experience there I have never had to fill out pre-appointment paperwork. There have been questionaires for follow-ups.

Sorry for the confusion and I hope your son is doing ok.
The Foxglove plant is used to get digitalis, a drug used to treat congestive heart failure. Long time ago I had a couple courses about plants and drugs - I was going to save the rain forests! lol
This plant was talked about for it's medicinal purposes and for how toxic it was. I remember it being purple. That's all I remember. moo

foxglove comes in other colors as well O/T.

You should have saved the rain forest as drug companies are patenting Native plants. A fabulous book on this whole topic is Hope's Edge by Frances Moore.
The Foxglove plant is used to get digitalis, a drug used to treat congestive heart failure. Long time ago I had a couple courses about plants and drugs - I was going to save the rain forests! lol
This plant was talked about for it's medicinal purposes and for how toxic it was. I remember it being purple. That's all I remember. moo

I know what Foxglove is. What I need help with is finding the post the poster was referring to. ;)
There has been a lot of talk about horses, riding, horse farm, etc. Kaine suggested searching an area near stables, I think. I wonder if TH, DDS, or someone else had access to veterinary drugs?
And would a physician send pre-appointment paperwork for a teacher to fill out about seizures?

What TMH was doing was diagnosing, which laypeople are prone to do. I do it all the time! But for a professional, there's quite a path between the initial presentation of a problem ("my kid is doing X, is this normal?") and a diagnosis ("your child does X because of condition Y.")

What a good physician would want, though, is to gather descriptions of Kyron's behaviour from as many sources as possible in order to plan out which way to go first in arriving at a diagnosis.

So yes, I would expect Kyron's doctor to want the teacher to fill out a questionnaire about his behaviour while under the teacher's supervision.
No... her emails indicate that the dr. suggested he might be having seizures. She did not say she thought he was.
Quite a difference.

Right, HER emails indicate the doctor said this, but how can we believe this when it came from HER?
I don't think she's talking about big noticeable seizures. It sounds like she means the kind of microseizure that causes a kid to appear to space out for a second or two. It's a not uncommon learning disability that makes it hard for kids to follow directions because the static in their brain is drowning out parts of sentences etc. My co-worker's daughter had it. They estimate that she might have been having dozens of microseizures per second, in groups several times a day -- making it difficult for her to even speak while they were going on -- but most cases aren't that severe. It took quite some time, with behavior studies, EEG, and other tests, to get a diagnosis.
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