Kyron's General Discussion Thread for 2012-13

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left out the words 'and forwarded'. Was typing in a hurry and didn't check before I posted, then too late to edit...
I find it hard to believe that all that time by searchers would be for a publicity stunt.

Picture yourself in that tall grass walking through brambles, etc.
I find it hard to believe that all that time by searchers would be for a publicity stunt.

Picture yourself in that tall grass walking through brambles, etc.
I think it was because she dared have a press conference afterward to announce they'd found something and will continue to search. I still question why this TH was so jaded.
I don't necessarily....But I'd be very surprised if LE had left such an important area not searched.JMO

They've left lots of important areas unsearched, including the scene of the major crime (assuming it happened off school grounds) and the potential site of his remains. I don't think I've ever heard LE say they've searched every potentially important site, have they? It's way too many square miles, necessitating prioritization based on theories about who/what/where and available resources.

If you polled websleuths, we could probably pull up a map and come up with even more important areas of interest that we would like to see searched. In terrain like that, the investigation of potentially important sites would last searchers many more years.
I find it hard to believe that all that time by searchers would be for a publicity stunt.

Picture yourself in that tall grass walking through brambles, etc.

Totally agree. They had the Klass foundation and search dogs out - they certainly weren't there to get their own faces on the news and their 15 minutes of fame, that's for sure. I think this case needs more publicity and anything that contributes to the case while bringing them more coverage is IMO a good thing. Parents are actively encouraged to try to keep their lost children's cases active in the media. It helps solves cases often enough to be a good strategy.

Look how much activity and memory refreshing the search has given us here on WS.

Thanks for that.

That's a potentially huge area that a body could be dumped in. Sorry but I think we are really looking at a recovery now.

I think Desiree wouldn't do anything to jeopardise justice for Kyron, and that she has probably checked with LE before making statements.

I am interested in what Dede Spicher has said. She's gone from pleading the fifth on even simple questions to being willing to talk. Is it possible LE have offered some kind of deal for information?

I hope for Desiree and Kaine that Kyron is found soon. So that there can be resolution for them.
I originally thought that maybe Desiree's statements about the search being a success, and finding a number of things that could be relevant to the case may have been designed to scare DS into giving more information since she has apparently answered some questions...but then I decided that wouldn't make sense. Because if DS had given info about where something might be found, then wouldn't LE have done the searches? But if not, then how did Desiree come up with the "right" spot after so much time and find a number of things- she couldn't say that to get more information if she weren't pretty sure it was the right spot. Because if DS and TH know it isn't the right spot, then her saying that would make it obvious she was trying to trick them. Am I expressing this in a way that makes sense?
I originally thought that maybe Desiree's statements about the search being a success, and finding a number of things that could be relevant to the case may have been designed to scare DS into giving more information since she has apparently answered some questions...but then I decided that wouldn't make sense. Because if DS had given info about where something might be found, then wouldn't LE have done the searches? But if not, then how did Desiree come up with the "right" spot after so much time and find a number of things- she couldn't say that to get more information if she weren't pretty sure it was the right spot. Because if DS and TH know it isn't the right spot, then her saying that would make it obvious she was trying to trick them. Am I expressing this in a way that makes sense?

Hi ... I first joined this forum when I found it in 2011 while following Kyron's case. I then went away for awhile (though I would check for news in MSM every few months). Then recently I began feeling a need to follow this case again, and I came back here. I've read all the recent posts, and read clear through a lot of the old threads just to refamiliarize myself with things.

Anyway - I wanted to respond to nosysw's post up there. Yes, you made sense completely. I've wondered a lot about the connections between the recent "flurry of activity" - DDS talking to the GJ, DY dropping the civil suit, then the search. I think they must be related - can't just be a coincidence. I think the search was based directly on something DDS told the GJ and LE relayed to DY.

Why DY and not LE themselves doing the search? Maybe DDS's information was enough to clarify an area, but wasn't enough that LE thought it warranted a brand new search, but DY thought differently. Can't blame her - if I could pull together the resources, I'd be willing to try anything, I suspect. And then it might well make sense that DY was dropping hints to DDS or even TMH. Maybe they didn't even find much (I've wondered what could be found 3+ years later, that LE didn't find in the first place), but that doesn't have to stop DY from saying what she said. She's not LE - she can insinuate whatever she wants. kwim? Maybe she knew it was the right area (from DDS' testimony) and thought it would light a fire under either or both DDS - TMH to say what she said.

Last thing: I found this article (link below) and thought it was interesting. It's written by a KATU reporter from his own perspective, not directly quoting people or anything like that, but he says it is based on "conversations related to KATU" by people involved in the search. The article is from July 22. (Sorry if it's already been discussed, but I haven't seen it).

He specifically says: "While those involved in the investigation will tell you that they have a strong idea of what happened, they will also concede that they are a long way from being able to prove it. It’s one thing to get an indictment; it’s another thing to get a conviction. They could obtain an indictment but they are still not where they need to be – which is to be able to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. It’s a different standard and they don’t want to get an indictment until they can clear that second, higher bar."

(BBM) I just thought that was interesting - sounds to me like they know exactly who they are after (beyond mere suspicion) but just don't have what it takes yet to assure that final conviction. I can't remember when DDS talked to the GJ - was it before this article, or after? Really wonder how much it changed things.

Or am I just reading too much into that, wishful thinking?

Thanks for reading, sorry it was kind of lengthy, hope I didn't just repeat stuff everyone else has already said. I tried to catch up first. :blushing:

Thank you for coming back for Kyron. I, too, have felt the movement and gotten a feeling that something is breaking. I hope we're not both using wishful thinking :)

Thank you so much for that article which I hadn't seen. Another little item to make me continue feeling this case is on a positive trend.
Whoa, she got an immunity deal? That means she must have something significant to share. I really hope this leads to justice for Kyron.

Okay, just read the article. It says:

The online article says that, as recently as last week, investigators talked to Dede Spicher about conducting a sting on Terri Horman. Spicher declined.
Spicher says she hasn't spoke with Kyron's stepmother in three years, and she doesn't believe Terri is responsible.
Omg- this is just wonderful news. Thanks, pdx!!!

But, if she doesn't believe Terri is responsible, why does she need immunity? And what was with all her 5th amendment pleas?

The details are in the BOC article, which I recall that we don't link here. They had a minor tax thing on her, maybe that's what the immunity is about. It's quite a lengthy interview.
The details are in the BOC article, which I recall that we don't link here. They had a minor tax thing on her, maybe that's what the immunity is about. It's quite a lengthy interview.

So interesting to read after all this time! jmo
The BOC interview has nothing new. SOS from before. The cellphone in the car. No watch. Not getting paid at the farm, but she did even though we know she was collecting unemployment.

All of these things were discussed a couple of years ago.

Why does she need immunity? If she has nothing about Kyron, what does LE give her immunity for? They want info on Kyron. Whatever else she has going on would be of zero interest.

What does passing a polygraph mean? She wasn't deceptive. Well, what questions was she asked? Another meaningless statement, I feel
I just read the "exclusive interview" of DDS on a site that is not allowed here at WS -- and thank goodness that site is not allowed here !

:twocents: JMO but I think DDS' most recent story is bull ...

Now ... IF you had just been granted "immunity" and "passed a poly" when you have been suspected of being the "accomplice" of the "suspect" / "poi" for the past 3 years, wouldn't you be on HLN or CNN or Fox or a major Portland network telling your story ?

But DDS "supposedly" gives this exclusive to an online only website ? Makes no sense, IMO ...

When I hear Desiree or the Sheriff of Portland state that DDS passed a poly or whatever, then I will believe it ...

Just not buying the latest bull from DDS ...

I just read the "exclusive interview" of DDS on a site that is not allowed here at WS -- and thank goodness that site is not allowed here !

:twocents: JMO but I think DDS' most recent story is bull ...

Now ... IF you had just been granted "immunity" and "passed a poly" when you have been suspected of being the "accomplice" of the "suspect" / "poi" for the past 3 years, wouldn't you be on HLN or CNN or Fox or a major Portland network telling your story ?

But DDS "supposedly" gives this exclusive to an online only website ? Makes no sense, IMO ...

When I hear Desiree or the Sheriff of Portland state that DDS passed a poly or whatever, then I will believe it ...

Just not buying the latest bull from DDS ...


Honestly, if I were her (or anyone else for that matter), the absolute LAST place I would go would be HLN. Followed closely by the msm. HLN is, imo, a very bad joke and the msm, also imo, strives to be more like HLN every day.
BOC has had so many definite suspects. Lol.

Just add some more BS to the mix. Rehash the SOS and pretend it is new wowsa info.

Yup, she knows LE and has inside info on every case in the US. Yup.
In the article, Spicher says she's been unfairly portrayed and that she has been cooperative with investigators. She says her only request was that her attorney be present during police interviews, and that her account has never wavered.

I'm sorry, what? ?!?!? She pleaded the fifth 142 times....!?!?!
If that's her definition of cooperative perhaps I don't want to know what she'd do if she was uncooperative.
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