Kyron's General Discussion Thread for 2012-13

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Desiree's husband is LE. I bet anything they have plenty of info. LE are like brothers.

yea they are like brothers, i know because my husband is also LE and military, and has been lead on several missing persons cases in the past year. And he has told me on multiple occasions that there were serious issues with how this investigation was run from the beginning, at least based on the protocal he is trained in which maybe is different in Oregon but who knows. At first I was skeptical but all of this latest court action in the civil arena makes me reassess. however, if LE doesn't have much info aside from strange behavior and the completely botched MFH sting (why hasn't she been prosecuted for this yet?) then it's not gonna help in finding Kyron unless they reassess and continue to look at other scenarios, JMO. Even Kaine Horman recently stated to the media that he wasn't sure what LE was doing to find his son.
All respectfully snipped/bolded by me:

and i believe, IMO that when the truth as to why restraining orders were dropped, civil suit dismissed, etc are revealed you will be suprised. it is not exactly the opposite but again you are entitled to your opinion as I am to mine.

Of course we are all entitled to our opinions (which is one of the many reasons I love WS!), but you stated that "LE blew this case from the beginning and focused all of their resources on Terri being involved without running appropriate parallel investigations." The article I posted showed that they did the exact opposite...they ran multiple parallel investigations. They have looked into 60 persons of interest. That is not focusing all of their resources on Terri. This is a fact, not an opinion.

Wasn't the point of the civil suit to get more information and force terri to talk? And now it's being dropped to not impede on the investigation? To me, this makes absolutely no sense and IMO is smoke and mirrors and PR spin by Mr. Rosenthal.

Yes, that was Desiree's goal in filing the suit, to try to get Terri to talk. She withdrew the suit after finding that LE cannot turn over materials on an ongoing criminal investigation. The suit could go nowhere because they needed materials that LE cannot provide at this time. Confirmation of this at the link below:

During a press conference Tuesday, Young said the only way for her civil suit to proceed was to have access to police records about the investigation. That would not be allowed under public records law, she said

They are parents searching for their beloved son and deserve to have answers and the LE agencies involved should have been more straightforward with them about other possibilities (if they even fully investigated/followed up on them)

I wholeheartedly agree, they deserve answers. Kaine and Desiree have stated many, many times over the past three years that LE is very straightforward with them and keeps regular contact with them. As for the BBM part above, did you even read the article I posted that you are replying to? Do those numbers and figures seem like a half hearted investigation to you?

we all want the same thing, Kyron found and the perp or perps of this crime to be brought to justice. if that is TMH then she should be charged to the fullest extent of the law, if it's not then i hope to god they were continuing to investigate other avenues during the past 3 years, not just focusing on ways to somehow nail Terri and have her indicted.

Agree too that we all want the same thing. I'm going to say it again, that article I posted that you replied to answers your question: yes, they have continued to investigate MANY other avenues other than Terri Horman.
yea they are like brothers, i know because my husband is also LE and military, and has been lead on several missing persons cases in the past year. And he has told me on multiple occasions that there were serious issues with how this investigation was run from the beginning, at least based on the protocal he is trained in which maybe is different in Oregon but who knows. At first I was skeptical but all of this latest court action in the civil arena makes me reassess. however, if LE doesn't have much info aside from strange behavior and the completely botched MFH sting (why hasn't she been prosecuted for this yet?) then it's not gonna help in finding Kyron unless they reassess and continue to look at other scenarios, JMO. Even Kaine Horman recently stated to the media that he wasn't sure what LE was doing to find his son.

BBM. Do you have a link to this? I've never heard him say anything like that and would be interested in seeing it.
60 POI's? Does that include like all RSO's who live within a certain radius of the school?
60 POI's? Does that include like all RSO's who live within a certain radius of the school?

IDK, but I would love to know who they are. And I just realized, it says "at least" 60 POI's. Could be even more.
This quote from back in the beginning has always haunted me:,,20426440,00.html

Staton, who choked up several times while speaking at a press conference, added, mysteriously, that police have uncovered information in the case that they wish they didn't know about.

"I think there will be things that will come out of this investigation that will surprise you, that you'll think about later on, after it's over," he said. "We have a knowledge of things we don't want to know about. We have knowledge of things we wish we didn't."

I just wish we had more answers.
Thinking of Kyron, over in England. Please be found.
This quote from back in the beginning has always haunted me:,,20426440,00.html

I just wish we had more answers.

This quote from back in the beginning has always haunted me:I just wish we had more answers.

As cryptic as Station sounds,I think one could assume he is speaking of KH and TH,
"Station, who choked up several times while speaking at a press conference, added, mysteriously, that police have uncovered information in the case that they wish they didn't know about."
"I think there will be things that will come out of this investigation that will surprise you, that you'll think about later on, after it's over," he said. "We have a knowledge of things we don't want to know about. We have knowledge of things we wish we didn't."

My thoughts or opinion is KH and TH led a hedonistic life.

A hedonistic person is committed to seeking sensual pleasure — a lifestyle focused on pleasure.

I think you could draw you own concusion what LE meant.

I remember that too. I don't remember if the question of the man and the white truck was answered though. I remember when I was up there with Freefallzzzz and she pointed out where the white truck was reported to have been parked, too.

Also, wasn't TH also driving a white truck that day?

:seeya: IIRC, Terri WAS driving Kaine's white truck because she had to pick up Kyron's science project from the school ...

BUT -- Terri and Kaine went to the bus stop to get Kyron ...

SO -- WHY did she take the truck IF Kyron was taking the bus home that day ... and WHY did she not go to the school to pick up the science project ?

And IIRC, the science project was brought to the school the day before ? And please correct this if I am wrong. TIA.

Also, I happened to "stumble" upon a website that is not allowed to be posted here due to the TOS, which I think is the one referenced in the above posts ...

JMO but that info is "out there" and very "unreliable" ...

:seeya: IIRC, Terri WAS driving Kaine's white truck because she had to pick up Kyron's science project from the school ...

BUT -- Terri and Kaine went to the bus stop to get Kyron ...

SO -- WHY did she take the truck IF Kyron was taking the bus home that day ... and WHY did she not go to the school to pick up the science project ?

And IIRC, the science project was brought to the school the day before ? And please correct this if I am wrong. TIA.

Also, I happened to "stumble" upon a website that is not allowed to be posted here due to the TOS, which I think is the one referenced in the above posts ...

JMO but that info is "out there" and very "unreliable" ...


Re the website which claims a teacher had knowledge of some mysterious male .

Supposedly Desiree did as well. And she did not ask LE to make sketches of this person. Yup,

And this website had nailed a different perp earlier. All kinds of "proof" that was the oerp. Oh well. Dream on
From everything I've read on this case, LE has investigated a lot of leads, as well as known sex offenders in the area. My feeling is that they have explored every option, not just Terri Horman.

IMO, everything LE can verify leads them back to Terri. Now that Kaine has dropped the RO, Judge Kantor put a No Contact order in place that is just as restrictive as the RO. Terris lawyer has stated that they will request a custody hearing. Does Terri still plan on taking the fifth, as Bunch has repeatedly stated in the past? If she does - good luck with getting any visitation, even supervised.

Kaine doesn't need to produce any evidence collected by MCSO. He just has to tell the court about the hateful emails Terri wrote about Kyron that MCSO allowed him to read. If she won't dispute that (by taking the fifth), so as not to incriminate herself, the judge will rule in Kaines favor.

If she can say such horrible things about Kyron in writing (duh), how can anyone believe that Kiara would be safe with her? IMO, LE has the right perp, but doesn't have enough to go to trial. IMO, she had help, so proving that connection may be the hold up, but most of us are willing to wait it out, without jumping to the conclusion that LE has focused on the wrong person (Terri).

Then there's her text (sex) messages to that family friend (ewww). I think Kaine has copies of them to present in court. No way she'll see Kiara, unless she testifies for herself (not likely).

I think Terri is more into self preservation (staying out of prison), than being a mother to Kiara. She will not allow herself to be cross examined by Kaines attorney.

All JMO.
great post cherry. i agree, TH isn't involved I think she's just a troubled woman to be honest and my heart aches for kyron, kiara, and james. I think the tides are slowly turning as the tough questions are finally being demanded of law enforcement and the DA's office. I believe the answers to these questions which we, the public, don't know, point towards someone else being responsible. I feel so bad for Kyron's mom who I feel was kept in the dark about certain things in the investigation that might point away from TH. I think this is why the civil suit was dropped regardless of what has been stated in the press to date.

BBM -I think all of us feel the same way on that.

BBM2- I feel for Desiree too, but not for the same reason you do. I think MCSO showed Desiree the computer data they had uncovered and that confirmed to Desiree how much Terri hated Kyron. And Terri won't talk. More torture for Desiree and Kaine. Terri is involved in Kyrons disappearance, but you won't hear anything from her until she is indicted. Then she'll try to get a deal, minimizing her responsibility as much as she can. I hope that LE gets the break they need for an indictment, and soon.

I've read the story at the site we're not allowed to reference.

If any of what was said is true, I can only conclude MCSO investigated and the leads did not pan out. I don't think there is any grand conspiracy to frame Terri Horman.

Nothing BOC said changed my mind about who I believe is responsible for Kyron's disappearance. May not happen soon, but I think Terri will eventually be charged.
Statement by Desiree on a website (started by Desiree's sister) it is also on the public Missing Kyron FB page **not sure if I can link**
posted July 30, 2013 to the above referenced website.
2 things as a local stood out to me in the statement.

"On July 30th I made the decision to dismiss the civil case against Terri Horman. This decision was extremely difficult, and it is not taken lightly"


"We are currently trying to organize a massive search for the end of August. If we can get enough resources, volunteers, dog teams, and other non-profit agencies to help, we will be able to make this a successful search."

I am a local and a friend who was watching the news saw a video clip of Desiree talking about the possible search in August and called to tell me about it. (My friend has no internet so relies on the news on the TV)

I just cannot find the video link at this time.. still looking..
Kyron has touched my heart here in England. Can't get him off my mind. I think he will be found eventually, something is telling me he really wants to be found. Never had anything like this happen before. Come on Kyron, baby, show someone where you are x x
Hi All,

I have been reading a lot today, trying to catch up on Kryon's case, but it is taking up a ton of time and I can't find one answer: what is Terri Horman doing now? Working? Is she still living with her parents? Does she go out? What about DeeDee?

Statement by Desiree on a website (started by Desiree's sister) it is also on the public Missing Kyron FB page **not sure if I can link**
posted July 30, 2013 to the above referenced website.
2 things as a local stood out to me in the statement.

"On July 30th I made the decision to dismiss the civil case against Terri Horman. This decision was extremely difficult, and it is not taken lightly"


"We are currently trying to organize a massive search for the end of August. If we can get enough resources, volunteers, dog teams, and other non-profit agencies to help, we will be able to make this a successful search."

I am a local and a friend who was watching the news saw a video clip of Desiree talking about the possible search in August and called to tell me about it. (My friend has no internet so relies on the news on the TV)

I just cannot find the video link at this time.. still looking..

Thank you Free, I went to the donation site and read Desiree's message.

I understand why she chose to dismiss the civil case, and I agree with her.
Thank you Free, I went to the donation site and read Desiree's message.

I understand why she chose to dismiss the civil case, and I agree with her.

Would you mind providing a ink to the donation site? I would love to read Desiree's message (and surely could make a donation as well)...TIA.
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