Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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Surely "the matter" has to be that KH has left the home with their daughter. The family statement comes out after the earlier reports to this effect, the confirmation by TH's friends and dad, and her call or calls to newsrooms saying it isn't true and all is well. ???
Well, that's it then.

Terri is no longer considered part of the family. IMO

*climbing down off fence*
Wow, if in the end it turns out not to be the SM, a lot of lives ruined here.
Perhaps by complying with the law, they are referring to taking the baby out of the home, meaning they have the legal right to do so.

Seeing this, I find it unlikely that any friends on Kaine's side of the family would have told the media that LE told them to move out. If that part happened, I think it came from Terri's side. It does not sound as though Kaine would be telling anyone anything at all.
As much speculation as has been on the SM, there is no way without good reason...that they would exclude her name from that statement and include the safety of not only Kyron but also the baby. I am thinking they believe that the SM is possibly a danger to herself or others.
What the heck does "complying with the law" mean in regards to Kyron and the baby? Could children's protective services have ordered Kaine to not allow the baby to live with Terri at this time, or maybe Terri knew they didn't believe her and kicked him out.

I wonder if it may refer to Kaine removing the baby from the home against Terri's wishes.
Wow. The hair stood up on the back of my neck when I read that statement. I thought for sure they'd all come out in support of TH. I was NOT expecting a statement like that without her name on it.

Turning so fast, after only three weeks? It's going on two years and the Anthony's still think Casey is innocent, not that that is any sense of normalcy there, but I wasn't expecting an about face so dang fast here. Something is not right. I have the feeling this story is about to take a horribly tragic turn....

Poor, sweet Kyron...I'm trying not to cry right now...
What the heck does "complying with the law" mean in regards to Kyron and the baby? Could children's protective services have ordered Kaine to not allow the baby to live with Terri at this time, or maybe Terri knew they didn't believe her and kicked him out.

It could well be that CPS is now involved, and in concert with LE, requested Kaine remove K. There could have been a private custody hearing. Who knows.
As much speculation as has been on the SM, there is no way without good reason...that they would exclude her name from that statement and include the safety of not only Kyron but also the baby. I am thinking they believe that the SM is possibly a danger to herself or others.

And as I said on the other thread, that may not necessarily be because she took/harmed kyron.
What do we all think the chances are that TH wanted to remain off that statement?

The only reason I could possibly come up with is that the family is worried that the public suspicion of TH will hurt sympathy towards the family (and, by extension, Kyron's case), if they maintained a united front.

But, yeah, I didn't believe me, either.

I think someone just got thrown under a bus.
What the heck does "complying with the law" mean in regards to Kyron and the baby? Could children's protective services have ordered Kaine to not allow the baby to live with Terri at this time, or maybe Terri knew they didn't believe her and kicked him out.

That legally he has every right to take Kitty from the house and not return if he chooses.

Terri can't report him for kidnapping, as they are both custodial parents.

She would have to file against him in family court, to get visitation or dispute Kitty being in only his custody.
I wonder if Terry knew nothing about 1) Kayne and baby's exit, 2) the communique from Des, Tony and her hubby.

That might explain why Terri said "Everything's good" (just 10 minutes before the communique went out ) and why the communique refers to complying with the other words they kindof legally "kidnapped" the baby from its mom , in an effort to protect it from an unstable mother who appears to have endangered the other child Kyron.
They are fully informed about the criminal investigation....which is a huge switch from their interviews. They said that they were being kept up to date on how many tips they had, but not on the investigation. So that has changed.

In addition to the change in who Kyron's "family" is.

I feel horrible for Kaine.. if this is what it appears to be. He will probably have some serious issues getting over the fact that he brought this person into their lives.

I don't blame them for not explaining themselves - how much more can they endure? I think the statement that they are fully informed about the criminal investigation and support it, coupled with the actions, is pretty significant. This is very sad. God bless little Kyron.
I already posted this on the wrong thread though. Why does the statement say "We have no comment on the matter"? What matter? The investigation in general, Kaine staying elsewhere, or possibly something yet to come?

I think they mean the reason Kaine took the baby and left; and also the reason the other three parents have disassociated themselves from Terri. I think that is the "matter" upon which they have no comment. Well, except to explain that taking the baby and leaving is in her and Kyron's best interests, and that they took the baby lawfully.
Guys .......... no using the baby's name. K only please goodness. You can get a TO in a New York minute if you use a child's name even if the newspaper does........... yikes.....
I wonder if Terry knew nothing about 1) Kayne and baby's exit, 2) the communique from Des, Tony and her hubby.

That might explain why Terri said "Everything's good" (just 10 minutes before the communique went out ) and why the communique refers to complying with the other words they kindof legally "kidnapped" the baby from its mom , in an effort to protect it from an unstable mother.

Exactly. He could have stepped out with the baby, saying he was running to the mall or going to get her an ice cream and just didn't come home.
I wonder if Terry knew nothing about 1) Kayne and baby's exit, 2) the communique from Des, Tony and her hubby.

That might explain why Terri said "Everything's good" (just 10 minutes before the communique went out ) and why the communique refers to complying with the other words they kindof legally "kidnapped" the baby from its mom , in an effort to protect it from an unstable mother who appears to have endangered the other child Kyron.

I could buy that except that Terri's dad knew the deal. How could he know but she not know? The only thing I can think is that she was just straight up lying when she said "everything is fine," and maybe didn't know about the communique from the family.
We are in complete support of that investigation.

If i was the one being investigated i don't think I would have released that message with my name on it, if I didn't agree with how the investigation was going. If she is innocent of any wrong doing you can bet she doesn't agree with them wasting time on her.

I hope all of them are seeing doctors, I would have had a nervous break down by now.
Well, that statement certainly threw Terri under the bus.

If she's not guilty of doing something to Kyron, I hope she's got some way to prove it because I think 99% of people who read that statement are going to be convinced she is responsible for Kyron's disappearance. And if Kaine has actually left with the baby, that is another factor that makes things look very bad for Terri.

Like others, I also found the wording that the trio is acting in Kyron & the baby's best interest to be revealing, if only because it implies that Terri is not doing the same (MOO).

I feel really sick about this. If Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, my prayer is that she would break down & lead LE to where he is. At the very least, she could give Kaine, Tony & Desiree a measure of closure.
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