Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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I really, really wish Desiree would not keep publically pointing fingers at Terri, but instead focus on finding Kyron. Even though she says she is satisfied with the MCSO's efforts in finding him, it makes it seem like they are not doing their job because Terri is still free and has not been charged. Why is it so obvious to them that she is guilty, but not to the GJ? Is it possible that they refuse to look at any other possibility because the family is insisting that it was Terri and no one else? Have they developed tunnel vision?

When Desiree keeps bringing up Terri's intense hatred for Kyron, it doesn't set too well with me. Let's see the proof. How do we know that Terri wasn't just begging for some help in dealing with a precocious child who was causing trouble so he could go back and live with his mom? She also makes Kaine look pretty stupid, since she indicates he was oblivious to this so-called hatred going on. Surely he would have paid more attention to his son's problems than that! Kids will run to the parent with things like that, believe me. I've dealt with stepkids, I know the things they can do to cause trouble between parents and stepparents. And I know how moms can blow up something and make it seem 100 times worse than it actually is, because of jealousy and resentment. This could be nothing more than just Desiree reading way more into things than is really there. It's all about interpretation. JMO, of course.

My heart goes out to them both and I hope this mystery will be figured out and they will have some peace of mind eventually. In the meantime a little boy is lost and nobody seems to be looking for him. Unbelievable.
I really, really wish Desiree would not keep publically pointing fingers at Terri, but instead focus on finding Kyron. Even though she says she is satisfied with the MCSO's efforts in finding him, it makes it seem like they are not doing their job because Terri is still free and has not been charged. Why is it so obvious to them that she is guilty, but not to the GJ? Is it possible that they refuse to look at any other possibility because the family is insisting that it was Terri and no one else? Have they developed tunnel vision?

When Desiree keeps bringing up Terri's intense hatred for Kyron, it doesn't set too well with me. Let's see the proof. How do we know that Terri wasn't just begging for some help in dealing with a precocious child who was causing trouble so he could go back and live with his mom? She also makes Kaine look pretty stupid, since she indicates he was oblivious to this so-called hatred going on. Surely he would have paid more attention to his son's problems than that! Kids will run to the parent with things like that, believe me. I've dealt with stepkids, I know the things they can do to cause trouble between parents and stepparents. And I know how moms can blow up something and make it seem 100 times worse than it actually is, because of jealousy and resentment. This could be nothing more than just Desiree reading way more into things than is really there. It's all about interpretation. JMO, of course.

My heart goes out to them both and I hope this mystery will be figured out and they will have some peace of mind eventually. In the meantime a little boy is lost and nobody seems to be looking for him. Unbelievable.

BBM I think they don't have any direct evidence it was her, and who wants another Casey Anthony verdict on your hands? If she is found not Guilty and then time passes and they find she his body or evidence she did something to him, nothing you can do. They need to find his body, or something that says where he was taken too that day. I still "feel" he was taken away by some one other than Terri, but she made that happen. She couldn't kill Kain, so I doubt she could kill Kyron. She had to have someone else do the dirty work. So strange, not a hint of anything of his left behind.
I really, really wish Desiree would not keep publically pointing fingers at Terri, but instead focus on finding Kyron. Even though she says she is satisfied with the MCSO's efforts in finding him, it makes it seem like they are not doing their job because Terri is still free and has not been charged. Why is it so obvious to them that she is guilty, but not to the GJ? Is it possible that they refuse to look at any other possibility because the family is insisting that it was Terri and no one else? Have they developed tunnel vision?

When Desiree keeps bringing up Terri's intense hatred for Kyron, it doesn't set too well with me. Let's see the proof. How do we know that Terri wasn't just begging for some help in dealing with a precocious child who was causing trouble so he could go back and live with his mom? She also makes Kaine look pretty stupid, since she indicates he was oblivious to this so-called hatred going on. Surely he would have paid more attention to his son's problems than that! Kids will run to the parent with things like that, believe me. I've dealt with stepkids, I know the things they can do to cause trouble between parents and stepparents. And I know how moms can blow up something and make it seem 100 times worse than it actually is, because of jealousy and resentment. This could be nothing more than just Desiree reading way more into things than is really there. It's all about interpretation. JMO, of course.

My heart goes out to them both and I hope this mystery will be figured out and they will have some peace of mind eventually. In the meantime a little boy is lost and nobody seems to be looking for him. Unbelievable.

I think it's actually the reverse. In the interview, Desiree says,

"Obviously I have changed my opinion over time, but in the beginning of the case, I -- I definitely thought Kyron was going to come home any second. I knew we were going to find him, he was going to be ok and everything was fine. I didn`t think for a second that Terri could have ever done any harm to my son. I know differently now, and it`s further reinforced a year later, we know way too many details about Terri and what she`s been doing and what she was doing prior to Kyron going missing, and everything about her personality just screams to me that we know that she hates Kyron, just hates him. And we see a lot of writing from her communicating that she did not like him and did not want him in her life."

So, it seems to me like it's not the family pushing TH as a suspect to LE, it's LE pushing TH as a suspect to the family. LE shared the emails with the family. I'm skeptical that LE would listen to a family in terms of who to pursue as a suspect, anyway. And hasn't LE focused on the landscaper friend too, to some degree? I'm forgetting the name--DeeDee something.

ETA: Found the name. DeDe Spicer.
This won't be popular, I'm sure - lately I seem to be devil's advocate, but I really do believe what I say, so here goes.

I feel sorry for Desiree, as a mother I can relate to her pain, BUT, as someone else said, when she starts dumping on Terri, I feel myself turning off. If Kyron were my child, "I" would be out beating the bushes looking for him. If I knew so much, I would be screaming from the rooftops, "Help my find my son!", and I would not stop until I found him or became disabled trying.

Desiree, get on the phone to TES, ask for their help before fall, then winter comes and another year is lost. I will pledge $100.00 donation to TM and his group if they come to find Kyron.

Sometimes you gotta DO something and quit talking about it.

My opinion only
IMO Kaine/Desire were doubly powerful PR and LE-pressure wise when they worked together on behalf of Kyron. IMO, they both know this to be the case.

To me, it speaks volumes that Desiree consciously chose to abandon the joint front. With each appearance on TV – she insinuates Kaine bears some level of responsibility for bad decisions – it’s hard to watch. There would be more effort made in their relationship if Desiree expected to continue co-parenting Kyron. Sadly, she does not.

I fear this chill is representative of Kyron’s parents’ dynamic throughout Kyron’s life. The united Desiree & Kaine we saw originally – was just a phase of shared grief, shock, anger.

Throw Terri in the mix, and one can see how perfect storm of anger, bitterness, and madness swallowed up their curious little one. :moo:

I hope they find Kyron. I also hope Desiree & Kaine find peace somehow. Each other – may be all they have left of Kyron in this world.
This interview was painful to watch/listen (as were Desiree's other interviews). But I give her the most utmost kudos for being able to share her deep pain and yet maintain composure, on camera.

I envision her having to "pull herself together" beforehand, and almost completely breaking down off camera afterwards. Even over a year after sweet Kyron's disappearance.

Desiree is *such* an amazingly strong woman. Tony seems to be an upstanding man and I am happy that they found each other.

I really can't criticize either of them for how they have been "handling" this tragedy.
This won't be popular, I'm sure - lately I seem to be devil's advocate, but I really do believe what I say, so here goes.

I feel sorry for Desiree, as a mother I can relate to her pain, BUT, as someone else said, when she starts dumping on Terri, I feel myself turning off. If Kyron were my child, "I" would be out beating the bushes looking for him. If I knew so much, I would be screaming from the rooftops, "Help my find my son!", and I would not stop until I found him or became disabled trying.

I do disagree with you. If I were in Desiree's position and were convinced that Terri was responsible, I would take every opportunity possible to put the pressure on her. Yes, if more areas need to be searched then by all means possible make that happen, but...searching for a small body in such a vast, densely forested area surrounded by water has a very, very low probability of success. We see searches like this all the time in missing persons cases and it's a rare occasion when they succeed. I don't know that I've ever heard of a successful case where searches are spread out over such a large area as this one, which has included Sauvie Island, the water surrounding it and rugged areas on the mainland north of the school though somebody may correct me. Almost an impossible task. The most common way bodies are found in this situation is an uninvolved person, a hiker or landowner, finding them.

In all these cases there's only one person who can guarantee the body will be found...the person who hid it. And there may be others who have knowledge that can point LE in the right direction. That's why keeping the pressure on Terri is important while doing everything you can to implore anybody else who knows something to come forward. If that's Dede or some guy Terri got/gets drunk and romantic with and tells some nugget of info. I say the same thing in all of these cases, you can't separate finding the missing person from putting pressure on the perp. The perp is the one who knows what happened.
I really feel if people would PUSH MCSO as hard as they are pushing Terri.We will find out some answers.
This won't be popular, I'm sure - lately I seem to be devil's advocate, but I really do believe what I say, so here goes.

I feel sorry for Desiree, as a mother I can relate to her pain, BUT, as someone else said, when she starts dumping on Terri, I feel myself turning off. If Kyron were my child, "I" would be out beating the bushes looking for him. If I knew so much, I would be screaming from the rooftops, "Help my find my son!", and I would not stop until I found him or became disabled trying.

Desiree, get on the phone to TES, ask for their help before fall, then winter comes and another year is lost. I will pledge $100.00 donation to TM and his group if they come to find Kyron.

Sometimes you gotta DO something and quit talking about it.

My opinion only

I would also pledge $100 support if TES comes to help find Kyron.

It has been my hope for a long time that they would get involved, I hope that they do.
While I don't blame Desiree for her campaign against TH, not knowing whatever it is she may know, it is not helping. TH has withstood it for more than a year, and IMO she will continue to do so, with even more confidence as more time passes and Kyron is not found.

Desiree, IMO, should be using her energy, which must be limited and flagging at times, toward getting those searches completed and more searches started, if he is not found in those areas. Once Kyron is found, especially if he is found in an area that can be linked electronically to TH, justice can begin to do its work.

I would also pledge $100 support if TES comes to help find Kyron.

It has been my hope for a long time that they would get involved, I hope that they do.

Not sure if this is appropriate or not per the TOS, but perhaps the creation of a tentative "pledge" thread would give DY some idea of the amount of public backing in this online community. I'm sure that many other individuals in Portland would be willing to donate to complete the searches for Kyron as well.

The waiting to "know" must be a personal hell that few of us can imagine. I would certainly donate $100 or more to help this family find their son. Furthermore, I would think that the entire school and community of Portland would be relieved to have some kind of closure.
I'm wondering if Desiree believe this "lifestyle" difference contributed to Kyron's disappearance since she brought it up? She mentions that Kaine Lives (present tense) his life very differently than her family does, and mentions the lifestyle when Kyron was with Kaine. This lifestyle is not something that Desiree would have allowed Kyron in, and Kaine was not telling about it either. Desiree and her husband both were upset and disappointed. Something still seems very off about this case, and for Desiree to still be bringing up certain things on national TV, it must be important and more than just Terri hating Kyron. IMO, it's more than just resentment and Toni is a detective and must have some definite opinions on things. JVM seems to know or suspect some things as well. Poor Kyron.
I really, really wish Desiree would not keep publically pointing fingers at Terri, but instead focus on finding Kyron. Even though she says she is satisfied with the MCSO's efforts in finding him, it makes it seem like they are not doing their job because Terri is still free and has not been charged. Why is it so obvious to them that she is guilty, but not to the GJ? Is it possible that they refuse to look at any other possibility because the family is insisting that it was Terri and no one else? Have they developed tunnel vision?

When Desiree keeps bringing up Terri's intense hatred for Kyron, it doesn't set too well with me. Let's see the proof. How do we know that Terri wasn't just begging for some help in dealing with a precocious child who was causing trouble so he could go back and live with his mom? She also makes Kaine look pretty stupid, since she indicates he was oblivious to this so-called hatred going on. Surely he would have paid more attention to his son's problems than that! Kids will run to the parent with things like that, believe me. I've dealt with stepkids, I know the things they can do to cause trouble between parents and stepparents. And I know how moms can blow up something and make it seem 100 times worse than it actually is, because of jealousy and resentment. This could be nothing more than just Desiree reading way more into things than is really there. It's all about interpretation. JMO, of course.

My heart goes out to them both and I hope this mystery will be figured out and they will have some peace of mind eventually. In the meantime a little boy is lost and nobody seems to be looking for him. Unbelievable.

Thanks for saying this, it is beyond time that it needed to be said.
IMO Kaine/Desire were doubly powerful PR and LE-pressure wise when they worked together on behalf of Kyron. IMO, they both know this to be the case.

To me, it speaks volumes that Desiree consciously chose to abandon the joint front. With each appearance on TV – she insinuates Kaine bears some level of responsibility for bad decisions – it’s hard to watch. There would be more effort made in their relationship if Desiree expected to continue co-parenting Kyron. Sadly, she does not.

I fear this chill is representative of Kyron’s parents’ dynamic throughout Kyron’s life. The united Desiree & Kaine we saw originally – was just a phase of shared grief, shock, anger.

Throw Terri in the mix, and one can see how perfect storm of anger, bitterness, and madness swallowed up their curious little one. :moo:

I hope they find Kyron. I also hope Desiree & Kaine find peace somehow. Each other – may be all they have left of Kyron in this world.

Hi Emma, When you say " . . she insinuates Kaine bears some level of responsibility for bad decisions", I wonder if she has learned some negative things about him from investigators. And this is why she can't stand next to Kaine now and show solidarity for Kyron.
Hi Emma, When you say " . . she insinuates Kaine bears some level of responsibility for bad decisions", I wonder if she has learned some negative things about him from investigators. And this is why she can't stand next to Kaine now and show solidarity for Kyron.

That is certainly the impression she gave me, last week, that it was not just about TH but about the "lifestyle choices" of Kaine and TH...having no idea what that means, no way to know if it could be relevant.

I have never heard of a missing child case where searches are put on hold for months on end when there ARE specific areas of interest to search...has anyone else??
Why didn't JVM ask any intelligent questions, such as what is the hold-up on the remaining searches? What resources are lacking, can the public help at all, what is LE telling Desiree is the reason they can't complete the searches that were deemed so urgent back in January?

Also I read that the Public Relations liason has moved on to a new job, so another familiar name is gone from the case...someone else has been assigned, will see if I can find the link.
It benefitted the case by keeping Kyron's name in the media.

Maybe someone heard the interview and will offer to help pay for the search.


Perhaps it would benefit the search more or attract a benefactor for a search if appearances were less about putting pressure on DY's suspect TH and more about how there were areas that need to be searched and 'oh by the way we would be happy to accept help with that from anyone qualified to do so, or monetary donations to the foundation to pay for professional search teams'.

I've said before that I sympathize with DY, but that she isn't doing herself any favors by making it a DY vs. TH situation because it makes it look like unfinished business rather than facts about the search for Kyron. IMO, if DY is going to keep this up she needs to tell what she knows about TH in a factual manner and stop with this game of trying to turn the pressure on TH. If TH has anything to do with Kyron being missing DY is the least of her worries.
What I wish Desiree would do is explain what is needed to complete the search areas-is it money, is it volunteers, or both? How can the public help? Or did LE back off the search areas as targeted areas after reviewing electronic data? What the H is happening, they let most of the good weather pass them by now...

And Desiree is not making headway with her campaign against TH, IMO. She can carry on if she chooses, but I wish she would also be pushing MCSO to do these searches, if that is what needs to be done. If TH is involved, no amount of billboards is going to make her suddenly decide to confess to a crime that will likely land her in prison for life-why should she? As it is, LE is scrambling and may never be able to make a case against her. Sure, it is a crummy life for her but better than prison, I would guess. And if she innocent, what on earth could she do to prove it? She talked to LE for 3 weeks early on...if she comes forward now and repeats her same story, assuming it is true, that won't get her off of anyone's hook, and she still would not see her child either way. It is a mess.
This won't be popular, I'm sure - lately I seem to be devil's advocate, but I really do believe what I say, so here goes.

I feel sorry for Desiree, as a mother I can relate to her pain, BUT, as someone else said, when she starts dumping on Terri, I feel myself turning off. If Kyron were my child, "I" would be out beating the bushes looking for him. If I knew so much, I would be screaming from the rooftops, "Help my find my son!", and I would not stop until I found him or became disabled trying.

Desiree, get on the phone to TES, ask for their help before fall, then winter comes and another year is lost. I will pledge $100.00 donation to TM and his group if they come to find Kyron.

Sometimes you gotta DO something and quit talking about it.

My opinion only

BBM: I have never understood why either TES or Marc Klaas were NOT called on to help search EARLY on in this case ... :waitasec:

And I will join you with sending a donation to TM and his organization if they search for Kyron !

:praying: for Kyron, Desiree, Tony and Kaine !
I'm wondering if Desiree believe this "lifestyle" difference contributed to Kyron's disappearance since she brought it up? She mentions that Kaine Lives (present tense) his life very differently than her family does, and mentions the lifestyle when Kyron was with Kaine. This lifestyle is not something that Desiree would have allowed Kyron in, and Kaine was not telling about it either. Desiree and her husband both were upset and disappointed. Something still seems very off about this case, and for Desiree to still be bringing up certain things on national TV, it must be important and more than just Terri hating Kyron. IMO, it's more than just resentment and Toni is a detective and must have some definite opinions on things. JVM seems to know or suspect some things as well. Poor Kyron.

BBM: I agree ... you bring up some very valid points ... oh ... I wish we would get some answers !

:waitasec: Remember Sheriff Staton's "statement" he made at a presser in September 2010 :

"I think there will be things coming out of this investigation that will surprise you," he told reporters, adding, "We have knowledge of things we wish we didn't."

:waitasec: I wonder if this statement is more about Terrie and Kaine -- and NOT the investigation into Kyron's "disappearance" ?

It's times like this when I wish Oregon had the "Sunshine Law" ...

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